Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, April 07, 1880, Image 6

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    'l'lie Daily Xleview.
Towanda, Pa., Wednesday April 7, 1880.
* itrti/y Wlrrietr" only 545 cenlt per
mouth. Try it.
Don't forget the lecture by Prof. MOFFAT
at the 31. E. Church this evening.
CHARLES DEXTERof Tuscarora, w..sengag
ed in putting a wall under his barn frame
yesterday, wln n the wind blew the timbers
down killing him. lie was 60 years old and
a much respected citizen.
The elements seemed to be in accord with
the perturbed spirit, of democracy yesterday,
and old Koreas' pranks in burling dust in the
eyes of pedestrians seemed to be the echo of
TIM IIIKKKN'S raving sit being refused a seat
in the democratic convention.
It tidies a schemer to successfully cope with
the game of 15, and we have positive infor
nmtion that Mr. TILDKN w ill be nominated
at Cincinnati.— Elmira Advertiser.
•' Yes, Mr. Advertiser ," says our TOMMY,
" but don't ye mind it was the game of fifteen
that bate the old man after ho had been —
If the people of the county were aware of
what bargainsare daily offered at KENT'S sale
of dry goods, cloths, etc., they would tlock
to Towanda en masse. 31r. TAYLOR, the
auctioneer, has grown grey in the business,
and says he never saw such sacrifice in prices,
but Mr. KENT has resolved to clear out his
immense stock and every purchaser has a fair
chance. Dress goons of the latest paterns
often sell at one-third their real value.
Rev. 3IR. DOWXFK. who is holding a series
of meetings in the Kaptist church, is a pleas"
ant speaker, thorouglily acquainted with the
scriptures and unbilled with the spirit of the
Muster. The Kaptisls ought to maiiintain an
organization here; they have a commodious
bouse of worship, and include in their mem
bership some of our most liberal people. We
hope they may encourage and aid l'rof. DOW
NEI:, in his efforts to re-organize and establish
them on a firm basis.
At the annual election for trustees Monday,
the following board was chosen: 11. M.
WF.1.1.K8, E. M. PARSONS, A. KAKNEI:. 11. W.
From the present indications, Havre is going
to be a very busy place during the coming
summer. The K. K. Com puny commence put
ting up another work shop about the Ist of
April, and the Land company expect to begin
putting up dwellings about the same time, so
that by another winter. Say re w ill be " boom
ing.—Athena (iamke.
A meeting wafwMd at Litchfield Centre, on
Monday night, for the purpose of organizing
a stock company to bore for oil, in this vieii.
ity. We have not learned the result of th.
meeting. There is a' belief existing among
many who hive had experience in the. oi|
regions, that there is oil here, and they are
anxious to sink a well. We say success, to
the enterprise.— lb.
Argument Court.
In re. the contested election of school direc
tors in Smithiicld township. Petition quash
Mary W. Davics use, vs. L. 1. Rodgers.
I). Kensley vs. C. E. Noble, W. 11. Campbell
vs. J. D. Hawk, J. E. Kullock. executor to
the use of Het.sey Kullock vs. Reuben Case
eta!. Ruth A. Dibble vs. Ebcnezer Dibble.
Rule discharged.
Ellen Ward Miller vs. 31. C. Mercur et id.
Application to strike otV the decree and re
commit the case to the master, refused.
If. E. Jennings use, .vs. Fred and F. F.
Flcschutt. Rule made absolute as to §107.20,
and discharged as to the balance.
J. W. Hosvvorth vs. S. N. Kronson. Rule
refused and order staying-execution vacated*
Pomeroy Krothers et al.' vs. J. K. Putnam.
Rule made absolute.
Samuel Kuek vs. E. O. Taylor executor,
et al. Rule discharged by defendant's mint
ing §55.65, as of November 1. 1870.
John Munch, guaruian of Annie L. Ornisby
vs. P. L. Ward. Rule on 11. 1). Wilcox to
place him on I lie record as one of plaintiff's.
E. A. Packer vs. the Schraeder Alining and
Manufacturing Company. Rule for u new
Prof. MOFFAT, I he great Scotch orator will
lecture on the Poet Hums at the M. K. Church
this evening.
The success of Messrs. PACK Kit and
HALDWIX yesterday in heing selected as del
egates, was due to tlicir personal popnlarity.
STEPHEN Klituv is spending the spring va"
cation at homo.
The unanimous elect i >ll of JOSEPH KlNGS
liuuv as borough treasurer and clerk of
council, is an evidence that our borough leg
islature are in favor of practical civil service,
and of retaining in otlice a tried and faithful
••dicer, even though lie ditiers politically from
the majority.
It. was a graceful as well as merited compli
ment tiiat council bestowed, in electing JOHN
X. CAI.II T, borough attorney for a third |
term. Although a majority of the council
are not in accord with Mr. CALIFK'S political
views, Ids fitness for the position was ac
knowledged by ail, and his appointment, gives
entire satisfaction to the property holders of
the borough.
Mrs. C. E. IIAIGHT goes to Cooperstown,
X. Y., on Friday to bury her only brother.
At the request of Mr. C. E. SCOTT, the
Ariou Quartette Club, will favor our people
with a musical concert on the 21st inst. Press
notices and programme hereafter.
Council Proceedings.
Co UNCI I. CIIAMIiKItS, April 1, 1880.
The following additional proceedings of
council are furnished us by the clerk.
Judson llolcomh moved to increase police-!
man Hums salary from §2. to s2*so per duv.!
Motion laid over.
A. Wiekham was nominated and by a
unanimous vote elected collector of the boro.
duplicate of taxes for the year A. I). 1880.
(J. V. Myer was appointed Street Engi
A petition from Col. Means for four lamp
posts was referred to the (las Committee.
Judge Morrow's petition, held over at last
•ii(?e;ing, was also referred to tlie committee.
Mr. (iridly petitiened l'or gaslight on the
bridge. On motion laid on the table.
Councilman Kingsbury ode red the follow
ing resolution:
Unsolved , That a tax of twelve mills on the
last adjusted valuation for county purposes!
he levied as borough tax for the year A. I), j
1880, of Towanda borough; that the board of |
appeal be held on Saturday evening, the tirst,)
day of Mav, at 7 1-2 o'clock 1\ M.,of which I
time and place the collector shall give due no-!
The resolution was adopted.
The Rurgess made the following appoint-j
moots of committees, as authorized by the |
regulations :
Finance Committee —Councilman Rahm and j
Iloleoml) to act with him on that committee. •
Street Committee —First Ward, Parsels. j
Second Ward, Montanye. Third Ward, j
Sanitary Committee —Kingsbury, Keeler |
and MeCabe.
(Jas Committee—Keele r. MeCabe and J'ar !
Fire Department—Montanye, Ilolconib and '
The following resolution was offered :
Item deed, That the CMS CO. bo uotitictl to |
discontinue ligliling the streets at the expira-:
lion of their eontraet, until further notice,
and that, the (las Committee is hereby author- ,
ized and required to obtain from the Com-j
pany their lowest terms for lighting the street j
lamps per month, and submit the same for :
the eousideration of the Council at their next j
Mr. Iloleoml) called for the yeas and nays
which were taken with the following result:
Yeas —Keeler, Kingsbury, Montanye. Par
sols. Httrgess Jones —f>.
Kays—Alger, Jluhm.b, MeCabe, llham
31 r. Alger moved that when the Council
adjourned it adjourn to meet on Tuesday
evening, the Bth inst., at 7 1-2 o'clock P. M.
A petition from business men, asking for
authority to place bitching posts in front of
Col. Means' residence, was on motion laid
Notice to be served on John Hurk and
other property owners on cast side of Fourth
street to build sidewalks.
The following bills were approved by the
Finance Committee and ordered paid:
Gas for the police station, May, 2 52
" Engine House " 2 Ift
" Until M " 1 80
J. V. Witcox, leather on suction, F. T>., 1 50
A. Wiekham, psid for printing notices, &e. 4 50
J. N. Gal ill', legal service, boro. attorney. 61 00
|73 48
On motion the Council adjourned.
Are now prepared to exhibit their stock of
Which they have prepared for the
Spring 6c Summer Trade.
This Stock is entirely New, and in addition
to the usual variety of Gilt, Satins,
Grounds and djlanlis, includes
ct large variety of elega nt ;
I )ad() I decorations,
BOOTS AND SHOES.—As- the pleasant
weather comes on, people in need of HOOTS :
iand SHOES are looking about, to see where
; they can find the best assortment. WOOD*
i KOltD & VAN 1)0KN, Pntton's [tlock, Jtlain
' street, are prepared with a LARGE STOCK :
< of the most desireable and best made, which
•i they can sell at BOTTOM PRICES and gunr
: anlee to be in every way right. Give them a
j call, and sea the large assortment.
Towanda, I'a. 1 wk.
OCKAN GUOVR, X. J., Sept. 20, 1577. ,
! Dr. A. E. Burnt — Dear Sir:— l have been 1
i troubled with neuralgia for eighteen years,
| and lmve consulted the best physicians in
New York, but never could get any relief
' until I got a bottle of your headache pills,
j They relieved me in a few minutes, and also
;my daughter, i connot say enough of them
i to the public. Yours,
X. V. X.,
214 West 24th trect.N. V.
j ICK Fou SAI.K.—A few ear loads, if imme
diate application is made at the ofiloe. ol the
j State Jane and Sullivan Hail road Co.
Treas. and Gcn'l Manager.
flyTf'Jacobs is selling Overcoats all the way
I from $2 up to any price you are willing to
(IrTfTf you want a stylish hat, cheaper than
i you ever bought one, cull at ROSKNLIKLO'S
I clothing store.
i Prices way down in Gents fine and coarsi
J boots and shoes. All goods warranted as
I represented, at PLUM'S.
For a good, durable and neat fitting shoe,
I go to BLUM'S.
| JflY'C'hoiee Hams and Smoked Beef, at
I MY Kit & DK VOL'S market, Bridge Street.
JACOBS is selling clothing cheaper than
ffrTTAt MYKH A- DKVOE'S market is the
place to get tender steaks and nice roasts.
Parties are continually asking how can
groceries be sold so much cheaper at Ross*
Ist Ward Store than they can in the heart of
town. Because he buys his goods for cash,
and can afford to sell them low.
O. A. BLACK has fitted up I. office on the
second floor of the building lately oecupid by
the crockery store, where he will confine him
self to the Sewing Machine and Insurance
COAL. —The best and cheapest sold in this
market is the Barclay, fresh mined, thorough
ly screened and slated. All sizes sold for
$2 75 pcMon, at E. B. ITKHCK'S Coal Yard.
F< rsa'e or Exchange—A heavy horse. In
quire of Billings, Acklcy & Co., at the Huy
. Picss, _
' Burlier Shop over Powell's Bto re where he is
1 always ready to wait upon all those who may
' favor him \vith their patronage. Shampooing
.hair cutting Ladies' and ( hildreu's hair at
their residcnee no extia charge.
Cigars of about every kuovvu bran I at
l ot: UKNT. —A good office. Enquire of
(i. A. DAYTON.
I Foil UKNT—A dwelling house near Lho
College. Enquire of J. I'. Keeney,
llou.'C to rent on Secound street.
A good office rooui in L'atton's Block for
rent from April i.
Eon UKNT.—A good store, several offices
and a number ot dwelling houses.
FOR UKNT—I have several duelings for
rent on the First ol April next.
Several Duellings and Stores to Let ou tins
Lst of April next. Enquire of
JAM Kg T, 11 AI.K.
At office of \V'ooD fc HALK.
Towanda, Feb. 11, I*Bo.
Fott lti'N r.—A large and conveni nt houso
on York Avenue. Enquire of WM. SCOTT.
IIOUSK r i'o UKNT. —A double house to rent
in First Ward, lately the property of JAM KG
BKDKOKD, on Main street. Enquire of
llooms to rent on 31am street. Enquire of
™.. i .I i i'.i ',r i'i'S"■ r'mii mi mif
Under this head ire irili insert Fit UK, of
situations or help wanted.
A good girl. 31 rs. W. G. TUACY.
#A situation by a gentleman with 1(1 year*
experience in the dry goods au dgrocery trade
Well acquainted throughout Burlington,
Ulster and Smilhlield. Best of reference*
given. Address "Clerk," this office.
A young map of good moral habits wishca
a situation in a Dry Goods or Grocery store,
three years' experience. Good reference*
Auply to the editors of this paper.
A situation by a boy 18 year* of age In a
store, either dry goods or grocery, or in au
office. Good penman and ileeountuut. Good
recommendations. Enquire at this office.
Mrs C'UITKAN, on street west of FROST'S M '
Furniture factory, would like work at plain
. sewing, tailoring, carpet makiug, or washing
and ironiug.