The Dailj' Review. Towanda, Pa., Tuesday, March 2, 1880. KDITOKS . 8. W. ALVOKD. NOBLK N. ALVORD. '•Daily Review" only 545 eemit per month. Try it. Mails arrive and depart at the Towanda Postoflioe follows. ARRIVE. Phila. N. Y. and Eastern States..4.oo A. M- Dushore Laporte &c 9.30 " L. V. way mail from the North. .10.00 " Sheshequin &c 11.00 44 New Era &e Tues. Thur and Sat. " 44 Asylum &e Mon. Wed. and Fri. " 44 Troy Burlington &c 1.00 P. M. Leßaysvilie Rome KN.—Of the many hundreds of sorts of Peas, Beans, Cab bages, corn, sweet corn, lettuce, potatoes, tomatoes, beets, carrots, cucumbers, melons, radishes, turnips, onions, etc.,etc., (each vari ety praised by its seller.) is an important question. A right choice of kinds will return many dollars worth more for the same labor and expense, even in a small garden. To help all in deciding, PKTKK HKNDKKSON, the highest authority in such matters, has tested, sided by side, over 800 varieties of the above garden products, and he gives the results in the American Agriculturist for March Ist. This number has much other practical, season able information, illustrated with over 100 engravings, and is alone worth the cost of a whole year's subscription, which is only §I.OO or 4 copies for §O. ORANGE JUDD COMPANY, New York, are the publishers. PATCH BROTHERS are paying the highest market price, in cash, for good butter. Council Proceedings. REGULAR SESSION. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, March 1,1880. Present—Burgess Dodge, Councilmen Al ger, Holcomb, Jones, Kingsbury, Keeler and Montanye. Councilman Montanye moved that the reading of the minutes of the last meeting be dispensed with, and that they stand approved as published by the Secretary; Carried. James Wood, Esq.. desired to know what conclusion the Council had arrived at in re lation to the claim of Mr. Walborn, for dam ages to his wagon in crossing the RR. track at the foot of Pine street. The Finance Committee to whom the matter was referred, were not ready to report, and further time was granted, with the under standing that they would submit tbeir report at the next meeting. By Councilman Montanye. Itesolved. That the Chief Engineer be and is hereby authorized to sell for the borough, at the best obtainable prices, any or all the old hose or hose carriages and engines not now in use by the Fire Department of the borough. Adopted. Councilman Holcomb moved that the'gee retary make out a bill against the borough of Athens for 400 feet of hose, at 20 cents per foot, and that the same be given to the Chief Engineer for immediate collection. Adopted. Councilman Jones, from the Finance Corn minitlcc to whom was referred the claim of Linta Hose Co. for reimbursment of expendi tures for 1878 and 1870, submitted the follow ing resolution, which was adopted without dissent. liesolved, That as no appropriation has been made to the Linta Hose Co. for the years 1878 and 70, that an appropriation of one hun dred and fifty dollars be made to cover the necessary expenses incurred by said Co. for the two years ending January 1, 1880. By Councilman lloicomb. Jiesoloed , That the Council approve, and do hereby approve the location of the fifty hydrants, as indicated on the map of the borough by the special committee appointed on tiie 9th day of October 1879, and the "To wn tula Water Works" is hereby authorized and directed to place the said hydrants as so indicated, in the construction of the Water Works under the contract made with said "Towanda Water Works," under date of 28th day of October, A. I)., 1879. Adopted. LOCATION OF HYDRANTS. 1 Corner Grant and Main Ktroet. 2 Near Alley North of Grant on Main Street, 3 Corner of Franklin anil Main Streets, 4 Corner Elizabeth and Main Street, 5 Corner Washington and Main Street, 6 Corner Bridge and Main Streets, 7 Corner I'ine and Main Streets, 8 Corner i'ark and Main Streost, 9 Corner State and Main Streets. 10 Corner Carter Alley and Main Street. 11 Corner Weston and Main Streets. 12 Corner Lombard and Main Streets. 13 Corner Canal and Main Streets. 14 Between Chestnut and Barstow Ave. on Main. 15 At old Borough line on Main Street. 10 Corner Loeust and Main Street. 17 Corner Center Street and Packer Avnue. 18 Corner William and Chestnut Streets. 19 On Court Street at Eagle Hotel. 20 Corner York Avanue and Chestnut Streets. 21 Corner York Avenue and Houston Streets. 22 Corner York Avenue und Locust Streit. 23 On York Avenue between Houston & LocuNtSts. 24 Corner of Chestnut and Third Streets. 25 Corner of Houston and Third Streets. 26 Corner of Chestnut and Fourth Streets. 27 On Houston 500 feet West of Third Street. 28 Corner of Second and Lombard Streets. 29 Corner of Second and State Streets. 30 Corner of Second and Pine Streets. 31 Corner of Second anil Bridge Streets. 32 Corner of Second and Elizabeth Streets. 33 Corner of Second and College Avenue. 34 On Olive Street 200 feet West of Second Street. 35 Corner of Elliott and Fourth Street. 36 Corner of Elizabeth and Fourth Street. 37 Corner of Pine and Fourth Street. 38 Corner of State and Fourth Street. 39 Corner of Lombard and Fourth Street. 40 Corner of Maple and Third Street. 41 Corner of Poplar and Third Stvet. 42 Corner of Spruce and Third Street. 43 On Ward Avenue 500 feet East of Western Ave. 44 Corner of Ward Avenue and Western Avenue. 45 Corner of State and Fifth Avenue. 46 Corner of Western Avenue and Poplar Street. 47 Corner of Poplar and Convent Street. 48 On Charles Street 300 feet South of Poplar Street, 49 On Mechanic Street 400 feet South of Poplar St 60 On Corner of Bridge and Mechanic Street. The following bills were approved by the Finance Committee, and on motion, the Sec retary was directed to draw orders for pay ment. J A Hull, Judge of election, Ist w. $3 00 " " making returns " " 2 00 " " meeting Judges of the several w. 1 00 $0 00 August Kline, inspector " " " 300 II H Rockwell, do " " " 300 J McNumara, clerk " " " 3 00 Ell Uoolbaugh, do " 11 •' 300 H W Hrown rent elcc'n room " " " 500 I) M Heott, servises as Judge elec'on 2d w. 6 00 II Gray inspcctior " " 600 II \V McGill, inspector, " 1 300 A MeKean, Clerk, " •• 300 J A Codding, Clerk, " " 300 Charles Kraley, Judge " 3d w. 6 00 J M 8111, Inspector " " 300 Joseph Onan, inspccter " " 300 George T. Myer, clerk, " " 300 John II Ore.utt, clerk " " 300 G. 8. Smith, room for election " 5 00 II C Porter, oil, paints, &c., rop's on station h. 37 57 G A liurnH, 20 days police duty, February 53 00 C W Dimmock, police duty, February, 20 00 E B Pierce, 2 bills 4 coai, Fire Department, 42 09 Oas Co., gas for Linta E. IT., Feb. 2 16 " " Police Station, " 1 60 " " Franklin EII " 2 16 " repairing lamp, Main and Pine st. 2 04 " globe for lamp Main & Barclay at. 1 25 41 street lamps, February, a1 80 73 80 " care of lamps for February, 0 00 92 21 J C Lang, salary for February, F. D. 7 00 E T Fox, et al., viewers on Ward Alley, 7 00 G W Motlit, election bill, 8 80 George V Myer, engineering, 4 00 Linta lloso Company, Appropriation, 150 00 Patrick Bropliy, J7 1-2 days labor in duly, 17 50 Tracy & Holcomb, printing for Fire Dep. 5 25 Total, $513 42 No report from the Police Department. On motion, the Council adjourned, to meet on Wednesday the 31st inst., to close up the business of the year. J. KINGSBURY, Sec'y. Dr. LAPE says: "I have sold Dr. BURR'S Neuralgia and Sick Headache Pills, and they give universal satisfaction." A. A. I.APE, M. D. Nanticoke, Pa. Yes, it vus ♦•Blain" !o see that ROSENKIELD can sell 4 ply Linen Collars cheaper than any other man in town. Dr. KNAPP says: "I have sold Dr. BURR'S Neuralgia and Biek Headache Pills for years, and they give universal satisfaction, and al ways cure." A. KNAPP, M. D., Pittston, Pa. "Don't you forget it," that Roaentield can double discount any other cstablisnment in the country on Linen Collars and Cuffs. FARM FOR SALE.—I offer for sale on reason able terms a valuable farm, located in the valley of the Towanda creek, about '2 1-2 milos from Towanda, containing 75 acres, under a good state of cultivation, well water ed, a young orchard of choice trees, good framed dwelling house, and fine large burn— with underground stabling. I will sell this farm on long time, or exchange it in part for property In Towada borough. JOSEPH G. PATTON. Now is YOUR CHANCE.—ROSENKIELD, the clothier, has just purchased an immense stock of Linen Collars and Cuffs, at rates which allow him to sell them away down. Come and see them. FOR SALE.—A Lester saw, for amateur fret-sawing—almost new, and in splendid con dition. Will be sold at a bargain. A. BEVERLY SMITH, Reporter Building, 3d floor. PITTSTON, Feb. 6,1880. DR. A. E. BURR — Dear Sir:— My wife had the Neuralgia for ten days, and her physician could give her no relief. I call on Dr. Knapp and got a bottle of your Neuralgia Pills and they relieved her in a few hours. Yours Resp't, THOMAS FORD, Agent, Dupont Powder Co. BUSINESS LOCALS. HON OS FOR SALE—GOOD CHANCE KOU SAKE INVESTMENT.— The School Board of Towanda Borough are desirous of placing from SIO,(KM) to $15,000 in Bonds of the Dis trict, at 5 per cent, interest, payable semi annuallv. The bonds will be allotted in amounts of SIOOO, and upwards. By order of Board. S. W. AI.VOKD. Secretory. NOTICE. —You can buy fresh Irish Oat Meal, sealed in 151b. tin cans, manufactured by John McCann, in Drogheda, near Doublin, Ireland, at GEO. ILOBB' Ist Ward Store. Please call at GEO. ROSS' Ist Ward Store and get some of the nicest dried beef you ever saw, and sliced as thin as tlsue paper, at 12 cents per pound. He has just purchased a splendid dried beef slicer of the Enterprise Manufacturing Company, at Philadelphia. COAL. —The beat and cheapest sold In this market is the Barclay, freali mined, thorough ly screened and slated. All sizes sold for $2 75 per ton, at E. B. PLKRCE'S Coal Yard. Instruction in painting on Porcelain, Wood and Silk, will be given by Miss MKKNA BA KER, at the residence of M. C. MERCLR, on Chestunt St. Private lessons, 75 cents; class es 50 cents. jan 28 O. A. BLACK has titled up . ofliv.e on the second floor of the building lately occupid by the crockery store, where he will confine him self to the Sewing Machine and Insurance business. JgifChoice Hams and Smoked Beef, at MYKR & DKVOK'S market. Bridge Street. JACOBS is selling clothing cheaper than ever. QQIRAT MYKR & DKVOK'S market Is the place to get tender steaks and nice roasts. A DKVOE keep Lhe largest an I bent assortment of Fruits uud Vegetables ir town. I f you want the best vegetables, the largest oysters, the best cuts of meat, aud the tines: sausage to be found in Towauda, call on Mr. MULLOCK, at the old Market, just south o: the Ward House, (fpWJacobs is selling Overcoats all the way from $2 up to any price you are willing to pay. Cigars of about every known brand af FITCH'S. J. A. MANVILLK. Towandu, Pa., will sell strictly first class Pianos and Organs at great ly reduced prices for the next sixty days. Pianos and Organs Tuned and Repaired. Office with C. M. MANVILLK, on 3d street. B3F*lf you want a stylish hat, cheaj>er than you ever bought one, call at ROSKNKIKLD'S clothing store. Prices way down in Gents fine and coarse boots and shoes. All goods warranter! a* represented, at BLUM'S. For a good, durable and neat fitting shoe, go to BLUM'S. Loyal Sock coal is clean, free from slate, does not clinker in the stove, retains fire long er than any other coal, and is from one dollar to one dollar and twenty-five cents cheaper than Anthracite, at MALLOUY'S COHI Yard. Country dealers will find it to their advant age to buy their candies at FITCH'S. flp?/" Geo Lyncheome has opened a new Barber Shop over Powell's store where he is always ready to wait upon all those who may favor him with their patronage. Shampooing hair cutting Ladies' and Children's hair at the|r residence no extra charge. C. W. JONES IS prepared to mend rubbers on short notice, in the best manner. Shop corner Main and Pine streets, in rear of RE VIEW office. Charges reasonable, and work guarranteed. Parties are continually asking how can groceries be sold so much cheaper at. Ross' Ist Ward Store than they can in the heart of town. Because he buys his goods for cash, and can afibnl to sell them low. "Where do you get your groceries so cheap." "Why I buy them at GEO. ROSS' Ist Ward Store. You can buy them cheaper of him than anywhere else, and thev arc all first class to." Ask lor one of those dollur-and-a-half switches, all Hair, 30 inches long, at Mrs. M A. FLKTCH Kit's, No. 4. Bridge street. WANTED TO PURCHASE.—A good tract of timber land. For particulars, call or address this office. (JtfJf'Myer A Dcvoo are receiving fresh Oysters daily, at their market. Bridge St. WANTS Under this head ice will insert FRRF., notice* o situations or help wanted. A situation by a gentleman with 16 years experience in the dry goods and grocery trade. Well acquainted throughout Burlington, Ulster and Smithfield. Best of references given. Address "Clerk," this office. Mrs Cukkan, on street west of Fkoot's Furniture factory, would like work at plain sewing, tailoring, carpet making, or washing and ironing. A young man of good moral habit* wishes a situation in a Dry Goods or Grocery store, three years' experience. Good references Auply to the editors of this paper. A situation by a boy 18 years of age in a store, either dry goods or grocery, or in an office. Good penman and accountant. Good recommendations. Enquire at this office. FOR RENT. Fop. ItKNT. — A good store, several offices and a number of dwelling houses. L. E. Elsbrkk. KOK RRNT. —A good house in Third Ward. Apply to J. N. CALIFF. ' Fou RRNT. —One house on 3d street and one on Mechanic street. Enquire, of W. J. YOUNG. FOR RRNT — I have several dwelinss for rent on the First of April next. Two Rooms For Rent in Button's Block. Enquire of J. O. PATTON. Se.veral Dwellings and Stores to Let on the Ist of April next. Enquire of JAMKH T. HALF,. At office of WOOD & IIALR. Towanda, Feb. 11, 1880. FOR RRNT. —A large and convenient house on York Avenue. Enquire of WM. SCOTT. Ho UBK To RUNT. — A double house to rent in First Ward, lately the property of JAMKS BEDFORD, on Main street. Enquire of J. N. CALIKF. L. B. KODGKKH.