Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, January 02, 1880, Image 4

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    The Daily Review.
Towanda Pa., Friday, Januury 2, 1880.
** MPaiiy Mtevieir" only 85 cent* per
month. Try it.
emmmnummmmmmmmmmmmnKwmramtmmnmrmmammmuKmmhmtt 'HUNNIMOWII
The weather is mild and warm as Spring.
S3OO to loan —lirst lien on real estate re- 1
quired. Apply to J. ANDREW WILT.
The average cost per month for tuition in
the public schools of this county is 83 cents
per scholar.
If there was anything frozen we should,
conclude from tho mild weather that our tra-1
ditionai " January thaw" had begun.
The Naiads had so much provender re
maining after feeding all the dancers last I
night, that they sold it at auction this after
Bradford county had 15,101 pupils in the
public schools during the year ended on the j
31st of May last. The average attendance
was 80 per cent.
The Terpsichore Club will meet next Friday !
evening, at the residence of GEO. KIKBY, on 1
Chestnut street. It is expected this will be
the most enjoyable gathering of the season.
<► -O- -
Athens township has the largest number of
schools (20) of any district in the county. — j
This borough only falls 21 pupils behind
Athens and has hut nine teachers.
Installation of the officers of Wat kins Post,
G. A. R., for the ensuing year, will take place |
at Military Hall to-morrow night. All the
coinerades should be present.
The reception given by BESSIE and EDDIE
STROUD last evening was attended by about j
forty of their young friends and was a very |
pleasant and enjoyable occasion. The little j
folks were in the best of spirits, and the even-'
ing sped rapidly by . After a sumptuous col-,
lation. at 10 o'clock the company dispersed.!
regretting the shortness of the hours.
Among the guests were Misses Lor and
BESSIE WAHD, of Syracuse. Rector BEERS
and wife were alsonresnt.
CARD OK THANH.—I desire to most hearti-;
ly and sincerely thank my brother haekmen ,
who so promptly initiated the movement, and j
the good people of Towanda who so generous- j
ly contributed funds to purchase for tne a ;
horse to replace the one which 1 had the mis
fortune to lose a few days since. The pres
ent was a most agreeable surprise, relieving
me from serious embarrassment and cheering j
me in the day of trouble. The recollection
of the occasion will he kept fresh in my mem
ory till the end of life, not only on account of
the intrinsic value of the gift, but tin* noble.!
unseltish sentiment which prompted it. Maj
the liberal donors realize that "it is more
blessed to give than receive."
The following named gentlemen have been j
chosen officers of Crystal Lodge, K. of IL.
for the six months, commencing January 1 :
Dictator— l>. L. PRATT.
Vice Dictator —L. IIAHKIS.
Assistant Dictator —JAMKS McIIKE.
Financial Reporter —S. W. ROIXTER.S.
Treasurer— 11. s. GRAVF.h.
Chaplain— (). A. BLACK.
Guardian —('. T. MCKINNKY.
Sentinel—li. S. TIICRHKR.
Representatiee to Grand Lodge—V.
M . wKit —alteraate—il kori;i-: C. Rll><;i-:w \ v.
Trustees— C. M. MYKR, O. A. BLACK.
The Naiad Reception last night was all that
could have been anticipated in the way of en
joyment to the participants.
Over one hundred and fifty tickets were
sold, and the party comprised the most fash
ionable portion of our community. Banning j
commenced at nine o'clock, and was kept up
until three o'clock this morning.
Supper was served from II to 1, in the
green-room. The committee in charge of
the tables hail left nothing out of the bill of
fare which could tempt the appetite of the
most fastideous epicure.
STCLKN'SOrchestra furbhed the music,and
well sustained the enviable re plat ion they have
long enjoy id here.
Quite a number were present, from abroad,
but as our Jenkin was unable to attend, we I
are compelled to forego any description of
the the magnificent toilets and lovely maidens
Who graced the hall. I
JAM. WILBKK and wife have gone to Brad-
I ford to visit their son.
Col. J. W. MASON, U. S. A. is visiting ins
father, Col. G. F. MASON, and other friends
O. A. BALDWIN'S son. Master George, is
just reeovering from a severe attack of diph
Capt. CARNOCHAN, has purchased the resi
dence occupied by HENRY C. PORTER, on !
Chestnut street. The price paid was $3,750.
Mr. C. has secured an elegant home, and the
Third Ward a good citizen.
11. A. BURKANK fell down the steps at.l.
P. VANFLEET'S on Wednesday morning and
injured himself quite seriously. When taken j
up he was unconscious. He is getting better
Senator DAVIES represented this county at
the meeting of the State Central Committee
in Philadelphia on Tuesday.
,J. I). TYJ.F.R and wife of Canton, spent
several days in town this week visiting at B.
HENRY MERCER, who has been confined
to his room by illness for some days, is slow- j
ly recovering and will be able to attend to
business again soon.
JAMES W. TAYLOR, our former popular
townsman, spent New Year's Day in To
A goodly number of friends assembled In
the Church of SS. Peter and Paul last, evening
to witness tlie marriage of Mr. JAMES KIR- '
WIN, of Ithaca, and Miss II ANNA HEIR HILL,
of this place. The bride was neatly and fault
lessly arrayed, while JIMMY, with his white
neck-tie and kids and genteel suit of black, i
looked as happy as a king. We extend our
congratulations to the happy pair.
Our legal friend, 1. M'PIIKKSON decided to
begin the new in a proper manner, and on
Wednesday afternoon led to the hymenial al
tar Miss BERKICE MAGII.L. one sf the preti- J
est and most accomplished young ladies of
Towanda. In his selection of a life partner I
MAC has sustained his legal reputation of be
ing a far-sighted discreet gentleman of good
judgment and faultless tasie.
At the residence of CN AS. SCOETON on
Wednesday, Dec. 24ih. occurred a very bril
liant wedding. The bride and groom were
Miss KM MA LEWIS, of Burlington, and GEO.
STROUD, of Wyalusing. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. DAVID CRAFT, of Wya- 1
lusing, who rendered a short and very impres
sive service. After the ceremony and con
gratulations. the guests sat down to a most
bountiful and elaborately prepared supper.
Early the next morning the happy couple i
were accompanied to Towanda by Mr. ALLEN
tnira Advertiser.
Dealers are paying tee following prices to- i
ilay, per ton, £lO 00
Wheat. per bushel, 1 2A
Buckwheat, 44 AO
Rye. " 70
Oats. " :is
Corn, 44 AO :
Potatoes, 4> 30 j
Apples, 4 - 40 to AO!
Kggs, per dor. 21 1
Butler, 23 to 28 j
Lard. 7 to N
Pork, 51
Chickens, 7 to S :
W—BHWMWWBHiB———MW -Bf • riT mhm iiHi m
COLKMAN—GRABB.—Dee. 30th, at the!
church of SS. Peter and Paul, by Rev. (*. !
F. Kelly, Mr. John Coleman and Mariah |
Sl LLIV AN — BRKKN' AN. —I)ee. 301 h, at the :
church of SS. Peter and Paul, by Rev. C. i
F. Ivellv, Mr. Patrick Sullivan and Miss
Margaret Breenan.
MrDONNELL—KKNRICK.— Dee. 31st, at,
the church of SS. Peter and Paul, by Rev.
J. B. Whalen, Mix John McDonnell and Miss
Joanna Kenrick.
GAFFEY—COLLINS. —January J, by Rev, i
Cluis. F. Kelly, Mr. Michael Galley and
Miss Margaret Collins, of Barclay.
KIRWAN —BHItCIILL.—January 1. at the !
church of SS. Peter and Paul, by Rev. C. F. j
Kelly, Mr. James M. Kirwaii and Miss
Hanna Burehill.
umrox mm. j "■nr r wnmuttn;t. >*/ .v r. tajw -**** i uru iwi m
Under thin head we toil I insert FRKK, notices of !
situations or help wanted.
A good girl to do general housework, and
plain sewing, at Benj. KuykendulPs, Poplar
MI'SCERRAN, on street west of FROST'S
Furniture factorv, would like work at plain ! tailoring, carpet making, or washing
and ironing.
A young man of good moral habits wishes I
a situation in a Dry Goods or Grocery store,
three years' experience. Good references
Apply to the edttors of this paper.
WANTED.— By the Towanda Rod and Gun
Club. January IA. 18S0, 500 pigeons. Ad
dress E. F. SMITH, Sec'v.,
Powell, Pa.
When you start out to purchase candies,
fruits and confectionery, remember that
FITCH'S is headquarters for all those articles, i
and you can rely upon getting a genuine arti
cle. He manufactures most of his candy, and
is enabled to furnish his customers fresh
dry At MYKK & DEVOK'S market is the :
place to get tender steaks and nice roasts.
fffAT'Myor ifc Devon are receiving fresh
Oysters daily, at their market. Bridge St.
s3F*Buy your fresh fish at REN DELL'S.
ife I)KVOE keep the largest and ,
best, assortment of Fruits ami Vegetables in
(BSF Goto F. I). IB) NDEi.l.'s for the best |
Steaks and Roasts. j
fJtjfifGenuine Bacon of the best quality—al
ways on sale at K. I). liUN DELL'S market.
I'TyA room for rent in Patton's Block, over
Jacob's store. Apply to J. G. Pat ton,
OVERCOATS so cheap that you can atl'ord to
buy two or three, at ROSENFI ELD's clothing I
Mrs. SWEET <*an he found at STERN'S New j
York Store, where her millinery orders will !
he filled.
(>. A. BLACK has fitted up an ofiiee on the |
second fioor of the building lately occupid by i
the crockery store, where he will eonliue him
self to the Sewing Machine and Insurance,
Mrs. SWEET can he found at STERN'S New
York Store, where her millinery orders will !
he filled.
For a first class Hair Switch go to Mrs. M
A. FLETCHER'S, No. 4. Bridge street.
Ask for one of those dollar-and-a-half '
switches, all 11 air. 30 inches long, at No. 4.}
Bridge street.
Puffs with IS inch hair, and one do'lar, at
No. 4, Bridge street.
Diamond, silver and snowtlake powder for i
the hair at No. 4, Bridge street.
Especial attention payed to the dressing of !
ladies hair for the Naiad and Lin-Ta halls, t
at No. 4, Bridge street.
Switches to rent on special occasions, at No. '
4, Bridge street.
Funcv Hair Work a specialty, at No. 4. '
Bridge street.
A first class assortment of millinery goods j
at cost, can he found at No. 4, Bridge street, !
Mrs. SWEET can he found at STERN'S New '
York Store, where her millinerv orders will !
he tilled.
Country dealers will find it to their advent- '
age to buy their e:iudies at FITOII's.
This NOTICE is intended to inform all per
sons indebted to the late firm of McINTYRE
& RUSSELL that they must make immediate
payment or costs will he made. Tli hooks
and aceoun s are in the hands of
JAMES WOOD, Attorney-at-law,
Towanda, Pa.
The PARAGON School Desk is the best in j
the market. Warranted not to get out of
order or break. Call at FROST'S SONS Fur-!
niture Store and examine the same. tl'
If you want the best vegetables, the largest i
oysters, the best cuts of meat, and the finest!
sausage to he found in Towanda, cull on Mr.
Met, LOCK, at the old Market, just south of i
the Ward House,
Geo Lynchconie has opened a new
Barber Shop over Powell's store where lie is
always ready to wait upon all those who may
favor him with their patronage. Shampooing
hair cutting Ladies' and Children's hair at
their residence no extra charge.
(115?" Jacobs is selling Overcoats all the wav
from $2 up to any price you are willing to
Cigars of about even known brand at
Don't put otf your Christmas, purchases
until the last moment. FITCH has a full line
of candies and confections, and now is the
time to make your selections.
Mrs. FLETCHER is selling millinery goods
at cost.
Prices way down in Gents line and coarse
hoots and shoes. All goods warranted as
represented, at BLUM'S.
On account of a change in my business,
I will sell Millinery Goods at cost.
No. 4 Bridge street
The continued mild weather lias itmueeu
ROHENEIELD. the Clothing merchant, to re
duce the price of Overcoats and other winter
Clothing. Call and secure bargains. There
will be plenty of cold weather yet.
For a good, durable and neat fitting shoe,
go to BLUM'S.
PATCH BROTHERS pay 30 cents, in cash,
for pheasants, and the highest price for but
you want a stylish hat, cheaper than
you ever bought one, call at ROSEN FIELD'S
clothing store.
Hams and Smoked Beef, at
MY Kit <FC DKVOK'K market. Bridge Street.
LOST. —Oft' the hoarse, on Wednesday,
December 17th. between .1. O. FROST'S SONS
Furniture Store ami Buyer's school house, a
Light Rubber Coat. The tinder will be liber
ally rewarded by leaving the same at J. (>.
LOST.—A Red Morocco Pocket-Book, con
taining about twenty-four dollars in bills and
change, one note of forty dollars, with four
teen dolhrs endorsed, and other valuable
papers, one watch-key, elastic cord. The
tinder will be liberally rewarded by leaving
the above at l>. W. SCOTT COL'S or the
Mr>. I>. T. FOSTKR.
flpar Theunnunl meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Towanda Bridge Co., for eleceion
of a President, Treasurer and Six Managers
to serve the ensuing year, will be held at the
First National Bank of Towanda, on Wednes
day January 7. IXXO, between the hours one
and three o'clock, p. in.
Dec. 2. 1X79. N. N. BKTTS, Seer tary.
MII.K. — SMITH BROS, having forty cows,
thirty of which are new-milch, are therefore
prepared to furnish milk to till who wish at f>
cents per quart, delivered every day. Partic
ular attention given to furnishing parties
with cream. SMITH BROS.
Towanda, Dec. 29, 1579.
CRIST MILL FOR SALE.— The subscriber
offers for sale an undivided half interest, in
the Globe Mills, near Towanda, ami adjoin
ing Maj. I LARK'S, with mill-house, barn and
other out buildings, and eight acres of land
connected therewith. The mill lias lately
been put in thorough repair. and is now doing
a splendid business—running day and night.
Said half interest now rants for s4.">t) a year,
clear of all expenses, and in good times
would readily rent for s<>oo. This is a rare
opportunity for a prolitable investment.
Terms, half cash, the balance on longtime.
lowing decision of the Superintendent of
Public Instruction is of great importance to
tax-payers as well as directors, as violation
of the law upon the subject will deprive di -
tricts of the State appropriation, and subject
Directors to severe penalties:
Ilarrisburg. Pa., Dec. 1, 1X79. j
There is hut one time in the vear when di
rectors can adopt a new series of textbooks
for the schools under their charge, or change
old ones, and that is between the time of
electing teachers and the opening of the
schools. Section 23, Act of M. yl. lxf>4, says:
'• That immediately after the annual election
of teachers in each school district of the state,
and beferc the opening of the schools for the
ensuing term, there shall be a meeting of the
directors or controllers and teachers of each
district; at which meeting the directors or
controllers shall decide upon a scries of school
hooks, in the different branches to be taught
during the ensuing school year; which hooks,
and no other, shall he used in the schools of
the district during said period."
Such is the law, with this exception, that
hooks cannot now he changed more frcquent-
Iv than once in three years.
Superintendent Public Instruction.
*" . . j ft,-*
Attorneys at Law.
Office corner Main and Pine Streets Towanda, Pa.
at the close of business i)ec. 12, 1879.
Loans and Discounts $403,828 89
Overdrafts 3,330 31
U. B. Bonds and 4 per cent certificates.. 126,.'590 00
Other stocks 10,270 18
Redemption Fund with U. H. Treasurer. 6,206 36
Due from banks 101,241 35
Legal tender and bank notes, I
Cash items and specie, j 29,150 32
Expenses ,5,067 84
Real estate, furniture and fixtures 20,347 04
$725,122 20
Capital $125,000 00
Surplus fund and undivided profits 77,822 90
Circulating notes 112,500 00
Dividends unpaid 60 00
Deposits 400,560 14
Due banks 9,179
$725,122 20 '
I, N. N. BUTTS, Cashier of the First National
Bank of Towanda, do solemnly swear that the above
statement is true to the best of uiy knowledge and
N. N. BETTS, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn before me this 24th day of
Dec., 1879. W. 11. DODGE, Notary Public.
('. L. TRACY, > Directors.
K. W. IIALE, )