DAILY T( )WAN DA REVIEW. VOLUME 11, NO. 162. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Persona!. Dr. R. 11. C'HILSON, Assessor of Ridgbury township, made his return to the Commis sioners yesterday and paid T tie REVIEW office an agreeable call. JIARKY GORE, of Dr. PORTER'S drug store, is 011 the stck-list, his ailment is the prevail ing disorder, a bad cold. It affords us great pleasure to be able to an nounce that both Mr. LANING and Hon. Jos* POWELL are rapidl v convalescing. We hope to see them out and enjoying their usual good health very soon. CHARLES FRALKY, one of our most skill ful mechanics, has secured a position in the Tillman Car Co's shops at Elmira. Lieut. J. M. CALIFF, U. S. A., has been spending a few days with his brother in this place. Editor STRONG, of the Dushore lleviexc, was a welcome visitor at this office yesterday. Hon. E. P.. IIAWLEY, late of the Montrose Democrat, has been taken to'an insane asy lum. He has been in decliniug health for several years. 11011. It. R. JACKSON, WHO >" the past twenty years lias been established is. business in this place, leaves this week for Mount Clemens, Michigan, where he intends to take charge of a hotel. We regret to lose so good a citizen, and trust that he may again become a resident of Dushore.— Dushnre lleviexc. JOHN 11. CRONIN. the new post-master of Dushore, assumed the duties of the office last Monday. Rev. F. D. HOSKINS and wife have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Fox this week. Mrs. G. I). STROUD has been in town sev eral days this week making preparations to remove their household goods to Tunkhan nock, where her husband lias taken a house and they will commence housekeeping the tlrst ot next month. It, is quite complimentary to Mr. W. S..VIN CENT'S reputation as an insurance man, that he was simultaneously offered lucrative posi tions by two of the oldest and soundest Life Insurance Companies extant—the Mutual Life of New York and the New York Life.— We believe lie has decided to accept the pro position of the latter, considering it the more advantageous. While Mr. VINCENT'S friends will rejoice with him in his good fortune in securing a lucrative and responsible situation and one lie is so eminently qualified to till, they will regret that it necessitates his re moval from Towanda. We believe he is to take up his residence in the city of Erie. The very best wishes of this entire community will follow Mr. VINCENT and his family to their new home, where they will he accorded, we doubt not, the esteem and high social po sition which tbev merit and enjoy here. Another small instalment of the "beautiful" this morning. There is talk of building a new Methodist church 011 Lime llill this county. A section of a river bridge lodged at Ing ham's eddy, Sugar Run, during the high wa ter of last week. We learn that the objections to Judge RUS SELL'S discharge in bankruptcy were not sus tained by the U. S. Court at Pittsburg this week. Mr. R. will therefore be discharged in due time. A traveling theatrical company played Enoch Arden and Fanchon the Cricket, at Wyalusing on Monday and Tuesday evenings, under the auspices of the band of that vil lage. Roth performances were fairly patron ized. Hon. GEO LANDON, of Ilerrick, sold his neighbor, C. L. STEWART, three head of cat tle, coining 3 years old, whose aggregate weight is 4025 pounds. The price paid was j TOWANDA, PA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, ISBI. five and a-half cents per pound, amounting to $254 37. These mammoth steers were ship ped to White Haven yesterday. S. R. TIDD having elegantly fitted up one of the stores in 11. STKEETER'S block, lias opened a tirst class restaurant where warm meals or a cold lunch will be served at all hours. The cuisine department is in the basement and connected with the dining room by dumb-waiters. Rooms in the second story have been arranged for the accommo dation of parties. The establishment is con veniently located and will be liberally patron ized. THE LITTA CONCERT.— The attendance at the truly grand Litta Concert, at Mercur Ilall last evening, was not inspiring to the world renowned lyric, star or the other members of that entirely artistic troupe. Yet the crcme