Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, March 22, 1880, Image 4

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    The Daily Tie view.
Towanda. Pa., Monday March 22, 1830. <.
• Haitif Rerirtr" only >is renin per <
month. Try it.
Mails arrive and depart at the Towanda
Postoffice follows.
Phila. N. Y. and Eastern States. .4.00 A. M.
Dushorc Laptorte Ac b.JO "
L. V. way mail from the North..lo.oo 44
Shesheqviin &e 11.WO
Now Era Ac Tues. Thur and Sat. " 4<
Asylum Ac Mon. Wed. and Fri. " "
Trov llurlington Ac 1.00 P.M.
LeKaysville Rome Ac " "
Closed mail from Eric AN O Kits 2.50 "
L. V. way mail from the South. .*4.30 "
Canton Ac 5.00 "
llarclay <''-30 44
(ji's'd mall fr'm Elmira A Erie K K10.40 * 4
Canton Mon ronton Ac 0.00 A. M.
L. V. Wav mail South 0.15
ClVd m,l Elmira Erie ANCit El 0.00 44
Troy llurlington Ac 10.00 44
Sneshcquin Ac 12.00 M.
ltarcliiy • LOO P.M.
New Era Tues Thur and Sat...• ••
Asylum Mon Wed and Fri
LeitavHvilie Home Ac "
Dushore Ac 2.45
j. V. way mail North 3.45
iS Y l'hil and Ensturn States. • • .7.45 4
Office open from 7.00 A. M. t07.45 P. M.
MonoY Order office open from3.oo A. M. to
7.00 P. M.
Oflice open Sunday's from 0.00 to 10.00 A. M.
P. Pow i i i.. P. M.
Co and hear Ptof. MOFFAT to night.
Service in Clirist Church this afternoon *ut
4 :30. _ "
The receipts and expenses of the KIL
PATHICK lecture were exactly equal.
The annual Kast< r festival of Chrisj Church
Sunday School will be hold sit 3 o'clock next
Sunday afternoon.
The Methodists will hold their usual festi
val to-morrow evening, in the church par
There are about 50 sets of Applcton's Cy
clopedia owned in this place. There are as
many more families where the work should
be found.
The friends of Temperance arc invited to
meet in the basement of the M. E. Church
at 3 o'clock this afternoon for a, conference
with Prof MOFFAT, in regard to„ temperance
A couple of worthless tramps ended at Dr.
PliATT's Saturday evening, and after being
furnished with something to eat commenced
an assault on the Doctor's colored niau. The :
tramps were arrested and will have to answer !
the double charge of assault and battery and !
violation of the tramp law, this morning.
The success of those publishers who have |
sought to supplant the \ icious juvenile peri-!
odlcal literature of the time, by the pnbliea- J
tion of juvenile periodicals as interesting as j
the bad ones without being bad, is bearing j
fruit in the multiplication of such periodicals. 1
The first two numbers of Golden Days itidi-1
cute the purpose of the publishers to supply j
a weekly periodical, not only unobjectionable ;
111 its moral tone, but actively upon tin* side I
of piety, which shall nevertheless have all the
interest that less wholesome publications
have. Its staple literature will be stories of
out-door life and adventure.
It is not difficult to discern those homes
where real happiness dwells. Like sunshine it.
radiates each living tiling within its influence.
You sec it in the husband's careworn face, in
the genial hearty expression that tells of
domestic peace, though the buttle for bread
be long and fierce; in the wife's serene coun
tenance, though she be a mother and full of
care; in the tender concern for her children;
in the involuntary caresses that bespeak a
heart full of tenderness and deep thounhtful
ncss for hor possessions and exceptional
Its beautiful influence pervades everything;
even disorders its gilt-edge with a suggestion
of comfortable relaxation. Reproof becomes
only a definition 01 right, without the sting of
anger, bearing 110 more similarity to harsh
ness than a budded leafy branch to the shorn
switch of "ye old time" discipline.
Lastly, it is evident in the homely •ourtcsy
current among the members of the family,
that shows however transient a visitor it may
be elsewhere, here, it is rooted in affection and
habit, and will abide for all time.
Who is it? The Eltnira Telegram says that i
one of our faithful bank clerks and a Fourth j 1
street maiden, have a matrimonial alliance in >
0 , i
j i
Mrs. JOHN TLl'iiitrc.of Ilradford. is in town. (
She is the guest ot DAN KIXSLKY'B family, | j
011 Chestnut street. '
WE regret to leearn that r. M. C. MKK- : <
01/'K has suflYred a relapse,and is not HO well. ;
Superintendent Jrni> is putting up a tele-|
phone, to connect his office with the mines j
ut Ha relay. j '
JMr. Ei.i.ts, who is stopping here as the j
manager of Apple ton's Cyclopedia, was join- 1
ed by his wife Saturday evening.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LAM- ,
OKKUX is seriously ill with diphtheria.
Master W11.1., Son of Senator RAVIKS is j
experiencing a turn with I tic s.'iirlet fever. ! 1
JAMFST. IIAI„F. is much better, and it is j
hoped will soon ho out.
PnoF. MOFFAT wi! lecture on temperance j
in the l'reshyterian ( hurch this evening.
JIM MITOIIKI.L, of Canton, spent yesterday j
with friends in this place.
C. If. ALLEN and family spent Sunday with ,
friends in Tioga county New York.
The M. Ik Church was densely packed last |
evening with an intelligent audience drawn
thither by the announcement that an eloquent j
Scotchman would lecture on temp-crane •
It was evident that something more than or-;
dinary was anticipated, and none went away j
disappointed. The speaker, I'rof. MOFFAT, |
(Lineral Agent of the Temperance Alliance— ,
an organization which aims to unify and uti:-
ize the efibrin of all temperance societies—j
took for his text the following passage from !
the 2Sth chapter of Isaiah:
<i (Jive ye ear, and hear my voice; hearken ,
ami hear my speech. Doth the plowman ,
plow all dav to sow? Doth he open and break j
the clods of the ground? When lie hath made j
1 plain the face thereof, doth he not cast abroad
the fitches, and scatter the cummin, and east:
in the principal wheat and th" appointed bar-j
ley and the fie in their place?"
To understand the full force and meaning;
of these words if. must, remembered that ;
the Prophet had been denouncing the nation- 1
al sins of !<rael, the most glaring and prond-;
pent of which was intemperance, and conelu-1
ded bv making use of this familiiar truth 11 i
practical agriculture to more pointedly lllus- j
trnte the important tnitli that means must be |
emplvodl to the accomplishment of an end. j
If intemperance is to lie eradicated from this j
land, the evil must be thoroughly understood 1
and the proper remedy applied. Men seem j
to overlook the simple fact that drunkenness 1
is the result of drinking; that in order to cure j
tlie evil the cause must he eradicated. The j
fashionable and moderate drinking images of :
j soeitv occasioned all the drunkenness; the 1
j moderate drinkers should be held responsible |
for the degrading and demoralizing effects of j
| drunkenness. The cost of sustaining the Mo
j loch intemperance could not f * met with,
j property, it must have human victims.and no ;
J family in the land was exempt from the <|e-1
| mands of the demon, so long as the monster !
j wTis tolerated. The speaker said ids innate j
I Scotch principle of 44 fair play," would not;
j permit him to lay all the sin at the door of t lie i
j rum-seller; the example of the respectable
1 drinker, who could leave it alone when he 1
j pleased.was more reprihcnsiblo; he was doing ,
the de\ il's work without remuneration, while !
the seller engaged in the nefarious trafic from i
the hope of pecuniary reward.
The Professor emphasized his powerful and
eloquent arguments with apt illustrations, j
and held the large audience spell-bound for j
an hour and a half by his vivid word pictures
and inimitable Scotch eloquence. The im
pression made cannot but result in lasting
This brief and imperfect review of the
'' able and logical discourse, affords hut a faint
i outline of the matehh ss effort. The I'rofes
-1 ! sor must be seen and heard tobi appreciated.
1 lie lectures in the Presbyterian church this
| evening.
EASTFI: SI \ I> \ v.—Last year Easter Sunday
; came on the I.'lth of April, but this year it
1 will occur on the 2Sth of March. Easter is
1 the dav on which the Christian Church eom
f memorates our Saviour's resurrection. Eas
• ter is a word of Saxon origin, and imports a
1 goddess of the east. This goddess was
As!arte, in honor of whom sacrifices were
> annually offered about the Passover time of
> the year—the spring—and hence the Saxon
f name ".Easter," become attached by associa
-1 tion of ideas to the Christian festival of the
Warmer; clear or partly cloudy weather;
southeasterly wind*; falling barometer.
Mr. HAIGHT lias got bin laundry in fuil opt- j >
ration. Wo looked through the establishment £
Saturday. Mr. 11. has been to considerblo
expense in titling up, and deserves generous ;
patronage, which we have no doubt, he will •
receive. His advertisement will appear to-" °
I >
Passengers going west will save money by
consulting li. K. BAUOOC.'K, Ticket Ay- t, v
Towanda, I'a., before purchasing tickets.
Fine Cow Ifay—baled—for sale at Pierce'*
Coal Yard; eight dollars per ton. : v
Parties wanting Hay will find it to their !,
advantage to call on Hillings. Acklev, & Co. i '
Ofiice in Pierce's Coal Yard.
Co and see the new styles hi Ilats ju-t rr
eeivedat Mrs. S. 11. Sweet's, en Bridge street,
No. 1, Baidlemans Block.
Trimmed Hats for 2o eents. at j
Mrs. s. 11. Swrr.r's. j \
Just received, tiie new styles iu trimming ! 1
silks, at Mrs S. li. Swot t's, on Bridge stni-t, 1
Bcidlcmati's Block, No. I. j
The cheapest place in town to buy milliner.
good* is ut Mrs. 8. 11. Sweet's, Fridge street,, f
no. i. : j
I am now receiving >b w Sty les from New j
York, and offer at low prices. Huts, Flowers, t
and Trimmings. Mrs. 8- 11. >w t IT. s
No. 1, Bridge street, i'j
To TIIK l'KOi'i.r. or Tow"ASP v.—As soon i
|as the warm weather set- in, we shall deliver \
: pure milk, twice a day, supplying our en-to- j •
nicrs—morning and evening—with fresh :
i milk, at rates us low as any one.
| O. A. ILLAOK has fitted up ..u oft;, aon the i
' second floor of the building lately oeoupid by !
i the crockery store, where ho w ill confine him- t
self to the Sewing Machine and Insurance ■ i
j business. | >
i Please euH at (im. Posts' Ist Ward Store 1
and get some of the nic-st dried beef you !
11 vi r saw, and sliced as thin as tisue paper, at i
;12 cents per pound. lie has just purchased,
! a splendid dri< d beef sheer or tlii Lntrrpriso ,
j Manufacturing Company, at Philadelphia.
COAL.—The host and cheapest sold in tl is J'
: market is the Barclay, fresh mined, thorough-: (
'lv screened and slated. All sizes sold for ' ,
!$2 7") per ton, at K. B. PIKKCK'- Coal Yard. ! j
i PATCH BKOTH KITS are paying the highest- ,
market price, in cash, for good buth r. ! i
; Bosenfield has not given up the general
' clothing business, but lias in additionto ins iin <
] mense stock of Collars and Cuffs, ju-t opened ',
| a line assortment of spring clothing, hat* and .
I caps.
i If you want the best vegetables, tin* largest >'
j oysters, the best cuts of meat, and th finest
sausage to be found in Tow'.audit, call on Mr. ' (
t MULLOCK, at the old Market, just south of ,
| the Ward House,
j [p'JfJaeohs is selling Overcoats all the way i
j from $2 up to any price you urn willing to !
j •
(JTi'/'lf you want a stylish hat, cheaper than
j you ever bought one, cull ut KOSENFIELD'S 1
' clothing store. I
i Prices way down in Gents fine and course ;
j boots and shoes. All goods warranted as
I represented, at BLUM'S.
i For a good, durable and neat fitting ?!;>, '
j go to BLUM'S.
(f-TyChoice Hums and Smoked Beef, ;it ,
! MYEK A I>K VOL'S market, Britlge Str. et.
! JACOHS is tilling clothing cheaper than j
I ever.
! BRJTAT MYEK & Dr. VOL'S market is the
j place toget tender steaks and nice roasts,
j Parties are continually asking how can :
| groceries be mold so much cheaper atlto-s'J
I Ist Ward Store than they can in the heart of
1 town. Because he buys ills goods for cash, i
| and can afford to sell thorn low.
Ask for one of those dollar-und-a-half'
j switches, all Hair. bO inches long, at Mrs. M. i
! A. FLKTCH KU'.S. No. 4, Bridge street.
j WANTED TO PCKCIT ASK.—A good tract of i
! timber land. For particulars, call or address :
: this office. j
i J. A. MANVILLE, Towanda. Pa., will sell!
j strictly first class Pianos and Organs at great j
! Iv reJuted prices for the next sixty day s. J
Pianos and Organs Tuned and liep itvd.
i Otliee with C. M. MANVILLK, on JD street.
I BEAT" Geo Lyneheome has opened a new
I Barber Shop over Powell's store where he is I
j always ready to wait upon nil those who may
i favor him with their patronage. Shampooing
j hair cutting Ladies'' and Children's hair at
; tliejr residence uo extra charge.
I (J. W. JON its is prepared to mend rubers
on short notice, in the best manner. Bhop
corner Main and L'ine streets, in rear of RE
VIEW ofiice. Charges reasonable, and Work
Simmons, tho Fashionable Boot and Shoe
' maker, has removed hi- shop from Carroll's
i Block to the rooms over Jacobs store, Patton's
.; Block, where he will continue business, and
i will he pleased to see all in want of anything
"Jin his line. Thanking the public for past
> . liberal patronage, I shall endeavor to merit a
< I continuance of the same, by careful att< ution
, ■ to business and by using nothing but the best
of stock.
1 Country dealers will find it to their advant
■ age to buy their candies at FITCH'S.
2 Cigars of about every known brand at
£27*MYI:K X DEVOK keep the largest ami
(>t assortment of Fruits and Vegetable# iu
Dr. LARK says: "I have sold Dr. BCITN'*
Neuralgia and Sick Headache Fills, and they
jive universal satisfaction/'
A. A. LAPK. M. D.
Nanttcoke, 1\.
Yes, il vas "llhtin" In sei llmt UoKNFIELD
•an sell I ply u Oilars cheaper than any
jtlier man iii tow n.
ri/*M. v<r & Devon aro receiving fro't
U-ler- daily, at their market. Bridge .St.
Dr. KNAI'I' savs: "I have sold Dr. RI UK'S
Neuralgia and Sick Headache l'iils lor year-,
iiul they give universal satisfaction, and al
ways cure/' A. KN a vr, M. ! >.,
i'ittston, i'a.
Nov/ rs Youu CHANCE.— PIOSHXIUII.D, the
.•Jothier, has iunt purchased an mum use stock
of Linen Collars and CulVs. at rate* which
allow him to s< II them away down. ( otuc
ind see them.
"Don't von forget it.'' that tieid can
double di -"eouut any other estrblisnm. ut in
the country on Lin*n Collars unci Cutis.
FARM FOR SALE. — I offer for sale on reason
able terms a. valuable farm, located in the
valley of the Towanda creek, about !i 1-:J
mikes from Towanda, containing To acres,
under a good state of cultivation, well water
ed, a young orchard el choice trees, good
framed* dwelling house, and lino large barn—
with underground stabling. i will *0)1 this
farm on long time, or * schange it in part K-r
prop! rty in TV.vadu borough.
SA KE IN VESTMENT.—Thu school Hoard of
Towanda Uorougb are desirous <-f placing
from .yilO.boO to sTr>,oo<i in Bond- of the Dis
trict, a?. 5 per cent, interest, payable seml-
Miuuiallv, Tlie bonds will be allotted in
amounts of ? ; IIX)0, and upwards.
I'v order ol Hoard. b. W. ALVOKD.
I't rrsroN, Feb.. Jso.
Dr. K. Ilruß Dear S'tr:—My wife had
the Neuralgia for ten days, and her physician
could give her no relief. I call on Dr. Knapp
and got a bottle of your Neuralgia Fills and
they relieved her in it t'<vv hour-.
'i ours ifoj/t,
Agent Pupont IY-wder Co.
IIo! I'oß KAN'SA.S. Excursions to Kinsley,
iu the Arkansas Yalicy, in suuih-weateru
Kansas, at greatly reduced rM> s, will leavo
L.niira, N. Y., on the second Tuesday of
every mouth, accompanied by a person oi' ex
peri-uce, who will give every desired atten
tion to the parties in id* charge. For full i
formation apply to C. t'. NICHOLS, in person
or by letter, at tint DehiYsn ilouse, Elmir;.,
N. Y.. or by letter at Towanda, Fa. J'ari' 'h
cr.n procure tickets every Tuesday morning
at same rates. Train leaves 0:11) A. M.
31. U. MOODY, the blacksmith, bus moved to
JOHN linowx'a Shop, Ist War.!, and will be
glad to h i all of his old customers, and t!.n +-~*
public in general. All kinds oi work domt
on short noliee.
Fort RENT.
A good house on York Avenue, lie lit (IT
per month. Enquire of K. U. Hevcrly.
FOR lir.xr. — A good oiliee. Enquire of
<T. A. D.l VLON.
House to rent ou Second sir et.
W. J. Yocxo.
Iloi'.sr. TO lIK vv.—Location NEAR Coiiege-
Enquire, of NATHAN 'JTDIV.
A good office room in I'atton's liloek for
rent trom April J.
FOR lir.vr.— A good store, several office#
and a number or' dwelling houses.
1.. E. Ei.anuicK.
FOR HUNT —I have several dwclings for
real on the First of A pribuext.
E. 15. liOTMiKKS.
Several Dwellings ::n 1 Stores to laY. on the
Islet April next. Enquire of
; At office of NVwn X HAUC.
Towanda, Feb. iJ. t'WO.
i FOR UI.N I. —A larg-' and eonvcui nt liousu
!oa York Avenue. Enquire of \\ .St. &cx>n.
Hrii si: To lli'.vr.—A double lieuse to r.*u:
| iu First Ward. lately the property of J AMI;.-
I iti:i>Foni. ou 31uii\ street. Enquire ot
J. N. CAI.IJ'I*.
llooms to rent on Mam street. Enquire of
Under thl* htad ve n-i't inxtrt h'liKF, notien <>/
HituHtior'.n or help
A good girl to do general hou -ework. En
quire of 11. N. \\ IM.IAMb.
A good washer, and a first-class ironer
warded immediately, ai lue Mtam D>o
A situation by a gentleman with 10 vear.s
cxpericncu in the dry good- an d grocery trudi)
Well acquainted throughout iiurlington,
j Ulster and bmithtield. i'vest of references
: given. Addve*s "Clerk,'' this ollice.
1 A young man of good moral habits wishes
a situatiou in a Dry < ioods or Orocery stois*,
threo ycurs* experience, tfoo%l rcfercuccs
Aoply to the editors of this paper.
A situation by a boy 18 yours of age In a
store, cither dry goods or grocery, or in au
otliec. (lood penman and accountant, (.mod
recommendations. Enquire at this otlice.
Mr# CUURAN, on street west of FROST'S
Furniture factory, would like work at plain
sowing, tailoring, carpet making, or washing
(and ironing.