Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, January 26, 1880, Image 4

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    The Daily Review.
Towanda,*] Pa., Monday, Jan., 26, 1880.
" Daily Review" only 35 cent* per
month. Try it.
Mails arrive and depart at the Towanda
Post office • follows.
Phila. N. Y. and Eastern States. .4.00 A. M-
Dushore Lifportc fce 9.30 "
L. V. way mail from the North.. 10.00 "
Sheshequin <fc< 11.00 "
New Era &c Tues. Thur and Sat. " "
Asylum &e Moil. Wed. and Fri. . " "
Troy Burlington <fec 1.00 P. M.
Leßaysville Rome &c " "
Closed mail from Erie &NC it its 2.30 "
L, V. way mail from the 50uth...4.30 "
Canton &e 5.00 "
Barclay 6.30 "
Cl's'd mail fr'm Elmira & Erie it It 10.40 "
Canton Monroeton &<• 9.00 A. M.
L. V. way mail Soutli 9.15 "
Cl's'd m,l Elmira Erie NC 11 ItIO.OO "
Troy Burlington &e 10.00 "
Stieshcquin &c 12.00 M.
Barclay 1.00 P.M.
New iJra Tues Thur and Sat.... " "
Asvlum Moil Wed and Fri "
Leliaysville Rome &c " ''
Dushore &e 2.45 "
V. way mail Nortli 3.45 "
A Y Phil and Eastarn States... .7.45 "
Office open from 7.00 A. M. t07.45 p. M.
Money Order office open from 8.00 A. M. to
7.00 p. M.
Office open Sunday's from 9.00 to 10.00 A. M.
Mrs. V ANDKKCOOK died at her residence,
near the Episcopal Church, this morning.
She had been in feeble health for some time.
The Knights of Honor meet this evening.
If you are not already a member send in your
The man .JONES who shot himself last
week owned a lot in East Towanda, and hail
nearly material enough collected and paid for
to build himself a house.
I.'IIAS. SMITH, the Elmira temperance lec
turer, will commence a series of tejnperauee
meetings in the Baptist Church tomorrow
evening, to be continued during the week.
Everybody is invited to lie present.
Last Wednesday was an uiilucky day on
the Eric road. One brakeman WJIB killed at
Port Jarvis, and another at A little
child was also run over and killed at Susque
hanna Depot.
The Philomathean Society will jjold So
ciable at the Institute next Friday evening,
30th inst. The proceeds will be added to the
library fund and devoted to the purchase of
books. The object is a most commendable
one and should enlist the sympathy and com
mand the liberal patronage of all our people.
The following note from Mr. ACKLKY, will
explain itself :
SPRING HILL, Jan. 24, 1880.
Dear Sirs: —Please say in Monday's RE
VIEW that the Singing School will be "held on
Tuesday evening.
Truly yours,
" Cast the beam out of thine own eye."
The Mercury criticize* the RKVIKW on account
of a typographical error, the substitution of
u for , and in the same issue the hypercriti
cal editor indites and prints this sentence:
" Rev. E. I*. Browne of Troy, held services
in Christ Church Sunday. And preached two
excellent sermons, both morning and even
We have heard that when people are in a
certain condition they have double vision, but
this is the tirst instance recorded of the singu
lar phenomenon of the same condition of the
organs of hearing.
We were shown ut JKFFCAUKY'N shop this
morning a very unique and original piece of
kitchen furniture, which the builder styles a
" Cooking Table." It is constructed of thor
oughly seasoned chestnut and ash ; contains
a large kneading-board, which tits in like a
drawer when not in use, places for soda, su
g, r, spices and the various implements used
in making bread, biscuit, cake, etc. At one
end is a compartment large enough to contain
two sacks of flour. As the top is perfectly
tight the table may be utilized for almost any
purpose in the kitchen when not occupied by
the kneading-board.
This ingenious piece of furniture was made
for Mrs. ,1. F. SANDKHHON. ami we have no
doubt Mr. CAIJF.Y will have orders for many
more of them as th< ladies become familiar
with the convenience and labor-saving utility
of the invention. Every tidy house-keeper
should cull and examine it.
The revival of business boom may be said
to have fairly struck this section. The Eureka
Mower Co. are established on a firm founda
tion, and doing a prosperous business. The
Nail Works will soon be in full blast, and
now the good news reaches us that a new
Coal Company i to be organized and com
mence operations ai no distant day: and what
makes the last item more interesting to To
wandians is the fact that our townsman,
JAMES MACTAKLANE. is to have the manage
ment of the company, and that. he will be
assisted by bis two sons, EDWARD and OKA
HAM. The following notice of lite enteprise,
which we have no douht is oilieial and au
thentic. we take from .Saturday's Eltnira Ad
vertiser :
•'The Barclay Coal Company, in addition to
their mines and railroad in Bradford county.
Pa., which are operated by the N. V. L. E. &
W. KB., under a lease to the Towanda Coal
Company, have for several years owned an
other large coal tract, nearer Towanda, which
formerly belonged to Elisha A. Packer. These
lands are held under a charter in the name of
the Long Valley Coal Company.
"During the last summer some explorations
were math' on them by Mr. K. F. Lyon, the
engineer of the Towanda Coal Company,
which have proved the existence of an excel
lent held of coal, with a bed of live feet of
good coal. The owners have concluded that
the time lias come to open a colliery at Long
Valley. For this purpose they have secured
tin! services of James Maefarlane, Esq., and
ins two sons, Edward <). and Graham Mae
farlane, and have placed a large sum of money
at their disposal, to be expended immediately
in the requisite works fora first-class colliery,
with coke-ovens for the manufacture of coke.
A short branch of the Barclay railroad, a
short tram-road from the mines, with an in
clined plane for the mine cars, will bring the
coal to the railroad at Lamoka station, ten
miles from Towanda.
"On the completion of tins works, which
will require several months, they are to be
operated pennantlv by Mr Maefarlane and
Ins sons, under a highly advantageous lease
to another company, which will probably be
called the Lamoka Coal Company. The min
ing village, which will soon be erected at the
new mines, will be called Long Valley. The
office of the Coal and Coke Company will be
at Towanda, where Mr. Maefarlane has al
ways resided.
"It is well known that he was the first
General Manager of the Barclay Railroad
and Coal Company for eight years, during
the trying times when the semi-bituminous
coal trade was in its infancy. He afterwards
organized the To'vanda Coal Company, and
conducted it two years, and since then he has
been for thirteen years the general sales agent
of the Bloosburg Coal Association for the
State of New York, and for the last your for
the western states. His son Edward, ntiw
living in Rochester, has had several years
experience in the coal business as salesman,
both of Bituminous and Anthracite coal, and
Mr. Graham Maefarlane, who is a civil and
mining engineer by profession, was employed
by General Magee*during the construction Of
the coal works at Antrim, and of those of the
Bufialo Coal Company at Cleurmont, in Me-
Kean county, of whose mining operations at
the latter place he has had general charge
since iheir commencement."
Hon. 11. L. SCOTT has been elected repre
sentative from this county to the State Board
of Agriculture, ami expects to attend the
meeting in Harrisburg next week.
Our late townsman IIIUAM HOSKOUD is
visiting friends here.
Miss LUCY A. WALHOUN, who has been
spending the past w ek with friends out of
town, has returned.
IKVIPG SMITH is paying a visit to his
parents in this place.
JAMRCG It. MACFAKLANK spent Sunday with
his cousin, E. O. WAUD, in Hernice.
Collector Mrcitci it spent last week attend
ing to business in Sullivan county.
11. 1,. LAMOKKUX is busily engaged arrang
ing the north room of I>. VV. SCOTT & Co.'*
store into an office for W'M. M. MAI.I.OKV.
Rector J. S. BKKRB attended the convoca
tion at Susquehanna Depot last week, and was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 11. S. GKISWOLO.
Mr. M AI.LOKY will have his new office con
noctcd with the coal yard by telephone.
Our former genial townsman, Col. A. (4.
MASON, now Superintedent of a colliery at
Pittston, spent Sunday with friends here.
The good people of Wyalusing have a rich
treat in store. Our townsman, E. L. Hit.Lis,
Esq., one of the fluent elocutionists in the
country, is to give them an entertainment of
select readings on Wednesday evening, by
invitation of the "Home Course," Committee.
A young woman named ELLA HAGGKKTY
and a young man named DANIKL SHKKIIAN
were arrested Saturday night, in a place at
the corner of Main and Water streets, by
Chief KNAI'P and Captain DKIHTKK. There
seems to be something very wrong in a
law that will only hold a man as a wit
ness, to be then released, while the woman
is punished. The young woman is not more
than fifteen, and is from the neighborhood of
Tow a nda.— Elm ira A dnrt iscr.
Tlx- February number of Scribncr contains
an admirable article*on tin- alcoholic question.
The editor takes a bold and advanced position
on the temperance discussion, aiming well di
rected blows at the very root of the evil of
intemperance, bv demanding that children in
the public schools shall be taught that alcohol
is simply a poison, and distinctive to the con
stitution; producing misery, pauperism ami
crime. The paper ought to he carefully read
by thoughtful parents.
At the last regular meeting 01' the I'hiloinu
thean Society, held at their rooms in the In
stitute, the following officers were elected for
ensuing term:
President —YV. V. DUUOAN.
Vice President —l-L. L\ COIISKK.
Treasurer —E. K. QUINLAN.
Librarian —S. C. JOHNSTON.
Standing Committee — (i. !. HlCK.Chair
The discussions of the Society are open ami
the public cordially invited to attend.
ATION. —The next meeting of the Bradford
County Teachers' Association will take place
at Ulster, Friday and Saturday. February Id
and 14. commencing at 10:80 M. The fol
lowing are the appointments:
Lecturer. Rev. Win. Taylor; Paj>ers, Profs
McCollum and Burgati; Essays, Misses Julia
Kinney, I'. K. Beardslcy and R. Morse; Prac
tical Work, Orthography and Ortheopy. Prof.
11. W. Benedict; Metric System, Mr. J. S.
Bovington; Percentage. Mr. (. L. Black;
Grammar. Prof. E. E. Quinlan; Geography,
Miss Gillet.t; Declamations, Fred Mathers, (J.
S. Shaw; Recitations, Misses Frankie Lan
don, Laura Gerould, Ella Lurdoch. Commit
tee on Arrangements, Mr. E. A. Thompson.
Dr. Mills, Mr. Joseph Mereercau.Miss Cyntha
Shaw. Mrs. Henry Rockwell, Mr. S. (J.
Hovey, Mr. Henry Shaw. Committee on
Resolutions, Prof. W. E. Evans, Mr. E. Z.
Wood. Mr. J. Q. Sullivan.
A cordial invitation is extended to all teach
ers and friends of education to he present and
participate in the exercises.
President. Sec re t a r y.
PATCH BROTHKKB are paving the highest
market price, in cash, for good butter.
WANTKD TO PPRCHASK.—A good tract of
timber land. For particulars, call or address
t his office.
Dealers are paying the following prices to
dav: ♦ *
ilay, per ton, 00 to #0 00
Wheat, per bushel, 125
Bimk wheat, •' 50
Rye. " 70
Oats. " ;ts
Corn, ••
Potatoes, " ,'{o
Apples, " +0 to 50
Eggs, per do/. 20
Butter, 23 to 25
Lard, 7 to S
Pork, 5
Chickens. 7 to H
FOR RI'NT—I have several dwe lings for
rent on the First of April next.
(KO. 1.. HONS. at. the corner of Main and
Klizahcth streets, opposite 111 MIMIUKY BROS.
Si TRACY'S boot and shoe faetoroy, has a com
plete stock of Groceries, and most of them
purchased—for cash —before the advance in
prices, and will he sold at the very bottom
figures, lie has just received a supply of
Fancy l'atent Flour from the ( atarnet Mills,
at Niagara Falls. Those ill want of that
quality of fiour need not look farther for it—
it is the best. The fid Ward Store is also
well stocked with goods.
Fou Runt. —A good house in Third Ward.
Apply to .J. N. Cai.iit.
C. \V. Jon ks is prepared to mend rubbers
on short notice, in the best manner. .Shop
corner Main and Pine streets, in rear of ltu
vikw office. Charges reasonable, and work
Parties desiring oats and corn by the bushel,
can tind it at Gko. llosh' Ist Ward store, at a
reduced price.
I'nder thin head tre trill insert FHJiK, turfite* of
nituutionn or hel/i wuntetl.
Mrs CuiiiiAN, on street west of Fitosr's
Furniture factory, would like work at plain
j sewing, tailoring, carpet making, or washing
! and ironing.
A voiuig man of good moral habits wishes
a situation in a Dry Goods or Grocery store,
three years' experience. Good references
Apply to the editors of this paper.
jfcdfAt MVKI: FC DKVOE'S inaßK*t is the (
place to get tender steaks and nice roasts.
OVERCOATS SO cheap that you can afford to
buy two or three, at ROSEN FIELD'S clothing
A- I )evoe are receiving fresh
Oysters daily, at their market. Bridge St.
'MVKI: SC DKVOK keep the largest and
best assortment of Fruits and Vegetables in
if you want the best vegetables, the largest
oysters, the best cuts of meat, and the finest
sausage to be found in Towanda, call on Mr?
MULLOCK, at the old Market, just south of
the Ward House.
ft iy. Jacobs is selling Overcoats all the way
from S2 up to anv price vou are willing to
Don't put otf your Christmas purchases
until the last moment. FITCH has a full line
of candies and confections, and now is the
time to make your selections.
Cigars of about every known brand at
.1. A. MAXVILLE. Towanda, Pa.. will e
st rit-t ly first class Pianos and Organs at great
ly reduced prices for the next sixty days.
Pianos and Organs Tuned and Repaired.
Office with C. M. MAXVILLE, on ;UI street.
The PARADOX Heliool Desk is the best in
the market. Warranted not to get out of
order or break. Call at FROST'S SONS Fur
niture Store and examine the same. tf
The continued mild weather has imtueeo
ROSEN FIELD, the Clothing merchant, to re
duce the price of Overcoats and other winter
Clothing. Call and secure bargains. There
will be olentv of cold weather yet.
Q&f if you want a stylish hat, cheaper than
you ever bought one, call at ROSENKIKI.D'S
clothing store.
Prices way down in Gents tine ami coarse
hoots and shoes. All goods warranted as
represented, at BLUM'S.
For a good, durable and neat, fitting shoe,
go to BLUM'S.
Ask for one of those dollar-and-a-haif
switches, all Hair, 30 inches long, at Mrs. M.
A. FLETCHER'S, NO. 4. Bridge street.
O. A. BLACK has fitted up offi, eon the
second floor of the building lately occupid by
the crockery store, where lie will confine hini- *
self to the Sewing Machine and Insurance
Country dealer* will find it to their advant
age to buy their eandies at FITCH'S.
1-ifChbice' Hains and Smoked Beef, at
MYKK A DKVOK'S market, Bridge Street.
Ceo Lynchcome ha* opened a new
Barbel* Shop over Powell's store where he is
always ready to wait upon all those who may
Inyo)? him with their patronage. Shampooing
hail" putting Ladies' and Children's hair at
the|r. residenee no extra charge.
This NOTICE is intended to inform all per
sons indebted to the late firm of MCINTYKK
& ItcssKix that they must make immediate
payment or costs will be made. Th books
and accounts are in the hands of
Jamk.B Wool*, Attorney-at-law,
Tow'anda, Pa.
Win n you start out to purchase candies
fruits ami confectionery, remember that
FITCH'S is headquarters for all those articles,
and you can rely upon getting a genuine arti
cle. lie manufactures most of his candy and,
is enabled to furnish his customers fresh
31 ILK.—SMITH linos, having forty cow.*,
thirty of which arc new-milch. arc therefore
prepared lo furnish milk to all who wish at 5
cents per quart, delivered every day. Partic
ular attention given to furnishing parties
with cream. SMITH BROS.
Towanda, Dec. 2!). 1879.
■ ' ...
GUIDE, a beautiful work of 100 pa
pages, One Colored Flower Plate, and
500 Illustrations, with Descriptions of
the Rest Flowers and Vegetables, with
prices of seeds, and how to grow them.
All for a FIVK CUNT STAMP. In English
or German.
Vick's Seeds are the best in the world.
telling how to get them.
The Flower and Vegetable Garden, 175-
pages, Six Colored Plates, and many hun
dred Engravings. For f>o cents in'paper
covers; '#l.oo in elegant cloth. In Ger
man or English.
\ iek s Illustrated .Monthly Magazine—
• Pages a Colored Plate in every num
ber and many line Engravings. * Price
JjjJl.2s a year; Five Copies for #5.00.
Specimen Numbers sent for 10 cents; r>
trial copies for 25 cents.
Address, JAMES VKK, Rochester, N. Y.
Offers its Policies of LIFE INSURANCE on such
terms that it is an easy matter for any person to
make suitable PROVISION FOR Ills FAAIILY
in case of death. The EXPENSE is very LIGHT,
as compared with the ADVAN TAGES.
For information or District Agencies, call on
C. }/. I/.ILL, Atloiiiey-at-Law,
Towanda, Pa.