Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, February 17, 1880, Image 4

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    Tlie I>ail.y lieview.
Towanda, Pa., Tuesday, Feb., 17, 1880.
*•JPaily Ktevie.u)" only 35 cent* per
month. Try it.
Mails arrive and depart at the Towanda
Postolliee follows.
riilla. N. Y. and Eastern States..4.oo A. M-
Dushorc Laporte &c 9.30 "
L. V. way mail from the North. .10.00 "
Sheshequin 11.00 44
New Era &c Tues. Tliur and Sat. 44 44
Asylum &e Mon. Wed. and Fri. " "
Troy Burlington <fcc 1.00 p. M.
Leltaysville Rome &c " 44
Closed mail from Erie&N CR Rs 2.30 44
L, V. way mail from the 50uth...4.30 44
Canton &c 5.00 "
Barclay 0.30 44
Cl's'd mail fr'm Elmira & Erießßlo.4o 44
Canton Monroeton &c 9.00 A. M.
L. V. way mail South 9.15 '•
Cl's'd m,l Elmira Erie &N C R RIO.OO 44
Troy Burlington &c 10.00 44
Sneshequin &c 12.00 M.
Barclay 1 : 00 p. M.
New Era Tues Thur and Sat.... u
Asylum Mon Wed and Fri 44
Leltaysville Rome &c * 4
Dushore &e 2.45 44
j. V. way mail North 3.45 44
N Y Phil and Eastarn States... .7.45 44
Oilice open from 7.00 A. M. t07.45 p. M.
Money Order oilice open from 8.00 A. M. to
7.00 p. M.
Office open Sunday's from 9.00 to 10.00 A. M.
To-day is election. May the best man win.
Judge MORROW charged the jury in the
Schrader land case this morning.
No indication of that severe snow storm
here. Did VKNNOR change his mind.
The Greenbackers of the bloody First Ward,
have a ticket in the field to-day.
FOR SALE. —A house and lot in Towanda
borough. Eequire of BKNJ. T. HALE, at R.
A. MERCUR'B Law Office.
In printing the answer of friend OVKR
-Bii IRE, of Sayre, to the Tribune , inquiry
in regard to the Presidency, our types made
us say SHERMAN or Grant , where the writer
said Grow.
In Memoriarct.
At u regular meeting of Oscaluwa Grange,
held at Grange Ilall, in North Towanda, on
Friday evening last, the death of Past Master
E. ItKUBKN DkLong, was announced, and the
following memorial presented and adopted:
Jt is with profound sorrow, and grief un
feigned, that we have heard the announce
ment of the death of our worthy and highly
esteemed Brother, Past Master K. R. 1)k-
LONG. VVe remember with gratitude his
efforts in establishing this Grange, and his
self-sacritieing labors, in season and out of
season, to render our meetings pies sunt and
profitable, and dissemmiuate the ennobling
principles of our Order. This beautiful, com
modious hall in which we meet, is a monu
ment to his liberality and practical interest
in the Patrons of Husbandry. While in the
enjoyment of health his place here was seldom
vacant, and no duty devolving upon him ever
failed of prompt and cheerful fulfillment. As
Patrons, we can best honor his memory by
emulating hi* example.
In the death of Brother DKLONG, his fanil
lv have been deprived of one who always
made home eliet rlul, community has lost an
enterprising, indusl rous, upright citizen, and
the Grange one of its brightest ornaments
and most useful members, nudtho Urd< r
atrlargc an intelligent, loyal Patron.
While we mourn the dispensation which
has removed from our midst one so eminent y
worthy the high distinction b<- had attain
ed, we bow m humble submission to the
decree of the (ireat Master, who has called
him from the labors of earth, to enjoy an
eternity of rest. While he was yet loling
he heard the ever gentle voice saying "Come
unto me, for my burden is light," and gladly
To our bereaved sister, tlitis widowed, and
aged mother, bereft of a son, we oiler our
sympathy, and direct them for consolation to
One who rules in heaven and among the
children of men, and who never willingly
afflicts his children.
As a token of our esteem for our departed
lirother, it is ordered that this minute la;
spread upon our records, a copy s nt to his
bereaved widow; and the Husbandman,
Farmers' Friend > and papers of Towanda be
requested to publish the same.
Judge BENTLEY, of Williamsport is in
At a meeting of the Vestry Of Chr'st
Church yesterday, Mr. GEO. I). STROUD
was recommended for ordination of the
Doaconatcof the Episcopal church.
Col. OVERTON has ph.ccd us under obliir -
tions by forwarding to this office valuable
Public Documents.
Hon. 11. 11. CUMMIN, Judge of the Lycom
ing District is here for the purpose of pre
siding in a few old cases in which Judge
MORROW had been interested while practic
ing at the bar.
Mrs. THOS. CURRAN is vissiting her
mother, who is sick, in Overton township.
ED. IIICVKRLY has been appointed mail
agent on the S. L. & S., to fill the vacancy
occasioned by the death of Mr. SHKRNAN.
The appointment is a good one, and reflects
credit on Col. OVERTON, on whose recom
mendation it was made. Mr. 11. is an
earnest, active Republican, and a worthy
gentleman, who will faithfully discharge the
duties of the position.
Teacher*' Association.
The session Fiiday eveniner, was opened at
7:10 with music by the choir. Recitation by
Miss E. Murdoch; Paper by Mr. E. T. Bur
gan, subject, "Schools and School Govern
ment." Recitation by Miss Laura Gerould;
song by Miss Fish; recitation by MissFrankie
Landon; lecture by Rev. Dr. Taylor. The
entire programme was well received, and
especially the lecture. Dr. Taylor's remarks
were not addressed particularly to teachers,
but to directors and all who are interested
in education. He strongly recommended the
"Quincy method" of teacliiug primary read
ing. After a song by the choir, the Associa
tion adjourned to meet at 9 o'clock Saturday
The Association assembled promptly at. 9
o'clock Saturday morning. Opened with
inusie; devotional exercises conducted by
Rev. Doctor Taylor. The following resolu
tion was ad< pled, after discussion by Messrs
J. A. Wilt, E. E. Quintan and C. M. Hall:
Resolved, That the President appoint a Commit
tee of three to report at the next meeting of the AH
eociation on the advisibility and practicability of OH
tablishing an educational headquarters at the county
neat, at which place may be kept on exhibition the
work of the scnolars of the variouH schools in the
J. A. Wilt, E. T. Bur can and Itcv. D. Craft
were appointed an the committee . The fol
lowing resolution was offered:
Revolved , That the President appoint a Commit
tee of five to have charge of an edicational exhibit
at onr county fair. Such a Committee to appoint
suitable persons in each district to arrange the ex
hibit of said district.
The resolution was adopted, after a spirited
discussion by Messrs. Plummer, Quintan,
Osborne, Hillis, Ryan, Elliott, Durand. Tan
ner and others. Committee appointed: G.
W. Ryan, E. PL Quintan, W. H. Benedict, J.
T. MeC'ollom, W. H. Evans.
Mr. Ryan distributed among the teachers
present the blanks for term examinations.
Mr. Quintan gave an excellent lesson on
'Voice in Grammar," and then answered
several questions asked him regarding differ
ent, constructions in grammar.
In Orthography, Mr. Benedict gave a lesson
on the. sounds of letters.
The resignation of the editorial committee
of Jiepublican educational department was
accepted, and the. President was authorized
to till the vacaneies thus occasioned when the
editor of that paper desired it.
The death of Prof. K. A. Allen of Mulistield,
was nnuoimct d. and Messrs. 10. T. Burguu,
E. IS. Quinlan and Miss Ella Spalding were
appointed a committee to draft resolutions of
respect. Their report published in this
week's School Journal is as follows:
Resolved, That it is with feelings of sorrow and
regret that the members of the Bradford County
Teacher's Association learn of the death of their
friend and co-laborer, Prof. K. A. Allen, of Mansfield,
a id they do hereby tender the family of the deceased
s.iiLtire sympathy and condolence in this season of
sure bereavement, assuring them that the teachers of
Bradford county recognize in Prof. Allen a zealous
and ellieient educator, and a genial and sympathetic
Tlmy feel that the cause of Education has lost
one ol its most tamest and 1 bcrul supporters, and
the Profession of Teaching one of its most faithful
ujid usetul members.
The usual vote; of thanks was tendered the
citizens of Ulster for their hospitality, the
ehoir for their music, the trustees of the
church for its use, and the ltov. Dr. Taylor
for his excellent ml dress. The Association
then adjourned to meet at Derrick th e second
Friday and Saturday in June.
JOHN CAHKORL, for many years mining
foreman at 11a re I ay, has accepted a position
witli the Loftg Valley Coal Company, operat
ROLE is emphatically the "right man in the
right place." His years of cpcrience in min
ing make hirii eminently qualified for the po
sition he lias just entered upon.— Jll s ibnrg
We met our old friend, URIAH TERRY,
while on our late visit to Towanda. Tl e
Major retains his vigor remarkably well.— lb.
The Elwell House, Towanda, ORNAI. KEL
LOGG. proprietor, is a first-cla-s hotel, and
the charges are reasonable. We would ad
vise our friends who have business in To
wanda, to call on him. -lb.
WARFORD. —In Waverlv, N. Y., on the
4th inst.. .fames Warford, in the fist year
of his age.
Deceased served his time and learned his
trade with (1. 11. DRAKE, as a wagon and
carriage maker, at an early day, and was a
resident of Towanda Borough up to some
twelve years since, when he removed to
Waverly, and soon after to Chemung Center,
where he followed his trade, and in July 1878
he was stricken down with paralysis. MARY
WARFORD, his only daughter, then residing
in Towanda, left her friends here anil aban
doned her avocation as a school teacher, and
repaired at once to his aid and assistance,
and was with him until he died.
The funeral was held at Macedonia, on
Friday the tith, where he was buried in the
old cemetery at that place, with others of his
friends who had preceded him.
I. O. OF G. T.—The next session of the
Northern District Convention of (food Tem
plars will be held at Athens, Feb. 24th and
District Sec'y.
North Orwell, l'a., Feb. 1. 1880.
Bradford and Sullivan County Pomona
Grange, No. 23, will hold their regular quar
terly meeting at Standing Stone, on Thurday,
February 20, 1880, at one o'clock P. M. A
general attendance is required.
LOST.—On Main street between the Ward
House and Bridge street, on Monday night
last, a glove for left hand, made of the skin
of a spotted dog. The finder will be liber
ally rewarded by returning the same to
M. O. MOODY, the blacksmith, has moved to
JOHN BROWN'S Shop, Ist Ward, and will be
glad to see all of his old customers, and the
public in general. All kinds of work done
on short notiee.
Please call at GEO. Boss' Ist Ward Store
and get some of the nicest dried beef you
ever saw, and sliced as thin as tisue paper, at
12 cents per pound. He has just purchased
a splendid dried beef slicer of the Enterprise
Manufacturing Company, at Philadelphia.
COAL.—The best and cheapest sold in this
market is the Barclay, fresh mined, thorough
ly screened and slated. All sizes sold for
$2 75 per ton, at E. B. PIF.RCK'S Coal Yard.
Instruction in painting on Porcelain, Wood
and Silk, will be given by Miss MKKNA BA
KER, at the residence of M. C. MKRCUK, on
Chestunt St. Private lessons, 75cents; class
es 60 cents. jan 28
The largest stock of 11 at s nnd Caps just
received at M. JO. HOHKN FIELD'S.
PATCH BitOTiiKits tire paying the highest
market price, in cash, for good butter.
Call in and see our stock of spring Hats atul
Caps at M. 10. UOHKN FIELD'S.
Parties are continually asking how ean
groceries be sold so much cheaper at Bows'
Ist Ward Store than they can in the heart of
town. Because he buys his goods for cash,
and can afford to sell them low.
NOTICE. —You can buy fresh Irish Out
Meal, Healed in 151b. tin eans, ruanufaetured
by John MeCann, in Drogheda, near Douhlin,
Ireland, at GEO. Rosa' Ist Ward Store.
C. W. JON KS is prepared to mend rubbers
on short notice, in the best manner. Shop
corner Main and Pine streets, in rear of RE
VIEW olliee. Charges reasonable, and work
WANTED TO PURCHASE.—A good tract of
timber land. For particulars, call or address
this office.
Country dealers will lind it to their advant
age to buy their candies at FITCH'S.
O. A. Brack has fitted up ..i office on the
second floor of the building lately occupid by
the crockery store, where he will contine him
self to the Sewing Machine and Insurance
3J2oTChoice I Lams and Smoked Beef, at
M Y Kit & DEVOK'S market, Bridge Street.
i Geo Lynchcome has opened a new
Barber Shop over Powell's store whore he i*
always ready to wait upon all those who inav
favor hirn with their patronage. Shampooing
hair cutting Ladies' and Children's hair at
their residence no extra charge.
Under thin head we will insert FREE, noticee of
; nituutionn or help wanted.
A good girl to do housework,
j 2d Street.
I Mrs CUKKAN, on street west of FROST'S
i Furniture factory, would like work at plain
| sewing, tailoring, carpet, making, or washing
| and ironing.
A young man of good moral habits wishes
a situation in a Dry Goods or Grocery store,
three years' expedience, (food references
Auply to the editors of this paper.
Situation wanted by a young colored wo
man. Understands general housework. Aj>~
; ply to advertiser, at Geo. Lvnehcomb's,
| corner Main and Chestnut streets.
FOR RENT. —A good store, several offices
and a number of dwelling houses.
FOR RENT. —A good house in Third Ward.
Apply to J. N. C A LIKE.
FOR RENT.— One house on 3d street and
one on Mechanic street. Enquire of W. J.
FOR RENT— I have several dwelings for
rent on the First of April next.
Two Rooms For Rent in Patton's Block.
Enquire of J. G. PATTON.
Several Dwellings and Stores to Lej. on the
Ist of April next. Enquire of
At office of WOOD A HAI.E.
Towanda, Feb. 11, 1880.
tice in hereby given that the partnerahip be
tween Richard 1). Burchill, Arthur 11. Burchill, and
Abram Burcbill, was dissolved on the 16th day of
February 1880, so far as relates to said Richard D.
Burcbill. All debts due to the late partnership
must be paid to A. H. and A Burcbill, who arc only
authorizedto receive the same. All claims against
saidpartnership will be settled by the said A. 11. &
A. Burchill, who will continue at the old stand to
manufacture, make and furnish Monuments, Tomb
stones, and do a general business of Marble and
Stone cutting, under the style and lirrn name of
Burcbill Brothers. R. I). BURCBILL.
Towasda, Feb. 16, 1880.
Hits removed his Law and Insurance
Oltice to 2d floor, over office of
North side of Public Square, Towanda,
on same floor with I. M'PHERSON,
Esq., and PATRICK & FOYL*.
All kinds of Fancy Woods for use of
Amateurs kept for sale by the undersign
EBONY, &C., &C.,
Continually on hand. Also all varieties of
Send for price list,
Reporter Building.
GUIDE, a beautiful work of 100 pa
> pages, One Colored Flower Plate, and
500 Illustrations, with Descriptions of
( the Best Flowers and Vegetables, with
, prices of seeds, and how to grow them.
All for a FIVE CENT STAMP. In English
or German.
Viek's Seeds are the best in the world.
f i telling how to get tlicm.
, I The FlOwer and Vegetable Garden, 175
; pages, Six Colored Plates, and many hun
i dred Engravings. For 50 cents in paper
" covers; SI.OO in elegant cloth. In Ger
man or English.
Viek's Illustrated Monthly Magazine—
-32 Pages a Colored Plate in every num
■ ber .'ind many line Engravings. Price
$1.25 a year; Five Copies for $5.00.
Specimen Nninbers sent for 10 cents; 5
t trial copies for 25 cents.
Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y