The Review. Towanda Pa., Tuesday, Dec'r 30, 1879. KDITORB .* S. W. ALVORD. * NOBLE N. ALVORD. " Daily Review" only 25 tenia per month. Try it. Mails arrive depart and at the Towanda Post office follows. ARRIVE. Phila. N. Y. and Eastern States. .4.00 A. M- Dushore Laporte Ate 9.30 " L. V. way mail from the North. .10.00 " Sheshequin Ate 11.00 " New Era &c Tues. Thur and Sat. " " Asylum Ate Mon. Wed. and Fri. " " Troy Burlington Are 1.00 P. M. Leßaysville Rome Are- " " Closed mail from Erie AT N CRRs 2.30 " L, V. way mail from the 50uth...4.30 " Canton &c 5.00 " Barclay 0.30 " Cl's'd mail fr'm Elmira AT Erie R 1110.40 " DEPART. Canton Monroeton Arc 9.00 A. M. L. Y. way mail South 9.15 '• Cl's'd m,l Elmira Erie AT NC R RIO.OO " Troy Burlington Arc 10.00 " Sneshequin Arc 12.00 M. Barclay 1.00 P. M. New Era Tues Thur and Sat.... " " Asylum Mon Wed and Fri " " Leßaysville Rome A:e •' " Dushore Arc 2.45 " J. V. way mail North 3.45 " N Y Phil and Eastarn States... .7.45 " Office open from 7.00 A. M. t07.45 p. M. Money Order office open from 8.00 A. M. to 7.00 p. M. Office open Sunday's from 9.00 to 10.00 A. M. P. POWELL, P. M. It is reported that the great American carpet companies are about to begin the manufacture of Axinister carpets on an extensive scale, and that the services of some of the best English designers have been engaged. The Democratic majority in Congress is so much at sea on the currency question that it is likely to devote a good share of its time to tariff tinkering, if the number of bills already introduced are an index of Democratic sentiment on the subject. There are thirty-two of them, and nearly every one of them contemplates some re ductiou in tariff rates. There is a new marble working ma chine at Rutland, Vt, which chips the stone at the rateoffo,ooosrokesa minute. By setting the weels at different angles to the line of the spindle, according to the work required to be done, the machine will channel, turn and flute a column, countersink, mould, panel, letter and do filagree work. Each spindle has about 38 chisels or teete, and revolves from 1,- 500 to 3,000 times a minute. Greenbacks of the smaller denominati ons are in great demand, and the legal tender balance in the United States Treas ury has decreased from $59,000,000 on Sept. 30 to $23,000,000 on December 24. Even the standard dollars have begun to find a place in the circulating currency, and during the last three months some 4,000,000 of them have gone into the hands of the people. The demand fell 2,- 000,000 short of the coinage for the same period, but there is some satisfaction in knowing that only two millions of dol lars have been added to the accumulated stock of standard dollars during the last quarter. The business "boom" is solving some of the most difficult financial prob lems, without the aid of legislation. Secretary Sherman dresses plainly and always in dark colors, and looks more like a college professor than a politician. In his walks he invariably carries a light cane, which he swings carelessly. The Philadelphia Press describes him as mak ing the business of his office go like clock work. As fast as he reads his letters he dictates to his private secretary, and tin callers who interrupt him are quickly dis posed of. In perception he is quick, and in decision prompt. lie despatches busi ness with great rapidity, and never re views his work. If you ask him a ques tion about department business he will answer instantly or direct you to a man who is fully informed. His method is so thorough that he feels every pulse beat in the great department of which he is the head. CHRISTMAS, 1879. NEW YEARS, 1880. ' EXTRAORDINARY INVOICE OF HOLIDAY AND IVlillineir.y Goods. Mrs. S. H. Sweet Offers at her Emporium of Fancy Goods MILLINERY AND YANKEE NOTIONS. A FRESH STOCK Recently purchased, at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Consisting of Hats, Fancy Goods, Toweling, Collars, Comforters, Embroideries, Flowers, Ribbons, Handkerchiefs, silk, linen and embroidered, Feath ers and Tips, Slipper Patterns, Card-board, Zephyrs, Combs, Jet Ornaments, Kusching, Necklaces, Veil ing in all colors, Java Canvas Patterns, Lace Capes, Crape Pellisses, Babies' Knit Stockings, Ladies' Hose in all colors and styles, Dolls, Children's i Sacks, Hoods and Mittens, Ladies' Nubias in all colors, Bracelets, Pocket Books, Mottoes, Birds and Feathers, Shawls, Jewelry, Ladies' and Gentle men's ; UNDERWEAR. I In short, EVERYTHING pertaining to a complete , assortment of seasonable . FANCY GOODS and STYLISH MILLINERY. HATS TRIMMED, in all styles and colors, and l of every variety of material: Fur, Felt and Straw, at MRS. SWEET'S Fancy Goods Bazar, Dec. 17 Main Street, Towanda. E. ROSENFI ELD'S ; Fall Opening ;j CLOTHING l ♦ > i < I . ) HATS, CAPS, i NECKWEAR, GLOVES, HOSIERY, I t * i - j and a full Hue of 1 | GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, t B which are offered 8 I 1 ! EXCEEDINGLY LOW. i [1 j Call and see me.Jexaraine goods, learn prices, &c 0 | 0 j ii! e I M. K. ROSENFIBLD. JOHNSON, FASHIONABLE BARBER, I Under Market, one door south of Ward House. Careful and experienced workmen always ready i to wait upon customers. N EW FIRM. H. Davidow Ac Bro. CASH PAID FOU I j j FUR, HIDES, PELTS, I I WOOL, BEESWAX, i No. 4, Ileid!eman,s Block, Bridge St Towanda, October 28. J FIGHT MIT SIGEL and all HONORABLY DISCLIARGKI) SOLDIERS j will consult their own interest* by calling at J A C O 15 8' long ostablished and weH known I ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, PATTON'S BLOCK, and buy their coats, pants, vests, overcoats, shirts, overalls, Gloves, Ilose, Hats and Caps, and every thing iu the line of line and stylish GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Don't be deceived by persons falsely representing I themselves to be JACOBS, but come directly to my ; store in Button Block, Main street, near Bridge at" . I au 5 26 H. JACOBS. GREAT CROWDS Continually attend the Auction Sale OF FINK n the store formerly occupied by J. L KENT, Moore's Block. The stock comprises large i nes of DRESS GOODS, CALICOES, DOMESTICS, TABLE LINENS, TOWKLSand TOWELNO, FLANNELS, MARSEILLES and CROTCHET QUILTS, RLAXKETL. HOSIERY OF ALL KINDS, KNIT UNDERWEAR, GLOVES in great variety, LADIES SKIRTS, and CORSETS, UMBRELLAS and PARASOLS, RIBBONS, and RUt'IIES, COLLARS, and CUFFS, LACES, and VEILINGS, and FANCY GOODS and NOTIONS, FINE TABLE and POCKET CUT LERY. In fact everything found in a first class store. No old styles as in most Bankrupt stocks, th goods having been purchased within the year. Sales at 1 and 7 p. m., until stork is closed. tfcS- Ladies Especially invited. No reserve. D. LYONS. 1831. THE CULTIVATOR 1880. AND Country Grentleman. * The Best of the AGUICULTUHAL WEEKLIPaI j It is UNSURPASSED, if not UNEQUALED, for he ! Amount and Variety of the PRACTICAL INFORMA TION it contains, and for the Ability and Extent of I its CORRESPONDENCE—in the Three Chief Directions i of | Farm Crops and Processes. Horticulture and Fruit-Frotving, Live Stock and Dairying— while it also includes all minor depatments of rural interest, such as the Poultry Yard, Entomology, Bce-Kceppig, Green house and Grapery, Veterinary ' Replies, Farm Questions and Answers, Fireside Reading, Domestic Economy, and a summary o the News of the Week. Its MARKET REPORTS are unusually complete, and more information can be i gathered froin its columns than from any other j source with regard to the Prospects of the Crops, as ; throwing light upon one of the most important of all ; questions— When to Buy and When to Sell. It is ; liberally illustrated, and constitutes to a greater ! degree than any of its contemporaries A LIVE AGRICULTURAL NEWSPAPER j Of never-failing interest both to Producers and Con- S sumers of every class. The COUNTRY GENTLEMAN is published Weekly on tho following terms, when paid strictly in ad vance: One Cepy, one year, $2.50; Four Copies, $lO, and an additional copy for the year free to the sender of the Club • Ten Copies, S2O, and an additional copy for th year free to the sender of I the Club. For tho year ISBO, these prices include a copy of tlTe ANNUAL REOIHTEROF RURAL AFFAIRS, to each subscriber—a book of 144 pages and about 120 ne gravings—a gift by the Publishers. All NEW Subscribers for 1880, paying in ad vance now, will receive the paper WEEKLY, from receipt of remittance, to January Ist, 1880, with out charge. W Specimen copies of the paper free. Address LUTHER TUCKER & SON, Publishers, | Albany, N. Y. V ertical Feed. i As usual, the Vertical Feed Sewing Machine took First Pre ! mium., at the late county Fair.