DAILY TOWANDA REVIEW. VOLUME I, NO. 125. TOWANDA, PA., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 6, 1880. PRICE ONE CENT. The News Condensed. It is now positively asserted that Jesse James, the Missouri out-law is dead. Col. Tom. Scott used to he a mere sta tion agent. Four persons were burned to death by the burning of a building on Fourth st., New York, yesterday morning. Eleven survivors of lost ship Borussia, who were picked up at sea December 5, have been landed at Baltimore. The North Carolina colored exodous threatens to break out afresh, and with much larger proportions than heretofore. The New Orleans carnival on February 10 promises to be'the most brilliant ever seen on this continent. Two well-known Cherokee Indians had a rough-and tumble fight at Washington on Saturday. President Carri of Capital Savings Bank of San Francisco, just suspended, says it will pay dollar for dollar. Great excitement continues among creditors and depositors of the broken Grocers' Bank of New York City. General Grant and party arrived at Fernandina, Florida, from yesterday morning, after a delightful trip. Mr, Parnell was tendered a public wcl com by the Irish-Americans of New York at Madison-square Garden Sunday even ing. The total amount of fees collected by the county officers and paid into the treas ury of Luzerne county during the past year was 832,435 39. Edward Curley, a Mollie Maguire fugitive from justice, has returned to Centralia, Pa., and surrendered to the authorities. Weston has quietly gone to England for the purpose of again competing for the Astley Belt. We hope he will again win it. One section of Grecnway's brewery, in Syracuse fell down yesterday morning, resulting in a loss of fifteen thousand dol lars. Owing to assaults by union men, pork packers of Chicago threaten summary measures for protection of their non-union workmen. Martin F. Nuss, deputy prothonotarv ofßloomsburg, Pa., committed suicide yesterday by shooting himself through the head. The fltth semi-annual convention of the Pennsylvania Millers' State Association, will be held at the Lochiel Hotel, Harris burg, Pa., on Tuesday, January 13th, next, at 3 o'clock, p. m. The second trial of Mrs. Jennie Smith and Cove Bennet, the murder of the hus band of the former, will be commenced before Judge Knapp, at Jersey Cit