Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, December 20, 1879, Image 4

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    The Daily Review.
Towanda, Pa., Saturday, Dec'r 20, 1879.
*' MPailtf Review" only '45 rent* per
month. fry it.
Mails arrive depart and at the Towanda
Post ortiee follows.
PHI la. N. Y. and Eastern States. .4.00 A. M-
Dushore Laporte &c 9.30 "
L. V r . way mail from the North. .10.00 ''
Sheshequin &c 11.00 44
New Era &e Tues. Thur and Sat. 44 44
Asylum &c Mon. Wed. and Fri. 44 44
Trov Burlington &c 1.00 p. M.
Leßaysville Rome &e 44 44
Closed mail from Erie&N Cll lis 2.30 44
L, V. way mail from the 50uth...4.30 44
Canton &e .5.00 44
Barclay 6.30 4 *
Cls'd mail fr'm Elmira & Erie II 1110.40 44
Canton Monroeton &e 0.00 A. M.
L. V. way mail South 0.15 4 *
Cl's'd m,l Elmira Erie &NC 11 1110.00 44
Troy Burlington &e 10.00 44
S/ieshequin <fee 12.00 M.
Barclay 1.00 P. M.
New Era Tues Thur and Sat... • "
Asvlum Mon Wed and Fri 44 4<
Leßaysville Rome &c •* 44
Dushore &e 2.45 ,4
'j. V. way mail North 3.45 44
N Y Phil and Eastarn States... .7.45 4 '
Office open from 7.00 A. M. t07.45 p. M.
MoniiY Order office open fromX.OO A. M. to
7.00 p. M.
Office open Sunday's from 9.00 to 10.00 A. M.
Remember the auction sale of Christinas
hooks to-niglu.
The Advertiser says that a number of per
sons united with the Leßaysville M. E.
Church last Sunday.
Express agent DODGE'S team hauled over
two tons of poultry at one load to the depot
last evening.
FRED E. BALLARD, a son of the late O. P.
BALLARD, was found dead in lushed, at Troy,
on Thursday morning.
EM BROWNING. of Roaring Branch, hut a
former resident of this place, died on Monday,
aged 52 years. His remains were taken to
Canton for interment.
VANGELDER, of the Leßaysville Adverti
ser, has found a lady's parasol, which lie ad
vertises, and is ungullant enough to ask the
owner to pay for the insertion.
Deputy Sheritr WELL* closed up the sale at
MA DILL'S store yesterday. Most of the goods
sold realized good prices, thanks to the Sher
iff for selling them by the piece.
The sale of reserved seats for the Johnson
Benefit will commence on Tuesday evening
at 8:30, at KIREY'N. The number of seats
any one person will he permitted to reserve
is limited to ten.
lar meeting of the Endowment Rank, Knights
of Pythias, held at Castle Hall last evening,
the following officers were elected for the en
suing term:
President — W. G. GORDON.
Vice President — WAYNE DEFOREST.
Chaplain—,]. P. VANFLEET.
SeCy and Treas —W. B. KEI.LKY.
Cuide —ll. E. BABCOCK.
duard — WM. LAMENT.
Sentinel —W. I>. KYSER.
Trustees—,]. N. CALIKE, 11. F. BABCOCK,
Medical Examiner ■ — Dr. D. S. PRATT.
The receipts of the Bradford County Agri
cultural Society for the last four years aggre
gate $5,612.81.
18(t>, •••••.$ 776,47
187 1,619.75
187 * 1.223.75
187 1,992.84
The total expenditures, including premi
ums paid, amount to $5,591.00, as follows:
1876, $1,401.52
187 1,305.80
187 1,120.01
1879, 1,763.67
Showing a net surplus of receipt over ex
penditures for the four years of $21,81.
The officers of the Society propose to solicit
life memberships enough to meet the first
payment on the real estate which they have
purchased. A life membership costs $lO, and
admits the holder, wife, and children under
21 years of age, to all exhibitions of the Soci
ety, and also gives the privilege of entering
articles for exhibition. There ought to be
at least one hundred memberships sold in
PATCH Brothers shipped five and-a-half
tons of poultry last. week.
BOSTLEY & Co are very busy getting ready
to start up the nail works.
ED. STROUD has the most nobby bieiele in
town, and is an expert at propelling it.
JOHN M. PIKE, an old resident and prom
inent business man of Athens, was in To
wanda yesterday.
Mrs. W. A. PECK is visiting in this place,
where she has many friends.
Miss ETTIK ADAMS has returned to her
home in this place after an sojourn <>f several
months with relatives in Ohio.
S. W. BI'CK, the boldest and most active
Democrat in Eastern Bradford, made us a call
yesterday. Barring his politics he is one of
the best of fellows, and we are always glad to
see bun.
Maj. IUVEN is in town to-dav and is warm
ly welcomed by hosts of admiring friends.
Major VAN('LKVE, the eloquent temperance
advocate, will speak in the M. E. Church to
morrow evening.
Miss NELLIE BEEBE, of go, will spend
the winter with her sister at Little Rock.
Arkansas. Miss B. lias many f.iicnds in To
Col. OVERTON is home to spend the holi
days with his family. The Colonel is not only
a very valuable. Member*, an unswerving re
publican. who always votes as lie fought, but
by his excellent social qualities has won the
esteem and respect of opposit ion Members.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Patterson, formerly of
this place, will celebrate Jhe twentieth anni
versary of their marriage by a grand recep
tion at their house in Horseheads, next Mon
day evening.
Major VANCLEAVE, who has been lectur
ing on temperance in the western part of the
county for some months past., arrived in town
last evening. He will probably remain here
some time, and work for the cause of temper
ance. He is the guest of Rev. ('. H. WRIGHT,
of the M. E. Church, who is radical on the
subject, as every gospel minister should be,
and for that matter everybody else.
Superintendent's Notes.
Dee. 18 —Accompanied by Secretary of Can
ton School Board visited the following schools
and teachers of that district: Irish Settle
ment. L. L. Wilcox; Pond Hill, D. S. Fel
lows; Beech Flats, C. A Wright; Williams.
C. N. Hammond. Observed stiulioiisness and
order in all the schools, and much commend
able work in teaching. Reviewed classes on
phonies, geography with practical use of
globles, arithmetic and grammar. Percentages
of attendance in the Williams and East Can
ton schools 5)7 and 5)0 per cent. Who can beat
Dec. 18.—Visited the following schools of
Canton twp., accompanied by Directors W. T.
Lawrence and J. Crandall: Voorhis. Ktlie
Pratt; Grover, C. J. Bloom; Turner, Roscl
tlia Wheat. Voorhis school registered 12 pu
pils. present, 11; spelling poor, no globe, no
analysis of writing. Grover school, regisler
jed 73, present, 57; good work and good disci
pline. Turner school, small but evidently
under excellent instruction. An assistau
will probably be furnished to the Grover
I school.
Dee. 29. —Visited the following schools and
I teachers of Canton township: Avers, Chas.
j Warren; Warren, Mary Granteer: KastCan
! ton. C. L. Beverly. Noticed in Avers school
! tine order, thorough teaching, and about a
i dozen voting men and women present as pu
-1 pils. several of whom will doubtless become
j teachers. Their attendance best attests their
appreciation of the teacher's work. The
I work by pupils and teacher in East Canton
: school SCIIIS to be second to none in the coun
ty. Examined a class for about an hour in
i mathematical and phvsical geography, with
j scarcely an error. Secretary Lawrence ac-
I eompanied during almost the entire week,
and expressed a purpose to visit the schools
' again before close of term. He thus niuni
! fests the true spirit, benefits ri t he schools and
: learns the efficiency of teachers to aid in liir
i ing in future.
LOST. —A Red Morocco Poeket-Book, con
| tabling about twenty-four dollars in hills and
' change, one note of forty dollars, with four
; teen doll rs endorsed, and other valuable
papers, one watch-key, elastic cord. The
j finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving
j the above at. D. W. SCOTT & Co.'s or the
Mrs. I). T. FOSTER.
Religious services will be held to-morrow ;
as follows:
Presbyterian Church, preaching at 10:30
a. ni. and 7:UO p. in. Sunday school at 12, m.
Christ Church. (Episcopal), service and
: sermon, 10:30, a. m., and 7, p. m. Sunday
School, 12, m.
i M. K. Church, preaching at 10:30 a. in.
Lecture bv Major VanCleve, "The Apostle
of Temperance," at 7 o'clock p.m. Sunday
School at 12, tii.
Baptist church, preaching at 7:30.
SS. Peter and Paul, mass at 10:30, a.m.,
Vesjiers at 7 o'clock.
Church of Messiah, (Universalis!.) Rev.
Win. Taj lor, pastor, at 10:30 a.m., by request
will repeat discourse on "The Sunday School
and its work." At 7p. in., tir>t of two dis
i courses on "Hell in Fable, and Ilell in Fact."
Sunday school at 12 o'clock. All welcome,
j A. M. E. Zion, Prayer and Class meetings
; 10:30 a. m. Sunday School 2 p.m. Service
; 7:30 p. m.
P. E. Mission, at Nail Works School House,
Sunday School at 3p. in. Service at 0:30.
The Brethren, service at 10 1-2 A. M. Sun
day School at 3r. M. Booms over Madill's
Crockery Store.
AgKN'is WANTKD.—Enquire! at the hoard
| ing-house on Second street, lately occupied
: b\ Mrs. Dr. MASON.
E. I. WooDARD.
j FITCII lias the best assortment of common
I and fine candies, including WHITMAN'S cele-
I brated confections.ever offered in this market.
I Now i> the time to make your Christmas pur-
I chases.
O. A. Bi.ACK has fitted up an ortice on the
! second floor of the building lately occupid by
j the crockery store, where he will contine him
j self to the Sewing Machine and Insurance
! business.
When you start out to purchase candies,
i fruits and confectionery, remember tlnit
FITCH'S is headquarters for all those articles.
I and you can rely upon getting a genuine arti
| ele. He manufactures most of his candy, ami
i i> * nablcd to furnish his customers fresh
LOST. —Off tin* hearse, on Wednesday,
I >'-comber 17th. between J. (). F HOST'S SONS
I Furniture Store and Buyer's school house, a
Light Rubber Coat. The finder will be liber
ally rewarded by leaving the same at J. O.
(fAf The annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Towanda Bridge Co., for eleceion
of a President, Treasurer and Six Managers
to serve the ensuing year, will be held at tin-
First National Bank of Towanda, on Wednes
day January 7. 1880, between the hours one
j and three o'clock, p. ill.
I >ee. 2, IS7II. N. N. BETTS, Seer tarv.
| Healers are paying the following prices to
! day:
ilav. per ton. 1 <k>
Wheat. per bushel, ' l 25
Buckwheat, ** 30
Bye. " 70
Oats, " gs
Corn. " ;,0
Potatoes, " go
I Apples, " 40 to 50
Eggs, per do/. 21
| Butter, it to 28
Lard. 7 to 8
Pork, ft
Chickens, 7 to 8
I ..
I'tuler thin heart tre trill insert Fit KE, notires of
j situation* or help wanted.
MrsCmiRAN, on street west of FROST'S
Furniture factory, would like work at plain
i sewing, tailoring, carpet making, or washing
and ironing.
A voung girl who can tend baby, wash
dishes, etc., can secure a good situation bv
calling on James Wood.
A young man of good moral habits wishes
j a situation in a Dry Goods or Grocery store,
| three years' experience. Good references
This NOTICE is intended to inform allper
sons indebted to the late firm of MoINTYRK
& RI> ; NKI,I that tliev must, make immediate
payment or costs will be made. The books
I and aceoun's are in the hands of
JAMKS WOOD, Attorney-at-law,
Towanda, Pa.
The PARAGON School Desk is the best in
I the market. Warranted not to get out of
order or break. Call at FROST'S SONS Fur
niture Store and examine the same. tf
If you want the best vegetables, the largest
' oysters, the best cuts of meat, and the tinest
, sausage to be found in Towanda, call on Mr.
! MULLOCK, at the old Market, just south of
: the Ward House,
ULTT Geo Lvnchcoine has opened a new
Barber Shop ovpr Powell's store where he is
always ready to wait upon all those who may
favor him with their patronage. Shampooing
hair cutting Ladies' and Children's hair at
their residence no extra charge.
gt^r*Jacobs is selling Overcoats all the way
from $2 up to any price you are willing to
i Cigars of about every known brand i
Don't put ofl' your Christinas purchase*
until the last moment. Fituh has a full line
of candies and confections, and now is the
time to make your selections.
Mrs. FI.KTCHKK is selling millinery goods
at cost.
Prices way down in Gents fine and coarse
boots and shoes. All goods warranted ae
represented, at Blum's.
On account of a change in my business,
1 will sell Millinery Goods at cost.
Mrs. M. A. Flrtoiiru,
No. 4 Bridge street.
The continued mild weather has induced
Rosrnitkli>, the Clothing merchant, to re
duce the price of Overcoats and other winter
| Clothing. Call and secure bargains. There
will he plenty of cold weather yet.
For a good, durable and neat fitting shoe,
| go to Blum's.
Patch Buothkus pay 140 cents, in cash,
for pheasants, and the highest price for but
j ter.
£_£' "If you want a stylish hat, cheaper than
; von ever bought one, call at RosrnmrliVs
clothing store.
®lTf*Choice Hams and Smoked Beef, at
Mvki: & Dkvor'S market. Bridge Street.
Ovkkcoats so cheap that you can afford to
j hu> two or three, at Rosknfikld's clothing
j store.
rWAt Myrk fe Drvok'B market, is the
I place to get tender steaks and nice roast s.
Dcvoe are receiving fresh
Oysters daily, at their market, Bridge St.
dtfT'Buv your fresh fish at Run dkll'S.
If_tfMYßlt A ItRVOK keep the largest and
j best assortment of Fruits and Vegetables in
griTGo to K. D. Rl NI>KI.L'B for the best
Steaks and Roasts.
£iT"Genuiin Bacon of the best quality -al
ways on sale at E. I), lit ndrli.'S market.
(£-yr"FRESIJ OYSTERS to-day, at K. D.
I Ruudeli's.
f-T/'A room for rent in Button's Block,over
1 Jacob's store. Apply to J. (L Putt on,
! - itttt r--ir- . —rrr T-rn 111-r■ —■ n I 111, mil I w.. ■am
A net ion /
Will open to-morrow an IM
MENSE STOCK of Standard
j and Miscellaneous
B O o K s '
: Family Bibles, Sunday School
Books, and other goods for the
holiday trade. Will be sold at
AUCTION, commencing Satur
j day Evening Dec. 20.
Invites che patronage of his old friends and th© pub
. I
lie generally- I shall keep a full assortment
of all sizes,
, I
| Yard and oftlcu, toot i Uiae street, juat oor)i #f
, Court llouse.
( Aug. 30 s. TiDJ .