The I>aily Review. Towanda, Pa., Tuesday, January 6, 1880. BDITOBS : 8. W. ALVORI). NOBLE N. ALVORD. Daily Review" only 545 cent* per month. Try it. It has been raining all day. The meeting of the Missionary Society of Christ Church will take place this afternoon, instead of Wednesday, us stated yesterday. To-day is Epiphany, a day observed by Episcopal and Catholic Churches, in commem oration of the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles. The pews in the Presbyterian Church were sold yesterday. There was a good deal of interest manifested by the congregation, and good prices were realized. All of which is au evidence of unanimity of the congregation, and increasing attachment to the faithful pastor, Doctor STEWART. The Commissioners have made the follow ing appointments for the current year: Clerk— WM. LEWIS. Attorneys —DAVlES A CARNOCHAN. Merc until e App raise r —C HAS. ST EW A RT. Jail Physician —C. K. LAUD. The appointment of Mr. LEWIS for a fifth term is highly complimentary to him, and a deserved recognition of his ability in discharg ing the onerous and often intricate duties of his position, as well as his courteous bearing toward those who have business to transact with him. ONLY. Only a seed —but it chanced to fall In a little cleft in a city wall. And taking root, grew bravely up, Till a tiny blossom crowned the top. Only a flower —but it chanced that day That a burdened heart passed by that way; And the message that through the flower was sent. Brought the weary soul a sweet content. For it spake of the lilies so wonderously clad; And the heart that was tired grew strangely glad At the thought of a tender care over all, That noted even a sparrow's fall. Only a thought—but the work it wrought Could never by tongue or pen be taught : For it ran through a life, like a thread of gold; And the life bore friiit —a hundred fold. Only a word—but 'twas spoken in love, With a whispered prayer to the Lord above, And the angels in heaven rejoiced once more; For a new-born soul ''entered in by the door.' In referring to the anticipated departure from this place of our popular and enterpris ing merchant tailor. J. DOUTRICK, we were in error in assuming that the business was to be discontinued. We are pleased to learn that Mr. W. 11. POOL, who has been with Mr. I). for several years, and who is one of the best cutters in the whole country, is to retain the store now occupied by Mr. DOUTRICK, and will in every respect maintain the high repu tation which the establishment has always enjoyed, and indeed for much of which he is entitled to credit. We make this correction with more than ordinary pleasure, for the reason that we believe the town ought to sup port such a business, and because it is in the hands of one so competent to render satisfac tion to the people. As the week of prayer will begin to-morrow and be observed at the Presbyterian and Methodist churches, we print again the pro gramme as arranged by the Evangellical Al liance : Tuesday, January (5 —Confession of sin and humiliation before God. Wednesday, January 7—Prayer for the church of Christ, its ministers, its growth in grace and its enlargement, and for revivals of religion throughout the country. Thursday, January B—PrayerB—Prayer for Christian education; for the family, and institutions of learning; for Sunday Schools and Christian associations. Friday, January 9—Prayer for the nations, rulers and people; for peace and religious libe v rty. Saturday, January 10 —Prayer for home and foreign missions; for the outpouring of the Spirit upon all flesh, and the conversion of the world. Personal. We received a pleasant call from our old friend ISAAC MAKSH, of Orwell, yestcrdav. Mr. M. lias always been an active political worker from pure principle, as he has never asked any position from the party. G. R. SHERWOOD, formerly ticket agent at this place, and now residing in Nebraska, was visiting friends here yesterday. Col. OVERTON returned to Washington yes terday. The New York Herald says Senator CAM ERON'S family will spend the winter in Elmi ra with friends. WM. GRIKKIS returned to his post in the U. 8. Senate yesterday. Washington life seems to agree with him well. Hon. W. W. KINGSBURY spent the holi days in Towanda, and returned to Washing ton Monday. J. P. KIKIJY and wife were received into the Catholic Church this morning by Father KELLY. J. A. MANY ILLE, Towanda, Pa., will sell strictly first class Pianos and Organs at great" ly reduced prices for the next sixty days. Pianos and Organs Tuned and Rep ired. Office with C. M. MANVILLK, on 3d street. The sittings in the Episcopal church were rented for the current year last evening. A large number of the congregation attended, and several of the pews sold at a premium. It must be quite complimentary to the Rector, J. S. BEERS, to see so much interest manifest ed, and to witness such a vindication of the wisdom of his judgment in urging the enlarge ment of the church. Council Proceedings. The Town Council met in regular session Monday evening, January 5, I*Bo. All the members were present except Couneilmen Snell and Stevens. The minutes of the last regular meeting and of the special meeting held December 15,1870, were read and approved. Communications and petitions from citizens relating to Borough affairs being the first business in order, under the rules, James Wood, Esq., presented a petition for the re moval of the side-walk from the north to the south side of Bridge street, commencing at or near 3d street. On motion, the petition was laid on the table. Mr. Wood also asked for a crossing at the corner of Mechanic and Bridge streets. On motion, the Street Committee of the 2d Ward was atliorized to put down a crossing at that point. The Finace Committee to whom was refer red the claim of Daniel Walburn, for damages to his wagon on crossing the RR. track at the foot of Pine street, asked and obtained further time in which to examine and make their report. The Gas Committee submitted the fo I low re port : The Gas Committee to whom was referred the petition of citizens for the erection of a gas lamp post on Poplar street, near the resi lience of E. T. Noble, recommended that the prayer of the petitioners be granted. J. IIOLCOMB, ) W. 11. JONES, \ Com. W. G. ALGER, ) The report was adopted. Wm. Maxwell, Esq., presented a petition for the erection of a gas lamp post on the corner of Huston street and Watts Avenue. Bv Councilman llolcomb. llesolved , That the Secretary of the Boro. Council be and is hereby authorized to dis tose of the old Naiad hand engine, for the ►est price attainable for cash. Adopted. By Councilman Alger. Jlesolved, That the resolution adopted at a special meeting of the Council, held Dec. 15, 1871), authorizing the Borough Engineer to give a grade for a side-walk to G. L. Ross, on the west side of William street, be and the same is herby recinded. Adopted. Mr. llolcomb moved that the Street Com mittee of the 2d Ward be authorized to put down a plank walk, four feet wide, from Plank Road street, to the foot of the stairs on the south side. Adopted. A communication was received from the Secretary of the Fire Board, asking for the approval of the following amcmeudmcnt of Article 5, Section 2, made by said board, to wit: "Whenever a member of the Fire Depart ment shall cease connection with the Deport ment, he shall return his badge to the Clerk of the Borough Council and receive tifty cents therefor." On motion, the communication was laid on the table. The Burgess was authorized to procure a suitable seal for the use of the corporation. The Lin-Ta Hose (Jo.'s bill of expenses for 1877-78, amounting to $103.19, was referred to the Finance Committee, to examine and re port at the next regular meeting. The following bills were approved and ordered paid: J Towner, 63 1-2 ft. flag.for Kureka eulv- 12, £3B 10 A J Noble 26 10-25 per stone, " 150 30 60 " 1 1-4 days team, " 300 3 75 " liauliing plank 75 S Walbridge, 8 ilayft On '* 8 (M) T Kennedy, 4 1-2 days on " 4 50 A Eaton, 4 days on " 4 00 R Bennett, atone work, " 3 (Hi Dennis Lyneh 6 1-2 days on " 6 50 ,J Nestor, 6 1-2 days oil •' 6 50 W Fitzgerald, 1-2 day on street, 50 H Barnes, 1-2 day on " 50 II Yaw, 1-2 day on " 50 D O'Boyle, 1-2 day on Becond street grade, 50 1) Pender, 4 days on " 4 00 1) Slielp, 5 days on "8c stairs, 5 00 B Kinney, 2 days on " 2 00 T Cullinan, 3 1-2 days on " 3 50 T Dalton, 4 days on " 4 00 M Coyle, 4 days on street, 4 00 E (iillispie, 1-2 day " 50 W Keeler, cash paid for labor on " 150 .1 It Kittridge, Secretary Fire Board, 8 32 (las Company, gas for Linta, Dee., 288 '• " Police station, 468 " " F. Engine Housli, 432 " " 40 st. lamps, 180 72 00 " Lighting and care of same, 000 " 1 lamp globe, 100 " 1 Ton (ias Coal. Fire D'pt, 10 00. 103 SS .T M Bill, 112 day on stairway, 2d Ward 1 50 B Kcllum, 2-3 " Teaming, (Streets) 2 00 Overton and Sanderson, Legal service, 10 00 E(r Kromer, repairing street tools, 8 On II T June, castings, Fire I >'j>t, 8 50 " nails, (streets) 1 38 .1 Kingsbury, interest paid to.) I' Kirby, 311 39 " services, duly 1, to Dee. 31, '79, 125 00 B P Whiteomb, stationery, 45 T Fessenden, care town clock to Dec. 31, '79, 10 no O A Burns, 31 days Police duty, Dec. 62 00 C W Diminock, " night " " 20 00 d Onan, 6 days on stairway and street, 6 00 W W Kingsbury, 1 3-4 day team, 5 days extra man, 10 25 d Corbit, 3 1-2 days drying hose, Fire D'pt, 3 50 d C Lang, care of Engine House, Dec. 7 00 C Beely, team 011 parade, " 2 50 i) Walborn, " " 2 50 " hauling steamer, Btreeter lire, 1 50 d F Means, " " " " 150 " team on parade, " 2 50 d O Frost's Hons " " 2 50 Armstrong, " " 2 50 Lament 1 1-2 day drying hose, " 1 50 B Adams, 1-2 " " 05 H Knitlin, 14 " 25 Total, *6Bl 62 REPORT OF POLICE JUSTICE. To the Honorable Burgess and Town Council of Towamla Borough. The undersigned Pollen Justice respectfully submits the following report of eases heard and disposed of for the month ending January 5,1850. Dee. 19, 1879. —Henry Wells, brought by (I. A. Burns, charged with being drunk and dis orderly. Fine, $1 00 Justice, 70 Constable. I 00 Fine and cost paid to G. A. Burns. Justice cost paid by Burns. W. J. YOUNG, January o, 1880. Police Justice. J. KINOSHUUY, See 'Y. MARRIED. WELLEU—STRUBLE.— At Horn Brook. Dee. 31. 1879, by Rev. S. F. Wright, Mr. N. G. Welier, of Horn Brook, and Miss Nora Struhle, of Litchfield, Pa. WANTS. Under this head ire icilf insert FUEK, notices of situations or help wanted. Mrs Ct KUAN, 011 street west of FROST'S Furniture factory, would like work at plain sewing, tailoring, carpet making, or washing and ironing. A young man of good moral habits wishes a situation in a Dry Goods or Grocery store, three years' experience, Good references Apply to the edttors of this paper. HI SI NESS LOCALS. UUTAt MYKR & DEVOK'S market is the place to get tender steaks and nice roasts. Devoc are receiving fresh Oysters daily, at their market. Bridge St. gf TTBuy your fresh fish at RUN DELL'S. best assortment of Fruits and Vegetables in town. Go to E. D. RUNDELL'S for the best Steaks and Roasts. Jr-jyGenuine Bacon of the best quality--al ways 011 sale at E. 1). RUNDELL'S market. OYSTERS to-day, at E. D. Rundell's. Lf you want the best vegetables, the largest oysters, the best cuts of meat, and the finest sausage to be found in Towanda, call on Mr. MULLOCK, at the old Market, just south of the Ward House, JfWJacobs is selling Overcoats all the way from $2 up to any price vou are willing to pay. Cigars of about every known brand at FITCH'S. Don't put off ypur Christmas purchases until the last moment. FITCH has a full line of candies and confections, and now is the time to make your selections. JQTIf you want a stylish hat, cheaper than you ever bought one, call at ROSEN FIELD'S clothing store. For a good, durable and neat fitting shoe, go to HU M'S. Prices way down in (ients tine and coarse hoots and shoes. All goods warranted as represented, at HU M'S. OVERCOATS so cheap that you can afford to buy two or three, at ROSKNFIKLD'S clothing, store. Mrs. SWKKT can be found at STKRN'B New York Store, where her millinerv orders will he filled. Ask for one of those dollar-and-u-half switches, all Ilair, 30 inches long, at Mrs. M A. FLETCHER'S, No. 4. Bridge street. (). A. BLACK has fitted up an office on the second floor of the building lately occupid by the crockery store, where tie will confine him self to the Sewing Machine and Insurance business. Mrs. SWKKT can be found at STERN'S New York Store, where her millinery orders will be tilled. Mrs. SWKKT can be found at .STERN'S New York Store, where her millinery orders will be filled. Country dealers will find it to their advant age to buy their candies at Firm's. JCtTVhoice Hams and Smoked Beef, at MYKR DKVOK'S market, Bridge Street. Geo Lvnchcome has opened a new Barber Shop over Powell's store where he is always ready to wait upon all those who may favor him with their patronage. Shampooing hair cutting Ladies' and Children's hair at. their residence no extra charge. This NOTICE i intended to inform allper sons indebted to the late firm of MOINTYRK & RCSNKLL that they must make immediate payment or costs will be made. Th books and aecoun's are in the hands of JAMES WOOD, Attorney-at-law, Towanda, Pa. WANTED.— By the Towamla Hod and Gun Club, January 15, 1880, 500 pigeons. Ad dress K. F. SMITH. Sec'y., Powell, Pa. When you start out to purchase candies, fruits and confectionery, remember that FITCH'S is headquarters for all those articles, and you can rely upon getting a genuine arti cle. He manufactures most of his candy, and is enabled to furnish his customers "fresh stock. MILK. —SMITH BROS, having forty cows, thirty of which arc new-milch, are therefore prepared to furnish milk to all who wish at 5 cents per quart, delivered every day. Partic ular attention given to furnishing parties with cream. SMITH BROS. Towanda, Dee. 29, 1879. GRIST MILL FOR SALE.— The subscriber otters for sale an undivided half interest in the Globe Mills, near Towanda, and adjoin ing Maj. HALE'S, with mill-house, barn and other out buildings, and eight acres of land connected, therewith. The mill has lately been put in thorough repair, and is now doing a splendid business —running day and night. Said half interest now rants for $450 a year, clear of all expenses, and in good times would readily rent for SOOO. This is a rare opportunity for a profitable investment. Terms, half cash, the balance on longtime. JOSEPH G. PATTON. jfcJT IMPORTANT TO SCHOOL DIREC TORS AND TAX PAYERS—'The fol lowing decision of the Superintendent of Public Instruction is of great importance to tax-payers as well as directors, as violation of the law upon the subject will deprive di>- tricts of the State appropriation, and subject Directors to severe penalties: DEPARTMENT OK I'M. INS., I Harrisburg, Pa., Dec. 1, 1879. } There is but one time in the year when di rectors can adopt a new series of text hooks for the schools under their charge, or change old ones, and that is between the time of electing teachers and the opening of the schools. Section 23, Act of Mi y 1.1854, says : " That immediately after the annual election of teachers in each school district of the state, and be fere the opening of the schools for the ensuing term, there shall be a meeting of the directors or controllers and teachers of each district; at which meeting the directors or controllers shall decide upon a series of school books, in the different branches to he taught during the ensuing school year;which books, and no other, shall be used in the schools of the district during said period." Such is the law, with this exception, that, books cannot now he changed more frequent ly than once in three years. J. P. WICKERSHAM, Superintendent Public Instruction. TTTOOD & HALE, ¥ Attorneys at Law, Office corner Main and Pine Streetn Towanda, Pa. JAMES WOOD, | JAB. T.HALE.