D AILY REVIEW ! Twenty-Five Cents a Month. TRY IT? REVIEW, is the Ikhl ADVERTISING MEDIUM. Do not forget it.„JE3! BUSINESS I'ARTV AND CALLING CARDS printed to order. CALL ANI) SEE OUR NEW VISITING and BUSI NESS CARDS. Auvoitn & Son. I IQOAL! COAU Z I CHEAP FOR CASH ! I The following prices will be charged for *tJY TMMKtMCMTMi COVIKJ in the yard, in all the ; yards signatures hereto attached, until furthe 1 notice: STOVE, $4 25 CHESTNUT, 4 25 GRATE, 4 25 EGG, 4 25 - Cartage, FIFTY CENTS PER TON IN ; addition to above, and an EXTRA CHARGE for : carrying in. W. M. MALLORY, Townuua. HENRY MERCUR, NATHAN TIIH), E. B. PIERCE, BARTLETT BROS., Wysox. I At K,isOK VS %'.ixi MP, formerly Phin i ney's: Sullivan Coal, I j LARGE STOVE, $3 00 SMALL STOVE, 3 '25 | CHESTNUT; 6' 25 j EGG, 300 | GRATE, 300 SMALL CHESTNUT, 2 5 With same additional charges for cartage. W. M. MALLORY. October, 24, 1870. Great CROWDS! at J. L. KENT'S. Simi Mil j IMMENSE STOCK DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS and SHAWLS. i GLOVES and HOSIERY. 3 button Kid Gloves, only 75 ' Cents, worth a dollar. | | SHEETINGS & SHIRTINGS, of the best brands, cheap ! ! CLOTHS and CASSIMERES, of all qualities and prices. | RIBBONS & FANCY GOODS, the best selection ever offered in this market. !FLANNELS & BLANKETS, in endless variety. In fact my assortment of DRY GOODS is complete and is not i excelled by any establishment in the country. In prices I DEFY COMPETITION ! and cordially invite inspection of j my goods and a comparison of prices. Col. Means' mammoth I store, second door south of Mc. i Intyre Brothers hardware store. .r. L. KENT, Nov. 14. Agent. oOth YEAH of GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK. The oldest and Best Fashion Magazine in America. SUBSCRIPTION PRICK REDUCED TO 82.00 PER YEAR. i Subscriptions will be received at this Office in Clubs with this Paper. The DAILY REVIEW and Godey's Lady's Book for one Year at $4.50. See what Godey's Lady's Book will Contain . I " IN 1880. Nearly 1200 pace* of first-class Literary matter, j 12 Steel Plate Beautiful Original Engravings, j 12 Large and Elegantly Colored Fashion Plates. 24 Pages of Vocal and Instrumental Music. 900 Engravings, on Art, Science, and Fashion. 12 Large Diagram Patterns of Ladies' and Chil dren's Dresses/ 12 Architectural Designs for Beautiful Homes. 200 ur more Original Receipts for Family Use. And the usual Original Department mutters. The .January No. of the New Year will be issued December rst, and will contain the open n g chap ters of one of the Best Serial Stories ever printed in i American Magazine, by CHRISTIAN REID, the author of '• A Gentle Belle." " Valerie Ayl mcr," "Morton House," etc,, entitled i | ROSLYN S FORTUNE. il VVc have engaged a Full Corps of Distinguished Writers, whose Contributions will enrich Godey's ; ! Lady's Book during the year. Soul in your Clubs at mice. You can add any ' names afterwards at the same price as the original Club. TERMS. —Cash in Advance. POSTAGE PKKPAII). One copy, one year, 0(1 ! Two copies, one year a 70 i Three copies, one year 5 25 Four copies, one year, 0 60 . Five copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person getting up the club, making six cop ; ies . . pso Eight copies, one year, and an extra copy to j the person getting up the club, making nine copies sl4 oo ' 1 i Now is the time to make up your Club. HOW TO It EMIT. —Get a Post-oltlee Money Order on Philadelphia, or a Draft on Philadelphia lor New York. If you cannot get cither of these, send Bank-notes, and in the latter ease register , your letter. To parties intending to get up Club, a specimen copy will be sent on application. • Address, GODKY'B,LADY'S BOOK PUB. CO. (Limited), 1006, Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa Vertical Fee< 1. As usual, the Vertical Feed Sewing Machine took First Pre mium, at the late county Fair. I Text Book' Uniformity. RESULT WHERE BOOKS HAVE TO STAND ON THEIR OWN MERIT. At a Convention of School Directors, of Centre County, held a Bellefonte, Decem ber 2(, 1878, pursuant to the etill of H. Meyer, Esq., County Superintendent, for the purpose of considering the propriety of taking measures to secure a uniformity of the text-books used in the schools of said county, the lollowing action was , taken, over fifty directors being present and nearly all the district in the county being represented: COPY OF MINUTES. Upon motion of C. p. Stone rot I, of Snow I Shoe township, the following preamble and ; resolutions were adopted: WHEREAS: Great expense and waste are frequently incurred by the present and eon nstatly changing variety of text-books used in the common schools of Centre countv, there ; fore, be it j /iesolved, By the representative directors here m session, that a system of text-hooks, ; suitable, complete and uniform, be adopted in accordance with the laws of the State throughout the county. Upon motion of J. C. P. Jones, the follow plan Wits adopted with but one dissenting ' vote, to carry into effect the following pre- j amble and resolutions: First. Tie: various publishing houses to ! send samples of their books to oncl school, board in tno county ror examination and to submit therewith the lowest exchange, intr< - ductory and wholesale prices, and the length of time they will guarantee to furnish theia at said price. Second. No agent of any publtsliing house to be permitted to do any work in the county, to be either general or local agent, beyond sending his books and terms as above stated. Any house or agent violating this under standing, their books to be counted oil of the j contest. Third. The several school boards of the county, after examination of the various books which may have been submitted, to hold a meeting at which each director shall make out a list of the books which he prefers ! to have adopted in the county, and se d it to Ilenry Meyer, Esq., County" Superin n dent, liohcrsburg, Pa., prior to" the first day of June, 1K79. who shall niaitc * e I several statements so sent, and the books up lon the various branches having tin ighest number of votes or preference shall be the : series recommended for county uniformity. The County .Superintendent, after having j made the above canvaos as above, to send tho | result of the same to each of the papers in the | county for publication. W. C. HEINLE, Chairman. J. C. P. JONES, Secretary. The following is the result of the votes ot the Directors of Centre county, Pa., 011 the uniformity of Text-books in said county, with the number of votes cast fro ! each book, under the foregoing plan and ! resolutions: RE A DEItS. No. vote. for eacsh ! New Graded 74. Independent 20 Appleton's 17 : New American 12 SPELLERS. i Swinton's $3 New American U Independent 23 Appleton's Patterson's . Sander's Union... Eaub's 1 GEOGRAPHIES. Swinton's 100 Colton's 14 Mitchell's 10 Independent 1 Monteith's 5 HISTORIES. | Swinton's 63 Redpath's 5 Barnes' Brief 7 Butler's (Juaekenbos' 1 Watson's .... c V BITTEN ARITHMETIC. Robinson's Shorter Course 67 j Greenleaf's 14. Brook's Gilne's 22 8011'5.... . -J2 N rook's Union 3 , Mew American 4 MEN T A L ARITII MIOTIC. Milne's 7 Greenleaf's 4 ALGEBRA. Robinson's 53 Greenleaf's 1 COPY BOOKS. Speucerian Appleton's 30 Ellsworth's 10 GRAMMARS. i Kerl's 72 | Swinton's 17 { Clark's Brief * i* J Bullion's j Harvey's 20 Quackcnbos' 3 j Kcwsmith's j LANGUAGE LESSONS. Kerl's 5 Clark's 5 1 Harvey's 1 'Morton's 5 BOOK-KEEPING. Bryant & Stratum's 44 Fo I sola's g I Smith's CIVIL GOVERNMENT. Townsend's.. • BOTANY. Gray's 40 1 Steele's ] * GEOLOGY. | Dana's .jg •DRAWING. ! White's Industrial 4 ! .. PHYSIOLOGY. | Steele's 1 cutter's 0 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. ! Steele's The attention of Directors is called to j Section LXII of the School Laws, which I requires every School Board 111 the State J o adopt a series of Text-books every, year, during vacation, which books, and no others, can be used during the ensuing ' school year. This is intended to tlx a unitoiin course ol study for the school 01 j each district. Ihe undersigned having been appoint ed a Committee to count the vote on j county uniformity of Text-books in Cen tre county, respectfully report that I tliey have carefully performed such duty ] and that the foregoing is a correct cau -1 vass of the same. SAMUEL FRANCE,. JARED HARPER, 1 „ W. C. HEINLE, Committee appointed by the County : Superintendent to canvass the votes J BELLEFONTE. PA., June 23, 1379 ;