TTlie Daily Review. _i I Towanda, Pa., Saturday, Jan., 31, 1880. EOVORH : 8. W. ALVORT). KOBLK X. ALVORD. t( DaHy iSeview" only 29 cent* per month. Wry it. Mails arrive and depart at the Towanda Post office follows. ARRIVE. Pljila. N. Y. and Eastern Slates. .4.00 A. M- Dusliorc Laporte p. M. MoneY Order office open from 8.00 A. M. to 7.00 P. M. Oflice open Sunday's from 0.00 to 10.00 A. M. ! P. POWELL, P. M. HI n ■; -f• r-f m*• ■'+**tr....vr r - • *•. i There is a fair prospect, for flic erection of i live brick dwellings on the old school house lot the coming season. The Republicans of this county are expect- 1 ed to elect delegates to the County f'onven-; tion this afternoon and evening. Those who have never enjoyed the novelty | of hearing a lady, preach will have an oppor tunity to do so to-morrow evening, at the ; ' ChllK'h of the Messiah. A Sunday school Institute will commence j at the Welsh Congregational church, of Neath, on Tuesday. A largo number of schools will he represented-, and a cordial invitation is extended to all. Loyal Sock coal is clean, free from slate, j does not clinker in the stove, retains tire long er than nnv oilier coal, and is from one dollar | to one dollar and twenty-five cents diaper than Anthracite, at MALLORY'S Coal Yard. The Canton Sentinel this week prints an 1 , article from the Reporter of August 21, 1H47, giving an account of a gathering of the ROCK WELL family, and adds that Col. WILSON is the only one of the persons mentioned in the account now living. As 11 \ituv Conio, accompanied bv Miss j NATTIK ROPC.EES, was driving one of TIATT ( LANE'S rigs along York Avenue last evening, the buggv broke just in front of E. T. Fox's, lenviiv the occupants with the hind wheels and body of the vehicle, while the frightened animal, still atteclu d to the forward wheels, dashed down Main street. In attempt ing to turn tiie corner at Bridje street, the horse fell. The only damage sustained was the injur} to the wagon. Liverymen ought to be careful to •know what condition their car riages are in when they send them out. LOTTERlES.— Lotteries are said to have I been first, employed by the Genoese govern-; nmnt as a means of aiding its r< vmm. The pernicious example was speedily followed by other, nearly all of which have adopted lotteries at some time or orthcr to increase their income. While tlmy have achieved this end, they have not only robbed the working connnuniry of their hard earnings, they have lessened their luihits of labor and thrift by creating false hopes of smldt n and handsome gains. Between Isl f; and IS2S France derived from lot 'erics an annual income of 14,000,000 francs, hut forty-three years ago they were suppressed, and the year following a large increase of deposits were found in the savings hanks of the country. In IX4I Prussia got from them 800,000 thalers, and Austria 3,000,- 000 florins. The first lottery in England was in 1X5!), and its profits went to the improve ment of public works, hut the consequences were so obviously mischievous that if was abolished hv an net of parliunr,i:i L : 2O. In Italy, lotteries are still tolerated, and their effect, is most injurious, keeping the poor pop ulation in still greater poverty. In some of the states they are still tolerated, and whore ever they are they work incessant ill. Several young ladies of Canton gave a leap year party at Citizens Hall last evening. Personal. JACOBS' clothing store is again open. Mile. PAULINE CECIL, a teacher in the Binghumton College, has become insane, and lias been sent to the Utiea Asylum. F. E. BARBER is engaged in the real estate business at MePherson, Kansas. Mrs. F. 8. ELLIOTT, of Canton, is prepar ing to build a new dwelling near Mrs. DAV KN POUT'S. Miss NKLLIK OVEKEIEI.D is visiting in Wysox. She attended the Linta reception at Towanda last night.— Tunkhunnock Repub lican. Congressman OVERTON is in town. A. 1). COOLBAIHJH, spent yesterday after noon with friends in Highland. A. B. BOWMAN, of the Dit-hore I,'eriew is in town to-day on his way home from Read ing. Deacon ELLIOTT entertained Oseuluwa Grunge last evening with a disertution on dreams and visions, giving several amusing in cidents in His own experience. The Deacon is a remarkably well preserved man, with intellect as vigorous as most men at It), al though he is upwards of 01 years old. Superintendent's Notes. • January 28 , 25) and 30. —Visited schools as follows: Tusearora, Indian 11 ill. F. C. Ovictt; Edingcr, Newton Drake; Keencv.o. W. Bar rowelilt; Acklev, Lillian Vaiighan; Palmer Hill, Phcbe Strickland. Diretors C. H. John son and Martin Keeney also visited the schools. I ndian 11 ill, a school of 50 pupils, is well governed and taught. Mr. Drake's lir-l lenn seems successful, and Mr. Edinger, who ueeompauied to the school said that patrons were well satisfied. Ackley school was order ly and studious, but patrons wish more atten tion to writing. Miss Strickland need-, the co-operation of parents and director in her commendable efforts in discipline. Also, accompanied by directors Hewitt, Martin Fee and Corneilus Bump, visited schools of Wynlusing as follows: Joint. Susie McGuire; lnghamtown. W Van Auk en: Merryall, AlmaCooley; Keelerville. Liz zie Frisbie; Camptown. Miner Hines and Let tie Fuller; Oak Hill, John Ingham: Lime Hill, G. Verbrvck. The pupils in these; schools were advised, eominended and en couraged by the directors, and those in Camp town by Rev. Mr. Keating, who was p-escnt. Would that more of the cleg} nun in our county would visit our common schools. I The lnghamtown school would be profited by adopting and practicing, with reference to j school room, the maxim, "Cleanliness is | next to Godliness." Observed good order and thorough, efficient work in Camptown, Mcr- j n ail, Keelerville and Lime Hill schools, and heard excellent reports from Miss Rump's i school at Vaughn Hill. Browntown and Indian Hill schools are having contests with each other in geography,greatly to the la nelit of the pupils in this branch. ■ ♦ -<• * - Religious services will be held to-morrow as follows: I Presbyterian Church, preaching at 10:30 i a. in. and 7:00 p. in. Sunday school at 12. in. Christ Church. (Episcopal), service and sermon, 10:30, a. m., and 7. p. in. Sunday! School, 12, in. M. E. Church, preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 7 o'clock p. m. Sunday School at 12. in. Baptist church, preaching at 7:30. SS. Peter and Paul, mass at 10:30, a.m., Vespers at 7:80 o'clock. Church of Messiah, (Universalis!.) Rev. Win. Taylor,pastor, at 10:30 a. m. Subject, "The Vflic and its Prints." At 7p. m., Miss Myrn Kingsbury will preach; suejcct. "The God Prize." Sunday school at 12 o'clock. All welcome. A.M. E. /.ion, Prayer and Class meetings 10:30 a. in. Sunday School 2 p.m. Service 7:50 p. m. P. E. Mission, at Nail Works School House, Sunda} School at 3p. in. Service at (5:30. The Brethren, service at 10 1-2 A. M. Sun day School at. Bp. M. Rooms over Madill's Crockery Store. Instruction in painting on Porcelain, Wood and Silk, will he given by Miss JMEENA BA KER, at the residence of M. C. MERCER, on Chestunt St. Private lessons, 75 cents; class es 50 centn. jan 2X NOTICE.— Flour has not advanced, neither has anything at GEO. ROSS' Ist and 3d Ward Stores. Candy tobacco, cigars, soap and everything cheaper than ever. GEO. lioss can sell you groceries chaper than ever, at his Ist and 3d Ward storey. FOR RENT.- 2d STREET and one on Meclianie sir, . j; y , ii W. J. YOUNG. Groceries arc \\ i. . and de livered free; of charge, .a and 3d Ward Stores. L'ATCII BROTHERS arc paying the higliest rnarket price, in casii, for good batter. WANTED TO L'U ucii ASK. —A good tract of timber land. For particulars, call or address Ibis office. BRADFORD COI.NTV TEACHERS' Asson- ATION. —The next meeting of the Bradford County Teachers' Asso: iatioii will take place at Ulster, Friday and Saturday, February 13 and 14. eomnieneing at 10:30 A. M. The fol lowing are the appointments: Lecturer. Rev. Win. Taylor; Papers ,Profs MeCollum and Burgan; Essays, Mi-es Julia Kibnev, I'. E. Beardslev and R. Morse; l'rae tieal Work. Orthography and Orthoepy. Prof. 11. W. Benedict; Metric System, Mr. .J. S. Bovington; Percentage. .Mr. G. L. Black; Grammar. Prof. E. K. Quiniaii; Geography, Miss Gillett; Declamations. Fred Mat hers. < S. Shaw; Recitations, Misses Fraukie Lan don, Laura Gerould, Ella Lurdoch. Commit tee on Arrangements, Mr. E. A. Thompson. Dr. Milis, Mr. Jnsi phMercereau,Mi-s Cyniha Shaw, Mrs. Ileiirv Rockwell, Mr. S. C. Hovcy, Mr. Tienry Shaw. Committ'ec on Resolutions. Prof. V . L. Evans, Mr. L. Z. Wood, Mr. .1. ( v ). Sullivan. A cordial invitation is extended to all teach ers and friends of education to he present and participate in the exercises. 1. S. CRAWFORD, ELLA SPAT, DING, President. Secretary. FOR RUNT — I have several duelings for rent on the First of April next. L. B. RODGERS. FOR RENT. —A good house in Third Ward. Apply to J. N. CALIFF. C. W. JONES is prepared to mend rubbers | oil short notice, in the best manner. Shop corner Main and Pine streets, in rear ol' RE VIEW office. Charges reasonable, and work guarrantced. WANTS. Under this head wc will insert FREE, notiecs of situations or help wanted. A good girl. Enquire of Mrs. W.G. TRACY. A good girl to do housework. Mrs. PETER MCINTYRE. 2d Street. Mrs CURRAN, on street west of FROST'S Furniture factory, would like work at plain sewing, tailoring, carpet making, or washing and ironing. A young man of good moral habits wisho a situation in a Dry Goods or Grocery store, three years' experience. Good references Auply {o the editors of this paper. II US Ift ESS LOCALS. MYKR A' DEVOK'N market is the place toget tender steaks and nice roasts. OVERCOATS so cheap that you can afford to buy two or three, at HOSKNFIELD'S clothing st ore. (JL&'Myer A Devoe are receiving fresh Oysters daily, at their market. Bridge St. (frjj MYER A DEVOE keep the largest and best assortment of Fruits ami Vegetables in town. If you want the best vegetables, the largest oysters, the best cuts of meat,, ami the linest j sausage to be found m Towanda. call on Mr. MULLOCK, at the old Market, just south of ; i the Ward House, Jfdf 'Jacohs is selling Overcoats all the way ! from #2 uj) to any price you are willing to i pay. Don't put off your Christmas purchases until the hist moment. FITCH has a full line of candies and confections, and now is the ! time to make your selections. Cigars of about every known brand at FITCII'S. J. A. MAXVILLK. Towanda, Pa., will so I i strictly tirst class Pianos and Organs at great , ly reduced prices for the next sixty days, j Pianos and Organs Tuned and Repaired. ; Office with C. M. MANVJLLE, on 3d street. The continued mild weather lias liuiueeu ROSKNFIKLD. the Clothing merchant, to re duce the price of Overcoats and other winter Clothing. Call and secure bargains. There | will he ulent.y of cold weather yet. ryrlf you want a stylish hat, cheaper than vou ever bought one. call at ROSEN FIELD'S j clothing store. Prices way down in Gents line and coarse I boots and shoes. All goods warranted as j represented, at BLUM'S. I For a good, durable and neat fitting shoe, I go to BLUM'S. Ask for olio of those dollur-:uii< YKI A RU.HSEM. thai they must make immediate payment or costs will he made. Th books ami aeeoun s are in the hands of •JAMKH WOOD, Attorney-at-law, Towanda, Pa. When you start out to purchase candies, i fruits and confectionery, remember that Fit oil's is headquarters ior all those articles. | and you can reh upon getting a genuine arti ; clc. He iiiauulactures most of his candy and, 'is enabled to furnish his customers "fresh ! stock. MICK.—S.MITH Bt;o-. having forty cows, thirty of which arc ncw-milch, arc therefore ! prepared to Jurnish miik to all who wish at 5 cents per quart, deliven d every day. Partic ular attention given to furnishing parties with cream. SMITH BKOS. Towanda, 1 )ec. op, is7o. Mt Muntanyo, et at eject ■ S Human vs J. L Moody's adm'rs \ Sctli Dunne's adm'r vs C W Doane trover I D (J DcWiti \ s Schrader Coal Co trespass E'l' Fox, assignee, \s i' F Mudill asspt ! Sarah Jordan vs Oiive Fox Elliott issue I William M Kccler vs Barret Kevltf asspt ! J T iloi ton \s Robert Bennett et al asspt | W VV Harris vs A J Layton asspt ! Lois ,S Wood's use vs A J ion trespass I J1 B Jngliain vs same trespass j D F Burton vs same trespass j F G llall's us,' \s Geo Fivio, et al issue B C Hall ve William Blague appeal ' Lyman Blaekinan, guardian, vs J M Fox... .appeal | fc> Kirby vs n C Carpeiiui ejectment | O J Cluibbuek vs Win 11 Morgan's estate asspt IWm R iStorrs, assignee, vs Ttios R Jordan... .asspt | Daniel Bensley vs Stephen Evans, et al eject TllIKl) WEEK. j J Munah, guard, vs P 1. Ward, et al eject i E C Sweet, amd'x, vo A J Layton I H U Kilborn, aumr, vs Hartford File Ins Co ! Elizabeth Duake vs S D Fausworth eject J Brad J. & BA of Athens vs F A Uoot sci fa J Cliauncy Wheeler vs J K Woodruff appeal Guy C Jfollon vs Eilianan Smitli appeal Wm M Alullory vs James T < 'lark et ul .. .partition A Lodcr vs Kihanan Smith asspt J C Blum vs Andrew J Layton trespass Jno F Means VH Lycoming ins asspt E T Fox, assignee, vs V E Piollet assjit Rose Vincent vs Pa ft N Y R it Co asspt C A lleavenervs David ilcrvetier's exr asspt J B Bradley vs Alonzo llill et al ejectment M Cunningham vs David Whipple Daniel daggers vs Lewis Biles et al trespass Josepd Mcivinney s use vs Jno M Myer sci la ,t L EJsbree vs Hugh Clark 1 Leonora Heath, et ai, vs John Carroll trespass J W Hollenbaek vs 11 B Ingham eject I Win H Barnes vs Wm M> - trespass Hiram llorton's use v° Xrastus Hhepard sei fa j Same vs sumc... sci fa •Same vs same sci fa Subpoenas "in week retuiliable on Monday, February Uth, .880. •Subpoenas, Jrd week, returnable on Monday, February lt>,lßßo. ' EO. W.BLACKMAN, Prothonotary. Towand A, Jan. '2, 1880.