I Tlie I >aily Review. TowandaPa., Wednesday, Dec'r 24, 1879. EDJTQBS : S. W. ALVORD. NOBLE N. ALVORD. j "Daily Review" only 25 cent* per month. Try it. An Example in l'olitics. The following complimentary notice of one of the ablest and purest men of the empire state, is from the Biughaniton Jit pvhh'ran. and we transfer it to our col umns with more than ordinary pleasure, because we know that what is said o Mr. I'LATT is truthful anil more than mer ited. The remarks are also applicable to ! many active politicians in this state, nota-1 ble among whom are (J. A. GKOW, and I Secretary QUAY : Tlnf selection of the Hon. T. C. Plattof j Owego, as the representative of the Em pire State on the National Republican Committee and his selection by the Chairman as a member of the Executive Committee, must be very gratifying, not : only to his many friends, but to all good j Republicans in the Southern Tier. It is a j lifting reeogeition of the best and most active element in the Reprblican party, and a worthy compliment to a worthy man. But aside from this, the matter suggests some comparisons which may be studied with profit by would-be leaders in political affairs. In almost every town and city, there are men who aspire to be political leaders and who resort to all manner of deceptions and tricks to gain temporary control. These melt seem to think that success is valuable at any price, and some of them, doubtless, wonder why they al ways remain local politicians—why they do not reach a notable place in politics. To these men, t he success and preferment of such a mun afford a profitable example. Why is he influential in State and even National affairs? Why is he a recogui/.ed leader in his party throughout the State? Is it because he has shown high quali ties of statesmanship? Is it because he is eloquent and persuasive in speech? Is it not rather because he is as true, as pure, as high-minded in political as in business affairs—because men have found from long experience that he is frank and manly truthful in statement, and wholly free from the small and sharp tricks that will some times iuake a man successful as a ward politician, but an absolute failure in any higher and more honorable place? These, as we interpret them, are the main elements of Mr. Piatt's success; and the same is true of almost, if not quite, every other man who attains to high posi tion in political matters. What a pity it is, then that the small polilions, often times men of much force and ability, can not see and learn wisdom from such an example as the political lifeofsueh a man as Mr. Piatt supplies. The lltica Herald (Rep,) has a very strong article against General Grant as a Presidential candidate, saying that "the signs are unmistakable that General Grant can never receive another Presi dential nomination at the hands of a Re publican convention without first encoun tering an organized and determined oppo-; sition which would be fatal to his cordial j and united support by the masses of the | party in 1880." Of Grant's supporters j and their aims it remarks : "Two classes of people are still clam orous for Grant. One class includes the traders in politics who hope to see in his ! return to the White House a return of their day of harvest, so rudely interrupt ed. The other and larger class includes the army of moral cowards, the timid i folk who are still oppressed by the night mare of the civil war, and think that j Grant is needed at Washington to repel! some new imaginary attack upon the cap ital, which only he can conquer. It will be a sad day for the United States when a combination of these two classes can boast that it has dictated the government of the nation." NO REVIEW TO-MORROW. CHRISTMAS, 187b. NEW YEARS, 1880. EXTRAORDINARY INVOICE OK HOLIDAY i ANI) >1 illiner\y Groods. Mrs. S. H. Sweet OffcrH at her Emporium of Fancy Goods MILLINERY AND YANKEE NOTIONS. A FRESH STOCK Recently purchased, at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Constating of Huts, Fancy Goods, Toweling, Collars, j Comforters, Embroideries, Flowers, Ribbons, j Handkerchiefs, silk, linen and embroidered, Feath ers and Tips, Slipper Patterns, Card-board, Zephyrs, Combs, .Tot Ornaments. Hunching, Necklaces, Veil ing in all colors, .lava Canvas Patterns, Lace Capes, Crape Pellisses, Babies' Knit Stockings, Ladies' llose in all colors and styles, Dolls, Children's Sacks, Hoods and Mittens, Ladies' Nubias in all colors, Bracelets, I'oeket Books, Mottoes. Birds and Feathers, Shawls, Jewelry, Ladies' and Gentle- | men's UN DE RW EAR. In short, EVERYTHING pertaining to a complete j assortment of seasonable FANCY GOODS and STYLISH MILLINERY, j HATS TRIMMED, in all styles and colors, and of every variet yof material: Fur, Felt and Straw, at j MRS. SWEET'S Fancy Goods Bazar, Dec. 17 Main Street, Towanda. E. ROSEN FIELD'S j Fall Opening CLOTHING IIATS, CAPS, NECKWEAR, GLOVES, HOSIERY, and u full Hue of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, which are offered EXCEEDINGLY LOW. Call and see ine, examine goods, learn prlees, &c ' M. K. ROSENFIELD. TOE JOHNSON, FASHIONABLE BARBER, Under Market, one door south of Ward House. Careful and experienced workmen always ready to wait upon customers. FIRM. H. Davidow St 15r*o. CASH PAID FOR FUR, HIDES, PELTS, WOOL, BEESWAX, No. 4, Bcidleinan,s Block, Bridge St Towanda, October 28. J FIGHT MIT SIGEL and ail HONORABLY DISCHARGED SOLDIERS will consult their own interests ny calling at JACOBS' long established and well known ONE PRICK CLOTHING HOUSE, PATTON'S BLOCK, and buy their coats, pants, vests, overcoats, shirts, overalls, Gloves, Hose, Ilats and Caps, and every thing in the line of line and stylish GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Don't be deceived by persons falsely representing themselves to be JACOBS, but come directly to my store iu I'attou Block, Main street, near Bridge stf H. JACOBS. IZ EW JOB PRINTING OFFICE. Wc respectfully invite public attention to our COMPLETE JOB PRINTING HOUSE! Corner Main and Pine streets, over the Music Store. COMMERCIAL PRINTING AND PHAMPLKT WORK A SPECIALTY. LETTER, NOTE AND BILL HEADS, ENVELOPES, TAGS Neatly executed on the shortest notice. BUSINESS, PARTY AND CALLING CARDS printed to] order. ALVORD & SON.