Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, February 24, 1880, Image 4

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    Tlie Daily Review.
Towanda, Pa., Tuesday, Feb., 24, 1880.
• ttuiltj Keciete" only 5 tm/i per
month. Try il.
Mails arrive and depart at the Towanda
Postoflice follows.
PLila. N. Y. and Eastern States..4.oo A. M-
Dushorc Laporte &c 9.30 "
L. V. way mail from the North.. 10.00 "
Shesliequin A' 11.00 "
New Era Ac Tues. Thur and Sat. " "
Asylum Ac Mon. Wed. and Fri. " "
Troy Burlington Ac 1.00 P. M.
Leßaysvilie Rome Ac " "
Closed mail from Erie AN CR Rs 2.30 "
L, V. way mail from the 50uth...4.30 "
Canton Ac 5.00 "
Barclay 6.30 "
ClVd mail fr'm Elmira A Erie R R10.40 "
Canton Mon roe ton Ac 9.00 A. M.
L. V. way mail South 9.15 "
Cl's'd m,l Elmira Erie AN C R RIO.OO "
Troy Burlington Ac 10.00 "
feneshequiu Ac 12.00 M.
Barclay 1.00 p. M.
New Era Tues Thur and 5at...."
Asylum Mon Wed and Fri "
Lekaysville ltome Ac "
Dushore Ac 2.45 "
■j. V. way mail North 3.45 4
N Y Phil and Eastarn 5tate5....7.45 4
Office open from 7.00 A. M. t07.45 p. M.
MOUOY Order office open from 8.00 A. M. to
7.00 p. M.
Office open Sunday's from 9.00 to 10.00 A. M.
The Pomona Grange meets at Standing
Stone on Thursday and Friday of this week.
Service pt Christ Church this afternoon at
The spring term of the Troy Graded School
will open next Monday.
MICHAEL KIRWIN has five ewes which
have given birth to eleven lambs This season.
Owing to the death of Prof. ALLEN, th
Normal and Orphans' schools, at Mansfield,
are closed.
The measles seems to be spreading. El)
LYNCIPH children are down with the disa
greeable but not very serious disease.
VKNNOK may do for a Canadian prophet
hut his prognostications are no nearer correct
than the almanacs in this country. Instead of
being severely cold weather here as prdicted
by him, it is mild as spring.
GEO. W. BRINK has just been elected
Justice of the Peaeeof Leßaysvilie—for more
than the third term. Like the GRANT men,
the people there appreciate a good officer
wehu they get. him.
The Good Templars' District Convention
convenes in Ulster to-day. Ulster is having
more than its share of good things. Only
last week the Teachers' Association met
Paper has advanced 50 per cent... but the
REVIEW will still retail at one penny per
copy. The readers and the advertisers are
gainers by this business boom, which lias
raised the priee of everything but newspapers
and advertising.
Business men would do well to advertise
their goods now, before the spring business
begins to boom, especially since the business
of the coming spring promises to lie of unus
ual activity. Those keeping their name be
fore the public will reap the reward when
the time comes to buy. He wise and "and
take time by the forelock."
TOMMY, our hibernian, came rushing into
the office yesterday and exclaimed: "Lotthcr
ies are bad things to fule wid. Tim brings
the wust of luck. There was me oun cousin
DAN invisted in a lottherv, and drew S3OOO,
and the very next day BIDDY, his wife, was
doon wid thwins; and DAN'S lectchle dog.
that leetthle dog as DAN tho't the wurruld
of, bruk its leg, did the poor craythur. Bad
cess, sez I, to lottheries."
IIo! FOR KANSAS.— Excursions to Kinsley,
in the Arkansas Valley, in south-western
Kansas, at greatly reduced rates, will leave
Elmira, N. Y., on the second Tuesday of
every month, accompanied by a person of ex
perience, who will give every desired atten
tion to the parties in bis charge. For full in
formation apply to C. F. NICHOLS, in person
or by letter, at the Delavan House. Elmira,
N. Y., or by letter at Towanda, Pa. Parties
can procure tickets every Tuesday morning
nl same rates. Train leaves 5:40 A. M.
Blank Leases for sale at this office.
FOR KKNT. —A large atul convenient house
on York Avenue. Enquire of VVM. SCOTT.
L. B. BODGKKS is to erect a dwelling house
for Miss HELEN M *SON, on the lot north I
west corner Main and Grant streets, this |
Prof. RYAN would make an excellent suc
cessor to the late Prof. ALLEN.
C. F. NICHOLS is working up western emi
gration, and advertises excursions to leave
Ehnira every month. Persons who contem- j
plate "going west," will be able to gain much !
valuable information from Mr. N.
KINNEY Hays no one is authorized to speak
for him in regard to what his course will be
at Chicago. lie will undoubtedly act for
the best interest of the Republican party.
A. M. MOTT, one of the most active tem
perance men in the county, and I)r. MOLACII-
I.AN, of Granville, made us a call to-day.
7 # I
They were so much pleased with the REVIEW
that they concluded to take it.
(1. 11. WOOD has opened an insurance office
at IIOLMES A PASSAGE'S music store.
IIENKY C. PORTER has engaged rooms at
the Ward House, and will board there with
his family after (IK; first of April.
DAVID GORTON, of Horn Brook, was visit
ing friends near Canton last, week.
We have a first-class compositor, who is a
deaf mute.
Miss LEONORA OWEN, the organist of the
first Presbyterian church in Wysox, was
presented last week, bv the church, with a
piece of beautiful black silk, sufficient for an ,
elegant dress. Miss OWEN has served the 1
church for many years, and is very highly j
thought of hv the congregation. She has a ,
brother, W. B. OWEN, who is one of the
Professors in Lafayette college.— Elmira
Free. I'ress.
J. SIDNEY ROVING DON is nearingtheelose
of a six months term of school at Ilerrick
ville. Mr. B. is a Towanda hoy, and is one
of the finest teachers in the county. He
gives the best of satisfaction wherever he
teaches. When in town the other dav he
fiiverecl us with a call.
In the Court of Quarter Sessions of Laneas"
ter yesterday, the cases of the Commonwealth
vs. PETER HKRDIC were called for trial, hut
counsel for the Commonwealth announced
that they had decided not to proceed with
them, but would enter nolle proseque upon
all the hills of indictment found and pending
against HEROIC in Lancaster county. This
disposition was approved by the Court, and
HEROIC was discharged.
• "Readers an; not aware of the fact, hut a
fact it is of daily increasing magnitude,and al.
ready of terrible importance to readers, that
their first grand necessity in reading, is to he
i vigilantly, conscientiously select; and to know
| even where that books, like human souls, are
, actually divided into what we may call 'sheep
j and goats,' the iatter put inexorably on the
left hand of the judge; and tending every
J go it of them at all moments, whither we
know not; and much to be avoided, and, if
possible, ignored by all sane creatures..'*—
Thomas Carlyle.
JUSTICE COURTS.— Leltaysville is really
I getting to be a place of considerable note,
j judging fram the two criminal court s held on
1 Thursday. No "Cooler'* for the safe keeping
jof convicts. The day being full of trade, the
court room was packed with anxious specta
tors. In the afternoon Mr. A Mrs. HOWARD
brought before STEPHEN GORHAM, Esq., on
I a warrant, charged with taking about SSOO
j from JOSIAII BROADLY while at the said
I CONKI.IN'S near Pottcrville, on Monday night
I last, Mr. C'ONKI IN was acquitted, his wife
! gave hail in the sum of S2OO, and Miss (JEERS
j was sent up in default of SSOO Vail. A war
| rant was also issued for JOHN ACKLEY, who
| was out of town, and who was also implicat
ed in the matter. ACKI.EY returned in the
evening and was put on trial and bound over
j in the sum of SSOO.
At the conclusion of the above trial Consta
j hie M. S. PRENTICE arrived with two prison
| ers, SAM IIII.L, from Silver Lake, and WILL
j SMITH, from Prattville, charged with steal
ing some traps from RICHARD CLARK, in
i Pike. The prisoners were brought before
GEO. W. BRINK, Esq., who called up the ease
and no prosecutor appearing, the defendants
were discharged by the court, and the prose
cutor held for costs. — Leltaysville Adver
i User.
To-night is the regular meeting of the K.
There are already eighty subscribers to the
Elmira telephone exchange.
So scon forgotten! Not even the National
Banks here observed the birthday of the
Father of his country yesterday.
Nail-cutting was begun at the nail-mill yes
terday. a number of visitors, including
several ladies visited the establishment to
witness the operation.
—Our friends of the Church of the Messiah
contemplate holding a series of meetings in
their church in this place, for tin; dissemin
ation of their faith, and for the increase of
interest in the cause of Christ and humanity.
The meetings will commence on Tuesday
evening, March 2d, and continue every even
ing during the week, and until further notice.
Rev. E. 11. FULLER, of New York, will assist
th(! Pastor, Rev. I)r. TAYI.OK, in the services
At the close of the services each evening, a j
free iii(]iiiry meeting will be held, at which '<
any questions in regard to faith, life and duty |
may be freely asked. The public are cordially
invited to attend, and briny their doubts
with them, andyive them utterance.
FARM FOR SALE.—I offer for sale on reason
able terms a valuable farm, located in the
valley of the Towanda creek, about 2 1-2
milas from Towanda, containing 75 acres,
under a good state of cultivation, veil water
ed, a young orchard of choice trees, good
framed dwelling house, and fine large barn—
with underground stabling. I will sell this
farm on long time, or exchange it in part for
property in Tovvada borough.
The school in Terry towonship, taught bv
FRED PHINNKY, has been closed inconse
quence of the prevalence of diphtheric.
FOR SALE. —A Lester saw, for amateur
fret-sawing—almost new, and in splendid con
ditiun. Will be sold at a bargain.
Reporter Building, 3d lloor.
, SHAW—HAWKINS.—At the parsonage,
Monroeton, Feb. 21, 1880, by Rev. Ilallock j
llrinstrong, Mr. George Albert Shaw and |
Miss Martha Ellen Hawkins, both of To- |
J wanda.
NOTICE. —You can buy fresh Irish Oat
! Meal, scaled in 151b. tin cans, manufactured
j by John McCann, in Drogheda, near Douhlin,
Ireland, at GEO. ROSS' Ist Ward Store.
M. O. MOODY, the blacksmith, hasmoved to
JOHN RROWN'S Shop, Ist Ward, and will be
glad to see all of his old customers, and the
public in general. All kinds of work done
on short notice.
! i
j Please call at GEO. ROSS' Ist Ward Store
; and get some of the nicest dried beef you
ever saw, and sliced as thin as tisue paper, at
12 cents per pound. He lias just purchased
a splendid dri'-d beef slicer of the Enterprise
Manufacturing Company, at Philadelphia.
COAL. —The best and cheapest sold in this
market is the Barclay, fresh mined, thorough
ly screened and slated. All sizes sold for
$2 75 per ton, at E. R. PIERCE'S Coal Yard.
Instruction in painting on Porcelain, Wood
and Silk, will be given by Miss MEKNA RA
KER, at the residence of M. C. MKKCL'R, on
Chestnut St. Private lessons,7scents; class
es 50 cents. jan 28
PATCH BROTHERS are paying the highest
market price, in cash, for good butter.
Call in and see our stock of spring Hats and
Caps at M. E. ROSEN FIELD'S.
(>. A. PLACE has titted up „I. otlivP on the
second floor of the building lately oeeupid by
the crockery store, where he wilfcontine him
self to the Sewing Machine and Insurance
MYKR & DKVOE'S market, Rridge Street.
JACOBS is selling clothing cheaper than
All kinds of fruit at FITCH'S*
OVERCOATS SO cheap that von ran afford to
i huv two or three, at ROSENEIELD'M clothing
j store.
BARAT MYER A DKVOE'S market is the
place to get tender steaks and nice roasts.
flSTMyer A Devoe are receiving fresh
Oysters daily, at their market, Rridge St.
FC DEVOE keep and
best assortment of Fruits and Vegetables in
If you want the beat vegetables, the largest
oysters, the best cuts of meat, and the finest
sausage to be found in Towanda, call on Mr.
MULLOCK. at the old Market, just south of
the Ward House, *
Jacobs is selling Overcoats all the way
from $2 up to any price you are willing to
Cigars of about every known brand at
J. A. MANVILLK. Towanda, Pa., will sell
strictly first class Pianos anil Organs at great
lv reduced prices for the next sixty days.
Pianos and Organs Tuned and Rep ired.
Office with C. M. MANVILLK, on 3d street.
The largest stock of Hats and Caps just
received at M. E. ROHKNKIELD'S.
The continued tnild weather has inaucea
ROSKK KIKLD. the Clothing merchant, to re
duce the price of Overcoats and other winter
Clothing. Call and secure bargains. There
will be nlenty of cold weather vet.
UQTIf you want a stylish hat. cheaper than
you ever bought one, call at EOSKNFIKLD'S
clothing store.
Prices way down in Gents tine and coarse
boots and shoes. All goods warranted as
represented, at BLUM'S.
For a good, durable and neat fitting shoe,
go to BLUM'S.
Loyal Sock coal is clean, free from slate,
does hot clinker in the stove, retains fire long
er than any other coal, and is from one dollar
to one dollar and twenty-live cents cheaper
than Anthracite, ai MALLORY'S Coul Yard.
Country dealers will find it to their advant
age to buy their candies at FITCH'S.
Geo Lynchcome has opened a new
Barber Shop over Powell's store where he is
always ready to wait upon all those who may
favor him with their patronage. Shampooing
hair cutting Ladies' and Children's hair at
their residence no extra charge.
C. W. JONES is prepared to mend rubbers
on short notice, in the best manner. Shop
corner Main and Pine streets, in rear of RE
VIEW office. Charges reasonable, and work
• I. O. OK G. T. -The next session oft he.
Northern District Convention of Good Tem
plars will be held at Athens, Feb. 24th and
District See'y.
North Orwell, Pa., Feb. 1. 1880.
Parties are continually asking
groceries be sold so much cheaper at ltosfl'
I Ist. Ward Store than they can in the heart of
town. Because ho buys his goods for cash,
and can afford to soil them !<>w.
"Where do vou get your groceries so
cheap." "Why I buy them at GEO. Rows'lst
Ward Store. You can buy them cheaper of
him than anywhere else, and they are all first
j class to."
j Ask for one of those dollar-and-a-half
j switches, all Hair. 30 inches long, at Mrs. M.
! A. FLETCHER'S, NO. 4. Bridge street.
WANTED TO PURCHASE.— A good tract of
j timber land. For particulars, call or address
| this office.
,rr. oc irrr i r rm&d hschm * j
j Under thin head we will ineerl FHKE, notices o
situation* or heljt wanted.
A good, reliable girl to do general house
l work. Enquire at this office.
A good girl to do housework,
2d Street.
; Mrs CUKKAN, on street west of FROST'S
Furniture factory, would iike work at plain
j sewing, tailoring, carpet making, or washing
1 and ironing.
A young man of good moral habits wishes
a situation in a Dry Goods or Grocery store,
three years' experience. Good references
Aoply to the editors of this paper.
; A situation by a boy 18 years of age In a
! store, either dry goods or grochry, or in an
i office. Good penman and accountant. Good
recommendations. Enquire at this office.
FOK RENT.—A good store, several offices
and a number of dwelling houses.
FOR RENT. —A good house in Third Ward.
Apply to J. N. CALIIT.
FOR RENT. —One house on 2d street and
one on Mechanic street. Enquire of W. J.
] FOR RENT — I have several dweliugs for
I rent on the First of April next.
1.. B. ROI)GEKB.
Two Rooms For Rent in Patton's Block,
i Enquire of J. G. PATTON.
Several Dwellings and Stores to Let on the
i Ist of April next. Enquire of
At office of WOOD & HAUL
Towandti, Feb. 11, 1880.