Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, December 22, 1879, Image 4

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    TTlie Daily Review.
Towanda, Pa., Monday, Dec'r 22, 1879.
" Daily Mtevie* R " only 545 cent per
month. Try it.
Mails arrive depart and at the Towanda
Post office follows.
Phila. N. Y. and Eastern States..4.oo A. M-
Dushore Laporte &c 9.30 "
L. V. way mail from the North..lo.oo "
Sheshequin &' 11.00 "
New Era &c Tues. Tliur and Sat. '' "
Asylum Arc Moil. Wed. and Fri. " •'
Troy Burlington Ac 1.00 i\ m.
LeHaysville Home Are " "
Closed mail from Erie AN C I Mis 2.30 "
L, V r . way mail from the 50uth...4.30 "
Canton Ac 5.00 "
Barclay 0.30 "
CTs'd mail fr'm Elmira & Erie RR 10.40 "
Canton Monroeton Are 9.00 A. M.
L. V. way mail South 9.15 '•
CTs'd m,l Elmira Erie A: N C It It 10.00 "
Troy Burlington Are 10.00 "
Sneshequin Arc 12.00 M.
Barclav 1.00 i\ M.
New Era Tues Tliur and Sat.... " '*
Asvluni Mon Wed and Fri " '•
Lekavsville Rome Are •' "
Dushore Arc 2.45
j. V. way mail North 3.45 "
N Y Phil'"and Eastarn States... .7.45 "
Office open from 7.00 A. M. t07.45 I'. M.
Monev Order office open from 8.00 A. M. to
7.00 p. M.
Office open Sunday's from 9.00 to 10.00 A. M.
Main street was just packed with teams on
Sat u rday.
The Postoffice Department furnish thirty
eight styles of stamped envelops.
Conductor BUCK'S train on the S. L. AT S.
lilt, was loaded with packages and parcels
Saturday afternoon.
Oh ! if I were Queen of France, or, still bet
ter. Pope of Rome,
I'd have a Christinas pudding every day I
dined at home.
And as for other puddings, whatever they
might he,
Why, those who like the tasti |es> things,
should eat them all for me.
TELEPHONE. —Some time since our towns
man J. .1. (fUFKiTHs, sales agent of the Loyal
Sock Coal Co., was presented with a telephone,
and recently the instrument has been put up
connecting the residences of Hon. JOSEPH
PATTON and Mr. GRIFFITHS. The arrange
ment proves so satisfactory and conveni
ent that the families would not have it remov
ed on any account. The expense of the •
telephone is quite trilling, the whole cost in- |
strunient and putting in. does not exceed $5. !
We have no doubt they will soon come into j
general use to connect offices, stores. Are.. [
With residences.
We do not know who she is, but we thank
the lady who having seen an article she want- j
ed, advertised in the REVIEW, mentioned the ■
fact to the denier when she called to make ;
the purchase. Many of our merchant princes |
think the REIMEW too small and insignieant j
to bestow any prntronngc upon, but those I
who have favored u* with their patronage j
know that it does pay to advertise. If all our
readers would follow the example of the lady j
referred to above, it would result in great i
benefit to us.
* i
Major VANCLEVE delivered a temperance
address at the M. E. Church last evening to a
goodly number of deeply interested auditors.
The Major is a fluent, forcible speaker, and
handles the whiskey traffic without gloves.—
While lie indulges in no hitter personal in
vective, he declaims against the use of the ac
cursed stuff as well in the rich man's palace !
as the viles doggery. lie is thoroughly in
earnest, and his efforts cannot fail of accom
plishing good, and he ought to he encouraged
to remain here several weeks.
FRED. E. BALLARD, a conspicuous and
wealthy young man of Troy, Pa., was found
dead in his bed about eleven o'clock yester
day morning. After attending to the fires,
he retired at a rather late hour on Wednes
day evening, ami in apparently robust health.
He was called at nine o'clock yesterday morn
ing and again at ten, hut not making his a;>-
P 'aranee, his sister went to his room at eleven
o'clock and found that he was dead. Tie
physician who was called, announced that lie
had been dead several hours, and gave as the
cause of his death, an affection of the heart.—
Elmira Free Free*.
The Jury Commissioners meet this week to
fill the jurv wheel.
Country dealers will find it. to their advant
age to buy their candies at FI IVH'S.
Mrs. WAYNE DEFOKIIEST is home again.
Councilman SXELL is introducing water
works on his farm in Athens, and we
; shouldn't be surprised to hear that he con
[ templates having gas, also.
WM. GHIEFIS takes advantage of the recess
of Congress to visit his family and friends
here. Mr. G. is fortunate enough to hold a
responsible and quite lucrative position in the
IT.l T . S. Senate, and his many friends in this
county congratulate him. lie has tilled many
important posts of honor and trust during
his life, but emoluments of office were never
more opportune than at the present time.
Hon. W. W. KINGSBURY is home from
i Washington to spend the holidays with his
aged and revered mother. Although an '* old
bach." Air. K. is quite domestic in his tastes
and habits ; spends most of his leisure time
at home with his- mother, inintstering to her
enjoyment and to the pleasure and profit i;
his nieces and nephews, who are all very fo I
of " Uncle WALLACE."
Rev. S. L. CON I>E. who atonetiniesuppli
the pulpit of the Lake Street Ppresbyteri •
church in this city, and more recently was t
pastor of the beautiful little Presbvteri ■
church ill Troy, Pa., is to engage in the eva •
gelistic work, beginning in Corning the tirs
week in January, where lie will assist tli
Rev. Mr. EARLE, the well known Baptist
evangilisl.— Elmira Free Press.
Court Procpedings.
Wednesday, December 17, 1579.
1) C DeWitt's use vs the Serader Mining
and Manufacturing Co. —Trespass. The rec
ord having been amended by leave of Court,
the defendants allege surprise, whereupon
the ease was continued until February term*
El\ in C Wright, by her next friend, vs E
(t Wright—Subpoena in di\oreedirected to be
Armina M Engli-h \ > S J ! ngi'sh—J W
Stone appointed commissioner.
Curl is \*s Noble—Rule to set aside Sheriff
sale discharged.
(J S Lawrence, admr of Cornelia Jakway,
formerly Cornelia Turk vs Joshua Turk —
Scire Faeius. J N Califl' for plaint ill'; 11 E
Maynard and R A Mcrcur for defendant.
Verdict, for plaint iff for $525.14.
J P Kirby's use \sl)R Blackmail—Rule for
a writ of Audita (Querela.
Howard Elmer and El/.iaheth Monlanye vs
the Connecticut Mutual Insurance Co —Rule
for judgment for want of an affidavit of de
James II Webb vs Morris O'Connell—Rule
to stike off aeknow lodgement of Sheriff's deed
made absolute.
The following Sheriffs deeds were acknowl
edged :
To L Elsbree 7 acres and 143 perches of
land in in Tow undu borough, sold 1 tec. <i. 1*79.
as the property of A.l Noble. Con S2OIO.
To L Elsbree house and lot in Towanda
Borough, sold Dee. <, 1*79. as the propertx of
A J Noble. Con $2lO.
To N N Belts for lot of land in Towanda
Borough, sold Dee. 5. 1789. as the property of
Win Moscrip. Con s9o 1.
To F Jennings house and lot in Towanda
Borough, sold Dee. (!, 1*79. as the properly of
A J Noble. Con SIO2O.
To ET Fox, trustee, 15000 acres ol'laud in
Albany, Monroe and Overton twps.sold Nov.
2N, 1*79, as the property of J F Satterlee.
Con $1750.
To M It Me A flee 130 acres of land in ltidg
biirv twp, sold Nov. 2*. 1579, as the proprtv
of Morris O'Connell. Con SI7OO.
To Elizabeth M Means 2 houses and lots in
Towanda Borough, sold Dee. 5. 1*79, as the
property of J W Means. Con $075.
AGENTS WANTED. —Enquire at the board
ing-house on Second street, lately occupied
by Mrs. Dr. MASON.
FITCH has the best assortment of common
and fine candies, including WHITMAN'S cele
brated con feet ions, ever offered in this market.
Now is the time to make your Christmas pur
O. A. BLACK has fitted up an office on the
second floor of the building lately occupid by
the crockery store, w here he will confine him
self to the Sewing Machine and Insurance
I Quite a fall of snow lust night, and light
' sleighs are moving this morning.
lowing decision of the Superintendent of
Public Instruction is of great importance to
I tax-pavers as well as directors, as violation
of the law upon the subject will deprive di -
j tricts of the State appropriation, and subject
: Directors to severe penalties: ,
Harrisburg, Pa., Dee. 1, I*7o. j
There is but one time in the year when di
! rectors can adopt a new series of text books
| for the schools under their charge, or change
old ones, and that is between the time of
i electing teachers and the opening of the
j schools. Section 23, Act of M. y 1.1804. says:
" That immediately after the annual election
of teachers in each school district of the state,
and be fere the opening of the schools for the
| ensuing term, there shall be a meeting of the
| directors or controllers and teachers of each
district; at which meeting the directors or
j controllers shall decide upon a series of school
books, in the different branches to be taught
during the ensuing school year; which book*,
and no other, shall be used in the schools of
the district during said period."
Such is the law. with this exception, that
| books cannot now be changed more frcquent
| Iv than once in three years.
Superintendent Public Instruction.
LOST.—A Red Morocco Pocket-Book, con
; tabling about twenty-four dollars in bills and
! change, one note of forty dollars, with four
teen doll rs endorsed, and other valuable
papers, one watch-key, clastic cord. The
tinder will be liberally rewarded by leaving
| the above at I). W. Srori & Co.'s or the
MIS. I>. T. FONT Kit.
When you start out to purchase candies,
fruits and confectionery, remember that
FITCH'S is headquarters TOY JRI those articles,
and you can rely upon getting a genuine arti
cle. He manufactures most of his candy, and
is enabled to furnish his customers fresh
LOST.—Off the hearse, on Wednesday,
December 17th, between J. <>. FROST'S SONS
Furniture Store and (iuycr's school house, a
Light Rubber Coat. The tinder will he liber
ally rewarded by leaving the same at .1. O.
jC:£f The annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Towanda Bridge Co.. for eh ion
of a President, Treasurer and Six Managers
to serve the ensuing year, will be lie d a the
First National Bank of Towanda. on \\
day January 7, IN.SO, between the hours one
and three o'clock, p. m.
Dee. 2. 1879. N. X. BEI TS, <eer tary.
Dealers are paying tin following prices to-1
ilay, per ton. ftt | 00
Wheat, per bushel, I 2"> j
Buckwheat, " VH
Rye. " 70 i
< hits, '• ;5s j
Corn, •*
Potatoes, " ;>0
Apples, " 40 to VII
Eggs, per do/. 21
Butter. 2,; t., 2s
Lard. 7 pf's
Chickens, 7 p, s
Under t/ti* heat! tee will inset t FitKK, notof
situation/* or help wanted.
Mrs CL itltAN, on street west of FIMM'S
h uruiture factorv. would like work at plain
sewing, tailoring, carpet making, or washing
and ironing.
A young man of good moral habits wishes
a situation in a Dry (ioods or Grocery store,
three years' experience. Good references
Apply io tlie editors of ihi* paper.
This NOTICE is intended to inform all per
sons indebted to the late tirm of MCINTYKE
& RUSSKLL that they must make immediate
payment or costs will he made. The hooks
and accoun's are in the hands of
JAMKS WO(>I, Attorney-at-law,
Towanda. Pa.
The PARAGON School Desk is the best in
the market. Warranted not to get out of
order or break. Call at FROST'S SONS Fur
niture Store and examine the same. If
If you waul the best vegetables, the largest
oysters, the best cuts of meat, and the finest
sausage to he found in Towanda, call on Mr.
MULLOCK, at the old Market, just south of
the Ward House,
JJdET" Deo Lyneheonie has opened a new
Barber Shop over Powell's store where he is
always ready to wait upon ail those who may
iiivor him with their patronage. Shampooing
hair cutting Ladies' and Children's hair at
their resilience no extra charge.
i JEST"Jacobs is selling Overcoats all the war
from $2 up to any price you are willing to
Cigars of about every known brand at
i Don't put otf your Christmas purchases
until the hist moment. FITCH has a full line
of candies and confections, and now is the
time to make your selections.
Mrs. FLETCHER is selling millinerv goods
at cost.
Prices way down in Gents tine and coarse
boots and shoes. All goods warranted s
represented, at BLUM'S.
On account of a change in my business,
I will sell Millinery Goods at cost.
No. 4 Bridge street.
The continued mild weather has induced
ROSEN FIELD, the Clothing merchant, to re
duce the price of Qvercoats and other winter
Clothing. Call and secure bargains. There
will be plenty of cold weather yet.
For a good, durable and neat fitting shoe,
goto BLLM'S.
PATCH BROTHERS pay JO cents, in cash,
for pheasants, and the highest price for but
ririf you want a stylish hat, cheaper than
you ever bought one, call at ROSENEIEI.D'S
clothing store.
J£fr*Choiee Hams and Smoked Beef, at
M VICR DEVOK'S market, Bridge Street.
OVERCOATS SO cheap that you can afford to
buy two or three, at LTOSENKIELD'S clothing
I'F; 'AT KR & DEVOK'S market is the
place toget tender steaks and nice roasts.
jrrT'Myer & Devoe are receiving fresh
Oysters daily, at their market, Bridge St.
Buy your fresh lisli at RUN DELL'S.
JOTM VER A* DEVOE keep the largest and
best assortment of Fruits and Vegetables in
jf-:j 'Goto E. D. Bt X DELL'S for the best
Steaks and Boasts.
J "'Genuine Bacon of the best <|uality -al
ways on -ale at E. D. BIINDKLI.'S market.
JOT FRESH OYSTERS to-dav, at E. 1).
A room for rent in Pattern's Block,over
Jacob's store. Apply to J. G. Pulton,
Auction !
Will open to-morrow ail IM
MENSE S TOOK ot Standard
and Miscellaneous
Family Bibles. Sunday School
Books, and other tbr the
holiday trade. Will be sold at
AUCTION, commencing Satur
day Evening Dec. 20.
C" A '"
Invites the patronage of his old friend* and the pub
lic generally- L shall keep a full assortment
of all sizes,
ard and oflloe, foot of I'lne street, just south of
Court House.