Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, March 04, 1881, Image 4

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    Tli© DailT lievievr.
Towanda, Pa., Thursday, Marob 3, 1881.
" Oai/y Mt/y *45 emnis por
mtmnih. fry it.
Mails arrive and depart at the Towanda
Pestelfieo a* follows.
Phila. N. Y. and Eastern States.. 4.oo A. M.
Dtwbore Laporte Ac 9.80 44
L. V. way mail from the North.. 10.00 44
>hoheqnin Ac 11.00 44
New Era Ac Tucs. Thur and Sat. 44 44
Asylum Ac Mon. Wed. and Fri. 44 44
Troy Burlington Ac... 1.00 P. M.
I.eßaysville Koine Ac 44 44
Closed mail from Eric ANC RRa 2.80 44
L. V. Wav mail from the 50uth...4.30 44
( anton Ac 5.00 44
Barclay 6.30 44
ClVd mail fr'in Elmira A Erie R R10.40 44
Canton Monroeton Ac 9.00 A. M.
L. V. way mail South 9.15 "
Ci's'd m.l Elmira Erie A NCR KIO.OO 44
Troy Burlington Ac 10.00 44
Sncshequin Ac 12.00 M.
Barclay 1.00 P. u.
New Era Tues Tliur and Sat.... 44 44
Asvlum Mon Wed and Fri 44 44
Leliaysville Rome Ac * 4 44
Dushore Ac 2.45 44
a. V. way mail North 3.45 4
N Y Phil and Eastara 5tate5....7.45 4
Oftice open from 7.00 A. M. t07.45 p. u.
Moner Order oftice open from 8.00 A. M. to
00 P. M.
Office open Sunday's from 9.00 to 10.00 A. M
Iffir Additional local on first page.
Latest style of Hats and Caps just received
at M. E. Rosenfield's.
Do you wish to rent a house? I)o you
want a tenant? Advertise in the REVIEW.
4, Jake'' the clothier wants you to call at No.
2 Patton Block, and see new spring goods at
"bed rock" prices. New goods every day.
TRY. —We saw a brace of fine-looking turkeys
at Jordan's market yesterday, which Mr.
MULLOCK informed us had been purchased
on an order for shipment to Bcotland. The
fowls are neatly dressed and weigh twenty
pounds each. They were sold to JOHN
M'QUKKN, of Ulster, who will send one of
them to his mother, and the other to a friend
in Scotland.
The following lines are old but true, and
will bear frequent publication to the end that
all may "read, mark, learn and inwardly di
gest" the great lesson they teach. The verses
were written by ROBERT DERRICK long ago:
Is this a fast—to keep
The larder lean,
And clean
From fat of veals and sheep?
Is it to quit the dish
Of flesh, vet still
To fill
The platter high with fish?
Is it to fast an hour—
Or ragged go—
Or show
A downcast look, and sour?
No! 'tis a fast to dole
Thy sheaf of wheat .
And meat,
Unto the hungry soul.
It is to fast from strife.
From old debate
And hate-
To circumcise thy life.
To show a heart grief-reut;
To starve thy sin,
Not bin;
And that's to keep thy l^ent.
Mrs. Sidewell and daughter, of Stretor,lll.,
are visiting her aunt, Mrs. B. B. Hollctt of
Monroeton. Mrs. S. is the daughter of a
lawyer by the name of Chubbuck, of the Or
well "six nations" by that name; who will be
remembered as leaving this couutv for the
west many years ago. She is now visiting a
few of that old and extensive as well as influ
ential family, scattered over the county, and
from here to sundown. May she have a good
time. Her address will be as indicated for
somo days yet.
D. J. Sweet has not been on the streets for
a day or two. Bad cold and influenza called
at his house, and he took some of it.
There is a large pond of water in front of
the school-house, and a large number of
scholars on the sick list from playing iu it.
This is a good time to plant your spring ad
house and let on Main street, one door south
of David Rabin's residence is offered for sale
at a great bargain. For particulars eall on or
address I). C. DKWJTT, attorney at law, Tow
anda, I'M. Mar. 3.
You can get everything in the grosery
and canned goods line, except poor and stale
goads, at Swarts A Gordon's. Every article
ou their shelves is of the best quality, new
and fresh.
FRESH OTSTKUS, received daily and for
sale by the quart or gallon. A. M. TITUS.
Don't fail to go to JOHN SULLIVAN'S, on
Bridge street, for the best five cent ccgur.
Fresh oysters, of the best quality, at Jor
dan's meat market every day.
Teas and coffees of the best grades, fresh
and pure at Swarts A Gordon's.
Every article in the new grocery store of
Swarts A Gordon is fresh and new. Remem
ber this when in need of groceries.
Lost, strayed or stolen, volume one, New
American Cyclopedia. If returned in good
order, no questions will be asked, and my
thanks will be tendered.
The finest building lot inTowanda borough
corner of Poplar and Second streets, between
the residence of Hon. E. O. Goodrich and
E. Walker, will be sold cheap. Apply to O.
D Kinney.
There will be a singing convention con
ducted by S. F. ACKI.KY, in the Grange Ilatl,
North Towands, commencing Wednesday
evening March 2 and closing Friday evening
with a Concert. Admission to convention
50 eents; concert 15 cents, board included.
Leßastie Chimneys are being sold by can
vassers around town at 25 cents each, which
ia too much. I will have exactly tho same
next week, at 15 cents for the common size
and 20 cents for the large size.
Having sold my retail Furuiture and Uu
taking business, known as the Bridge Street
Furniture Store to E. B. Pierce I would re
spectfully recommend those in need of goods
in his line to call on him at the old stand.
1 also wish to inform those indebted to me
that it will be necessary to settle the accounts
soon. N. P. IIICKS.
January 1,1881.
Under this head xos itill insert FREE, nedcts of
situations or help wanted.
Wanted, by an industrious boy 14 years old.
a place to do chores for his board whiie at
tending school. Enquire at this oftice.
A middle aged woman, spinster or widow,
to work by the week. Good wages and home
offered. Leave address at this oftice.
I offer my residence ou Main street for rent.
The property is in a good state of repair; the
houae roomy and convenient. Good well and
cisterns. A well arranged barn. Possession
given April 1. HARRY MIX.
House on State street known as the Streeter
houae; also three smaller dwellings. Inquire
of J. H. Nevins.
Several dwellings in Arcade Block, on Main
and Plauk Road streets. Inquire of George
L. Ross.
A desirable property, pleasantly located
within the borough limits, containing about
twelve acres of ground, including a vegetable
garden and orchard with a great variety of
fruit; a house with twelve rooms, also a house
suitable for a small family; a large barn, ice
house, etc. There are two large cisterns and
a well affording abundance of water. The
whole may be rented together, or the house
and ground separately. For particulars iu
quire of R. A. Mercur, Esq.
Several desirable rooms, suitable for small
families, for rent in Hale's block, Bridge st.
Enquire of James T. Hale, attorucy-at-law.
HOTEL FOR SAKK.— I offer the American
Hotel property for sale on very reasonable
terms—ona half the purchase money down
and the balance in ten years. Possession
given April 1, 1881. There is a good barn
connected with the property. This hotel is
located on the coraer of Bridge and Water
streets, in Towanda borough. The free
bridge and new depot near to it make this
hotel desirable for any one wishing to engage
in the hotel business. Call upon or address,
JOSEPH G. PATTON. Towanda, Pa.
FOR SALE CIIRAP.— A amall house and lot
For terms, etc., inquirs of JAMKS WILBUR,
William street Jan 17-tf
season when festivals, suppers, Ac.,
are being held all over the land for benevolent
and religious objects, it will ae of interest to
the public to know that they can always find
a supply of Oysters at Jordan's Market. Mr.
Mullock always gives bottom prices to com
mittees for public oatertainments. 105
Get your Yiews of Towanda framed at the
99 cent store. MO CHARGE for putting the
picture iu.
Go to G. S. ACKLBT A GO'S for ebeap Cow
Hay. 96.
l3TChoiee Hams and Smoked Beef, at
MYKH A DBVOK'S market, Bridge Street.
"What everybody wants is the best organ for
the least amount of money : Therefore every
body wants the lturdett; and when you've
saiii that, you've told the whole story."
So say the brightest and busiest organ
dealers throughout the land, who are furn
ishing this matchless instrument to a musica
public, which is rapidly learning to distinguish
its marvellously pure and beautiful voice
from that which is not music. For Bale by
J. A. Manville, No. S Bridge St., Towanda.
Elegant stock of HOLIDAY GOODS at
the 99 cent store.
The Henry House has recently recruited its
resources with the addition to "its cellar of a
pipe of pure English Ale—home-brewed and
genuine. This excellent malt liquor will be
found a useful natural tonic for the invalid,
and satisfy the palate of the most fastidious
epicure. A word to the wise is sufficient—so
sevs the latin proverb. Oct. 4.
Frames for the new views of Towanda,
special low prices, at the 99 cent store,
NOTICE. —We wish to inform the people of
Towanda and vicinity that Mrs Harriet Collins
is now prepared to do all kinds of Hair Work
at short notice. She also keeps constant Iv on
hand a large supply of Ready Made Hair
Work, such as Switches, Curls, Braids, and
Huffs. First door north of First National
Fresh Oysters of the best quality received
daily at Myer A DeVoe's Bridge street Mark
Homeopathic Lung Syrup, is the best rem
edy for coughs and colds. It Is mild, pleas
ant and effective, Sold in Towanda onlv by
Gnotion LYNCHCOMK has removed his
barber shop from the room over POWELL A
Go's store, to his old quarters under the
Meat Market, one door south of Ward House,
where he will he pleased to nee all his former
patrons and everybody else desiring tonsorial
Mary Straworth has opened a Laundrv on
the corner of Lombard and Second streets.
She is an experienced laundress, and her
charges will he moderate. Give her a call.
C. W. JONES Is prepared to mend rubbers
on short notice, in the best manner. Shop
corner Main and Pine streets, in rear of RE
VIF'V office. Charges reasonable, and work
Passengers going west will save money by
consulting 11. E. BABCOCK. Ticket Agent.,
Towanda. Pa., before purchasing tickets.
|3TAt MYER A DKVOK'S market is the
place to get tender steaks ami roasts.
If vcu call at BLUM'S boot and shoo store
you will find that you can get more and bet
ter goods for the l'nonev than at at any shoe
house in Towanda.
The only market in Towanda where you
can get good, fat western beef is at Rundell's,
where the best < uts of veal, lamb and mutton
are always served. Also ham. bacon and salt
meats of all kinds, Fresli Eish, dressed poul
try, vegetables and fruit. Leayo your orders
at Bundell's market.
Cash paid forlooso hav, from ten to twelve
dollars per toil.
PiTTSTOX, Pa.. Feb. 10. 1880.
A. E. BURR— Dear Nt'r:—l got a bottle of
your Neuralgia Pills when I was iu Scrauton
the other day, for my mother. She was ner
vous and could not sleep nights, and was
troubled with pains all over. Your Neural
gia Pills relieved her so she slept well after
taking two doses. Send me one dozen bottles
Your 9 iu haste,
FARM FOR SALE. —I offer for sale on reason
able terms a valuable farm, located in the
valley of the Towanda creek, about 1 1-2
milas from Towanda, containing 75 acres,
under a good state of cultivation, well water
ed, a young orchard of choiee trees, good
framed dwelling house, and fine large barn—
with underground stabling. I will sell this
farm on long time, or exchange it in part for
property iu Tewada borough.
Ttou run no risk when you buy your grocer
ies at G. L. Boss' new store iii Montanye
Block. His prices are wavdown to rock bot
His store in Helium Block, Ist Ward beats
the world by low prices and good goods.
NOTICE.—I want it distinctly understood
that I hav* Removed from Bridge Street Fur
nture Store to rooms over Turner A Gor
don's drug store and Woodford A Vandorn's
boot and shoe store where I will keep on
hand all kinds of COFFINS AND CASKETS
from the best to the cheapest. Any one in
need of any thing in my line give me a call.
P. S. I have no connection with auy of Mr.
Frost's establishments.
Feb. 5. J. S. Ar.LYN. Agt.
N ,w
Job Printing !
We respectful Ij lavite public atteatiea to
our* job riiurruiß uovasi
Coraer Main and Pine etreeU, ever Um
Music Store.
Commercial Printing
Neatly executed oa the shortest uetlec.
printed to order.
'1 lie Upholster Is still at his pines ©f business en
Bridge Htreet, and ready to accommodate any whs
base work in his line. Old werk mads new. New
work to order, In any design. If you want anew
Parlor fc?uit, or an old one made over as goad aa
new, you will And It to your Interest ts give hits a
sail and get Prices and Htylos, sr ens sf those
that de not sag sr give dewn la sue part asere thwa
Mattresses: Hair. Corn Musk, Filer, AV
Grass, Eureka, 4tc.
Couches mads ever and nsw ones Is srdsr. Ad
work dsns with nearness sad d4spa*b.
<W~ • ITS ass a eU and sac for > smrsslf.^r
As this Is the snly place Is Bswdferd Ounty,
where you cau get suyvhing ysu mag want is me
line, and having had IT years practical experience
at this biiainess, I feel eonfldeut that T sen please all
whs may favor mt with their work. Tharikfull far
past favors, would kindly ask a esutinu&nce of the
Remember that at my place of hndaess YOB
dons an bllOltT NOTICK nod In the latest and
neatest styles.
1 have a fete rovers left from my Jlolidty
stork, that I inill srll GJIEA P to rluss them
out. „
sf. Of tar son,
Bridge St. Tow a a da.
Over Myer It DsVoe's. jan T-'O#
Only Twenty-Five
Cenla u Montli!