r riie Daily I teviw. Tavanda, Pa., Friday, March 4, 1881. KDIVWRS : 8. W. AI.VORD. NOUI..K N. ALVOItJL " Bimiltj Itemietr" ontg D 9 ettilt per month. 'i?ry it. .Mails arrive and depart at the Towanda Posts>file* as follows. ARRI VF„ Phila. N. Y. and Eastern States..4.oo x. M. Dushoro Laporte Ac 9.30 " 1,. V. way mail from the North. • 10.00 " Siiesheipun Ac 11.00 t; New Era Ac Tues. Thur and Sat. " Asylum Ac Moil. Wed. and Fri. " u Troy Burlington Ac t.OC r. m. Eeßaysville Rome Ac " "" Closed mail from Erie AN CR lb 2.30 " L. V. Wav mail from the South.. .4.30 " Canton Ac ">.OO " Barclay 0.30 " ClVd mail fr'ni Elmira A Erie R R10.40 1 DEPART. Canton Monroeton Ae 9.00 A. M. L. V. way mail South 9.15 CiVdm,l"EhniruErie AN C R RIO.OO " Troy Burlington Ac 10.00 " Bneshequin Ac 12.00 M. Barclay 1.00 P. M. New Era Tues Thur and Sat.... " Asylum Mon Wed and Fri " " Leltaysville Rome Ac Dushore Ac 2.45 " •j. V. way mail North 3.45 k cf Y Phil and Eastarn States..• .7.45 1 Office open from 7.00 A. M. t07.45 p. M. MoneY Order office open from S.OO A. m. to 00 p. M. Office open Sunday's from 9.00 to 10.00 A. M P. POWELL, P. M. — iim i mm nw mm umniwwn— rnni -rn^rx Garfield's Plurality. Hon. Edward McPherson thus writes to the editor of the New York Tribune: "In your paper of this date you follow the Cincinnati Enquirer in giving to Gen eral Hancock a popular majority of 8,106. These figures give the totalt; General Garfield 4,410,,584 General Hancock 4,424,090 Mr. Weaver 313,893 Neal Dow 10,794 Scattering 3,285 Total 9,109,213 These are said to be the "latest," in cluding "cooked-up-returns" from South Carolina and Louisiana. Ido not concur in this statement ot the result. I took unusual pains to get the correct result for the New York Tribune Almanac for 1881, and I obtained a larger popular vote thau the above table shows and with a different disposition of the items compos ing it. Since that publication Nevada has come to hand officially, and Texas. The changes in these, with a revision of the figures in Louisana, give a net gain to General Garfield of 3,500 votes, and a net loss to General Ilancock of 1,702. Making these corrections, the totals stand, as betweeo General Garfield and Hancock, as lollows: General Garfield 1,454,421 General Ilancock . .4,440,180 1 Garfield's plurality 8,235 The total vote previously quoted is in creased by the later returns by 1,798 votes, and it reaches an aggregate of 9,- 220,348. In making up these tables Gen eral Garfield is credited with all the votes east for the two electoral tickets in Louisiana, as General Hancock is credit ed with all those cast for tsvo Hancock i electoral tickets in Virginia, and with all these cast for the "fusion" electoral ticket in Maine. Conceding everything to General Ilancock which can lie claimed tor him, he is in a minority of over eight thousand votes. Many of the errors of current tables have arisen from a fail ure to correct by the official returns from the more distant States (conspicuously Nevada, Tennessee and Texas), and by failing to contrast the tables upon the j manifestly fair principle of awarding to ! each candidate the actual vote cast by his' ; party in the respective States. _ I The emigrants arrived in February at ; Castle Garden arc C,755 against 7,904 the j preceeding February. The arrivals out number those of any February hitherto reported. I FEW FACTS in regard to the White Sewing Machine It is an acknowledged fact that the White Sewing Machine now stands pro eminent among first-class machines, for its simplicity and light-running qualities. It is a mechanical fact that the White i Sewing Machine is made from the best material and of excellent workmanship, and all its wearing parts are adjustable, so that, lost motion can be "taken up" in an instant. It is an undisputed fact, that the dura bility of the White Sewing Machine is sustained by a written warranty for live years. It is a progressive fact that the White embodies the most practical and useful improvements of other sewing machines, together with advantages peculiarly its own. It is a money-making fact that the Wnite is the easiest-selling selling ma chine in the market, and therefore all wide-awake dealers make it t heir specialty. It is a gratifying fact that the White gives universal satisfaction, and that it i" steadily and rapidly increasing tn public favor. CAUTION. T)o not be imposed upon by agents and parties who ar interested in the purchase and sale of other machines. It has become a common trick for un scrupulous competitors to get a White machine and put it in bad order so that they might prejudice pnr chasers against it and in favor of their own machines. To guard against 'such contemptible trickery, we advise all intending purchasers to correspond with us direct, and we will take pleasure in giving them the address of a regular authorized dealer for the "White" in their county, or we will offer to sell them a machine direct at special prices, and guaran tee satisfaction in every respect. • fi. C. IVESjIJS, .■Hscnt, Office at the •IBusic Store, TO WANDA, FA. jp*ALL OF 1880 ! Cninpaign Opened AND Rosenfield 1 is to the front with a fjarger Stock ot HATS AND CAPS than usual. Owing to his increasing trade he has purchased a very large stock of all the nobby and campaign styles of HATS ANI) CAPS, INCLUDING! <*ariicld and •Irthur, Btancorh and English, Weaver ami Chambers. Call in ami get your choice before they are gone, and vote for whom you please. Also take a look at the LAKGE STOCK OF CLOTHING being received daily J [M. E liOSENFIELD TC7TBS. D. V. .STEDGE, Manufacturer ©>and deaiee tn Ilninoii Ha,ir (roods, Special atler/iai givati L* ! COMBINGS—Iioo/a all turned one war. i Switches from ft upwards. Also agent for Huri ' IT'S IN VISIBLE SACK I'OWDEK, Madam Clark's | Corsets, and Shoulder Brace Silastics. Particular attention paid to dressing ladies hair at | their homes or at my place of business, over Kvaus it llildreth's stor. * MRU. D. Y. BTEDGK - I & c^S'y . f y y I ! 3S " z:o — ! 3 ' T. r C~s> T7" 33sT > (n rr.nran "jxa UTH, ltiio.) * U 7 CV \El\f.Vtf tf Towaiula, Pa. I F ou Biair i'ut ami Khar? Ua ; tlic WARD HOUSE SHAVING BARLOR BTEDGE j Is there. j CURED BY DR. BURR'S NEURALGIA AND SICK HEADACHE I'ILLS. A universal cure for Neuralgia, Sick Head ache, Nervous Headache, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Paralysis, Palpita tion of the Heart, ami Head ache arising fro in over stimulation either from OPIUM OR ALCOHOLIC SIMULANTS. Thete Pills are very pleasant to take (they dis solve in tin* mouth) and effectually cure all dieases arising from a deranged nervous system. If your druggist is not supplied, ask. him to pro cure it for you, from the wholesale "dealers. Sent ; to any address on receipt of oO cents. For Bale by CLARK B. PC).ITER, QPECIAL NOTICE! O THE NEW YORK, LAKE ERSE & WESTERN R. R. Ever mindful of the interests •! its patrons, has established a CI TY ticket Office at Wmvanffa. REDUCED 1' ATKS to all principal points WEST. For passage tickets, colonists' tickets, or tickets fot a party of passengers, apply at the office of the New York, Lake Erie & Western R. R., Ward House, Towauda, Pa. Baggage checked to all points. JOHN E. WARD, Agent. * 5 Dollar outfit sent free to those who wish to en gage in the most pleasant and profitable busi ness known. Everything new—capital not re quiren We will furnish you everything. flOaday and upwards is easily made without staying away from home over night. No risk whatever. Many ' ne worker wanted at once. Many arc making | fortunes at the business. Ladies make as much as j iuc, and young boys and girls make great pay. No J one who is willing to work fails to make more limn. ' ey every day than can be made in a week at any ; ordinary employment. Those who engage atonce ! will find a short road to fortune. Address 11. Ilallet it Co., Portland, Maine. HTT* T T™*) Yourselves l.y making moil l I f~~" . A. BLACK, Agent, sdP* Send for Samples. Towanda, Pa. pOATj r COAL : w c.eee.be* B'Oi* i\ists : At •? 11 £/ EiOlt I" # XXKP, formerly Tierce's Sullivan Coal, LARGE STOVE, f3 00 SMALL STOVE, 3*5 CHESTNUT, 3 2 a EGG, 3 00 GRATE, 3 00 SMALL CHESTNUT, 2 13 With same additional ahargea far tallage. W. X. M ALL®RY October. 24, U7>.< HW. MILLER ■ keeps several PUBLIC HACKS and is ready to attend all calls in his line promptly. He runs to ALL TRAINS. Charges for night early morning trains 'ii cents per passenger. Regu lar customer* supplied vfiih tickets at reduced rates. Charges for attending funerals fioiu 52.6U to #o.o'J. Horses and carriages to let. Orders left at the El well House will receive careful atteutian. 11. W. MILLER. Nov. 27, HWO. QTEDGE'S TONIC FOR THE HAIR. A save rues for Dandruff and all other diseases of the Scalp. Stops the hair fru felling et.t,: invigorates bl;9 hair nerves; cleanse; the kiair perfectly and gives it a beautiful and healthy gloss that cannot be obtained without itt use. Manufactured and sold by l). V. STKDGE, Towanda, Pa. £"NOAL„ Nathan Tidd, HHAI.BK IN PITTSTON, WILKES - BAKRE, AND Loyal Sock Coal. lavitc the patronage of hia old friend* and the put', lie generally. 1 shall keep a full assortment 01 all *i*cs, AK s{l ALL sau, AT LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. Yard and oflle,|foot of fine afcreetphiet south uf Cour }i©t.se ' AugSO. N". TIDD.