Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, April 06, 1880, Image 4

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    'The Dailv Iteview.
Towanda, Fa., Tuesday April 6, 1380.
• ttaily Jiirifif" ottltj g5 rot/* prr
month. 'l'rtj it.
While injustice and wrong may seem to
triumph for a time there is an inate sense
of justice in the American people, which
says to the oppressor ''thus far mayest
thou go and no farther." This is cvidcnca d
by the result of the late election in San
Francisco, in which the whole country
may rejoice. The Chinese fjuestion is one
for the whole Nation, and the hoodlums
of one State have no business to attempt
the settlement of it. Suppose the Irish
had resolved, yea:.s ago, to shut out Ger
man labor and German immigration.
"What would have b en the result.? Free
emigration oft hinese laborers is guaren
tced by treaty stipulations. These trea
ties arc not only in accord with the ge
nius of our government, but of the utmost
commercial importance to the whole Na
tion. Already the share of the United
States in the vast tiado of Asia is threat
ened, primarily by disregard of our own
treaties, and afterward by the artful sug
gestions of foreign (iiplo'uiatisis, who see
with alarm the growing commerce he
tween the United States and China. It Is
easy to arouse the Indignation of Chinese
authorities when this Nation utLeriy re
fuses to respect or enforce its treaties,
and leaves creatures like Kearney, encour
aged bv the action of a truckling, cow
ardly congress, to trample with i ..unity
upon the supreme law of the land. The
consequences to American commerce, if
President Hayes had not possessed tlie
good sense and moral courage to veto the
bill, and Kerneyism had not been arrested
might soon have been very serious. Fis
especially fortunate at thin time, w hen the
Administration proposes, through an En
voy Extraordinary, to reach a new adjust
ment of our treaty relations with China,
that the triumph of the Citizens over the
Sand Lots party gives reason to believe
that the sober second thought of the pto
pie is resuming sway in California.
There is a division in tlie sentiment
among the faculty of Yale College, regard
ing Herbert Fencer's study of sociology
as a text book by P/ ou'essor .Sumner, \v ho
holds the chair of political and social sci
ence. President Porter requested Profes
sor Stunner to discontinue the use of the
book on the ground that Spencer's doe
trims were not in accord .with the views
of the faculty. This Processor Sum iter re
fused to do. The great majority of the
faculty side with the President.
Sqtnnor is the well known writer on
political economy and lluauce. lie was
formerly an Episcopal ministry but has
not of late Leon in sympathy with the
emotional side of religion.
The Boston Advtrticr has come
out. squarely for Grant ou the
ground that ihe contest lies between hlsn
and Blaine. Of Edmunds it says:
'•ln the United States Senate, Mr. Ed
munds has won position ami Influence to
be proud of; his tastes, his learning and
tlu- habit/, of his life qualify hint for con
spicuous and briluuit serv ice in that body.
He bus no disposition to retire from it,
and it. would be a public loss if he should
leave it for any untried position."
Tim New York elevated railroads, which
proved such a hbnam.a for a time anil on
which it is said Mr. Tilden cleared #1,000,-
000, have ceased to boom. Manhattan
stock, worth 70 last was yes
terday quoted it 25, and is said to be in
danger of losing its charter because it
, cannot pay the ten per cent, interest on
,le;tsed roads as lite charter requires.
Meantime a bill lias passed to the third
reading lit the state senate to repeal the
charter of the Metropolitan company.
Jnghtning ii rod aim? Fling at Columbus,
Less, #OI,OOO.
PITTS TON*. Pa., Feb. 10,1880.
A. E. Bunn — Duer Sirx—- 1 got ti !>ottle of
your Neuralgia Pills when I was in Scrauton
the other day, for my mother. She was ner
vous and con id uot i-letp nights, and was
troubled with pains all over. Your Neural
gia Pills relieved her so .she slept well after
taking two dos 's. Send rne otie dozen bottles.
Yours in haste,
THOMAS Kkllkv.
I have sold Dr. Parr's Neuralgia and Hick
Headache Pills for years. They give good
Is K. Sruv, Druggist.
Fine Cow Hay—haled—for sale at Pierce's
Coal Yard; eight dollars per ton.
BIU.INHS, A(.KL':Y, ,1- Co.
Partes wanting Hay will lind it to their
advantage to call on Hillings, Ackley, & Co.
Otlice in Pierce's Coal Yard.
Co and see the new tv Jes in Hats Just re
ceived al Airs. 8. 11. .Sweet's,on Bridge street,
No. 1, Btiidlehtuns Bloek.
Trimmed Hats for 25 cents, at
Airs. 8. H. Svvket's.
.Just r 'eeived, the u-.v st\les in trimming
silks, at Mrs s. if. Sweet's, on Bridge ttraei,.
Beidleman's Bin*!-', No. 1.
The chea; f -t place in town to buy millinery
goods i.- at Mrs. S. JI. Sweet's, 11 ridge street.
No. 3.
I mi) now receiving New Styles from New !
York, •and oiler at low prices, HatseFlovvers.,
and Trimmings. Mrs. S. 11. Swp.kt.
No. !, Bridge street.
If yon want the host vegetables, the largest
oysters, the best cuts of meat, and the 11 nest
sausage to be found hi Toivanda. call on Mr. j
All'Mak:k. at the old Market, just south oi
tlie Ward Hou-e,
Passenger, going west wiil save money by
consulting 11. E. Baiwock. Ticket Agtui,;
Towanda, l'a., before purchasing tickets.
IjrAJ-.MvKi: & DIVOT; keep the largest nr.d -
Lest assortment of Fruits and Vegetables in!
Yes. it vas "Bklin" o set- that Ih'wu MUM* i
can sell I ; ly Linen Collars cheaper than any
other man in town.
£'.17*31 ver Ihtvoo are receiving fresh
Oysters daily, at their market. Bridge Bt.
Now 18 Youu Ciianck.—liosK>;Kir.i.r, Hie
clothier, has just purchased an lnmiensi stock
of Linen Collars and Cub's, at rates which
allovv him to sail them away down. (,'oiuv
and see t hem.
•• Don't you forget it," that LosenlieM can i
double discount any other establismneut in
the euunHy ou Linen Conars and Cutis.
FaJtM Foit Sam:.— l offer for sale on reason
able tonus a valuable farm, located in the
va'lev of the Towanda creek, about 2 1-2
mile, frmn Towanda. contain ng To acres,)
under a good Mate of cultivation, well water
ed, a vuiing orchard ol choice tree*, good
framed dwelling house, and line huge barn— !
with underground stabling. I will sell thi
iarm on long time, or exc.ha.ngc it in part for
property in Tovvadn borough.
Just I'll CL Pation.
Sakk Invkntmknt.-—The Seiuioi Hoard of
Towanda lJ roiigh are <ie>irous of placing
from £lo,(Hid to -fl 5,000 in of tlie Dis
trict, at.* per cent, inter.-!, payable semi- j
annicdiv. The bonds avII be allotted in
amounts of ICOt). and upwards.
By order of Hoard. S. \V. Ai.vot:i>.
Tlol I'ntt Kansa-.—Jlxctir-ioustolCiiwlcy,
in ihe Arkansas Valley, in soulh-wesiern
Kait-us, a) gp'utly redueetl rates, will have
Eliuira, N. Y., on tlie second Tuesday of
every mouth, accompanied by a person of e\-
pen.lK" , who wiil give, ever) desir. ii aitcli
lion to the parties in his charge. For full
format ion apply to C. F. Nicitohs. in person
or by letter, at the Delavan House. Elmira,
N. Y., or by letter at. Towundr. l'a. Parties
can procure tickets every Tuesday Morning
at same rates. Train leaves s:lb A. M.
M. O. Moody, the blacksmith, has moved to
JOHN P.uovv.NVShop. 1M Ward, and will be
glad io see. all of ids old customers, and the
public in general. Ail kind-of >v-.;rU done
on short notice.
J, A, Manvim.w, Towanda, Pa., wiil sol!
atrietlv ilr*t class pj.uios und Organs at great
ly reduced pricea for the next sixty day*.
Pianos and Organs Tuned end Inquired.
Of Ilea with C. M. Manvilms, on ikl street#
UnseufleM has not given up t!ve gem r d
elotidng business, but 1.-as in additi nto his im
uvense stock of Collars and Cutis, just opened
a tine assortment of spring clothing, hui.s and
ea] s.-
Ask fr one of those dpllar-imd-a-lialf
switches, all Hair, JO inches long, at Mrs. Al.
A. Flhtoninths, No. i, Bridge striict.
Himmons. the Fashionable ltoot and Shoe
maker, lia> reiuoM d Ids siiop from Carroll's
Block to the rooms over Jacobs store, Button's
Block, where he wiil continue business, and
will he pleased to see all in wain of anything
in his line. Thanking the public for past
libi rul pat ivnug •. I si,all endeavor to merit a
continuance ot the same, by careful attention
to business and by using nothing but the hot
of stock.
Please rail at GEO. HONS' Dt V ard Store
and get some of the nicest dried beef you
ever saw, and sliced as thin a.> tisuc phoer, at
IS cent* per potUlil, He lias purchased
a splendid dried beef siiecr of the Enterprise
Manufacturing Convpat.y, at Philadelphia.
011 l t v r r vvin t,v-Fi v
Cents n TVlon CU
All Wind* of Fancy Wood.' for v.-tc of j
A.natcura kepi for w;l. En; uutferC.cjo-!
I".. iION \, I \ v\.l i
('out hjuiElv f'.i huutl. Also ;vli varietk.i of!
lliN*.)i>, JSWt.'VVd, VISI, S.VWS, ETC. |
Send lor jui'S h t, j
Ei'poi'LT 11 .'iiu'4. j
fcSTIIK RUVIUW, is the!
!;t t ADs iAMTSi ,\t MED'I "V. Do no* '
for/et it,J''~3
A Jx
A unlverfstl euro for Sick Iltiti
iU'lv, N?.iV' us lE' iln ■'•lie. Dyspepsia,
(.'ons li p;i t.ion. I ';tvnly ■ s, I':i!pi la
tioii oi'lhc Henri, and
itd.e from over
>fhuulih-i'M; either
OiTl'M on ALCOi on.: fi!M * 'DATA
T'K* Rilirt trHvery >.!• oscant'to (:.hry die
ar'.vn in ih.MjvM'.th) and edtv .:u" 'y curt* all dl. i. a
from a derail .; d n rv■> >A
If your drav-H-t N net nuppUeti, aeit him to pr*
cur<' it. Wr on, :•>m t '.i ■ v. tot • dialers. ot j.V
to u.oy address en reft ipl W >0 iv;.:).
ITr S:!.u in*
TT J * U
v IDI. flaL<4 I
Ju Clyllo j
As usual, the Ytrlicai Feed I
. :
be win# Mac nine took rir&t lYe- |
mnnri, at the late counts Fair. i
During O.p coming Trriddcr.tlfd v, sir TV. a Yrlbitue I
villi bit n more elicei vt agency than e\er for telling I
the r. wit Vast worth knowing, ttrti for cui rising i
sound polities. Freiu the day the win* c!o#< <1 it, hu-s
, been mont snxloua far un end h' avd't'tiul hUH/e. 1
But it siiw two years am., and mm tin; n at poissit
truly to Proclaim tb. new danger to the country
from tin; revived aiUunce. of the Ki nd t?oitib and
j Tnmnmny Mull. Ngninel tliat danger it aoiiijhtto
; rally the old party of Freedom rm -X tin- Un'on. It
i biyran by demanding the uhundoimimU ci perncinil
.lislikt*., and (s-t the cxuniple. It ca;.ed for iva nn.l
' Ss.i uUiieJia tijH/n each other hwUwti of the twenty ; 1
and for the beartkst agreement upon whatevre tit
candidates the majority should put uo against the
corarooa foe. binue then the tick; of disaster ben
been turned baeit; every doubtful urate has bcui
won, and the oavefor ,< uflonal victory wore never
more cheering.
Of The Tribune's uhare in ail thin, tboso speak
moat enthuaiaatir tally who have tilcll sus-it of the
nrrvysjie. It wiil TalthftUly portray the varniujr
phases of tlie encr-p ii„ 1 now "hmlng. It will
jearnestly thrive that the party of i reed ,rn, I'mcn
itiid Public Faith may v-iv.t the man t.uivf io vr.i,
and sweat to make* a good President. LlutLnthi
ci i-i" it i. an o*r\ive of no mimim.ti n thin party
could make that weald be Juvloiatil'- to the h. at
thiil could possibly be supported by the Solid ektiifii
and 'i'nmnti.riy 11**11.
'1 'ho Tribute.' 1- JIOV. ppw.Jipg much I Ki nr i
money (hso ever befoiu io Mditht distinction it ha*
cujoyed of the Imp hi ciri uhi'ioii ih<t
/•topic, it Becuri-i, nod mi-aav to rem. i it. by be
rem lag the medium of the be*t thought and th
voice of tlm h.-at conscience of the tiauvhy Lecj.Ln
j'i oat oi the highlit pro "re.-a, ic livers
hearing ail r idea, sr*'l "* always to
the but intelligence and the pinvm. morality, and re
f'.iain.'i ti carier to the udi ol the viie or the j>reju
diei-H of the,t.
i The til- hnetive tVa'.un jof The Tribune are knov-n
ito everybody. It given all the n.vfs. ll.Juw til.;
1 beat cor. , eri;>o'id"iitu ) and r otuiiiH them f.en year in
I % ear, it i< the only [w.jier that maintains a. speci; i
! telegraphic wiift of t own betw\> u :t* t Hh.<? t,-j
Washington. Its ..-i "iti'iiu !it rury, aiu.utie and re
i'gioutj inU'liicetice in the r'ttll. -t. It* book reviews
are the beat. It* commercial and ikiatcfnl w a in
the most * asset "is type .a the iorgmt; unj its
raugetuetu the me..; systematic.
TJlii SIiMMViItiKLV Thilt UN
ia hj far the m. at . st-fu! rwub Weekly I i t'e i
| country, having four time-, the circulation f any
! other in New York, it •.-> esp'.n sally adapted to t/ i
i Urge class* of inf . iiigt nt, j> ii c r burin, e*
i •. lota 100 far from New Vork ' > lepcr.d on tin*
pr.jiora' lor too daily news, who iicv r;Jv.-!-:'si nr.t
t e editor!: l .I, c< ..g-di .if- , r ieic .. 1 >ea, set -u
title matter, lectures, literary • Uetllaney, etc., for
tvhlch The Tribune is famous. I.A-.e The-Weekly
• 't c.<>;tu':,i ei .'.-i n pages, r.n.i if. I.i eouv; : • ~,i
for biieliii'j,
Till; V.-riI'MLY TUllliJN'.'?
rtmnltis the f/ruat favorite of uursubatantial country
I !■ •pulatk-ji, arid he? iuri crl ciruuhstion of any
j Weekly iwu>.d from the otUve .f a Daily paper i.i
i NV.v York, or, BO far H* vve know, ir the Cidi<-I
I 'n. it lev it a in;! . :,'i x-ob '.l the new aof li> •
Iw- cl; Info inori* r.v.-lablc an ijic. Iti. cgii nhtiral ■
I purtOK uf is more curefully con I ;. ted than ever, tu J
I .t i t nl way a bin a co.asid red li.. J: .•.r ■. i.
reports are the oltlcial atandarU for t.lm I)ali*ymeo'a
A.V<>k i i Oil*i have e.'-wt tca a icc • to -h.-r
- on cattie, grain uhtl general joutitry produce.
• 1 here i;\> up- i.l .cup.'.vi;..' >ia"for the yi.i.m.; end f ' r
i already extremely pop jlar, given uovmually aocliraie
i oti'l run.-prefcenaite invtrueii -j;-> in imtt a*-, .a. :•
i ij.g, and ki> d:.d suleveta: while t- rv, ~ .•....!
the hi:it>or of the day are nil abuiiJnutiy eupplled*
flic . i-rdi.,-1 M ..lie f. a,, of thoitßumJ.oid su- -dere ivh<*
have rt tu rue ito .t during the pa-t y ■-1 fa.u, Uc y
ibid if bett'-r fhott Increu.dr.g pdironag;- ami
fa llitiiiii > .io ; !c it* to reduce th..- to !he lovvewt
j iiui wi have cv.-. ti'Uehed, t,nd v oihr thu dim
.matting jirctuiiiiun yet givt a, a.- follutva.
TlvliMf. OF I'ilK TlilPi.'Nl*,
I'twPigp fr-.e in f/m United Pt'Ctc*.
IVvrxv Tig-.ti'Mt j :>)
Tat:;; ;..;M Taiagy;;.
Single dopy, one year s'i
Five copks, one year .if, earn
Tea o.v en, ana your .... ti t!d ea
.'1 .1 V>. ttvlV Tiiiiii .vs.
-id'g - copy, on. year $2 Cd
i'i.n'ii'i. •>, one year ! > each
1 n c 'Hi iyi ti lUJ i.i (i
Atel number of <•• its or'nith* r editl-'a febove t .•
til the rMiv.e tub?. Addition* to clubs jbe muds
•t, ay tiiii at club in; a. iici.'il by 1' "f it, or. Now
\ r c, I'viat i lillc : O.'d a, or it. lb ijlat-. l ' tl ictt r.
T ■ any one nub *c*ib4 ■ ■; for Tiui Weekly Trio an*
l''l" *t.'J *. i Ut liiiiltii i**' *. • • , vt* , it* \A ij
i:H i*t\ w • >viii t-.- .'i f*V, 'i ?. iOt •: * J.. - " V ft■ •*,
uf'fitigcil, in fourteen volumes, with ali the rwisiouu
of the Kdi'nburgli cditioa of *•!•', and with s! v an.
dltioual volumes, ring Ann tan lople? not fully
in-itid in tie.- or. gitmi e,i. K. - •v,:.i-j, . ..gii.-u •.
by uetuai printer's m uturcte■. itodce ptn w t
more mutiUr t/mn --;y / •-/..?< - iCt/vio/'ceUUh which
aei'• f-r vs)! 'I'D the !•■,r HO )I- wity r )..ttn-;
•re i, u* the ii T ( ritiijrirj. .' p.ce.ji'mi •• , ..,-.,1
j •... j /ay that while tbis ctlcr is even rn lib iru.,
we nhatl carry it i; it ,a ula.a'i ic. t >;M;;2 ye .";.n >;t- r .
I Ike f dew lug are tin. terms ti .itdait.
i'.iv .j-i.., ( h.imbi .'a ivrieycit padi*. A I.tltrary i •
I' rs:l Vvtiowi tigv, ii v:> , , wit.-'i c,. tti.rta on
Aillel ic-.a n'l 'ijt r.n, .'. Hcp.'gO'.V V • b'i Voiti, IJI mi,
.ab;uii'.ial: ie;u i.i in ■ e.iti,, twid the V'ri'.-.b- ' t
'Ki e. yea fa. foti- a enbcr
For ••yl.s, (fhuniber'ii Kuoyclopnulbs, SO v-.'s,
I above, in.l The s;u Weekly b rib,.re o yc.t.-n.
j Foi (111, Chum a't's Kncyeioptttd tt, SO vols .
i tbove, uiid Wu >' , * C,l t'tic WeeLty 'i, ibiitio t
j r" •. $-?, ( Irac.bc. ' iiiij;,,p.ed.ia, bti toi.s,
i '• ve, a: al twenty . p'vn 01.o 1 . I*l t. '1 n buna
I i>iif* y r.
l-'or iji'-ii, f'hamber'.i PiKycleprcdia, SO vols., >jt
ibo vt , tut \ : lie J iiti'y wa y i
The bo'-ks will in at <-aes be a it ~t til*. Nubscrt
[ i i, \\.t HHC, but with Itu 'i..v g i. i i ivulng. w
j nil id b .{in setiditig ' • cin in in 1 ord : in sti 1 sitlv.
| seiiptiou* have bt* u recelvt don the i- tot Junuary,
j v,t ~ ; emi.ihi:/ live, and perhaps six, \ ••unies wnt
ho v.-Ily, and rhivll vend, tiuncefortli, by exproMor*, as subacub'. , - nu.y di.\ •!. '1 In, pumi a a a
v.i.i cbutinm at tin- rate of two volume* per tneoto,
i xiciuiiitig in hcpteuibcr -icv,.,
VVorcuciUT'.w iiixa-. I.'imurlagct'i Dictionary
T'.ie New York Tribt. u.> will s.-tiil at subcrlb. '♦
exa-'tM. for iVcltil.t, ,v <!■ bur t > Nw York ' ity
rv:;:. U ..•re-. •\> r • * I A-.0. i D-. ;.-a tycarc.) lhu-
UtiieU IdetlrtiMry,edition ot iShktuc ve y iateat and
v ry t■ l at t'tiuioa i'i i tu- worti, t * .itiy et■ re
U'i, ih.g
iid for n sicgle 4 \ytv.t>' r - .-itl: . tu mlvsii ••
or hve ,tie yiMi i'i.igi "Ipiio.ia u> 'ai Wei iy, <-r
ijlb t'..;- H .liHglift.CC \rlllS /Ti.luel.p ..ii 11 ~.' .* l. I'. '
j or liv.s UHI* a.tba. .Jpleaua to i to. fliljitl
V> >ly, or, t'lta year's ttf.i>avrij;.i >u t<<
Ie ity, or,
; > i'ot a vititi'le three y< sr'n *ubscr!pii'.n it, auvniteo
to 1,1,* Daily i'rib-it>e.
/'(>• vi>\> itvHtir extra the I Motion;! v an
1* v ftutil to it'i;, t a'* id'the United wtn*e. while >r
shurv iJ.jtsuet's ih: t v g.-tuso is tuuch cheaper .
TIIK New v .:>