DAILY VOLUME 11, NO. 168. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Persona!. We are glad to hear that WILL POOL ha* hist secured a lucrative position in Wilkes barre. J. K. 800 ART, Ihq., of the Union-Leader, Wilkcs-Barre. was visiting bis friend X. P. IIICKS, in this place, and honored the RE VIEW with a call. Miss ELIZA MARYATT of Waverly, is spending a few days with frien Is in this place. 11. M. WELLES is able to be around and at tend to business again after an illness which lias confined him to the house several months. CHARES ALEXANDER, of Burlington town ship, a veteran of the late war, has just been granted a pension of $72 per annum on ac count of a disease contracted while in the ser vice which has partially disabled him ever since bis discharge. The amount due on ac count of arrears to date is slllO 40, and he has just received a warrant on the treasury for that snug sum. Mr. A's claim had been pending for a long time and be was almost discouraged, when his old friend. Col. ALLEN MCKEAX, volunteered to assist, him gratu itously, and the result is very gratifying to both gentlemen. Tee Royal Arcanum meets to-night. Seven inches of snow fell last night and it is still snowing. Laßastie Chimneys only 15 cts. for A size, 20 cts for P> size at the 99c store. New line of Chamber Sets, very nice and extremely cheap at the 99c store. FRENCH VASES, Job Lot of Fine, Large, only 99c a Pair, Worth $2 50, at 99c store. The funeral of Mrs. SWAIN will take place this afternoon at the house, on Second street. Eligible building lots for sale. Apply to L. ELSBRF.E. CROCKERY! Large assortment and Low est price, .fob Lots ,of Glassware at C. P, Welle's 99c store. There appears to be quite a demand for dwelling bouses this Spring. The best and quickest way to secure either a house or a tenant is to advertise in the REVIEW. The Women's Foreign Miseionary Society of the Presbyterian Church, will hold their annual meeting at 2 o'clock to-morrow after noon, in the lecture room of the church. Ai' the members are requested to attend and all other ladies interested in the cause are invi ted to be present. The regu'ar Quarterly Meeting of the Women's For ign Missionary Society will be held At the house of Mrs. A. J. EASTA BROOKS to-morrow, Saturday, March 5, 1881, at 3 p. in. A full attendance is desired as impor tant business will be transacted. Mrs. JULIA OLMSTED, Secy. The Waverly Review goes into extacics over the prospective re-opening of the Tioga Hotel—an establishment that cost Waverly a large sum of money, but which proyed to be something of a white elephant. The house has been closed for several years, and was re cently bought by JOHN O. WARD of this place. The editor, in the exuberance of his joy, gives vent to his feelings thusly: With every business man on the jump, ev ery store rented, every house filled, this elephant, with Sphinx like quietude stood as a sentinel, over which a prophetic Dantcsque inscription was guessed, "Abandon hope, ye who enter here." < fur neighboring folk we're wont to allude to us as an unhoteled town, when in fact we possessed the finest edifice between Buffalo and New York, and lacked only the landlord. The Pharaohs built fhe pyramids for graveyards it is said, but Wa verly never indulged a fond pride of extensive architecture except for business utility, and for that reason our people knew that the time must come when it would be thrown open to business. It has come and with it a man abundantly able and enterprising enough to TOWANDA, PA., FRIDAY, MARCH 4, ISSI. furnish it wiMi becoming elegance that will j make its appointments in every particular in keeping with the grandeur of the structure.; Waverly is not only fortunate then in its opening, but that it is to he managed well, and in that management that it gains a citizen whose public spirit will not b • confined only > to the hotel, but felt as an energetic force in augmenting business in the locality wherever j his aid can do so. John (). Ward is just the ; man to profitably conduct the Tioga, lie! will never allow any department to he insig nificant with the other, lie not only posses ses the means ample enough to make the Tio-; gaeclipse anything in Binghamton or Klmlraj ) Offers better bargains in Men's, Youths", and Boys' CLOTHING, Hats, Caps* Tie*, Scurfs, Collars, Cuffs, ftc., than ever, and proposes to sell lower than any house in Bradford county. A large stock of CHILDREN'S SUITS AT COST, as we wish to close out that line oi goods entirely in the next sixty days. Fresh spring goods everyday. For "proof of the pudding," call on "JAKE," at No. 2 Patton Block, Towanda. ANEW ENTERPRISE: A GENERAL EXCHANGE! In compliance with a very generally expressed desire, I have concluded to open an - I'TXCII .V IV K 99 for the sale of HORSES AND CATTLE, HOUSE HOLD GOODS, and in fact everything which peo ple may desire to dispose of. I have employed a good auctioneer, and will have rmijic s.iL,s:s EVERY SATURDAY. I have ample accommoda tions, and wiii receive horge*or g.x-Jr, { .my df, cription to sell on commission, at public sale. Give me a call at my Livery Stables, corner Main and Bridge streets. E. E. BCFFINGTON. Sept. 14,1550. VTXECUTEIX'S NOTICE. Letters XZ- testamentary having been granted to the un dersigned, executrix of the estate of Ethan B. Moore, late of Ulster, deceased, all persons indebted to the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and all having claims against said estate must present the same duly au thenticated to the undersigned for settlement. LOUISA MOOItE, Executrix. Ulster, Feb. 24, ISSI. 7 XECUTf )R'S NOTlCE.—Letters tes tamentary having been granted to the under signed, under the lust will and testament of George (lard, late of the Township of Wysox, de ceased, all persons indebted to the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and all having claims against said estate j must present the same duly authenticated to the undersigned for settlement. WM. if. SMITH, Executor. Towanda, Feb 24,1881—G\v j EATING HOUSE tf.VD RESTAUR.WT. S. B. TIDD has fitted up 0110 of the stores in Streeter's new block (one door south of Evans