The Daily Review. Towar.da. Pa, Thursday March 18, 1380. EDITORS : H. W. ALVORD. NOBLK N. ALVORD. • natty Merit**" only 25 cento per month. Try it, mtmmoymmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrrtmmmmmmmmmmmo The Third House in Washington. Under the new rules of the Houses of Representatives of Washington, which went into operation yesterday the mem bers of the lobby are, it seems, afforded every facility they could possibly desire for the successAii prosecution of their business. There is not a word to be sure, about the lobby itself on the rules, but the provision which meets their case is found in the clause ex members of Congress shall be admitted to all the privileges of the floor and of the cloak rooms, and that all other per sons shall be rigorously excluded there from. It is a notorious fact a large per centage of the ex-members who go to Washington every winter do so solely for the purpose of advancing private or other interests. Tvventj' years have elapsed since some of them, who turn up even more punctullay than regular members held a seat in the body, They have only one object in coming, and what that ob ject is, is well known to every one who has any knowledge at all of what is going on at the capital. The presence of the able honest and intelligent representatives of many of the leading journals of the country on the floor, where they could watch the course of legislation, was in the past a most effective cheek upon the operations of this class of people, but the new rules remove that restraint, so that they can now conduct their opera tions with a degree of freedom and com fort never before enjoyed by them. It is a queer victory for the economy and ro from policy.— X. Y. Herald. The Phildelphia Press thus portrays the poet Longfellow at home. He dresses in a suit of black broad cloth. and is very much of a democrat. A charming conversationalist, lie has drawn many dear friends to him. He has a marvelous faculty of setting one quite at his ease. Rising early, he takes a com paratively light breakfast, and if the day 's bright, indulges in a walk for several hours, varying his route daily. His ram bles sometimes lead him to that great city of the dead, Mount Auburn; occa sionally he visits Cambridgeport, and once in a great while lie walks to Boston to see his friends or his publishers. He calls on hispriutersjcvcry day or two wheu he has anything to put in type and receives or returns proofs of his work. The winters he spends in Cambridge and the summer in his cottage at Naluint. His carriage is erect, and there is little in his manner to suggest his peom "Mor-' ituri Salutainus." The warmth of his love is lavished upon his children, who are all to him. Indeed, few men enjoy the com pany of those about them daily as does Mr. Longfellow. The Boston correspondent of the Sa lem, Mass,, Gazette writes: "An original authenticated anecdote of General Wash ingtoti is a rare thing, but here is one on the authority of Maj. John Saunders, who commanded the Salem Cadets in 17b'J, when Washington visited Salem, In his compliment to the cadets, 'You have the honor tv command the best, disciplined corps I have seen, ' pronounced the word corps according to the English spelling, articulating the p and s, and accenting the o short; not core or kore, but c-o-r-p --s. This can be no imputation on the scholarship of Washington, for his in tercourse vv itn Lafayette, Court O'Esta ing and other French ofliecrs must have " familiarized him with the French pro nouueiation. It rather intimates his in tense Americanism and contempt of French affectation." N KW JOB PRINTING OFFICE. We respectfully invite publie attention to our COMPLETE JOB PRINTING IIOU8K! Comer Main and Tine streets, over the Music iStore. COMMERCIAL PRINTING AND PHAMPLKT WORK A SPECIALTY. LET!'Kit, NOTE AND BILL HEADS, ENVELOPES, TAOS Neatly executed on the shortest notice. BUBINK&B, PARTY AND CALLING OA EDA printed to order. ALVORD i SON. Grant, it la Blaine To §oe, vaa a Great Sheneral, and mighty Bopular. Tilden, 3d Derm Is talked next. f It is equally evident that Rosenfield Has the largest assortment of LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS Ever brought into this market, compris ing the followiug popular puttorns: U. S. GRANT, t Appolo, Westmoreland, Dusseldorf, Mendota, Brunswick, Hamilton, Thurio, Red Cross, London, Space, St. Julian, Troacadero, Peerless, Broadway, Our Boys, Florence, Captain, EnglUh, Cham pion, and Fashion. Standing and Laydown, 4 ply, Collars at 15 cents each. —also— The Best, 4 ply, Linen Cuffs at 25 cents. —also — A NEW STOCK OF CLOTHING HATS AND CATS. I oOlh YEAR of GODEYS' LADY'S BOOK. The oldest and Best Fashion Magazine in America. SUBSCRIPTION I'KICK REDUCED TO $2.00 PER YEAR. •Subscriptions will be received at this Office in Clubs with this Paper. The Daily Rrvikw and Godey's Lady's Book for one Year at $4.50. Bee what Godey's Lady's Book will Contain 1 N I*BBo. Nearly 1200 PAGES of tiret-CLIWV Literary matter. 12 Steel Plate Beautiful ORIGINAL Engravings. 12 Ltrge and Elegantly Colored Fashion I'late*. 24 Page* of Vocal and Instrumental Music. 000 Engravings, on Art, Science, and Fashion. 12 Large Diagram Patterns of Ladies' and Chil dren's Dresses. 12 Y.ehlteetural Designs for Beautiful Homes. 200 ur more Original Receipts for Family Use. And tlio usual Original L-Hpartment matters. The January No. of the New Year will be ISSUED December ret, and will contain the open n g chap, tors of una of the Best Serial Stories ever* printed in American Magazine, bv CHRISTIAN* RE ID, the author of '• A Gentle llelle," " Valerie Ayl tner," " Morton House," etc,, entitled ROSLYNS FORTUNE. WE have engaged a Full Corps of Distinguished Writers, WBOS,! Contributions will enrich Godey's Lady's Book during the year. Send in your Club* at ence. You can add any nam ax afterward■ at the name price a* the original CI alt. TERMS.—Cu-sh in Advance. VOSTAUK PUHPAID. One copy, one year, $2 00 Two copies, oue year, a 70 Three copies, one year 5 25 Four copies, one year, 6 AT) Five copies, one year, and AN extra copy to the person getting up the club, making six oop. La 9 30 Eight copies, one year, and un extra copy to the person getting up the club, making nine copies sl4 oo Now is the time to make up your Club. I/O IF TO HEMIT. — Dot a Post-otllcc Money Order on Philadelphia, or a Draft on Philadelphia or New York, if you cannot get either of these, | send Bank-notes, and in the latter case register your letter. To parties intending to got up Club, A specimen copy will be sent on application. Address, GODKY'6 LADY'S BOOK PUP. CO. (Limit*), P hoal: COAL: CNKJTPFOR CASH The folhjwing price# will be charged for tf.V TMM MM CM TX COMl* in the yard, in all the yards eignaturoe hereto attached, until furthe notice: STOVE, $4 25 CHESTNUT, 4 25 GRATE, 4 25 EGG, 4 25 - Cartage, FIFTY CSNTB PKK TUN IN addition to above, and aa EXTRA CUAKOK for carrying In. W. M. MALLORY, Towaaoa. IIKNRY MKRCUR, NATHAN TIDD, " K. B. PIERCE, " BART LETT BUOB., Wyao*. At.tfrftLONrai 1 \MJCD, formerly I tin ney'a: Sullivan Coal, LARGE STOVE , ?3 00 SMALL STOVE, 3 25 CHESTNUT; 3 25 EGO, 3 00 GRATE, 3 00 SMALL CHESTNUT, 2 15 With same additional chargwe for cartage. W. M. MALLORY. October, 24, 7875. QREAT ATTRACTIONS :AT : H. JACOBS' TEMPLE OF FASHION. (No. 2, Pattou's Block.) TOWANDA, PA. I have just received a large stock of SPRING GOODS, con sisting in part of MENS' BOYS AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, which I am offering cheaper than the cheapest. Spring Styles of HATS and CAPS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, and a beautiful selection of Neck Wear, SCARFS,TIES, &c., &c. Hosiery and Gents' Underwear in great variety and very cheap. Buy your Clothing of me and Save money. //. JACOBS, . The Clothier. Towanda, March 10, 1880. C ou " ~ NATHAN TIDD, DHAL3U IN PITT ST ON, WILKES - BARRE, AND LOYAL SOCK COAL. ♦ Invite* the patronage of hie old friend# and the pub lic generally. I shall keep a full aaaortcncnt or all #Uca, AND 811AU. flfcLL AT LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. Yard and offioe, foot of line street, jut aouth 01 Court House. Aug. 3d N. TIDD.