Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, February 06, 1880, Image 6

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    The Daily Review.
Towanda, Pa., Friday, Feb., 6, 1880.
'* Daily Kevicn r" only H5 renin per
month. Try it.
Mails arrive and depart at the Towanda
Post office follows.
Pal la. N. Y. and Eastern States..4.oo A. M-
Dushore Laporte Ac 9.30 44
L. V. way mail from the North. .10.00 44
Sheshequin Ac 11.00 44
New Era Ac Tucs. Thur and Sat. " "
Asylum Arc Mon. Wed. and Fri. 44 44
Troy Burlington Ac 1.00 p. M.
Lellaysville ltome Ac 44 44
Closed mail from Erie AN Clt Kw 2.30 44
L, V. way mail from the 50uth...4.30 44
Canton Ac 5.00 44
Barclay 6.30 44
ClVd mail fr'm Elmira A Eric It R10.40 44
Canton Monroeton Ac 9.00 A. M.
L. V. way mail South 9.15 *•
CVd m,l Elmira Erie ANC It ItIO.OO 44
Troy Burlington Ac 10.00 44
Sneshcquin Ac 12.00 M.
Barclay 1.00 p. M.
New Era Tucs Thur and Sat.... 44 44
Asylum Mon Wed and Fri 44 '•
Leltaysville Home Ac * 4 M
Dusliorc Ac 2.45 44
j. V. way mail North 3.45 44
S Y Phil and EastarnStates....7.4s 44
Office open from 7.00 A. M. t07.45 p. M.
' Money Order office open from 8.00 A. M. to
7.00 P. M.
Office open Sunday's from 9.00 to 10.00 A. M.
JACOHB is Rolling clothing cheaper than
The largest stock of Hats and Caps just
received at M. K. ROSEN FIELD'S.
Ho rough election one week from next Tues
Call in and see our stock of spring Hats and
Caps at M. E. ROSEN FIELD'S.
I O. O. F.—Leah Lodge, No. 29, L>. of R.,
regular meeting this evening at 7 o'clock. A
full attendance is requested.
I). \V. Scor r & Co., hove been making
quite extensive repairs ami changes in their
Grocery Store.
Fou RENT.— One house on 2d street and.
one on Mechanic street. Enquire of W. J
There is talk that two new primary school
buildings art; to be put up the coming season,
one in the First and the other in the Third
"Send me another ham," said a customer at
MCCABK'H yesterday. "My family don't eat
anv other meat, since wo have tasted them.
We are pleased to corroborate all that the
REVIEW has said about them."
I. O. OF G. T.—The next session of the
Northern District Convention of Good Tem
plars will he held at Athens, Feb. 24th and
26th. Fraternally,
District Sec'y.
North Orwell, i'a., Feb. 1. ISBO.
The proverb 44 A prophet Is not without
honor except in his own country," does not
hold good ill regard to Loyal Sock coal. It is
exceedingly poplar here at home, and growing
In favor every day. At close of business last
evening Mr. MALI.OKY had twenty unfilled
orders. The excellent quality of the coal,
genliemauly and courteous treatment of cus
tomers, and last, though not least, liberal and
judicious adve;Using, account for the large
trade at his yard.
low, near Canton, I'a., while working in his
mill on Saturday last, had his right hand
badly sawed, losing nearly one half of it. The
physician sont for, by some mistake did not
arrive until the next evening, when the hand
had become so swolcn that an operation be
came necessary. The hand was amputated
at the wrist, but the ariu continued to swell
and became so greatly inflamed that a second
amputation was performed, leaving the pa
tient in a eriticil condition. — Khnira Free,
JESSE KDSAI.L, former deputy sheriff
under E. O. BF.KKH, (1 reman on the Northern
Central railway, left here this morning at
three o'clock, on his regular train. At Roar
ing Branch his engine ran into the caboose of
a freight train, and his left arm was so seri
ously injured that it was amputated at tjio
shoulder. The engineer of the train was
seriously if not fatally injured. -Khnira Free
Press, Feb. 6.
Fresh made candies at FITCII'S.
The Sheriff will sell quite a number of lots
of land to-day.
The last hop of the sea son comes off at
BROWN'B next Monday evening.
N. C. ELSRUKB was substituted for his
brother in the State Convention.
The latest styles of Spring Hats just receiv
ed at M. E. ROSEN FIELD'S.
Sheriff Dean was a conspicuous and influen
tial member of the State Convention, and was
made spokesman for the delegates from this
Congressional District.
LIZZIE MEANS treated quite a number of young friends to a sleigh ride yesterday.
At the last meeting of Mantua Hooks, the
resignation of J. li. KITUIDGE and J. S.
IIAMMAKKU were presented, and accepted by
the company.
Treasurer GRANT disbursed about $60,000
last year, for the county.
FITCH, the confectioner, keeps the best
A party of North Towundians are to enjoy
a slegh ride to-morrow. The SMITHS, MOR
TONS, MILLS' and HOLLONH will pay a visit to
BENJAMIN KKRRICK'S family, in Asylum.
(). I). KINNEY, of this place, and ('. C.
JADWIN. of Wayne, are the delegates from
the 15th District to the Republican National
Convention. Hon. F. C. BUNNELL,of Wyom
ing, and J. P. TAYLOR, editor Independent
Hepublican, Montrose, are the alternates.
The retirement of W. 11. NICHOLS from
the Lehigh Valley railroad, on March Ist
next will be regretted by a great host of peo
ple who have traveled on ins train, and felt
gratified to he in the care of so good a con
ductor. Mr. NICHOLS will go into the hat
nnd cup business in Wilkes-Barro, attended
hv the best wishes for his success of his
friends ail along the line on which he has
for so long a tin e punched tickets "in the
presence of the passengnrie."— Huston Free
To all of which we heartily say amen.
MINNIE, daughter of our enterprising
merchant, G. L. Boss, celebrated her twelfth
birthday anniversary last evening. About
twentv of her companions paid their comple
ments, and were handsomely entertaiin d.
CORA JOHNSON presided at the piano, and
the little folks enjoyed themselves to the
fullest extent. The young hostess was the
recipient of a valuable gold ring, as a birth
day present.
A solemn and impressive sen ice took place
in North Towanda a few days since. Our
friend, E R. DI.LONG, as is well known, is
seriously ill, and has not been able to leave
his house for some months. At His own re
quest he was baptized on Saturday last, his
wife joining him in the saeiament. Rev. C.
11. WRIGHT performed the ceremony, and
afterwards administered the Holy Com
Mr. DKLONG lias always been a believer in
the Christian religion, hut. like many others,
shrank from a public profession of a crucitied
Saviour, while in the enjoyment of health
hut it i one of the grand consolations of the
Gospel, that the only way of sanation. faith
in the Lord Jesus Christ, and compliance
with his commands, is always open. Mr.
I>. regrets more than any one else can,
that he has so long delayed so important a
step, and if he could make his voice heard,
would counsel all to follow His example now,
without waiting as he lilts done.
It was a sad yet glorious sight to see hus
band and wife uniting in vows which bind
tam in a holier union. The officiating
clergyman wa> deeply affected by the sight.
44 With the heart man helieveth unto righte
ousness, but with tiie lips confession is made
unto salvation,"
ALECK ELSUUKE did not attend the State
Convention at liarrisburg. president JEW
NTT forgot to notify the conductor that
ALECK was coming, and the train went off
without him. Fortunately, N. C, ELHJSKKE
was on hand, and could on a pinch act as
substitute.— Athens Gazette,
Court Proceedings.
Com vs Eyman Ashcroft—Arson. Jury
lind defendant not guilty.
Com vs Stewart Anderson—Larceny. 4
cases. Defendant pleads guilty.
Com vs James Vann and Clan nee Varga
soii—Burning barns. Att'y MTherson
and Peck A Overton for Coin.; H J Madiil
and () I) Kinney for defendants. On trial.
The following lioeuses were granted:
Ira II Smith, Alba Borough.
George Suffcrn, South Creek Township.
C E Bartlett, Wysox Township.
James F Fox, Canton Borough.
Joseph Cursor, Springfield Township.
John A Briggs, Savre.
D wight Dodge, Monroe Borough.
William IJolan, Towanda Boro., Ist Ward.
James Nestor, Jr., " 44 2d 44
A J Beers, Canton Borough.
The C. Y. 31. A. A. hop takes place at 3ler
cur Ilall this evening.
Bradford and Sullivan County Pomona
Grange, No. 2fi, will hold their regular quar
terly meeting at Standing Stone, on Tuesday,
February 2>, 1880, at one o'clock p. M. A
general attendance is required.
M. O. MOODV, the blacksmith, hasmo\ed to
JOHN BROWN'S Shop, Ist Ward, and will he
glad to see all of his old customers, and the
public in general. All kinds of work done
on short notice.
Please call at GEO. K088 ? Ist Ward Store
and get some of the nicest, dried beef you
ever saw, and sliced as thin as t isue paper, at
12 cents per pound. Ho has just purchased
a splendid dried beef slicer of the Enterprise
Manufacturing Company, at Philadelphia.
Towanda, Pa., February 4. 1880.
General Order, No. 9.
1. The members ol' the Cotnpain are order
ed to report at. the Armory on Tuesday even
ing, Feb. !•, 1880, at 7 in State. Uni
form, for Inspection, and also to receive the
amount of yearly allowance, after deduct
ing all dues and lines charged on company
2. Orders for u member's allowance will not
be accepted.
.'!. Members will not he paid unless in uni
form, and at a meeting of the company.
By order of J. ANDREW WILT.
(.'apt. Commanding Company.
COAL. —The best and cheapest sold in this
market is the Barclay, fresh mint d, thorough
ly screened and slated. All sizes sold for
82 75 per ton, at E. B. PIEROK'S Coal Yard.
Parties are continually asking how can
groceries he sold so much cheaper at Boss'
Ist Ward Store than the} can in the heart of
town. Because he buys his goods for cash,
and can a fiord to sell them low.
I<OST. —In the Borough of Towanda. on
Thursday, January 29th,a Diamond Ear-ring.
The finder will receive a suitable reward by
having It at this ofiie.t.
WANTED TO PURCHASE. —A good tract of
timber land. For particulars, call or address
this office.
No i IDK.— You can buy fresh Irish Out
Meat, sealed in 151b. tin cans, manufactured
b> John Met ami, in Droghcda, near Doubliu,
Ireland, at GEO. BOSS' Ist Ward Store.
Instruction in painting on Porcelain, Wood
and Silk, will be given by Miss MKKXA BA
KER, at the residence ul" 31. C. MERGER, on
Chestnut St. Private lessons, 75 cents; class
es 50 cents. jau 28
PATCH BROTHERS are paying the highest
market price, in cash, for good butter.
FOR BENT — I have several dvveliugs for
rent, on the First ol" April next.
FOR BENT. —A good house in Third Ward.
Apply to J. N. C ALIKE.
C. W. JONES, is prepared to mend rubbers
on short notice, in the best manner. Shop
corner Main and l'ine streets, in rear of RE
VIEW office. ( harges reasonable, and work
In far this 'mad we trill insert PRICK, notices of
situations or help wanted.
A good girl. Enquire of Mrs. \V. G. Tracy.
A good girl to do housework,
Mrs. Peter Mclntykk.
2d Street.
Mrs Curkan, <n street west of Frost's
Furniture factory, would like work at plain
sewing, tailoring, carpet making, or washing
and ironing.
A voting man of good moral habits wishes
a situation in a Dry Goods or Grocery store,
three years' experience. Good references
Auply to the editors of this paper.
All kinds of fruit at Fitch's.
Overcoats so eh< up that you can afford to
buy two or three, at Koskn kiki.i>'s elothiug
§ST"At M YI-.K Sc 1 >KV >K'ri market, THE
I place to get tender steaks and nice roasts.
®ji?'Myer & Devoe are receiving fresh
| Oysters daily, at their market. Bridge St.
®3fMYKK FC DFVOK keep the largest and
beat assortment of Fruits ami Vegetables in
i town.
I If you want the best vegetables, the largest
| oysters, the best euts of meat, and the finest
I sausage to be found in Towanda, rail on Mr.
MULLOCK. at the old Market, just south of
tlie Ward House,
'.Jacobs is selling Overcoats all tin* way
from sS'.i up to any price you are willing to
Don't put orV your Christmas purchase*
until tlie last moment. FncH has a full liuo
of eatidies and eonfeetions, and now is the
time to make your selections.
Cigars of about every known brand at
Ki roll's.
.1. A. MANVII,I,K. Towanda, Pa., will se
strictly first class Pianos and Organs at great
ly reduced prices fur the next sixty days.
I'ianos and Organs Tuned and d.
Oflice with ( . M. MAN vu.l.r., on 3d street.
The continued mild weather has inuueeu
Rosen riKi.ii, the Clothing merchant, to re
duce the price of Overcoats and other winter
Clothing. Call and secure bargains. There
will be ulenty of cold weather yet.
BfiV'lf you want a stylish hat, cheaper than
you ever bought one, "cull at KOSENKIKLD'M
clothing store.
Prices way down in Gents tine and coarse
boots and shoes. All goods warranted a*
represented, at BLUM'S.
For a good, durable and neat fitting shoe,
go to BLUM'S.
Loyal Sock coal is clean, free from slate,
does not clinker in the stove, retains fire long
er than any other coal, and is from one dollar
to one dollar and twenty-five cents cheaper
than Anthracite, at MALLOKY'S COS! Yard.
"Where do you get your groceries so
cheap." "Why I buy them at GEO. I toss' Ist
Ward Store. You can buy tiieiu cheaper of
him than anywhere else, and thev are all first
class to."
FOK SALE.— A two-seated Sleigh. Fnquire
Ask for one of those dollar-and-a-haif
switches, all llair, 30 inches'long. At Mrs. M.
A. FLKTCHEH'H, NO. 4, Bridge street.
Country dealers will find it to their advant
age to buy their candies at FLTCH'S.
O. A. BLACK has fitted up „i. ofil. e on the
second floor of the building lately oceupid by
the crockery store, where lit; vvil loon tine him
self to the Sewing Machine and Insurance
IJpjJ'Ghoiee Ham* and Smoked Beef, at
MY EH V DEVOE'S market. Bridge Street.
frty" Geo Lyneheome has opened a new
Barber Shop over Powell's store where he is
always ready to wait upon all those, who may
favor him with their patronage. Shampooing
hair cutting Ladies' and Children's hair at
tliejr residence no extra charge.
MILK.—SMITH BKOS. having fort} cows,
thirty of which are new-milch, are therefore
prepared to furnish milk to all who wish at 5
cents {s:r quart, delivered every day. Partic
ular attention given to furnishing parties
with cream. SMITH Bitot*.
Towanda, Dec. "Jfi. ISTtL
GUIDR, ii beautiful work of luO pa
pages, One Colored Flower Plate, and
500 Illustrations, with Descriptions of
the ltest Flowers and Vegetables, with
prices of seeds, and how to grow them.
All for a FIVI; CKNT STAMI\ In English
(r German.
Nick's Seeds are the best in the world.
telling how to get them.
The Flower and Vegetable Garden, 175
pages. Six Colored Flutes, and many hun
dred Engravings. For 50 cents in paper
Covers; #I.OO in elegant cloth. In Ger
man or English.
Nick's Illustrated Monthly Magazine—
-51? Pages a Colored Plate in every num
ber and many line Engravings. Price
51.25 a year; Five Copies for $5.00.
Speeimen Rlimbers sent for 10 cents; 5
trial copies lor 25 cents.
Address, ,J AMI-IS VICK, Rochester, N. V.
All kinds of Fancy Woods for use, of
Amateurs kept tor sale by the undersign
EBONY, &C., HC. r
Continually on hand. Also all varieties of
Seud for price list,
i>eporier Building.