N ,w JOB s PRINTING OFFICE. We reopeeAfally i.vK* pnfette mtuwiUm to •■r COMPLETE JOB PRINTING HVINKI Corner Main and Pine xtreeto, ewer the Moflic Store, < OMMEBOtAL PRINTING AND PILAJIPLRT WORK A SPECIALTY. .TTKR, Aire BILL ILKAI>R VNVKLOPKB. TAGS Neatij executed txi the shortest notice. I WBINKBH, PARTY AND CALLING OARDft printed to order. ALVORD A SDN. V ertical Feed. As usual, the Vertical Feed l I Sewing Machine took First Pre mium, at the late county Fair. 1831. THE CULTIVATOR 1880. AND Country Gentleman. The Beet of the AGRICULTURAL WKEKLIRV). Ilia Unsurpassed, If not Unsqualid, far he Aaaouat sod Variety of U> Practical Inforha- Vios it eostalaa, sad fur the Ability sad Extent of its CeauiMHDiics-lo the Three Chief Directions of Tarm Crops and Processes, i Horticulture and Fniit-Frowing, Live Stock and Dairying— while it elao includes all minor depatment* of rural internet, each as the Poultry Yard, Entomology, Bee-Keeping, Oiecu house and Grapery, Veterinary Kepliee, Farm Questions and Answers, Fireside Heading, Domestic Economy, and a summary of the News of the Week. Its Markkt Kkpokts are ■nusually complete, and more information ran be gathered from its columns than from any other j source with regard to the Prospects of the Oops, as throwing light upon one of the most important of all questions — HAcn to Buy and When to Sell. It is Mberaily illuMrated, and evnsUtutee to a greater degree than any of its contemporaries A 1,1 VK AGRICULTURAL NEWSPAPER Of never-failing interest both to Producers and Con sumers of every class. The Country Gkstlbman is published Weekly on ths following terms, when paid strictly in ad vance: One Cepy, one year, $2.50; Four Copies, $lO, and an additional copy for the year free to the tender of the Club ' Ten Copies, S2O, and an additional copy for U. year free to the tender of the (Hub. For the year IfWO, these prince include a copy of the Annual Ukoistkk of Rural Affairs, to each übsrrlber—a book of 144 pages and about 130 ne gravings—a gift by the Publishers. All Nbw Subtcribert for 1880, paying in md oance note, will receive the paper WEEKLY, from receipt of remittance to January Jet, 1880, with out charge. copies of the paper free. Adddress, LUTHER TUCKER ft BON, Publishers, Albany, N Y. p-OU THE PRESIDENTIAL YEAH. " THE LEADING AMERICAN NEWS PAPER" THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE FOR 1880. During the coming Presidential year The Tribune will be a more effective agency than ever for telling the news best worth knowing, and for enforcing sound politics. From the day the war closed it has been most anxious for an end of sectional strife. But it saw two years ago, and was the first persist ently to Proclaim the new danger to the country from the revived alliance of the Bolid South and Tatninany Hall. Against that danger it Houghtto rally the old party of Freedom and the Union It began by demanding the abandonment of personal dislikes, and set the example. It called for an end to attacks upon each other instead of the enemy; • J and for the heartiest agreement upon whatever lit I candidates the minority should put up against the . common foe. Since then the tide of disaster has ' been turned hack; every doubtful state has been won, and the omens for National victory were never . more cheering. TIIK TRIBUNE'S POSITION. Of The Tribune's share in all this, those speak j most enthusiastically who have seen most of the struggle. It will faithfully portray the varnlng phases of the campaign now beginning. It will earnestly strive that the party of Freedom, Union and Public Faith may select the man surest to win, and surest to make a good President. But in this crisis it can conceive of no nomination this party could make that would not he preferable to the best that could possibly be supported by the Solid Houth and Tammany Hall. The Tribune is now spending much labo and money than ever before to hold th# distinction it has enjoyed of the largest circulation among the best people. It secured, and means to retain it. by he coming the medium of the best thought and'the voice of the best conscience of the time, by keeping abreast of the highest progress, favoring the frceci discussions, hearing nil sides, appealing always to the best intelligence and the purest morality, and re fusing to carter to the tastes of the vile or the preju dice# of the ignorant. SPECIAL FEATURES. The distinctive features of The Tribune are known to everybody. It gives all the news. It has the best correspondents, and retains them from year to year, It is the only paper that maintains a special telegraphic wire of its own between its office and Washington. Its scientific, literary, artistic and re ligious intelligence is the fullest. Itß hook review# are the best. Its commercial and tlnaneial nfi Is the most exact Its type is the largest; and its ar rangement the most systematic. THE BKMI-WEKKLY TRIBtJN is by far the most successful Semi-Weekly in the country, having fonr times the circulation of any other in New Yotk. It is especially adapted to the large class of intelligent, professional or business readers too far from New York to depend on our papers for the daily news, who nevertheless want the editorials, correspondence, book reviews, scien tific matter, lectures, literary misceilaney, etc,, for which The Tribune is famous. Like The Weekly it contains sixteen pages, and is in convenient form for binding, THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE remains the great favorite of our substantial country population, and has the largest circulation of any Weekly issued from the office of a Daily paper in New York, or, so far as we know, in the United States. It revises and condenses all the news of the week into more readable shape. Its agricultural de partment is more carefully conducted than ever, and it has always been considered the best. Its market reports are the official standard for the Dairymen's Association, and have long been recognized author ity on cattle, grain and general country produce. There are special departments for the young and for household interests; the new handiwork department already extremely popular, giveß unusually accurate and comprehensive instructions In knitting, crochet ing, and Rindrid subjects; while poetry, fiction and the humors of the day are all abundantly supplied. The verdict of the tens of thousand old readers who have returned to it during the past year is that they find it better than ever. Increasing patronage and facilitias enable us to reduce the rates to the lowest point we have ever touched, and to cfler the most amazing premium# yet given, its follows: TERMS OF THE TRIBUNE, Postage free in the United States. DAILY TRIBUNE $lO 00 TH* SKMI-WKEKLY TRIBUNE. Single copy, one year $3 00 Five copies, one year 2 60 each Ten copies, one year '2 00 each TH* WKKKIY TKIBUNK. Hingie copy, one year $2 00 Five copies, one year 1 50 each Ten copies, one year 1 00 each And number of copies of either edition above ten at the same rate. Additions to clubs may be made at any time at club rates. Remit by Draft on New York, l'ost Office Order, or in Registered letter. AN AMAZING PREMIUM. To any one subscribing for The Weekly Tribune furtive years, remitting us the price, $lO, and $2 more, we will send Chamber's h'ncyclopaedia, ton abridged, in fourteen volumes, with all the revisions of the Edinburgh edition of 1879, and with six ad ditional volumes, covering American topics not fully treated in the original work ; —the whole embracing, by actual printer's rn isureinent, twelve per cent more matter than Appleton's Cyclopaedia, which sells for $80! To the 15,000 renuers who procured from us the Webster Unabridged premium we need only say that while this offer is even more liberal, we shall carry it out in a manner equally satisfactory. The following are the terms in detail : For *l'2, < chamber's Encyclopedia, A Library of Universal Knowledge, 14 vols., with editions on American subject#, 6 separate vol#,, 20 vols, in all, substantially bound in cloth, und The Weekly Tri bune 5 years, to one si^scrihcr. For $lB, Chamber'# Encyclopedia, 20 vol#., above, and The Semi-Weekly Tribune 5 years. For $lB, Chamber's Encyclopedia, 20 vols., as above, and ten copies of The Weekly Tribune one year. For $27, Chamber's Encyclopedia, 20 vols, as above, and twenty copies of The Weekly Tribune one year. For S2O, Chamber's Encyclopedia, 20 vols., as above, and the Daily Tribune two years. The book# will in all cases be sent at the subscri ber's expense, but with no charge f. r packing. We shall begin sending them in the order in which sub scriptions have been received on the Ist of Janunry, when ceriainly five, and perhaps six, tolumes will be ready, and shall send, tnenceforth, by express or mail, as subscribers may direct. The publication will continne at the rate of two volumes per month, concluding in September next, A MAGNIFICENT GIFT! Worcester's Great Unabridged Dictionary Fr^e! The New York Tribune will send at subscriber's expense for freight, or deliver in New York City FREE, Worcester's Great Unabridged Quarto Illus trated Dictionary, edition of 1879, the very latest and very best edition of the great work, to any one re mitting $lO for a single five years' subscription in advance or five one year subscriptions to The Weekly, or sls lor a single five years' subscription in advance or five one year subscriptions to The Semi Weekly, or, one year's subscription to The Daily, or, S3O for a single three year's subscription in advance to The Daily Tribune, For one dollar extra the Dictiona y an be sent by mail to any part of the United States, while for Hnort distaiiccH the expenue in much cheaper. Address THE TRIBUNE, New York. Text Booh Uniformity. RESULT WHERE BOOKS HAVE TO STAND ON THEIR OWN MERIT; At a Convention of School Directors, of Centre County, held a Bellefonte, Decem ber 26, 1878, pursuant to the call of H. Meyer, Esq., County Superintendent, for the purpose of considering the propriety of taking measures to secure a uniformity of the text-books used in the schools of said county, the following aetiori was taken, over fifty directors bring present and nearly all the district in the county being represented: COPY OF MINUTES. Upon motion of C. P. Stotterod, of Snow Shoe township, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted: Wiikrkas: Great expense and waste are frequently incurred by the present and con nstatly changing variety of text-books used in the common schools of Centre county, there for*?, be it Resolved, By the representative directors here in session, that a system of text-books, suituble, complete and uniform, be adopted in accordance with the laws of the State throughout the county. Upon motion of J. C. P. Jones, the follow ing plan was adopted with but one dissenting vote, to carry into effect the following pre amble and resolutions: First. The various publishing houses to send samples of their hooks to each schoi board in tne county lor examination and to submit therewith the lowest exchange, intr - ductory and wholesale prices, and the length of time they will guarantee to furnish them at said price. Second. No agent of any publishing house to he permitted to do any work in the eountv, to be either general or local agent, beyond sending his books and terms as above stated. Any house or agent violating this under standing, their books to be counted ou of the contest. Third. The several school hoards of the county, after examination of the various hooks which may have been submitted, to hold a meeting at which each director shall make out a list of the hooks which he prefers to have adopted in the county, and send it to Henry Meyer, Esq., County Superindent, at Rebersburg, Pa., prior to the first day of June, 1879, who shall rn,' u / c several statements so sent, and the books up on the various branches having tht ighest number of votes or preference shall be the series recommended for county uniformity. The County Superintendent, after having made the above canvaos as above, to send the result of the same to each of the papers in the county for publication. W. C. Hkinijc, Chairman. J. C. P. Jones, Secretary. The following is the result of the votea of the Directors of Centre county, Pa., on the uniformity of Text-books in said county, with the number of votes cast fro each book, under the foregoing plan and resolutions: READERS. No. vote. for eacsh New Graded 74 Independent 20 Appleton's 17 New American 12 SPELLERS. Swinton's 83 New American g Independent 28 Appleton's 1 Patterson's Sander's Union Raub's 1 GEOGRAPHIES. Swinton's 100 Colton's 14 Mitchell's .. 10 Independent 1 Monteith's 0 HIBTORIES. Swinton's (?3 Redpath's 5 Barnes' Brief 7 Butler's Ouackenbos' Watson's .... V RITTEN ARITHMETIC. Robinson's Shorter Course 67 Greenleaf's 14 Brook's Gilne's * Boff's 12 N rook's Union Mew American MENTAL ARITHMETIC. Milne's Greenleafs ALGEBRA. Robinson's Greenleafs COPY BOOKS. Spencerian 89 Appleton's m Ellsworth's 10 GRAMMARS. Kerl's 72 Swinton's 1? Clark's Brief " i* Bullion's..... 1 Harvey's 20 Ouackenbos' g bewsmith's 1 LANGUAGE LESSONS. Kerl's 6 Clark's I Harvey's 5 Morton's.. ...) 5 BOOK-KEEPING. Bryant A Stratum's 44 Folsom's a Smith's CIVIL GOVERNMENT. Townsend's..