Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, December 24, 1879, Image 4

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    The Daily Review.
TowandaPa., Wednesday, Dec'r 24,1879.
44 Daily Review" only 25 cenlt per
month. Try it.
Mails arrive depart and at the Towanda
Post office follows.
Phila. N. Y. and Eastern States. .4.00 A. M-
Dushore Laporte <fcc 9.30 44
L. V. way mail from the North. .10.00 44
Sheshequin <fec 11.00 44
New Era &e Tues. Thur and Sat. 44 44
Asylum &c Mon. Wed. and Fri. 44 44
Troy Burlington &c 1.00 p. M.
Leßaysville Rome <fcc 44 44
Closed mail from Erie&N Cltlts 2.30 44
L, V. way mail from the 50uth...4.30 44
Canton Ac 5.00 44
Barclay (5.30 44
Cl's'd mail fr'm Elmira & Erie II U10.40 44
Canton Monroeton &c 0.00 A. M.
L. Y. way mail South 9.15 4 *
Cl's'dm,l ElmiraErie &NC It RIO.OO 44
Troy Burlington &e 10.00 44
Sneshequin &c * 12.00 M.
Barclay 1.00 P. M.
New Era Tues Thur and Sat.... 44 44
Asylum Mon Wed and Fri 14 4 *
Leßaysville Rome &c " 44
Dushore Ac 2.45 44
li. V. way mail North 3.45 44
N Y Phil and Eastarn States... .7.45 44
Office open from 7.00 A. M. t07.45 p. M.
Monev Order otliee open from 8.00 A. M. to
7.00 p. M.
Oftiec open Sunday's from 0.00 to 10.00 A. M.
The banks and business places will be closed
Mrs. SWEET can be found at STERN'S New
York Store, where her millinery orders will
be tilled.
The Postoffice will be open to-morrow from
8:30 to 0, and from 10:30 to 11:30 A. M., and
from 5 to (5 p. M.
The auction store is crowded all the time.
Mr. LYON will remain another week to give
everybody the advantage of Bargains,
The Knights of Honor have put a very
neat transparency out, to indicate their place
of meeting.
Remember the happiness that results from
doing a kind deed is far beyond any that may
be gained in the gratification of selfishness.
The third child of JOIIN MADDUX'S family
died of diphtheria yesterday. The little fel
low was a deaf mute.
We give more than our usual amount of
reading matter to-day, and shall not issue the
REVIEW to-morrow. We wish all our readers
and everybody else a merry Christmas.
MuLi.ocic.of JORDAN'S market, keeps the
largest and finest oysters ever offered in this
market. Order some for your Christmas
Church of the Messiah, (Universalist) Rev.
WM. TAYLOR, pastor, Christinas services,
with appropriate music, at 7 L*. M., on Christ
mas day.
The boys and girls have enjoyed themselves
coasting for the past day or two. Chestnut
street is the favorite resort for "riding down
If you have the means and desire to make
such presents on Christinas as will give you
pleasure all the year, send some poor neigh
bor a sack of flour, or some other article of
family consumption.
The death of Mr. JONATHAN STEVENS is
announced in another column, lie died at
his residence in Asylum, last evening. The
deceased was well known all through this
section, and was the father of our esteemed
townsman HENRY T. STEVENS.
Christmas services will be held in Christ
Church to-morrow morning, at 10 1-2 o'clock,
The Rector wil preach a discourse appropriate
to the day, after which the Holy Communion
will be administered. The interior of the
church has been very handsomely trimmed
with evergreens.
The Christmas festival of Christ Church
Sunday School comes off this afternoon. The
infant school will meet at 3:30, and the main
school at 4 o'clock. The exercises will con
sist of a portion of the church service, singing
hymns, addresses by the Rector and Superin
tendent, to be supplemented by a feast which
the ladies of the congregation are preparing.
It will prove an enjoyable occasion to teach
ers and scholars.
, Mrs. SWEET can be found at STERN'S New
York Store, where her millinery orders will
' be filled.
Mr. JONATHAN STEVENS, one of the oldest
and most widely known inhabitants of this
county, passed quietly away from suffering
on earth, to a Christmas in heaven, last even
, I ing, at about 11 o'clock, at the advanced age
of 70 years. Up to his present sickness,
which attacked him about three weeks since,
he was one of the most healthy and vigorous
1 1 of men; frequently walking to Towanda, (4
miles) to church and return.
With the many loved ones gone that way
i before him, and "with Christ which is better,"
| he has found that joy which he so earnestly
looked forward to, and wished "it might soon
I come."
j liis funeral will take place on Friday, at
|IOA, M. Services at the Universalist church,
at Standing Stone. T.
Superintendent's Notes.
Tuesday, Dec. 23.—Visited the following
schools and teachers of Rome district: Morley
Hill, F. Beloud, teacher, pupils registered 10,
present 14; Village, Emma Chambcrlin,
teacher, registered 17, present 14; Union,
Chas. Allis,'teacher, registered 30, present3o;
also Rome Borough, W. H. Brown, teacher,
registered 51. present 40; Mycrsburg school,
Wysox, O. Tanner, teacher. All the schools
seem to be succeeding well. F. Beloud,
though teaching his first term, is well liked by
the pupils, and is thorough and progressive.
Heard fine grammar class in Village school.
Noticed fine colored wall maps in Myers
burg school, drawn by pupils, and prepara
tion for the same in Union school. The
Borough and Village schools are only a few
rods apart, and should be united and graded.
The townshipand the borough mightcaeh pay
its own ,teacher as at present, and then have
all the advantages of a graded school.
Mr. Brown, though an excellent teacher,
cannot do all that is necessary with so large a
school, and advanced classes.
If Xmas day on Thursday be,
A windy winter ye shall see;
Windy weather in each week.
And hard tempests, strong and thick;
The summer shall be good and dry.
Corn and basts shall multiply;
That year is good for lands to till;
Kings and princes shall die by skill;
If a child born that day shall be,
Tt shall happen right well for he;
Of deeds he shall be good and stable,
Wise of speech and reasonable,
Whoso that day goes thieving about,
He shall be punished without doubt;
And if sickness that day betide.
It shall quickly from thee glide.
Miss MATTIE MAI.I.ORY is spending the
holiday vacation school of with her parents in
this place.
Rev. A. TII.DEN. of East Smithlield, will
spend Christmas in this place, as the guest of
R. M. WELLES. He will preach in the Bap
tist church on Friday evening, at 7 o'clock,
and the public are invited to hear him.
F. C. MCKEE, of the REVIEW job depart
ment, will spend Christmas with his uncle*
Dr. MCKEE, in Kingston.
FRED SPALDING, a student at Lehigh Uni..
versity, is speding the holidays with his
E. B. MCKEE, of the Graded School, is at"
tending the Luzerne County Teachers' Insti.
tute this week.
VILLE PRATT, are home to eat their Christ
mas dinners.
spending vacation in town.
Misses Lou and BESSIE WARD, of Syracuse,
are spending the holidays in Towanda.
Hon. JAMES FOSTER is still in Lendville,
and has placed us under obligations by for
warding copies of daily papers from that en
terprising city. _ i
Supt. RYAN is visiting the North Towanda j
schools to-day.
Mrs. ANN MONOHAN, of Towanda town-1
ship, fell while coming down the stairs lead
ing to J. W. MIX'S office in Mercur block
yesterday and injured herself quite seriously.
Our esteemed friend and popular grocery-1
man, JAMES MCCABE, realizes the fact that J
printers can enjoy a Christmas dinner as well |
as other people, provided they have anything
to eat, and has made provision in this respect
for us by sending a large plump turky. The
editor and family will kindly remember him i
while discussing the bird to-morrow.
1 Mrs. SWEET can l>e found at STERN'S New j
' York Store, where her millinery orders will
I be rilled.
j (J. A. BLACK has lifted up an oliice on the
s second floor of the building lately occupid by
' the crockery store, where he will confine him
self to the Sewing Machine and Insurance
} business.
f Country dealers will find it. to their advant-
age to buy their candies at FITCH'S.
[ GRIST MILL FOR SALE.—The subscriber
offers for sale an undivided half interest in
- the Globe Mills, near Towanda, and adjoin
> ing Maj. HALF'S, with mill-house, barn and
r other out buildings, and eight acres of land
, connected therewith. The null has lately i
been put in thorough repair, and is now doing
- a splendid business—running day and night, j
Said half interest now rants for §>4so a year,
clear of all expenses, and in good times j
would readily rent for $(>00. This is a rare ,
opportunity for a profitable investment; j
Terms, half cash, the balance on longtime.!
For a first class Hair Switch go to Mrs. M
' A. FLETCHER'S, NO. 4, Bridge street.
Ask for one of those dollar-and-a-half
switches, all Hair, 80 inches long, at No. 4,
Bridge street.
Puffs with 18 inch hair, and one dollar, at
No. 4, Bridge street.
Diamond, silver and snowflake powder for
the hair at No. 4, Bridge street.
Fspecial attention payed to the dressing of |
ladies hair for the Naiad and Lin-Ta balls,!
at No. 4, Bridge street.
Switches to ronton special occasions, at No.
4, Bridge street.
Fancy Hair Work a specialty, at No. 4,
Bridge street.
A first class assortment of millinery goods
at cost, can be found at No. 4, Bridge street,
LOST. — A Bed Morocco Pocket-Book, con
taining about twenty-four dollars in bills and I
change, one note of forty dollars, with four
: teen dollars endorsed, and other valuable i
i papers, one watch-key, elastic cord. The'
j tinder will be liberally rewarded by leaving
the above at D. W. SCOTT & Cor's or the i
I owners,
Mrs. 1). T. FOSTER. 1
When you start out to purchase candies, !
fruits and confectionery, remember that'
FITCH'S is headquarters for all those articles,!
and you can rely upon getting a genuine arti- !
cle. He manufactures most of his candy, and ;
is enabled to furnish his customers fresh !
LOST. —oft' the hearse, on Wednesday,
December 17th, between J. (). FROST'S SONS |
i Furniture Store and Guyer's school house, a
| Light liubbcr Coat. The finder will be liber- j
| ally rewarded by leaving the same at J. O.
j AGENTS WANTED. —Enquire at the board
! ing-house on Second street, lately occupied
J by Mrs. Dr. MASON.
j FITCII has the best assortment of common j
| and fine candies, including WHITMAN'S cele- |
I brated confections, over offered in this market, j
| Now is the time to make your Christmas pur
j aliases.
Under this head we will insert FREE, notices of
situations or help wanted.
A good girl to do general housework, and
plain sewing, at Bcnj. Kuykendall's, Poplar
Mrs CURRAN, on street, west of FROST'S
Furniture factory, would like work at plain
sewing, tailoring, carpet making, or washing
and ironing.
A young man of good moral habits wishes
a situation in a Dry Goods or Grocery store,
three years' experience. Good references i
Apply to the edttors of this paper.
This NOTICE is intended to inform all per
sons indebted to the late firm of MCINTYRK
& RUSSELL that they must make immediate
payment or costs will be made. The books
and accounts are in the hands of
JAMES WOOD, Attorney-at-law,
Towanda, Pa.
The PARAGON School Desk is the best in
| the market. Warranted not to get out of
j order or break. Call at FROST'S SONS Fur
niture Store and examine the same. tf
If you want the best vegetables, the largest
oysters, the best cuts of meat, and the finest
I sausage to be found in Towanda, call on Mr.
MULLOCK, at the old Market, just south of
the Ward House,
BuiT* Geo Lynchcome has opened a new
Barber Shop over Powell's store where he is
always ready to wait upon all those who may
favor him with their patronage. Shampooing
hair cutting Ladies' and Children's hair at
the|r residence no extra charge.
: !H3f ' Jacobs is selling Overcoats all the way
from $2 up to any price vou are willing to
| Pay-
Cigars of about every known brand at
Don't put off your Christmas purchases
until the last moment. FITCH has a full line
of candies and confections, and now is the
time U> make"your selections.
Mrs. FLETCHER is selling millinerv goods
at cost.
Prices way down in Gents line and coarse
boots and shoes. All goods warranted as
represented, at HU M'S.
On account of a change in my business,
I will sell Millinery Goods at cost.
No. 4 Bridge street.
The continued mild weather has induced
ROSKNFIKLD, the Clothing merchant, to re
duce the price of Overcoats and other winter
Clothing. Call and secure bargains. There
will be plenty of cold weather yet.
For a good, durable and neat fitting shoe,
go to BLUM'S.
PATCH BROTHERS pay 30 cents, in cash,
for pheasants, and the highest price for but
!s3nf you want a stylish hat, cheaper than
you ever bought one, call at ROSENFIELD'B
clothing store.
®2tPClioioe Hams and Smoked Beef, at
MYER & DKVOE'S market, Bridge Street.
OVERCOATS HO cheap that you can afford to
buy two or three, at ROSENFIELD'S clothing
store. °
®SF~AT MYER & DKVOE'S market is the
place to get tender steaks and nice roasts.
jjEiT'Myer & Devoe are receiving l'resh
Oysters daily, at their market, Bridge St.
Bt3T"Buy your fresh fish at RUNDELL'S.
JEITMYKH A DEVOE keep the largest and
best assortment of Fruits and Vegetables in
JESTGO to E. I). RUNDELL'S for the best
Steaks and Roasts.
BEST Genuine Bacon of the best quality—AL
ways on sale at E. D. RUNDELL'S market.
OYSTERS to-day, at E. D.
A room for rent in Patton's Block, over
Jacob's store. Apply to J. G. Patton,
Will open to-morrow an IM
MENSE STOCK of Standard
and Miscellaneous
Family Bibles, Sunday School
Books, and other goods for the
holiday trade- Will be sold at
AUCTION, commencing Satur
day Evening Dec. 20.
Invites the patronage of tils old friends and the pub
lic generally- T shall keeps full assortment
of all sizes,
Yard and office, foot of Pine street, just south of
Court House.
Aug. 30 N. TIDD.