Tlie Daily Review. Towanda, Pa., Tuesday, March 2, 1880. KOITOKS : rt. W. ALVORI). NOULH N. ALVORD. • Daily Review" ow/y 35 emit per mouth. TTrtf it. Giucose from Rags. The Journal of Applied Science, says: "A manufactory in Germany turns out 1,000 pounds of grape-sugar a day from old linen. The linen, which is pure vege table fibrine, is treated with sulphuricacid and converted into dextrine. This is washed with lime-water, and then treated with more acid, and almost immediately it changes and crystalixes into gluscose, or grape-sugar, which is highly valued in the making of rich preserves and jellies. The process is said to be economical, and the sugar is chemically the same as that found in the grape. Why the product should be objected to on the ground of its origin is not clear, if one reflects that grapes arc nourished by materials more offensive than old rags' and that there is practically no difference between the trans formation in Nature's labratory and one in the labratory of the chemise. Still there is a great outcry over the German sugar-rag factory, and considerable dan ger of the enterprise being stopped by the German Government." Whether the times are hard or easy there are people who are not happy and want to change things for their own benefit at the expense of the general welfare. Yesterday's dispatches brought news of serious discontent among skilled laborers in half a dozen places that are widely apart, and in each place the discontent had taken shape in that worst of all meth ods of adjusting the differences between employes and employed—the strike. The New York piano manufacturers are at log gerheads with their employes over a de mand for an increase of wages. The jour neymen in one large factory have struck, and their union having sustained them, the union of manufacturers propose to play the same game. The latter ,therefore, an nounce that unless the strikers return to work by a given date every other manu facturer in the city will suspend business until the recalitrant journeymen come to terms. This shows how one sido can strike as well as another, and if both con tinue in hostile mood labor cannot fail to suffer most. In Troy there is a strike of nickel-platers for an advance of flfeen per cent, and the strikers have fallen into vio lence. In Cohoes fortycight hundred mill hands are holding out for a ten per cent, advance and an hour's nooning. Two hundred and seventy, five thousand spindles are idle and the daily loss of the strikers in stopped waged is $5,000. These are specimen bricks, of a day's news, and, as if the signs were not bad enough, it is given out that political labor agitatos arc comming from St. Louis to organize more conflicts. It was hardly wortli while to have prosperity return if its op portunities are thus abused. While surveying in the mountains northeast of Anaheim, California, last year, Major William P. Reynolds encoun tered, a inan who had worked for him 111 former years, lie failed to recognize him, however, until the stranger explain ed who he was. He was then a man of 200 pounds weight, whereas he weighed 340 pounds when in the Major's employ. The secret of his reduced size was freely gi\ji:n. A short distance up the mountain was a spring, the waters of which con tained some mineral anti-fat properties. Did the Major want to lose some of the superfluous flesh which encumbered him. Ho did. 110 drank the water and in ten days his weight had been reduced 25 pounds. He continued drinking the water until from 210 pounds he was re duced to 170 pounds, his present weight. This was accomplished without any vio lent action on the part of the water. Major Reynolds will obtain water from the spring and forward it to the Smithso nian Institute, at Washington, for analy sis. The spring is about sixteen miles from Anaheim, easily accessible, and if the analysis establishes the fact that there is nothing to be apprehended from using the water, many obese persons will avail themselves of the opportunity to try na ture's remedy. The report of the actuary of the Globe Mutual Life Insurance Company shows a hopeless deficit of more than $.000,000. There is no possibility of a resumption of business, and all that can be done is to divide up the remaining assets among the policy-holders as rapidly as possible. CURED BY DR. BURR'S NEURALGIA AND SICK IIEADACHE PILLS. A universal cure for Neuralgia, Sick Head ache, Nervous Headache, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Paralysis, Palpita tion of the Heart, and Head ache arising from over stimulation either from OPIUM OR ALCOHOLIC KIMULANTH. Theso Pills are very pleasant to take (they dis solve in the mouth) and effectually cure all dieases arising from a deranged nervous system. if your druggist is not supplied, ask him to pro cure it for you, from the wholesale dealers. Bent to any address on receipt of 50 cents. For Sale by OK ARK B. PORTER, Feb. 20. Towanda. VICE'S ILLUSTRATED FLORAL GUIDE, tt beautiful work ol" 100 pa pages, One Colored Flower Plate, and ftoo Illustrations, with Descriptions of the Best Flowers and Vegetables, with prices of seeds, and how to grow them. All for a FIVK CKNT STAMP. In English or German. Vick's Seeds are the best in the world. FIVK CKNTH will buy the FLORAL GUIDK, telling how to get thcin. The Flower and Vegetable Garden, 17ft pages, Six Colored Plates, and many hun dred Engravings. For 50 cents in paper covers; .SI.OO in elegant cloth. In Ger man or English. Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazine— !s2 Pages a Colored Plate in every numj ber and many line Engravings. Price § I.2ft a year; Five Copies for $5.00. Specimen Numbers sent for 10 cents; ft trial copies for 2ft cents. Address. .TAMKS VICK, Rochester, N. Y. FOR A farm of 180 acres near Wyalusinff, Pa., Contains of Improved lands 125 acres; Rood barn, fine orchard, well watered, with four inilea of Le high valley railroad, is tmcr ci-st of cultivation. Will bo sold at reasonable price, or t EXCIIA NtIKD iron TO WN PR 01'Eli TY. Inquire of ,CIIAB. M. HALL, Attornoy-at-Law, Towanda, Pa. Jan. 18. SAWING. All kinds of Fancy Woods for use of Amateurs kept for sale by the undersign ed. WHITE IIOLLY, ROSEWOOD, BIRDS-EYE MAPLE, WALNUT, HUNGARIAN ASH, EBONY, &C., &C., Continually on hand. Also all varieties of IIINGKS, SCKKWS. I'I.VS, SAWS, KTC. Send for price list, A. BEVERLY SMITH, Reporter Building. T HE HOME MUTUAL LIFE OF LEBANON, PENN'A. Offers its Policies of LIKE INSURANCE on such terms that it is an easy matter for any person to make suitable PROVISION FOR HIS FAMILY in case of death. The EXPENSE Is very LIGHT as compared with the ADVANTAGES. For information or District Agencies, call on C. M. HALL, Attornoy-at-Law, Towanda, Pa. Grant, it is Blaine To see, vas a Great Sheneral, and mighty Bopular. Tilden, 3d Derm is talked next. It is equally evident that Rosenfield Has the largest assortment of LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS Ever brought into this market, compris ing the following popular patterns : U. S. GRANT, Appolo, Westmoreland, Dusseldorf, Mendota, Brunswick, Hamilton, Thurio, Red Cross, London, Space, St. Julian, Troacadero, Peerless, Broadway, Our Boys, Florence, Captain, English, Cham pion, and Fashion. Standing and Laydown, 4 ply, Linen Collars at 15 cents each. —ALSO — The Best, 4 ply, Linen Cuffs at 25 cents. —ALSO— A NEW STOCK OF CLOTHING HATS AND CAPS. 50th YEAR GODEYS' LADY'S BOOK. The oldest and Best Fashion Magazine in America. SUBSCRIPTION PRICK REDUCED TO $2.00 PER YEAR. Subscriptions will be received at this Offioe in Clubs with this Paper. The DAILY RKVIKW and Godey's Lady's Book for one Year at $4.50. See what Godey's Lady's Book will Contain IN 1880. Nearly 1200 page* of first-class Literary matter, 12 Steel Plate Beautiful Original Engravings. 12 Large and Elegantly Colored Fashion Plate* 24 Pages of Vocal and Instrumental Music. 900 Engravings, on Art, Science, and Fashion. 12 Large Diagram Patterns of Ladies' and Chil dren's Dresses. 12 Architectural Designs for Beautiful Homes. 200 ur more Original Receipts for Family Use. And the usual Original Department matters. The January No. of the New Year will be issued December rst. and will contain the open n g chap ters of one of the Best Serial Stories ever printed in American Magazine,by CHRISTIAN RKID, the author of " A Ucntle Belle," " Valeric Ayl mer," "Morton House," etd„ entitled ROSLYNS FORTUNE. We have cagaged a Full Corps of Distinguished Writers, whose Contributions will enrich Oodcy's Lady's Book during the year. Send in your Club* at once. You can add any nume* a/tenmrds at the name price as the original Club. TERMS.—Cash iii Advance. POSTAGE PREPAID. One copy, one year, $2 00 Two copies, one year 3 70 Three copies, one year, 5 25 Four copies, one year 6 60 Five copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person getting up the club, making six cop ,eH * 9 50 Eight copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person getting up the club, making nine copies,. 00 Now is the time to make up your Club. JlO\y 'JO REMIT. —Get a l'ost-offico\Money Order on Philadelphia, or a Draft on Philadelphia or New York. If you cannot get either of these, send Bank-notes, and in the latter case register your letter. To parties intending to get up Club, a specimen copy will be sent on application. Address, HOBBY'S LADY'S BOOK PUB. CO. (Limit*),p 1006, Chestnut St., Philadelphia, p* QOAL! COAL! cmmfjmp for cjtsa : The following prices wHI t> charged for TMMI£*MCi VMS COK€C lathe yard, in all the yards signatures hereto attached, until fur the notice : STOVE, $4 25 CHESTNUT, 4 25 GRATE, 4 25 EGG, . 425 Cartage, FIFTY - CENTS PER TON IN addition to above, and an EXTRA CHARGE for parrying in. W. M. MALLORY, Towanoa HENRY MKRCUR, " NATHAN TIDD, /' K. B. PIERCE, 'i' BARTLETT BROS., Wysos At JtKAE,E,Ottir>N formerly Fhia ney's: Sullivan Coal, LARGE STO VE , $3 00 SMALL STOVE, 3 25 CHESTNUT, 3 25 EGG, 3 00 GRATE, 3 00 SMALL CHESTNUT, 2 16 With same additional charges for cartage. W. M. MALLORY. October, J4. 1879. Great CROWDS! at J. L. KENT'S and an IMMENSE STOCK I DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS and SHAWLS, GLOVES and HOSIERY. 3 button Kid Gloves only 75 cents, worth a dollar. SHEETINGS and SHIRTINGS, of the best brands, cheap! CLOTHS and CASSIMERES of all quali ties and prices. RIBBONS and FANCY GOODS, the best selection ever offered in this market. FLANNELS and BLANKETS in endless • *'• v v >variety. In fact, my assortment of Dry Goods is complete and is not excelled by any establishment in the country. In prices I DEEY COMPETITION! and cordially invite inspection of my goods and a comparison of prices. 80P* Col. Mean's mammoth store, second door south of Mclntyre Brothers hardware store. J. 1.. KENT, Nov. 14. . Agent.