DAILY * • T<) W A NBA RE VIE W. VOLUME 11, NO. 171. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Personal. We are under obligations to Mrs. W.M. PATTERSON, of Wysox, for a sample of: canned pears, which took the premium at the fair two years ago last fall. They are as perfect now as when first put up, and are j regular beauties. We notice by the Pittsburg Telegraph that j JAMES R. MACFARI.ANK, late of this place,! was 011 the 2d inst. admitted to practice as an attorney in the Court of Common Pleas of! that county. J. BILL MEANS and wife of Sayre were calling on some of their friends in town yes terday. Miss CHASE, the gifted young elocutionist who so charmed all who had the pleasure of 1 hearing her on the occasion of her recent ap- j pearanee in this place, has consented to give j another entertainment here one week from this evening. The simple announcement of the fact ought to till Mercur Hull. The solid men of Waverly were represented in town yesterday by the following well known business men: G. W. Fisir, J. B. FLOYD, J. T. SAWYER, S. W. SLAUGHTER, and lawyer SHOEMAKER. O. 11. LOOM is of Meshoppen was in Tow anda yesterday. Representative ACKI.KY of Sullivan coun ty was in town yesterday 011 bis way to the seat of government. THOMAS CARNEY, Esq., the original pro" o prietor of the city of Emerson, a thriving place of .1000 inhabitants in Manitoba, and who is Mayor of the city and a member of the Canada Legislature, has lately paid a visit to his friends here and at Monroe and Ulster. He emigrated from this county thirty years ago, and has become quite wealthy. We notice the following Towandiuns regis tered at the Continental in Philadelphia yes terday: D'A. OVERTON, lion. Jos. POWELL, It. A. MERCUR, Senator ROCKWELL of Troy is stopping at the Girard. H. W. PATRICK, 11. N. WILLIAMS IIENRY STREETKR and L. M. HALL, Esqs., are at tending Supreme Court in Philadelphia. Senator DAVIES started for Philadelphia Sunday cytning but from a dispatch received by his wife last evening it appears that lie was intercepted by a telegram summoning him to the death-bed of his brother THOMAS, at Delano. The "brother was in Washington with the Senator last week and it is supposed was injured in the accident which befel the train 011 which ex-president HAYES was pro ceeding to his home in Ohio. Mrs. A. S. ARNOLD, of East Towanda, who met with quite a serious accident last fall, has so far recovered that she has been able to visit friends in Waverly. .Ex-Sheriff J. M. SMITH and Hon. E. L. HILLIS were passengers on the train wrecked near Baltomore 011 Saturday. Both escaped un injured. Miss NELLIE ALLEN, who had been visit ing friends iu this place for several weeks, returned to her home in East Troy last week. Miss A. has many warm admirers in Towan da and her society is greatly enjoyed hereby all who have the pleasure of an acquaintance with the charming and accomplished young lady. Mr. and Mrs. WIRT DIMMOCK, of Foot of Plane, are just experiencing the extaticjoy incident to welcoming the first-born. A ten pound boy. How are you, grand pa ASA. A good house to rent in the Third ward.— Inquire at this office. The newly elected constables appeared be fore Judge MORROW yesterday, took the pre scribed oath and gave bonds for the faithful performance of duties. The ladies of the Church of the Messiah will hold a sociable at the resilience of GEO. W. BLACKMAX, corner Fourth and Elizabeth TOWANDA, PA., TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1881. streets, this evening. All are cordially invited to attend. Doctor HOLLISTKK says while it is true lie ( will spend the first week of each month in j Tunkhannock, he desires us to state that his j office in Towanda w ill nnt be closed during such visits. Mrs. DANIEL DRUMMOND, daughter of the : late SHEPARD PIERCE, of Wysox, died at the j residence of her daughter, Mrs. ED SWEET, J in Monroe, at 3 o'clock yesterday morning,: aged 04 years. Deceased was a sister of Mrs.! W. 11. MORGAN and S. S. PIERCE, of this place. _ _—.— — ¥ WEATHER INDICATIONS FOR TO-DAY.—J Clear, followed by increasing cloudiness, 1 \vi:h occasional rain. The News Condensed. A terrible storm is reported on the Scottish coast. Gen. Gaelield says there will be no ex- 1 tra session of Congress. A lire at Cincinnati yesterday destroy ed property valued at $150,000. It is said the President will nominate Stanley Mathews to be Justice of the Su preme Court. There was an unsuccessful rttempt to burn the Kansas Insane asylum at Topeka Saturday night. More than 10,000 tons of grain were shipped from St. Louis, Saturday, dowli the Mississippi river. Gen. Sherman heads the Northern sub scription towards the proposed cotton exposition at Atlanta, Ga., with $2,000. St. Patrick's Catholic Church at l'eori, 111., was destroyed by fire Friday morn ing. The building cost $50,000 two years ago. The Democratic Senators are endeav oring to arrange the standing committees so that the organization can be moved early this week. A bill is pending in the Connecticut Legislature to make railroad companies responsible for fires originating from lo comotive sparks. While excavating under the old Norfolk market on Buckingham street, Halifax, 1 the workmen.struck a vein of gold quartz ( from which several rich samples were j secured. A Pittsburg dispatch reports that the 1 coal miners strike in the Conuellsviilc | coke regions is ended and the miners re turned to work without securing the ad vance demanded. Reports from various points of the Northwest state that the snow blockade still continues. Nine trains are stuck between Hyde Park and Kensington,four teen miles south ol Chicago. The loss of life by the recent earth quake 011 the island of Ischials appalling. One hundred and two bodies have been found at Cassamaciota, and many others are under the ruins of the buildings. In the village district of Lacco alone thir teen buildings were destroyed. Fifty members of the National Wom an's Christian Temperanee Uufbu will visit the White House to-day and present to the President the portrait of Mrs. Hayes, recently completed by the New York artist, Mr. Hunting. President Grafield will accept it 011 behalf of the Nation, and it will be hung upon the wall in one of the principal rooms of the Man sion. MARRIED. BLACKWELL PRUYNE ln Trov, Pa., Feb. 24th, by Rev. J. B. French, George Blaekwell, of Troy, ami Miss Ettie Pruyue, of West Burlington. " T" RIAL LIST for March Term of Court X 1881, to be hold at Troy, Pa. : II M Lake vs John Kelly issue W 8 Newman vs S J Iliokok et al issue Michael Flynn vs Win Daughan asspt I'omeroy Bros vs David Lindley issue N Smith vs Chas P. Wright debt Hannah Ward vs John Uoy slander M C Westbrook vs W G Westbrook asspt Iletsoy G Bullock vs Carpenter Hoagland issue Rubright and Dorman vs Minn Sps Imp Co...sei fa Mary Ann Smith vs J G Rockwell... .*.... .covenant Kason Pepper vs 8 J Hiekok eject G K Bullock use vs Margaret Dawn isilhe Daniel 1) Watkins vs Mary A Jngalls eject Amos W Wilcox vs Peter Ilcrdic et al sci fa .T A Linderman et al vs N C It II Co appeal Henry Patterson vs James Longwell trespass E II Thomas vs J N llolcomb Gar att ex Levi Hartman & Bon vs Geo E Bullock et a!...sci fa J It Hazlelitt vs Geo E Bullock et al sci fa Pomeroy Bros vs R M Mauley appeal Allen 8 Parsons vs A J Layton tresj>ass Wells Township vs Henry Robert et al eject Snbprenaes returnable on Monday, March '2Btli, 1881, at 2 o'clock, pm. GEO. W. BL At 'KM AN, Towanda, Feb. 25th, 1881. Prothonotary. pilO BONO PUBLICO." "JAKE" The Clothier (Established ISSS) Ofl'ers better bargains in Men's, Youths', and Boys' CLOTHING, Hats, €aps* Tics, Scarf's, Collars, Cuffs, &e., than ever, and proposes to sell lower than any house in Bradford county. A large stock of CHILDREN'S SUITS AT COST, as we wish to close out that line oi goods entirely in the next sixty days. Fresh spring goods every day. For ''proof of the pudding," call on "JAKE," at No. 2 l'atton Block, Towanda. _ ANEW ENTERPRISE! A GENERAL EXCHANGE! In compliance with a very generally expressed desire, 1 have concluded to open an exo u A No E " for the sale of HORSES AND CATTLE, HOUSE HOLD GOODS, and in fact everything whiclj peo ple may desire to dispose of. I have employed a good auctioneer, and will have PUtiEIC SHEES EVERY SATURDAY. I have ample accommoda tions, and will receive horses or goods of any dis cription to sell on commission, at public sale. Give me a call at my Livery Stables, corner Main aud Bridge streets. E. E. BUFFINGTON. Sept. 14, 1880. TsTEW EATING HOUSE .f.VJ* IIE S TJM. UK. I.IT. S. B. TIDD has fitted up one of the stores in Streeter's new block (one door south of Evans & Hildreth's) and is now prepared to furnish WARM MEALS ON SHORT NOTICE. HIS LUNCH COUNTER is supplied with all the delicacies of the mar ket. HfW He lias elegantly furnished rooms for the accommodation of parties. GIVE II I M A CAL L ! J* T TIIE GLOBE STORE On Bridge Street, you will find the LATEST STYLES of Aliliinery GroodLs a large assortment of FANCY GOODS AND DRY GOODS. Mr. Marks has just returned from New York, where he has purchased a fine stock at the lowest prices, and he wishes to inform tho pub lic and patrons generally, that he is ready to sell at wholesale and retail, at the LOWEST PRICES. MILLINERS will do well to come and see the >Yeiv Stifles and Prices. NEW GOODS ARE COMING IN DAILY FROM NEW YORK. PRICE ONE CENT. Business Cards. ALVORD & SOX, JOB PRINTERS, DAILT REVIEW OFFICE, Main street, Towamla P DR. T.B. JOHNSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office over H. C -Porter's Drugstore, Residence corner Maple and Second Streets, TJ* LSBITEE & SON, 1 A 7 TORNE YS-A T-LA W, South side Mercur Block, Towanda, Pa. N. C. ELSBUKE. | L. ELSBKEE. FL. HOLLISTER D. I). S7~ ■ (Successor to Dr. E. 11. Angle.) OPERATIVE AND MECHANICAL DENTIST. Office on State street, second floor of Dr. Pratt's lOjanSO F TIIOITNTON, TUNER AND REPAIRER Of Pianos and Organs. (Over 17 years experi ence.) Orders received at Holmes & Passage's Music Store. aw. RYAN, •o O UNTY S UPEIHNI ENDENI Office Patton's Block. GF. MASON, ~ • A TTORXE Y-A T-LA W, Office over Patch & Tracy, Main street. HENRY STREETER, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW TOWANDA, I'A. JOHN W. CODDING, A T TORNE Y-A T-LA W, Office Mercur Block, over Klrby's Drug Store. OD. KINNEY, A T TORNE Y-A T-LA W, Office, corner Main and Pine Streets, Towanda, Pa. PECK & OVERTON) Attorneys-at-Ln to, Towanda, Pa. D'A. OVERTON, | BEN J. M. PECK. \ X TILLIAMS, ANGLE & BUFFING W TON. • A T TORNE YS-A T-LA W, Office formerly occupied by W. Watkins. | TT 700 D & HALE, Y Y Attorneys at Law, Office corner Main and Pine Streets Towanda, Pa. JAS. WOOD. 1 ,TAS. T. IIALE. | P. GRADY MERCHANT TAILOR. Comer Main and Pine , Keeps a large assortment of Cloths arid Snitinrrs^ And makes a SINGLE GARMENT or a WHOLE SUIT to order ON SHORT NOTICE. • His present stock has been purchased at VERY LOW PRICES, and he proposes to give his customers the benefit of his good bargains. . ME A CALL. FRANK P. GRADY. , _ Practical Cutter and Tailor. Towanda, Jan. 13, 1861. MERCHANT TAILORING ESTAB LISHMENT. JParrott Gressel will open with a large assortment of cloths and suitings, and be prepared to do MERCHANT TAILORING BUSINESS IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, about March Ist, in the store lately occupied by W. 11. Pool, one door north of Chamber lin'e. Reserve your orders for them and save money.