Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, December 23, 1879, Image 4

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    The Review.
Towanda, Pa., Tuesifay, Dec'r 23, 187?.
oTyti'il I *ifi . .5-| Mil:
ui'xM ir-iTTw'tt} ry} •—t-itttfttri-
\B. w. ALVOUDi" ' NfOftfLl N l . Af.VOIID.
___ . i ti'iimm mi' i it: •: in n > ■!'■.
" " iifrr.M ~( 7ff i•. i ;mm! -i • I
"Daily Mfpviei* "/, truly 25 cent per
mmnth. Try 11.
Mails arrive• iW*i>cirt and iit the Towanda
Postoffice fellows'. .< 1
<>l IAHRUVIL- ll' IL '
f Pblla. N. Y. and Eastern States. .4.oo A. M-
Dusliore Laporten .. i ,-i..... .0.00 "
I L. V. way mail from tlie. North. • 10.00 "
j: Sheshequin Jbt 'v.u. lu.nyj 11.00 44
New Era &dTupsi.> Tlvnr and Sat. 44 44
| Asylum fee Mon. Wed. and Fri. 44 44
Troy Burlington-/ ifce.... 1.00 r. M.
Leßaysvillo Rome Ac.' 44 * k
[ Closed mail from EHe/bN Clt Its 2.00 44
L, Y. way mail front the South.. .4.30 44
Canton &c......•. • a m.,.5.00 44
Barclay 0.30 44
' Cl's'd mail fr'nt Elmiru <fc Erie Klt 10.40 44
Canton Atonroetom &e. A.M.
L. V. way mail South 9.15
| Cl's'd m, 1 Elntiro Erie &N CK liIO.OO 44
Troy Burlington &<y,. r . .-10.00 44
Sneshequin i&c.. ► ..12.00 M.
t Barclay ... rr .....1.00 P.M.
New Era Tues'Thur and Sat 44 44
Asvluin Moh Wed and Fid 44
Leitavsville Rome Ac 44
Itushore &e.... 2.45 44
'j. V. way iWrtlFNorth 3.45 44
N Y Phil and Eastarn States 7.45
Office open front 7.00 A. M. t07.45 P. M.
Money Order ofliee-ope-n from S.OO A. M. to
7.00 p. M.
Oflicc open Sunday's from 9.00 to 10.00 A. M.
p. POWELL, P. M.
Christmas services will be held on Thurs
day evening, at the Church of the Messiah.
Remember tjhat the sale of tickets for the
Johnson benefit begins at §:3O this evening
atKiuuY'S. ooi
The Presbyterian .Sunday School Festival
will be held in the- church Christinas Eve.
A large and handsome tree'has been procured.
Revival and temperance meetings are being
conducted at the trail works school house by
Rev. C. 11. WHIG jit assisted by Mai. VAN
Among the conductor BUCK'S
train from BtTmice. .this.morning were four
happy young ! {ample-, who visit Towanda
with mat rimotftjd iuteitfioßS. Mr. J. HIUBAHD
MOTER, are flic parties-referred to. They
are all resubmits of Bernice. The REVIEW
extends the epmplimenfi 'of the season, and
hearty eongralultdfons to the quartette who
have undoubtedly become two familes ere
-1 ■
JUST LIKE HIM. —As Superintendent PACK
ER and wife \Vdre leaving home the other day
for a trip dow||\ tilts* Tdad, the lady rem ked
to her husband, "Y wish I had thought to
send one of your cjist off overcoats to JOHN
BEEMAN." 44 *V\'elJ,. hi'.re is one," replied the
generous hearthd Superintendent, and there
upon divested himself of it is eoiuforlahle val
uable overcoat, and. ilircctt d Mrs. P. to send
it to JOHN, which-she did. It was a timely
and appropriate gift, and eoulilnot have been
more worthily bestowed, nor more grate
fully appreciated. ~
FIRE. —About 3 o'clock this morning the
frame building between EVANS & IIIL
discovered to be on tire. The building was
occupied by Mrs. SWEET, as a millinery
store, and \V. I). RIDGWAY, as a lunch room.
The origin of the tire seems to he shrouded in
a good deal of mystery. The second story of
the building was occupied by Mr. RIDGWAY
as a dwelling.' He says he awoke to iind the
room full of smoke and tire, and he and his
family barely escaped.
It is quite probable that the fire caught in
the upper part of the building.
Air. RIDGWAY lost all his household goods
and clothing.
The goods hi the stores were all removed,
together with counters, &c.
Tne building was owned by HENRY
Mr. RIDGWAY'S loss on furniture is 8
insured for §4OO, Loss on stock $ ; in
sured for §4OO.
Mrs. SWEET'S loss from damage to goods is
considerable, but is probably covered by in
Air. STREETER'S loss on building is §2,000
insured for §I2OO.
The Fire Department , us usual, was prompt
ly on the ground, and prevented the spread
of the lire. > I • > I : \i <
The glass in J. L, KENT'S store, on the op
posite side of the street, Were'bracked by the
f.-j to v ')•:) -• • •' H.' < I J Jno
. : >ll>'t ~/.T IT
: We are indebted to our former esteemed
townsman, Rev. B.J. DOUGLASS, for copies
of Georgetown, Delaware, papers.
S. C. Ross, who is attending the Medical
Department of Michigan University, is spend
ing the holidays with Ids mother in this place.
C'apt. JUDSON, of Wells, was in town yes
- Iterday.
Hon C. F. NICHOLS is in town. lie lias
LI .
been working up western emigration, and
reports good success. He is agent for the
' j best lands in Kansas.
Our young friend THOMAS FITKGEUALD,
; who has been employed as a clerk in Kikby'S
! drug store for some years pnst. goes to Du
! shore on the lind, of January, to lake charge of
: WELLES & ACKLKY'S drug store. TOM is a
. careful experienced druggist, and an upright
gentleman. We are sorry to lose him, hut
i congratulate his new employers and the good
I people of Dushore.
O. D. KINNEY displays the better side of
human nature by his, personal efforts in dis
| posing of tickets for the Johnson benefit,
j Suffering humanity always linds a svmputhis
| ing friend in ORIUN.
Superintendent's Notes.
Monday, Dee. 22. -Accompanied by direc
j tor T. 0. VanGorder. visited West Valley
[ school. Standing Stone. ( Marti < hies, teacher;
Centre School, same township. S. Buttles
teacher. The former registered 31, and had
20 present. The lalter registered3o, of whom
■ 22 were present. Suggestions in West Vallex
J School, that idleness he constant Iv watched
and corrected. That a ten minute drill period
in geography be given to the entire school, so
that many unwilling to study this branch
may yet receive much instruction and benefit.
I In Center School drilled classes iu reading.
I suggesting shorter lesson and more question
ing on principles of reading, spelling, pauses,
. etc., also reviewed class on gt ography, and
explained use of irlohe.
TROY. DEC 4 . 20th. 1579
WILL BRICK, of Covington, has taken a
position in LONG'S store.
i store was broken open last night and a num
-11 her of knives revolvers, &e. taken.
Allts. C. W. THOMAS, of MllHinsburg. Pa.
is visiting lie sister. Mrs 11. 11. WILSON in
i this place.
I; Christmas is all the go here. The Baptist,
i J Aletliodest and Presbyterian S. S. are to have
j Chrisnitis exercises.
C. S. BURT, who during his residence in
1 Troy lias made many friends, has taken the
1 ! position of night operator at Canton.
On Thursday our citizens were made sad
by the finding of the dead body of FRED BAL
' i LARD, son of tlie late O. P. BALLARD, in hi>
j bed, at his residence on Alain street. He re
tired Wednesday well as usual, lie being a
" i late riser his family did not call him until
i noon Thursday. At this time his sister. Airs.
' j CRAWFORD, went I<> his room and called;
receiving no answer she immediately became
1 ! alarmed. She -found his room was locked,
' and the key in the door. Climbing out on the
veranda she opened the shutters and dUeover
, ed his body lying on the bed. Her cries soon
brought others to her assistance. A key was
procured and the room entered. He must
| have been dead some hours, for his bodv was
1 cold and stiff. The cause of his death is not
known, hut it was probably disease of the
heart. His death falls heavily upon his fuini
p j lv and a large circle of friends.
EDITORS KKVIEW. —It is rumored that the
' ; Lin-Ta had first stream on the fire this litorn
-1 ing. This is a mistake, as the Naiads had
i first and Franklin had second, by several
1 ' minutes ahead of Lin-Ta.
For a tirst class Hair Switch go to Airs. M.
. A. FLETCHER'S, No. 4, Bridge street.
Ask for one of those dollar-and-a-half
switches, all Hair, 30 inches long, at No. 4,
Bridge street.
Puffs with IS inch hair, and one dollar, at
' No. 4, Bridge street.
Diamond, silver and snowtlako powder for
4 j the hair at No. 4, Bridge street.
*j Especial attent ion payed to the dressing of
ladies hair for the Naiad and Lin-Ta halls,
) at No. 4, Bridge street.
Switches to ronton special occasions, at No.
I 4, Bridge street.
Fanev flliir Work a specialty, at No. 4,
Bridge street. / • .M !
• | A lirst class assortment of millinery goods
latcostycuu be [found at. No. 4, Bridge street,
>l)fi93ul 4 t9qr/8 .... LHdnq KH
iVo'DLI litfi ioii/Im- :• •- < --/ food "Ji' '•
-1 lowing decision of the Superintendent of
! Public Instruction is of great importance to
tax-payers as well as directors, as violation
of the law upon the subject will deprive di -
| trie's of tlx; State appropriation, and snbject
Directors to severe penalties:
Ilarrisburg. Pa., Dec. 1, lsTtt. j
There is hut one time in tlx* year when di
rectors can adopt a new series of text books
| for tlx- schools under their charge, or change
old ones, and that is between the time of
j electing teachers and the opening of the
; schools. Section 23, Act of Mi y 1. 1554, saw
" That innnediately after the annual election
of teachers in each school district of the state.
| and before the opening of the schools for the
ensuing term, there shall he a meeting of the
diroctors or controllers and teachers of each
district: at which meeting the directors or
| controllers shall decide upon a series of school
hooks, in the different, branches to he taught
i during the en-uiug school year; which hooks,
ami no other, shall he used in the school- of
1 the district during said period."
Such is the law, with this exception, that
hooks cannot now he changed more frequent
ly than once in three years.
Superintendent Public Instruction.
LOST. — A Red Morocco Pocket-Book, con
taining about twenty-four dollars iu hills and
1 change, one note of forty dollars, with four
teen doll rs endorsed, and other valuable
papers, one watch-key, elastic cord. The
finder will he liberally rewarded by leaving
the above at I). W. SCOTT <fc Col's or the
i owners.
Mrs. 1). T. Eosi Kit.
I When you start out to purchase candies,
; fruits and confectionery, remember that
, Fl roll's is headquarters for all those articles,
and you can rely upon getting a genuine arti
cle. lie manufactures most of his candy, and
lis enabled to furnish iiis customers fresh
LOST. —Off the hearse, on Wednesday,
December 17th, between J. (). FKOST'S SONS
: Furniture Store and Oliver's school house, a
Light Rubber Coat. Tlx- tinder will be liber
ally rewarded by leaving the same at J. O.
AGENTS W ANTED. —Enquire at the hoard
| ing-house on Second street, lately occupied
by Mrs. Dr. MASON.
■—# •
FITCH has the best assortment of common
and fine candies, including WHITMAN'S celc
brati d confections,ever offered in thi* market.
Now is tlx time to make your Christinas pur
i'.VXj. :WPWTlnunri'r.MTi:mll. IMHTBdfCTCaorHMII—WBWMWBI
-1 soiuige, Monroeton, December 17. IS7!>. by
Rev. I[a I lock Armstrong, Mr. .1. 11. Willey
and Miss Marion Knickerbaeker, both of
| age. Monroeton, December. 21, 1ST!), by
Rev. lialloek Armstrong, Asa Vauderpool
and Elise Merrit, both of Tmvanda.
> r" • -- -rrr I n ■ - ■ II nn ■ |i—>n i— n llWMii i
j ( tidrr this head toe will insert e'llllK, notices f
i situations or help wanted.
i A good girl to do general housework, and
1 plain sewing, at Bi nj. Kuvkeixlall's, Poplar
Mrs Ci ki'AN. on street west of FKOST'S
Furniture factory, would like work at plain
sewing, tailoring, carpet making, or washing
1 and ironing.
A young man of good moral habit* wishes
a situation in a Dry (foods or Grocery store,
| three years' experience. Good references
I Apply to the edttor* of this paper.
This NOTICE is intended to inform allpcr-
I sons indebted to the late linn of MuINTYKK
& RUSSELL that tliev must make immediate
! payment or costs will be made. The books
[' and aceoun's are in the hands of
JAMES WOOD, Attornev-at-law,
' j Towanda, Pa.
t The PARAGON School Desk is the best in
S the market. Warranted not to get out of
. j order or break. Call at FKOST'S SONS Fur
-1 niture Store and examine the same. tf
f | If you want the best vegetables, the largest
I oysters, the best cuts of meat, and the finest
' sausage to he found in Towanda, call on Mr.
MULLOCK, at the old Market, just south of
the Ward House,
tf" Geo Lynchcome has opened a now
, | Barber .">hoj> over Powell's store where he is
' always iqudv to wait upon all those who may
| favor him/with their patronage. Shampooing
* I hair cutting Ladies' and Childr iN hair at
, I thiqr resilience no extra charge. ?
i A ' /
iuiifn iuum * * •{
3L7~Jneohs is selling Overcoats all the way
from £2 up to any price you are willing to
Cigars of about every known brand at
Don't put off your Christmas purchases
until the last moment. FITCH has a full line
of candies and confections, and now is tlx
time to make your selections.
Mrs. FLETCHER is selling millinery goods
at cost.
Prices way down in Gents tine and coarse
boots and shoes. All goods warranted as
represented, at BLUM'S.
—♦ -1* •
Dn account of a change in my business,
1 will sell Millinery (foods at cost.
X". 4 Bridge street.
Tlx continued mild weather has induced
ROSKNFIKLD. tlx* Clothing merchant, to re
duce tlx- pric: of Overcoats and other winter
Clothing. Call and secure bargain*. There '
will be plenty of cold weather yet.
<• -*r- •
For a good, durable and neat fitting shoe,
go to BLUM'S.
• •
PATCH BROTHERS pay 30 cents, in cash,
for pheasants, and the highest price for but
I -IT"If you want a styli-ii bat, cheaper than
you ever'bought one, "call at KOSENITELD'S
clothing store.
Ihoiee Ihuns and Smoked Beef, at
M"I KK A DKVOK'S market. Bridge Street.
OVERCOATS SO cheap that you can afford to
buy two or three, at ROSEN FIELD'S clothing
• A
'At MYLK & DKVOK'S market is the
place toget lender steaks and nice roasts.
J, J '"Myer Y Devoe are receiving fresh
(>;.st< rs daily, at their market. Bridge St.
pTTPuv your fresh lisli at RUNDKLL'S.
.fIITM YKK & DKVOE keep tlx largest and
best assortment of Fruits and Vegetables in
JSffGo to E. I). ECNDELL'S for the best
Steaks and Roasts.
'Ujp 'Genuine Bacon of the best quality—al
ways on sale at E. D. RUNDKLL'S marked.
jrif*FRESH OYSTERS to-day, at E. D.
j; ,'\\ room for rent in Button's Block, over
.Jacob's store. Apply to J. G. Pulton,
. . nia-T—i
Auction J
Will open to-morrow an IM
MENSE STOCK of Standard
and Miscellaneous
! Family Bibles, Sunday School
-> j
Books, and other goods tor the
holiday trade. Will be sold at
AUCTION, commencing Satur
day Evening Dee. 20.
ry OAL.
Invites the patronage of his old friends and tbo pub
lie generally. I shall keep a full assortment
Of all sizes,
Yard and oflh-e, foot of Pirn street, just south of
Court House.
1 Aug. 30 N. TIDD.
fc' •
: . n>/ ./■ - l 1. /.