DAILY TO WAN DA REVIEW. VOLUME 11, NO. 159. ADDITIONAL LOCAL Personal. Assistant Superintendent GOODMAN was looking aftor the interests of the Railroad Company in court yesterday. Mrs. J. W. GOODWIN is visiting at L. J. CULVER'S in Wysox. She, accompanied by Miss CULVER, honored this office with a call yesterday. Our former young townsmaa, JAMES VV. MERCUR, Esq., who took up his residence in the City of Brotherly Love sometime since and commenced the practice of law, has been successful not only in his legal pursuits, but in cupid's court as well, having won the heart and hand of an accomplished and esti mable young lady of Philadelphia. Cards for the marriage ceremony, which takes place one week from to-day, are out. The bride elect is Miss DENIS, and the wedding will be a fashionable one. Mr. MERCUR lias the hearty congratulations of his many friends in Towanda. This community i< soon to lose ore ot our most intelligent aud lovely young ladies.— Cards are out announcing tne nuptials of Miss JOSIE CULVER and Mr. PHILIP C.GORI, of Italy. The marriage will be celebrated at the residence of the bride's parents in Wysox, next Tuesday evening. We believe Mr. Go RI is to take his young wife to his home on the other side the Atlantic. Miss ETTIK ADAMS' school, near Athens having closed, she is home again. Miss SUE A. MORGAN goes this morning to visit friends in Nichols, New York. Dr. JAMES F. KINSLER, Grand President of the C. M. B. A., and JAMES CASEY, both of Bradford, were guests of Mr. JOHN SUL LIVAN last Saturday. B. S. BENTLY, jr., and TIIODE IIILL, of Williamsport, are in attendance at court this week. Hon. GEO. LANDON WHS in town yesterday and made a pleasant call on his friend W. H. CARNOCHAN, who is still au invalid confined to his room. Hon Jos. POWELL came home from Pitts burg Saturday evening quite ill with strong symptoms of pneumonia. Prompt medical treatment relieved him, and we are happy to state that he is much better now and hope all danger of protracted illness passed. We anounce with great pleasure that Mr. M. 11. LANING appears to be very much im proved in health, and we hope to see him around again soon in the enjoyment of his usual health. Rev. C. 11. WRIGHT has been called to Blossburg to attend the funeral of E. S. SCHO FIKI.D, one of the principal owners of the glass works of that place. Rev. Dr. TAYLOR, pastor of the Universa list church, fell through a trapdoor at the Ward House yesterday and sustained some paiuful but fortunately not serious injuries. Representative IIILLIS was in town yester day. He returns to Harrlsburg this morn ing. INDICATIONS. — Wanner, clear or partly cloudy. Reserved scats for the Litta Concert have been reduced to 50 cents. Tickets for sale at Kirby's. Mrs. INCH AM, the victim of blood poison ing, whose case has been mentioned in the REVIEW several times, died Sunday evening. The second lecture of lhe Institute course will be delivered this evening by the Rev. J. S. BEERS. The subject will be 14 Lyceums Lectures and Lecturers." The lecture will begin at 7:30. The public are invited. No admission is charged. A walk to the Insti tute will be a good, healthy exercise. A most interesting event, for the Catholic community, occurred 011 Saturday evening la6t, when a branch of the Catholic Mutual TOWANDA, PA., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1881. Benefit Association wns installed in the hall of the Knights of Pythias. The installation ceremonies were performed by Dr. JAS. F. KISI.KR of Bradford, Pa., who is the Grand President of this state, assisted by Mr. JAS CASEY, also of Bradford, President of Branch No. 13. The ability of these gentlemen in exercising the functions of their high offices is of marked importance to the organization, and the impression they left, together with the zeal of the local President and Vice Presi dent, Mr. JOHN SULLIVAN and WM. FOTLE, Esq., should tend in a great measure to insure the success of the order. The order guaran tees to the family of a deceased member $2,- 000, 011 the same plan that some other mutual associations are formed. After the busiucss of the evening was con cluded the gentlemen present adjourned to the hospitable home of JOHN SULLIVAN, on Lombard street, where a sumptuous repast was elegantly laid by his estimable wife. After the good things had been measurably disposed of, speeches were made by Dr. KIN SLER, Mr. CASEY, Mr. FOYLE and J. C. BLUM, Esq., all expressing the wish and be lief that the success of the C. M. B. A. will insured in Towanda. On Friday evening next, February 23th., the Episcopal Mite Society will be held at the residence of M. C. MERCUR, Chestnut street. The public are cordially Invited to partake Of ice-cream and cake, The very best make, For which there is at stake the ridiculously small sum of twenty-Jive cts. As this is to be the last meeting of the So ciety for the season, it is hoped and expected that an amount sufficiently large to liqui date the remainder of the church debt, (about $00), will be realized. Members of the Church and congregation, if unable to attend, are requested to contri bute. The Agent for the Laßustie lamp chimneys gave this glass severe and interresting tests at our office to-day, by heating the chimney very hot and throwing cold water over them while hot, and also by driving nails with and giving them severe falls. This glass is made malleable by annealing similar to malleable cast iron. We recommend our readers who have been annoyed by the breakage of the or dinary chimneys to try these that will not break. Agents Wanted. SMITH BROS. Supply Agents Waverly, N. Y. The News Condensed. A sleeping ear coats $12,000, and earns a thousand dollars a mouth. The Herald says that Mahone lias chos en his seat in the Senate on the Republi can side. Booth's reputation iu London is now greater than living's in Shakspearean characters. The Pope is not pleased with the con duct of Parnell and his friends in affiliat ing with French socialists. It is understood that Senator Blaine has resigned and will appear in the Sen ate to-day for the last time. He is too ill to visit Mentor. The Colonial Minister at Madrid has sent instructions to Cuba to suspend all pending political press trials and grant to the newspapers the same liberties us are enjoyed in Spain. The New York Times' Cleveland special says the number of visitors at Mentor increases daily. The mail becomes larger, and thousands of petitions for trilling offices are received dally. It has been decided in Toronto to give Haulan a great reception there on his re turn from England. lie will also be pro sented with a valuable service of silver plate. Senator-elect Fair, of Navada, arrived ■t Omaha on Saturday. He visits two children at school in Concord, N. 11., and then goes to Washington. The Brookly Eagle's Washington special says the Senate Commerce Committee will probably add $3,000,000 to the River and Harbor bill, principally for the West ern rivers. A socialist journal of Leipzig earnestly warns all indigent persons from emigra tion to America, where, it says, things are very much worse than described. The Senatorial conference committee made another unsuccessful attempt to agree upon a crndidate last evening. A resolution calling a general caucus and providing that neither Beaver nor Bayne rhould be voted for, was defeated. A re solution that no member of the commit tee should be voted for was adopted. MARRIED. NORTIIROP—COX.—At the Presbyterian parsonage, Mon ronton, February "JO, by the Rev. Ilalloek Armstrong, Mr. i'ortis Nor throp and Miss Nancy A. Cox. both of Monroeton. MARIE LITTA, America's Favorite Prima Donna, Assisted by the following Solo Artists: MISS IIATTIE McLAIN, Contralto. MR. 11. L. CLEVELAND, Tenor. MISS ZELINE MANTEY, Violinist. MR. JOHN SIvELTON, Cornetist. MISS NELLIE BANGS, Pianist and Accompanist. WILL GIVE ONE OF THEIR GRAND CONC E RTS MERCUR IIAI.I, TO WAND A, Thursday live., Teh. Ulth. Admission 50 and 75 cents. Seats sold at the usual place. X- T THE GLOBE STORE On Bridge Street, you will find the LATEST STYLES of 3lillinery Groods a large assortment of FANCY GOODS AND DUY GOODS. Mr. Marks has just returned from New York, where he has purchased a fine stock at the lowest prices, and he wishes to inform the pub lie and patrons generally, that he is ready to sell at wholesale and retail, at the LOWEST PRICES. MILLLNEIirf will do well to come and the ►lVir Styles and Prices. NEW GOODS ARE COMING IN DAILY FROM NEW YORK. PRICE ONE CENT. Business Cards. X LVOIID & SON, JOB PRINTERS, DAILT RKVIBW OFFICE, Main street, Townnda P t ]-Vi. T.B. JOIINSON, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, Ofllee over 11. C Porter's Drug Store Residence corner Maple and Second Streets, ' Ueß,denoe LSBREE & SON~ ~ AIT OR NETS- A T-LA W, South side Mercur Block, Towanda, Pa. N. C. ELSBKBE. L . KLHBHKK. JT L. ITO'LLISTER I). D. S. • (Successor to Dr. E. 11. Angle.) °!7tr! iATl^ K AND MECHANICAL DENTIST office ° n ° Btreet ' Becond fl oor of Dr. Pratt's _____ 10jan80 IT THORNTON, ~ " TUNER AND REPAIRER Of Pianos and Organs. (Over 17 years exnori- KioSto r r? r " " " olmc " s W. RYAN~ ~ BOUNTY BUPER IN I END EN 7 Ofllee Patton's Block. OL T. MASON, " ' ~~ V • A TTORNE Y-J T-LAW, Oflice over Patch & Tracy, Main street. HENRY STREETER, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW TOWANDA, PA. JOIIN W. CODDING, " A TTORNE Y-A T-LA W, Oflice Mercur Block, over Ivirby's Drug Store. OD. KINNEY, A TTORNE Y-A T-LA W, Oflice, corner Main and Pine Streets, Towanda, Pa. OFCK & I Attorneys-at-Law, Towanda, Pa. D'A. OVERTON, | BENJ. M. PECK. \ X 7ILLIAMS, ANGLE & BUFFING V Y TON, A TTORNE YB-A T-LA W, Office formerly occupied by W. Watkins. TX 700 D & HALE, Attorneys at Law, Oflice corner Main and Pine Streets Towanda, Pa. JAS. WOOD. | JAS. T. HALE. P. GRADY MERCHANT TAIL OR. Comer Main and Pine Streets, Keeps a largo assortment of Cloths and Snitincrs* And makes a SINGLE GARMENT or a WHOLE SUIi to order ON SHORT NOTICE. His present stock lias been purchased at VERY LOW PRICES, mid he pioposes to ttive his customers the benefit of his good bargains. ME A CALL.^^ FRANK P. GRADY, Towanda, Jan. 13, ISS!. I '™"™ 1 CUttCr and Tailor - MERCHANT TAILORING ESTAB LISHMENT. JParrott vessel will open with a large assortment of cloths and suitings, and be prepared to do MERCHANT TAILORING BUSINESS IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, about March Ist, in the store lately occupied by W. H. Pool, one door north of Chamber lin's. Reserve your orders for them and save money.