Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, March 18, 1880, Image 2

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    The Daily Review.
Towanda. Pa., Thursday March 18, 1880.
''Daily Reticle" only 35 centa per
month. fry it.
Mails arrive and depart at the Towanda
Postoflice follows.
Philit. N. Y. and Eastern States..4.oo A. m.
Dushorc Laporte &c 9.30 "
L. V. way mail from the North. .10.00 "
Sheshequin 11.00 "
New Era &c, Tues. Thur and Sat. " "
Asylum <&c Mt>n. Wed. and Fri. " "
Troy Burlington fce 1.00 p. M.
Leßaysville Rome. &c " "
Closed mail from Erie &N C K lis 2.30 "
L. V. way mail from the 50uth...4.30 "
Canton c 5.00 "
Barclay 0.30 "
Cl's'd mail fr'm Elmira & EricßltlO.4o "
Canton Monroeton &c 9.00 A. M.
L. V. way mail South 9.15 "
Cl's'd mj Elmira Erie NC It 1110.00 "
Troy Burlington <fcc. 10.00 "
fcneshequin &c 12.00 M.
lb ralay 1.00 P.M.
Nt w Era Tues Thur and 5at...." "
Asylum Mon Wed and Fri " '•
Leiiaysville Rome &e •' "
Ddshore &e 2.45 "
J. V. way mail North 3.45 *
& Y Phil and EastarnStates....7.4s 4
Office open from 7.00 A. M. t07.45 p. M.
Money Order office open from 8.00 A. M. to
7.00 p. M.
Office open Sunday's from 9.00 to 10.00 A. M.
Radishes, lettuce, spinach, and onions, at
JORDAN'S Market.
Goods are selling very cheap at KENT'S
Those radishes at JORDAN'S market are
very tempting to the appetite.
If the owner of a lost blaek-and-tan dog, of
diminutive size and symmetrical form, will
call at this office and pay for this notice, the
stray quadruped will he returned.
People who remember the stirring scenes
of the late war, will not fail to hear General
KILPA I RICK, at Mercur 1 lull to-morrow even
We understand that a foot-race between
CHARLIE SNITII and a Pittston man has been
arranged for the near niturt, and that a stake
of SSO is to be put up.
Warmer; clear or partly cloudy weather;
northerly winds, veering to easterly; lower
Mr. ALLEN, the teacher in the Pail Factory
district, North Towanda, lias been arrested
fop maltreating one of his scholars. The case
will be tried before Esquire MILLS and a
justice jury next Tuesday.
Arrangements have been made for a union
temp 'ranee meeting at the M. E. Church next
Sunday evxnii.g at 7:30, to be addressed by
Prof. MOKFAT. The usual evening service at
the Presbyterian church will be omittid.
Prof. MOFFAT is said to be one of the ablest
advocates of the temperance cause in tlse
country, and we hope he may have a good
General Kit, PATRICK will describe "Sher
man's March to the Sea," to-morrow night, at
Mercur Hall.
Constable WOOSTKR, of LoLov, was a
visitor at the REVIEW office yesterday.
Mr. E. A. STRONG started on tour of-in
spection through the western states yester
day morning. lie expects to be absent some
tiinc.—Dushore He. u ie.xc.
It will b v gratifying to the friends of JAMES
HALE to learn that his symptoms are more
We are pleased to announce that Capt. C.
B, BROOK WAY is almost entirely recovered
from his recent severe illness, and will soon
be able to attend to business. Ho is one of
the few men who have had an opportunity of
feuding their own obituary notices.— Colum
Hon. S. I). IIAKKNESS, of Springfield, was
m town yesterday. The Judge has held many
offices of honor and profit, and yet is not
"puffed up." He is one of your genial, com
panionabl gentlemen, who are always popular,
and justly so with the public.
C. P. NICHOLS, McPherson. Kansas, was
in town yesterday.
FRED NEWTON, of this place, has ju*t grad
uated from the Jefferson Medical College.
Our Citizen Soldiery.
Meeting of the Officers of the Regi
ment yesterday.
A meeting of the 9th Regiment officers was
held here yesterday. Co. A, Cupt. WILT, of
this place, is the only company in the regi
ment from this county; all the other com
panies, we believe, belong to Luzerne and
Lackawanna counties. The officers have an
Assoct: tion, and hold regular stated mecings
for the discussion of matters pertaining to the
welfare of the National Guard.
The following named officers arrived yester
day at 11 o'clock, and were met at the depot by
Capt. WILT and Lieut's LYON and TAYTON:
Col. REYNOLDS, Lt. Col. KECK, Maj. DEN
NETT, Adjutant MOOKE, Capt. IIAKVKY.
Commissary, Capt. DAY, Paymaster, Maj.
ILAUVEY, .Surgeon, Capt. WENNEK, Co. If,
Capt. JONES, CO. E, Capt. OHANDALL, CO. D.
Capt. Si'AITK, Co. E, Lieuts. WENNEK and
MUMAW, CO, 11, Lieuts. PARSONS ami STUK
The business meeting was held at the
armory of (>. A, in the afternoon, and was
very interesting, a number of the officers
taking part in the discussions.
In the evening a banquet was given by '
Capt. WILT and his Lieutenants, at the Ward
Hons, to which quite a number of citizens
were invited.
At an early hour the officers and invited
guests assembled in one of the parlors of the
Ward House and spent an hour in social
chat, listening to camp song, etc. At eight
o'clock the dining room doors were thrown
open and Col. REYNOLDS, placing him-elf in
front, as a brave officer should do, gave the J
command, " follow me, boys;" an ord r that j
was obeyed with alacrity by civilians as well j
as soldiers. The collation was elegant audi
bountiful. The bill of fare was not exactly
" regulation," in military parlance, but was
one of Mrs. JORDAN'S best efforts in the cul
inary art. After all bad done ample justice
to the good tilings set before them, Captain
WILT, welcomed in a neat and appropriate
speech his brother officers, and announced
that for the remainder of the evening, by vir
tue of bis position as chairman of the commit
tee of arrangements, he would issue ord rs.
The first toast: " The Ninth Regiment, and
its Officers," was responded to in a pleasant l
and happy strain by Colonel KKYNOI.DK, who i
urged bis fellow officers to put forth every ef- j
fort to render themselves proficient and make :
the " Ninth " the best regiment in the stato
In eloquent language, he magnified the calling j
of the true soilder, and showed how military '
education and discipline developed the high
est type of manhood, both morally and phys
ically. The Colonel is a pleasant speaker, and j
evidently is interested in the National Guard, j
and especially the Ninth Regiment.
The next toast, "The National Hoard or the i
Citizen Soldiery," brought Capt. HARVEY to |
his feet. He pointed out the great
of the organization in this country, as almost, j
the only means of defense in ease of insurrec-j
tion or foreign interference.
N. C. KLSISKKK, Esq., was asked to respond I
to tlie "Veteran Soldier." The speaker said ;
he was entirely ignorant of military affairs, j
In the literal meaning of the term wc have I
no veteran soldiers in this county, but if by [
veteran soldiers, were ment those who had i
become proficient in the art of war, who had ;
won the encomiums of the world for bravery j
and daring, then the whole army of the rebel- j
lion were justly entitled lo the up gelation. !
The heroic deeds ol' our army during the hite j
war were not dimmed by the record of the '
"Old Guard" even.
"The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania," j
was eloquently spoken to by Senator DAVIKS. j
The rapid strides the state lias made since the j
revolutionary war was referred to, and the '
fact that she furnished more troops during the j
rebellion than any other, was asserted. The '
Senator spoke of the provision made hv tlie !
legislature for properly equipping and cloth- t
ing the National Guard, and closed by urging j
thorough preparation for service; but ex- j
pressed the ardent hope that the necessity for !
their si rviees might never arise.
J. IIoi.t'OMIT, on the part of the press, wel- j
coined the visiting officers, and assured them 1
of the the hearty sympathy and willing aid of j
the m wspapcrs in building up the National i
Ouai tennaster TAPPY, of the First Regi-}
n:( lit, who happened to be present, was call- j
n! for and made a few pleasant, remarks.
Quartermaster SANDERSON, of the I2th i
Regiment, gave a short rev icw of the opera- 1
tions of the Regiment during the labor
troubles of 1877, and added some practical
suggestions which were well received.
The spi e< hmaking was interspersed with
singing, by several of the officers, who rcn-]
dercd Rome of the old plantation melodies,
which were so much enjoyed by the boys in
blue down in Dixie during the war, most
At 10:30 the party broke up, and the visit
ing officers took their departure for home.
One noticeable feature of the entertainment
was the entire absence of any intoxicating
beverage, (,'upt. WILT is A stout tetotaller,
and never countenances the use of liquor as a
beverage under any circumstances.
If the officers of the Ninth Tegiment rep
resent the mora/e of the National Guard of
the state, we have a military force of which
every citizen may justly feel proud. They
are intelligent, dignified gentleman who would
adorn any position in society.
The meeting here will result in benefit to
the regiment by awakening a deeper interest
on the part of our citizens. Wo hope that
that the Association may frequently meet
hsre, and assure them that they wiil always
receive a hearty reception.
Passengers going west will save money by
consulting 11. H. HAHCOGK. Ticket Agent,
Towamla, l'a., before purchasing tickets.
Fine Cow Hay—baled—for sale at Tierce's
Coal Yard; eight, dollars per ton.
Parties wanting Hay will find it to their
advantage to call on Hillings, Ackley, Co.
Office in Tierce's Coal Yard.
Go and see the new styles in Hats jut re
ceived at. Mrs. S. If. Sweet's, on bridge street,
No. 1, Uaidlrmuns Hlock.
Trimmed Hals for 2o cents, at
Mrs. S. 11. Swina's.
.Just received, the new sis les in trimming
silks, at Mrs S. 11. Sweet's, on bridge street,
Beidleman's block. No. 1.
The cheapest place in town to buy millinery
goods is at Mrs. S. il. Sweet's, bridge street,
No. 1.
I am now receiving New Styles from New
York, and oiler at low prices, Hats, Flowers,
and Trimmings. Mrs. S. 11. SWKKT.
No. J, bridge street.
as the warm weather set% in, we shall deliver
pure milk, twice a day, supplying our custo
mers —morning and evening—with fresh
milk, at rates as low as any one.
O. A. BLACK has fitted up ..i. ofih.e on the
second floovof the building lately oeeupid by
the crockery store, when; lie will confine him
self to the Sewing Machine and lusuia'tce
l'lease call at GKO. boss' Ist Ward .Store
and get some of the nicest dried beef you
ever saw. and sliced as thin a* tisuo paper, at
12 cents per pound. He ha*, just purelm-ed
a splendid dried beef sheer of the Enterprise
Manufaettiring Company, at Philadelphia.
COAL. —The best and cheapest sold In this
market is the Barclay, fresh mined, thorough
ly screened and slated. All sizes sold for
£>2 To per ton, at 10. 15. TIKUOK'S Coal Yard.
Tvrcu buoTHKus are paying the highest
market price, in cash, for good butter.
Rosentield has not giv< n tip tlie general
clothing business, but lins in addition to his im
incuse stock of Collars and ( litis, just opened
a tine assortment of spring clothing, hats and
If you want the best vegetables, thf largest
ov-ters, the. best euls of meat. Mid the finest
sausage to he found in Towanda. cell on Mr.
MULLOCK, at the old Market, just south of
the Ward Ilou-e,
GTJ"/ '•Jacobs is selling Overcoats all the \\a>
from $2 up to any price vou are willing to
5; If you want a styli-li hat. cheaper than
you ever'boughl on , call at lioSKNFiKLUh*
clothing store.
Trices way down in Gents line and coarse
boots and shoes. All goods warranted as
represented, at BU/.M'.S.
For a good, durable and neat fitting shoe,
go to BLUM'S.
J.rfrChoico Hams and Smoked Beef, at
MY Kit & I>K VOL'S market, bridge .Street.
J.u.ous is selling clothing cheaper than
ButTAi Mvi TI & !)I:VOL'S market Is the
place to get tender stents and nice roats.
Tarliei are continually asking how can
groceries he 80ld so much cheaper at boss'
Ist Ward Store than thev can in the heart of
town, because he buys his goods i'or cash,
and can afi'ord vo sell tliem low.
Ask for one of those dollar-atul-a-lialf
switches, all Hair. 150 inches long, at Mrs. M.
A. FLLTCIIUK'JS, NO. 4, bridge street.
WAN run TO Tunc it A.SI:.— A good tract of
timber land. For particulars, call or address
Llii.- ofiice.
.J. A. M AN VILLI*. Towanda, l'a., will sell
st rict!> tir.-t cla.-s Tianos and Organs at great
ly reduced prices for the next sixty days.
IManos and Organs Tuned and Hep iied.
Oiliee with C. M. MANVILLK, on fid street.
{JPVF Geo I.yneheomo has opt nod a new
barber fcjhon over Powell's store where lie is
always ready to wait upon all those who may
favor him with their patronage. Shampooing
hair cutting Ladies' and Children's hair at
their residence no extra charge.
C. W. JONFS is prepared to tner.d rubbers
on short notice, in the best manner. Shop
corill r Main and i'iue streets, in rear of bu-
VIKW office. ( barges reasonable, and work
uua.rru nked.
BQl"Myf.r & Dkvok keep the largest and
best assortment of Fruits and Vegetables in
Cigars of about every known brand at
Dr. La Pic says: "I have sold I)r. Ruhr's
Neuralgia and Sick Headache Fills, and they
give universal satisfaction."
A. A. Lapp, M. I).
Nanticoke, Fa.
Yes. it vas 4 *Ulain" to see that Koskn kiki.d
can sell 4 ply Linen Collars cheaper than any
other man in town.
dr"-Af* Myer & Dcvoe are receiving fresh
Oysters daily, at their market. Fridge St.
Dr. Knapp savs: '-I have sold Dr. Fuitß'rf
Neuralgia and Sick Headache Fills for years,
und tliev give universal satisfaction, aiul al
ways cure." A. Knapp, M. D.,
Filtston, Fa.
Now is Yoisi: Chanck.—Rosknitiud, the
clothier, lias just purchased an immense stock
of Linen Collars and Cull's, at rates which
allow him to sell them away down. Come
and see them.
" Don't you forget it." that Uosenfield can
double discount any other e.-lablimuient in
tin; country on Lint n Collars and Cull's.
F.iKM Fou Sai.k. — I oiler for sale 0:1 reason
able terms a valuable farm, located in the
valley of the Towanda creek, about " l
miles from Towanda, containing 75 aero,
under a good state of cultivation, well water
ed, a young orchard of choice trees, good
framed dwelling house, and tine large, barn
with underground stabling. I will sell this
farm on long time, or exchange it in part for
property in Tovvuda borough. i H G. P avion.
Honds For Sauk— Gooo C'iianok koi;
Sakh Lwm.stmhnt.— 'The School lioard of
Towanda lkwough arc desirous of placing
from SIO,OOO tp 15,00.) in Honds of the Dis
trict, ato pt r cent, interest, payable semi*
annually. 'I he bonds will be allotted in
amounts of $10! X), and upwards.
Hy order oi Hoard. S. \\. Ai.vorp.
Fitt'ston, Feb. 0, 1.580.
Dr. A. Jh Ruhr —Jjear A i v. —My wife had
the Neuralgi i for t n days, and her pliysicin i
could give her no relief. i call on Dr.Knapp
and got a bottle <>t' your Neuralgia Fills and
they relieved her in a few hours.
Yours llesp't,
Thomas Ford,
Agent Dupont Fowdcr to.
IIo! For Kansas.— Excursion-, to Kinsley,
in the Arkansas \ alley, in south-western
Kansas, at. greatly reduced rates, will leave
Ehnira, N. Y., on the second Tuesday of
every month, accompanied by a person of ex
peri. lice, who will give every desircil atten
tion to the parties in bis charge. For l'ull n
formation apply to C. F. K ichors, in pers. n
or by letter, at the Delavan liouse. Eiluiru,
N. Y., or by letter at 'Towamia, Fa. Parties
can procure tickets ( very Tuesday morning
at same rates. Train teavt.s 5:4b a" m.
M. O. Moody, the blae.ksmii 'a, has moved t >
John Frown's bhop, Ist. Ward, and w.h >e
glad to see all of his old customers, and the.
public in general. All kinds of wont dono
cut short notice.
t . ■*** S*urum. \*.-.RRNR— WA.J-J& ar*.>;•.. -NTR
A good house on York Avenue. Rem
per month. Enquire of 11. U. J loverly.
For lii'.xr. —A good office. Enquire of
*. <i. A. Dayton.
liouse to rent on Second street.
W. J. Young. to Hknt.— Location near Collegc-
Euquire of Nath an Tidi>.
A good office room in Patten's Flock for
rout iroin April 1.
J. G. Faiton.
For lii sr.— A go >d store, sevc ral offices
and a number oi dvvcibng houses.
E. E. JJEsnitKu.
For Ilknt—l have sever.. l dwo lings for
vent on the First of April next.
Several Dwellings and Stores to Let on tlio
Ist of April next. Enquire of
Jam is T. lE\ urn
At office of Wool) A
Towanda, Feb. 11, 1850.
For Kt nt.— -A large and oonveni nt homo
on Y'urk Avenue. Enquin of V\ m. boon.
liousK To liKN'T.—A double house to rrn'
in Fir.-t Ward, la civ the property ol
JFidi ori), on Main street, Enquire of
Itopms to rent on BJsun street. Enquire of
F. A. i'i.ngs.
it vjr- Y~r • IT, 1 u-rsj •. . la \m ■ a~■
Undtr tkii head i~e tciU inmrt tKhJC, ntfi.ti rf
tsUuuiiofia ur /itl/> wuatcd.
A good washer, and a first-class ironcr
wanted immediately, at the bteaai *Dyo
A situation by a gent'enu n with F> vrara
experience in the dry goods an dgrocery trade
Well acquainted throughout Furifugton,
Ulster and tSinithtieki. Ucst of relciviicea
given. Address '♦cierk,'' thupfiiec.
A young man of good moral habits w Islioh
a situation in a Dry Goods or Grocery store,
three years' experience, Good reference*
Aopiy to the editors of this paper.
A situation by a boy 18 years of age inn
store, citln r dry goods or grocery, or in an
office. Good penman and accountant. Good
recommendations. Enquire at this office. .
Mrs C'Uhran, on street v est of Frost' rf
, Furniture factory, vvouid like work at plain
sewing, tailoring, carpet making, or washing
I unj ironing.