DAILY TO WAN DA REVIEW. VOLUME 11, NO. 166 ADDITIONAL LOCAL Persona!. Miss HOWIE WIGGINS, of Bingbamton, N. V., is the guest of Miss FLORA THURBEI:. J. I'. IVIRBY and wife, who lmve been liv ing at the Ward House for the past year or two have gone to board with their son C'. T. KIRBY. Sir Knights JAMES 11. CODDING and WILL Cn AM BERLIN weut to Philadelphia last even ing. They will attend Grand Encampment to-morrow and Thursday they will participate in the proceedings of the Grand Lodge. On Friday they will take in the inauguration cer emonies in Washington. D. C. DAYTON is spending a few days in Washington, as the guest of JOHN 11. KINGS BURY. JUDSON UOLCOMB, Esq., has gone to Wash ington to see Gen. GARFIELD inaugurated. Mine host NOBLE, the genial proprietor of the Adams House, Troy, is attending to busi ness and visiting friends in town. W. M. MALLORY and wife and JOHN W. CODDING were registered at the Continental Hotel, Philadelphia, yesterday. Latest style of Hats and Caps just received at M. E. Rosenfield's. Do you wish to rent a house? Do you want a tenant? Advertise in the REVIEW. Owing to the illness of Mr. I.VGIIVM, his lecture in the Institute course which was to have been delivered last evening, is indefinite ly postponed. We understand that M. 11. LANING has purchased the elegant residence of the late Hon. E. O. GOODRICH, on Second street, and will present it to his daughter, Mrs. CLARK 1). PORTER. The consideration was $5,500 00 Co. A, 9th Regiment, Capt. WILT, have re ceived orders to start for Washington on No. 9 this afternoon. This will be a much pleas anter arrangement for the boys than starting on the night line. They will be back Satur day night. For tlie first time in many a day we,yester day missed the genial countenance of our good friend WILLIAM SCOTT in our sanctua ry. He did not forget ihe REVIEW however. On inquiry we learned he was detained at home by an attack of rheumatism. We hope lie may soon 1 e out again. SENECA ARNOLD, the vigilent bridge watch man, has given another evidence of the wis dom of his selection for the position, as well as h:s practical interest in the traveling pub lie, by placing a powerful light at the Towau da entrance to tlie bridge, so arranged tbat it throws its beams to the eastern extremity. The improvement will he appreciated by dri vers who are compelled to cross the bridge at night and will be the means of pr. venting many collisions and accidents. We are indebted to our friend FRANK GRA DY. fashionable tailor, for the following items in regard to Spring fashions: The Spring styles tor gentlemen's dress have taken quite a departure—the broad rimmed hat, longhair high shirt collar, loose coat with broad pad ded sholders, Jong vests, loose slouchy trous ers and big wide shoes, so long in vogue,have now given way to the narrow rimmed hat, short hair, lower shirt collar, small coat with narrow sholders, short vests, close, fitting pantaloons and the small narrow shoes. Tlid Ladies Missionary Society of Christ Church will meet for work this afternoon at two o'clock, in the lecture room. The officers for the present year are as follows: President , —Mrs. Dr. LAUD. t'i'ce Pres., —Mrs. E. O. MACFARLANK. Sce y y and Treas., —Miss SUE E. it A IIM. Committee on Work , —Mrs. WM. MIX, Mrs. J. J. GRIFFITHS, Mrs. 11. C. HILDRKTII, Mrs LLEWELLYN ELSBKKE, Miss FANNY JKWETT. Committee on Missionary Periodicals r * MERCHANT TAILORING ESTAB LISHMENT. JPavrott ft G vessel will open with a large assortment of clotfis and suitings, and bo prepared to do MERCHANT TAILORING BUSINESS IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, about March Ist, in the store lately occupied by W. 11. Pool, one door north of Cbainber lin's. Reserve your orders for them and save money.