BUSINESS LOCALS. Mrs. SWEET can be found at STERN'S New York Store, where her millinery orders will be tilled. Country dealers will find it to their advant- i "AGE to buy their candies at PITCH'S. This NOTICE is intended to inform all per sons indebted to the late firm of MCINTYRK J & RUSSELL that they must make immediate [ payment or costs will be made. The books j anil accounts arc in the hands of JAMES WOOD, Attorney-at-law, Towanda, I'a. The PARAGON School Desk is the best in ' the market. Warranted not to get out of; order or break. Call at FROST'S SONS Fur niture Store and examine the same. tf If you want the best vegetables, the largest oysters, the best cuts of meat, and the finest sausage to be found in Towanda, call on Mr. j MULLOCK, at the old Market, just south of ; the Ward House, Ut-IF Geo Lyneheome has opened a new Barber Shop over Powell's store where he is always ready to wait upon all those who may j favor him with their patronage. Shampooing hair cutting Ladies' and Children's hair at their residence no extra charge. (fptTMacohs is selling Overcoats all the way from $2 up to any price you are willing to pay. Cigars of about every known brand at FITCH'S. Don't put otr your Christmas purchases , until the last moment. FITCII has a full line of candies and confections, and now is the time to make your selections. Mrs. FLETCHER is selling millinery goods at cost. Prices way down in Gents tine and coarse ! boots and shoes. All goods warranted as represented, at BLUM'S. On account of a change in my business, i I will sell Millinery Goods at cost. Mrs. M. A. FLETCHER, No. 4 Bridge street. The continued mild weather has induced | ROSENKIELD. the Clothing merchant, to re-; duee the price of Overcoats and other winter Clothing. Call and secure bargains. There | will be plenty of cold weather yet. For a good, durable and neat fitting shoe, I go to BLUM'S. PATCH BROTHERS pay 30 cents, in cash, I for pheasants, and the highest price for but ter. UST"!f you want a stylish hat. cheaper than you ever bought one, call at KOSKNFIELD'S clothing store. JOfChoiee Hams and Smoked Beef, at 1 MYER A DEVOE'S market, Bridge Street. OVERCOATS SO cheap that you can afford to j buy two or three, at ROSENKIKLD'S clothing store. nr-yAt MYER A DEVOE'S market is the place to get tender steaks and nice roasts. lQF*Myer A Devoe are receiving fresh Oysters daily, at their market, Bridge St. your fresh fish at RUNDKLL'S. A DEVOE keep the largest and best assortment of Fruits and Vegetables in town. ]f tTGo to E. I). RUNDKLL'S for the best j Steaks and Roasts. Bacon of the best quality -al ways on sale at E. D. RUNDKLL'S market. ASTFRKSH OYSTERS to-day. at E. D. Rumicli's. r-tTA room for rent in Button's Block, over Jacob's store. Apply to J. G. Button, WANTS. Under this head we will invert FREE, notices of situations or help wanted. A good girl to do general housework, and plain sewing, at Benj. Kuykendall's, Poplar street. Mrs CURRAN, on street west of FROST'S Furniture factory, would like work at plain sewing, tailoring, carpet making, or washing and ironing. A young man of good moral habits wishes a situation in a Dry Goods or Grocery store, three years' experience. Good references Apply to the edttors of this paper. GRIST MILL FOR SALE.—The subscriber offers for sale an undivided half interest in the Globe Mills, near Towanda, and adjoin ing Maj. IIALE'S, with mill-house, ham and other out buildings, and eight acres of land connected therewith. The mill has lately been put in thorough repair, and is now doing a splendid business—running day and night. Said half interest now rants for $450 a year, clear of all expenses, and in good times would readily rent for SOOO. This is a rare opportunity for a profitable investment. Terms, half cash, the balance on longtime. JOSEPH G. PATTON. C°AI" NATHAN TIDD, DEALER IN PITTSTON, WILKES - BARRE, AND LOYAL SOCK COAL. Invites the patronage of liis old friends and the pub lic generally. I shall keep a full assortment of all sizes, AND SHALL SELL AT LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. Yard and office, foot of Pine street, just south of Court Rouse. Aug. 30 N. TIDD. 50th YEAR of GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK. The oldest and Best Fashion Magazine in America. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE REDUCED TO 82.00 PER YEAR. Subscriptions will be received at this Office in Clubs with this Paper. The DAILY REVIEW and Godey's Lady's Book for one Year at 84.50. See what Godey's Lady's Book will Contain IN 1880. Nearly I*2oo pages of tirst-class Literary matter. 12 Steel Plate Beautiful Original Engravings. 12 Large and Elegantly Colored Fashion Plates. 24 Pages of Vocal and Instrumental Music. 900 Engravings,on Art, Science, and Fashion. 12 Large Diagram Patterns of Ladies' and Chil dren's Dresses. 12 Architectural Designs for Beautiful Homes. 200 iu* more Original Receipts for Family Use. And the usual Original Department matters. The January No. of the New Year will he issued December rst. and will contain the open n g chap ters of one of tin* Best Serial Stories ever printed in American Magazine, by CHRISTIAN ItEII>. the author of " A Gentle Belle," " Valerie Ayl nier," " Morton House," etc,, entitled FORTUNE. We have engaged a Full Corps of Distinguished Writers, whose Contributions will enrich Godey's Lady's Book during the year. Send in your Clubs at once. You can add any names afterwards at the same price as the original Club. TERMS.—Cash in Advance. POSTAGE PREPAID. One copy, one year, $2