The Daily Review. Towanda, Pa., Friday, March 18,1881. BSIT9BB : S. W. ALVORD. NOBLK N. ALVORD. "W Mi Iff Review *tlg 3ft crn/i per mettth. Try if. Mails arrive and depart at the Towanda Pastaffica as follows. ARRIVE. Phila. N. Y. and Eastern States..4.oo A. M. Dushore Laporte Ac 9.30 44 L. V. way mail from the North. .10.00 " Sheshequin &c 11.00 " New Era &c Tues. Thur and Sat. " 44 Asylum &c Mon. Wed. and Eri. 44 44 Troy Burlington &c 1.00 p. M. Leßaysville Rome &c 44 u Closed mail from Erie & N CRRi 2.30 " L. V. way mail from the South.. .4.30 44 Canton ic 5.00 44 Barclay 6.30 44 Cl's'd mail fr'm Elmira C. L. S. C.—The time of meeting has been changed to Wednesday evening, March 23, as the president cannot attend at the time an nounced before. The Helen Potter Pleiades will present an entirely new program on the evening of the 26th, as Miss POTTER impersonates more than forty different characters. Requests may be sent in. If you want good goods at fair prices, drop in at headquarters, corner Main and Bridge streets. Mr. MCCABK'S manner of dealing, always buying the best groceries, and treating everybody, rich and poor, young and old, alike, has made his name "a household word" wherever economy is practiced in purchasing family supplies. That the railroad men, who have found it to be good economy to buy gro ceries of the best quality, know that Mo CABE'S is the place was abundantly evidenced by the large number who thronged the store to pay up last month's bills, and leave their orders for new supplies yesterday. It is very gratifying to us, and we know it is to Mr. SMITH'S many friends in this place, t# hear so many flattering remarks about the Delavan House. Here is a notice from the Binghamton lievublican ■' " The Delavan House, opposite the depot at Elmira, is one of the most popular hostelrics of that city, and is largely patronized by the traveling public. Mr. C. T. SMITH, the genial proprie tor, once of the Aliwaga House, Owego, has a well-deserved reputation as an excellent ca terer, and his extended experience in the hotel business entitles him to the confidence and patronage of the traveling public." One of our leading industries is thus de scribed in the last Dusbore Review. We take pleasure in transferring the, article to our columns: Our readers may not be aware of the im mense business transacted by the Johnson Manufacturing Company of Towauda, whose advertisement appears in another column of this paper. This iirm manufacture everything in their line from a saw mill to a polishing iron. They employ about fortv-five men in the various departments of their business, all the most careful workmen; among them are several experienced boiler makers. This firm giye special attention to making new hoilers and repairing old ones. A great convenience to the people of our county is the fact that anv casting, machinery or boiler repairing will be given immediate attention, which ena bles them to obtain the necessary repairs with but little loss of time. The members of the firm are C.Johnson and N. Eichelberger who are active enterprising business men. Mr. Johnson has lately invented a barn door hang er which promises to supercede all the other fixtures now in use; it is so arranged that it is adjustable to any angle or thickness of iron or wood track, cannot bind, run ofl'or be dis placed by wind or accident. Although man ufactured but a short time, this hanger has been introduced into the jobbing trade from New York as far west as St. Louis. A pol ishing and fluting iron combined, patented by Mr. Johnson a few years ago, reached the enormous sale of thirty thousand last year. The polishing jren alone is said to be equal if not superior to the celebrated Mrs. l'lotts' polishing iron. The machinery and fixtures for several mills near here, will arrive this week from the shops of the above firm. We cheerfully recommend this firm to ourreaders as gentlemanly, enterprising, reliable business men. You ean get everything in the grocery and canned goods line, except poor and stale goods, at Swarts St Gordon's. Every article on their shelves is of the best quality, new and fresh. IMPORTANT TO TRAVELERS.— SpeciaI in ducements are offered you by the BURLING TON ROUTE. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found elsewhere in this issue. New and yet old! The fashionable blue peony dinner and tea ware same price as ironstone, at C. P. Welles' crockery store. Town Lots For Sale on reasonable terms. Apply to JOHN W. MIX, Towanda, Pa. Of. flee, North side Public square. John W. Kline lias removed his Market to Carroll's block, across the street from his old stand, where he will be pleased to see all his patrons as well as all others who may want anything in the line of fish, flesh or fowl. llousKß AND LOTS FOR SALE AND RENT. —I have a number of dwelling houses for rent or for sale on easy terras. Also, eligi ble and desirable building lots which will be sold on long credit to persons desiring to build. (mar. 1,3 m) L. ELSURKE. Elegant new line of easels and frames and tine picture brackets, also comic and fancy pictures, cabinet size, just received at the 99c store. '•Jake" the clothier wants you to trail at No. 2 Patton Block, and see new spring goods at '•bed rock" prices. New goods every day. HOUSE AND LOT FOH SALE CHEAP.—The house and lot on Main street* one door south of David Rahm's residence is offered for sale at a great bargain. For particulars call on or address D. C. DEWITT, attorney at law. Tow anda, Pa. Mar. 3. FRESII OYSTERS, received daily and for sale by the quart or gallon. A. M. TITUS. Don't fail to go to JOHN SULLIVAN'S, on Bridge street, for the best live cent eegar. Every article in the new grocery store of Swarts Gordon is fresh and new. Remem ber this when in need of groceries. FOR SALE.—A lot of very fine corn stalks, and a small quantity of hay. Inquire of 11. W. NOBLES. For sale cheap on easy terms. One span horses, one single horse," two top buggies. Inquire of G. S. Acklcv. The finest building lot inTowanda borough corner of Poplar and Second streets, between the residence of Hon. F. (). Goodrich and E. Walker, will be sold cheap. Applv to O. D .Kinney Elegant Residence for Sale The fine residence erected and*owned by the late W. IT. Morgan, is offered for sale at a bargain. The property is eligibly located on Main street, and the house is-one of the best built and most complete in Towauda—is supplied with furnace, range, hot and cold water, gas, bath-rooms, N- ' N. P. HICKS. ! January 1,1881. FOR SALE CHEAP.—A small house and lot For terms, etc., inquire of JAMES WILBUR, William street dan 17-tf "What everybody wants is the host organ for the least amount of money : Therefore every body wants the Burdett; and when you've said that, you've told the whole story."* So say the brightest and busiest organ dealers throughout the land, who are furn ishing this matchless instrument to a musica public, which is rapidly learning to distinguish its marvellously pure and beautiful voice from that which is not music. For sale by J. A. Manville, No. 3 Bridge St., Towanda. The Henry House lias recently recruited its resources with the addition to'its cellar of a pipe of pure English Ale—home-brewed and genuine. This excellent malt liquor will he found a useful natural touie for the invalid, and satisfy the palate of the most fastidious epicure. A word to the wise is sufficient—so srvs the latin proverb. Oct. 4. NOTICE. —We wish to inform the people of Towanda and vicinity that Mrs Harriet Collins is now prepared to do all kinds of Hair Work at short notice. She also keeps constantly on hand a large supply of Ready Made Hair Work, such as Switches, Curls, Braids, and Puffs. First door north of First National Bank. Mrs. HARRIET COI LINS. Fresh Oysters of the best quality received daily at Mver & DeVoe's Bridge street Mark et. Homeopathic Lung Svrup, is the best rem edy for coughs and colds. It is mild, pleas ant and effective. Sold in Towanda only by C. B. POETER. GBORGE LYNCHCOME has removed his barber shop from the room over POWELL & Co's store, to his old quarters under the Meat Market, one door south of Ward House, where he will be pleased to see all his former patrons and everybody else desiring tonsorial services. Go to G. S. ACKLKY k CV for cheap Cow Hay. 96. Choice llama and Smoked Beef, at MYEK & DEVOK'S market, Bridge Street. C. W. JONES is prepared to mend rubber* on short notice, in the best manner. Shop corner Main and Pine streets, in rear of ItH viKU- jflice. Charges reasonable, and work guarranteed. Passengers going west will save money by consulting 11. PL BABCOCK, Ticket Agent, Towanda, Pa., before purchasing tickets. MTEH DKVOE'S market is the place to get tender steaks and nice roasts. If you call at BLUM'S boot and shoe store you will tind that you can get more and bet ter goods for the moncv than at at any shoe house in Towanda. The only market in Towanda where you can get good, fat western beef is at Rundell's, where the best < uts of veal, lamb and mutton arc always served. Also ham. bacon and salt meats of all kinds, Fresh Fish, dressed poul try, vegetables and fruit. Leave your orders at Rundell's market. Cash paid forloose hav, from ten to twelve dollars per ton. G. S. ACKLEY & CO. I'ITTSTON, Pa., Feb. 10, 1880. A. E. BURR — Dear Sir: —I got a bottle of your Neuralgia Pills when I was in Scrauton the other day, for my mother. She was ner vous and could not sleep nights, and was troubled with pains all over. Your Neural gia Pills relieved her so she slept well after taking two doses. Send me one dozen bottles Yours in haste, THOMAS KKLLKY. FARM FOR SALE.—I offer for sale on reason able terms a valuable farm, located in the valley of the Towanda creek, about 2 1-2 milas from Towanda, containing 75 acres, under a good state of cultivation, well water ed, a young orchard of choice trees, good framed dwelling house, and tine large barn — with underground stabling. I will sell this farm on long time, or exchange it in part for property in Towada borough." JOSEPH G. PATTON. You run no risk when you buy your grocer ies atG. L. Ross' new store in Montanye Block, llis prices are way down to rock bot tom. His store in Kellum Block. Ist Ward beats the world by low prices and good goods. NOTICE. —I want it distinctly understood that I have Removed from Bridge Street Fur nture Store to rooms over Turner Sc Gor don's drug store and Woodford & Yandorn's boot and shoe store where I will keep on hand all Kinds of COFFINS ANI) CASKETS from the best to the cheapest. Any one m need of any thing in my line give me a call. P. S. I have no connection with any of Mr. Frost's establishments. Fob. 5. J. S. ALLYN, Agt. TJTIIOLSTKKY. MR. J. OTTARSON, 1 ho Lpholster in still at his place of business on Bridge Street, and ready to accommodate any who have work in his line. Old work made new. New order, in any design. If you want, a new Parlor Suit, or an old one made over as good as new, you will find it to your interest to give him a call and get Prices and Styles, or one of those DIAMOND ELASTIC SPRING BEDS, that do not sag or give down in one part mere thaw another. • EASY CHAIRS, SOFAS, RECEPTION CHAIRS, DIVANS, PLATFORM ROCKERS,CHURCH CHAIRS AND CUSHIONS. Mattresses: Hair, Corn Husk, Fiber, Sea Grass, Eureka, &e. Couches made over and new ones to order. All work done with neatness and dispacli. GEESE, DUCK AND HEN FEATHERS, &Br (live ina a call and see for yourself._ffipr As this is the only place In Bradford County, where you can get anything you may want in my line, and having had It years practical experiatice at this business, [ feel confident that 1 can please all who may favor me with their work. Thankfull for past favors, would kindly ask a continuance of the same. Remember that at my place of business YOO CAN GET ALL KINDS OF • Upholstering! done on SHORT NOTICE and in the latest amd neatest styles. I have a few covers le ft from my Holiday stock, that licill sell CHEAP to close them out. Oilarson, Bridge St. Torranda. Over Myer & jan 7-' OB TOAILY REVIEW Only Twenty-Five Cents SSL Month! TRY IT !