The JDaiLy Review. Towanda, Pa., Friday, Feb., 20, 1880. kujtors : B. W. ALVORD. NOBLE N. ALVORD. "Daily ileviem" only 25 tenia per month. Try it. Ileeclier on Grant. The following are the remarks of Rev. Henry Ward Beechcr at the Lincoln Club dinner in New York the other day : In re sponding to the toast "Our Country," he said: "It is not in the power of any man that ever lived to have guided this country to prosperity in a shorter period than has elapsed since the inauguration of General Grant. I think so remarkable a recovery after war has not been recorded in the na tional life of any country. It is alleged that General Grant had about him men not so wise nor so good as himself. (Laughter.) I only wonder, gentlemen, that there were not more of them. This state of affairs was produced by the war, by the bloating of the whole country ; and the rot and corruption that had entered the whole community was such that I marvel that In; with all his integrity and and strong practiele sense, was able to do as well as he did. He was able to come out from eight years of experimental ad ministration without a spot on his person al integrity; with a record in which there are no mistakes and no stitches let down. From the time of his inauguration down to the close of his administration the af fairs of the nation were steadily creeping back to a sound foundation; and to speak of that part of his record is as great a compliment as can be paid to any man. "Then came the inauguration of our President Haves. It is said he struck out no new and dazzling career; that he has not shown the genius of a statesman. Gentlemen, when the physician meets with a patient, and, after diagnosing his case, finds that he needs rest and recuper ation only, is he not as skillful as the phy sician who keeps drugging Liu* patient be yond the possibility of his getting well? It was so in regard to the prosperity of our country. Much has been done to fur ther this prosperity, and we stand now on the eve of one step further. Allow me to ■ say in the first place, that if I had my own way I would vote for General Grant to come back. (Applause.) I should vote for him partly because I wish to bear tes timony against that heresay third term. I refuse to allow any party or any political faction to take away from me the right to call again to office that officer who has ful filled the functions of his office to the sat isfaction of the majority of his country men; because I believe that I have the right to ask that he should try again. (Laughter.) 1 don't believed ingoing into an election handicapped. If a horse has won a race lie ought not to he so over weighted that he has no chance to run against other competitors. [Ap plause.] I should select him not merely as a testimony of my objection to the heresy mentioned, tint also as a protest in behalf or the right of the people to choose the man they went. What we want in our government is stability and continuity. It is a point Of weakness that our present President holds, office only four years, and occasions unnecessary disturbance of our affairs throughout the whole country. And yet to have an officer elected for life would be going to the other extreme. The best thing, therefore, is to re-elect the inan found competent for the office, and whocommands the respect and con fidence of"our citizens. Therefore, I hold that a third term is in proper order, and may be a wise tiling—or even a fourth term. [Applause.] And even then, if you want him, if lie has your confidence, you might give liiin a fifth term. It takes I a man four years to learn how to lie a! President, and four more years how to do ! it with any considerable degree of Hiicc.e>. ' Four years after that he will know his business; he will be able to go by in stinct. •'lf I had the whole vote to give myself I should certainly elect General Grant. I think General Grant is, perhaps, the most remarkable man that our age has produced in America. "Well, suppose you don't want Gener al Grant? Suppose J am not to be allowed to give this wholesale vote? Suppose it is Mr. Blaine? Well, this country is not going to perish if we do not have General Grant. lam not going to say anything against Mr. Blaine. lie is a brilliant man, so far as the canvass is concerned. After he is in he will be like nobody else if he does not quickly learn the duties of his place. "I think Mr. Washburne would be agood and substantial President after the Presi dency had made him. But you might prefer Secretary Shermany. I think Sherman would be an admirable candi date if he would only run well. [Laugh ter.] I don't know that he would. I think lie would in New York, and wher ever men know much about commerce and about finance. But there is only about one merchant in five hundred who who knows anything about finance and and not one in a million of ordinary peo ple who know much about it. Therefore it is barely possible that thorough men's ignorance we may lose the best candidate that can be presented to us. Mr. Sherman is one of those who will adorn private life eminently. I might mention other men that would make ad mirable Presidents." The Pittsburg Chronicle states that the strike of miners in the Panhandle region lias about ended, and nearly all the strikers in the coke regions have resumed at old rates. FOIZ SJMMjMu, A farm of 150 acres near J'a., Contains of improved lands 120 acres; good barn, fine orchard, well watered, with four miles of Le high valley railroad, is uner cost of cultivation. Will be aold at reasonable price, or EXCHANGED EOH 'J OWN I'll OPE it TY. Inquire of CIIAB. M. 11 ALL, Attorney-at-Law, Towanda, Pa. jun. 18. KIAL LlST.—February Term, 1880 T11IR1) WEEK. .1 .Mtmub, guard, vs P I. Ward, et al eject K (J Sweet, amd'x, vs A .J Lay ton !... II 15 Kilborn, admr, vs Hartford Fire lus Co Elizabeth DnakcvsKH Fansworth eject Brad L.v 15 Aof Athens vs F A Boot sei fa Chauncy Wbeelorvs .f F Woodruff appeal (lu.y C llollon vs Elhanan Smith appeal Win M Mallory va James T dark et al ...partition A Loder vs Elhanan Smith asspt J C Blum vs Andrew J Layton trespass Jno F Means vs Lycoming ins Co asspt E T Fox, assignee, vs V K Pioilet asspt Rose Vincent vs Pa .N N V K It Co asspt C A Heavenervf* lbivid lb rvemr's exr asspt J 15 Lradley %s Alonzo lliil etal ejectment Al Cunningham vs David Whipple Daniel daggers vs Lewis Biles et al trespass Josepd Melvinney's use vs duo M Myer sei fa d L Idshree vs Hugh Clark .' Leonora Heath, et til, vs .John Carroll trespass d W llolienbnck vs II 15 Ingham eject Wm 11 Barnes vs Win M* trespass Hiram Horton's use v "irastus Shepnrd sei fa Same vs same... sei fa Same vs same sei fa Subpoenas "in week returnable on Monday, February 9th, 880. Subpoenas, ;srd week, returnable ou Monday, February Hi. 1880. ' EO. W. PLACEMAN', Prothonotary. Towand *, dan. 2, 1880. SAWING. All kinds of Fancy Woods for use of Amateurs kept for sale br the undersign ed. WHITE HOLLY, HOSE WOOD, 818 DE-EYE MAPLE. W A L NUT. IIUNGAUIAN ASH. EBONY, &C., Continunllv on hand. Also all varieties of lUNUKN, SOUItWM. PINS, SAWS, Bit'. Send for [trice iisi, A. BEVEBLY SMITH. Beporter BuiUllPg. K. IiOSENFIELD'B IS HEAD-QUARTERS FOR CHEAP WINTER CLOTHING lIATS, CARS, NECKWEAR, GLOVES, HOSIERV, and fall line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, which arc offered EXCEEDINGLY LOW, Cull ami see me, examine .ooda, learn prices, &c M. K. ROSEN FIELD. oOfch YEAR of . . GODEYS' LADY'S BOOK. The oldest find Rest Fashion Magaziue in America. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE REDUCED TO fcL'.OO l'Eli YEAR. Subscriptions will he received at this Office in Clubs with this PapeE The DAILY RRVIF.W and Godey's Lady's Book tor one Year at $4.50. See what Godcy's Lady's Rook will Contain IN IMfSO. Nearly 1200 pages of first-class Literary matter. | 12 Steel Plate Beautiful Original Engravings. 12 Large and Colored Fashion Plates. 24 Pages of Vocal and Instrumental Music. 000 Engravings,on Art, Science, and Fashion. 12 Large Diagram Patterns of Ladlea* and Chil dren's Dresses. 12 Architectural Designs for Beautiful Homes. 200 ur more' Original Receipts for Family Use. And the usual Original Department matters. The January No. of the New Year will be Isstu a Deeemb-V rst, and will contain the opera n g chap ters of one of the Best. Serial Stories ever printed in American Magazine,by j. CHRISTIAN REM), j the author of " A Gentle Belle," " Valerie Ayl | mor," " Morton House," etc,, entitled UONLYN'S FORTUNE. \Ve have I'ftgaged a Full Corps of Distinguished I Writers, whose Contributions will enrich Godey's | Lady's ltook during the year. J Send in your Club* at once. You can mid am, nam it afterwards at the same price as the J original Club. TERMS.—Cash in Advance. POSTAGE PKKPALL). t One copy, one year 00 ! Two copies, one year :j 70 ! Three copies, one year, 5 25 j Four copies, one year, G GO I Five copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person getting up the club, making six cop i Light copies, one year, and an extra copy to j the person getting up the club, making nine ] copies, ..,.,sl4 00 Now is the time to make up voar Club. _ HOW TO It KM IT. —Get a Post-office" Money Order on Philadelphia, or a Draft on Philadelphia or New York, if you cannot get either of these, send Bank-notes, and in the latter case register I your letter. To parties intending to get up Club, a specimen I copy will be sent on application. Address, GODF.Y'ts LADY'S BOOK PUB. CO. (I.itnite).p Itn)G, Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. QOAL: COAL : CJUJEJMiP l OH (VISM The following prices wilj be charged for ytJT VtMUrlCiVki CtKlgj yard, iu all the yards signatures hereto attached, uulii furthe notice: STOVE, $4 25 CHESTNUT, 4 25 GRATE, 4 25 EGG, 4 25 Cartage, KIFTY CJSNTH PER TON IN addition to above, and un EXTRA CHARGE for carrying in. W. M. MALLOBY, Towanaa. HENRY MKRCUR, " NATHAN T1DI), " E. B. PIERCE, BARTLKTT BROS., Wysox. At VA WstiCMt, formerly I'hln ney's: Sullivan Coal, LARUE STO VE, f? 00 SMALL STO VE, 3 25 CHESTNUT; 3 25 SOU, 3 00 URA TE', y 00 SMALL CHESTNUT, if 2.5 With some additional charges for cartage. W. M. MA LEO BY. October, 24, 1879. Great CROWDS! at J. L. KENT'S. and an IMMENSE STOCK ! DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS unci SHAWLS, GLOVES and HOSIERY. 3 button Kid Gloves only 75 cents, worth a dollar. SHEETINGS and SHIRTINGS, of the best brands, cheap! CLOTHS and CASSIMERES of all quail ties and prices. RIBBONS and FANCY GOODS, the best selection ever offered in this market. FLANNELS and BLANKETS in endless variety. In fact, my assortment of Dry Goods is complete and is not excelled by any establishment in the country. In prices I DEEY COMPETITION! and cordially invite inspection of my goods and a comparison of prices. Col. Mean's mammoth store, second door south ot Mclutyre Brothers hardware store. .r. la. KENT, Nov. 14. Agent.