The Daily Review. Towanda, Pa., Friday, Dec'r 19, 1879 EDITORS : 8. W. ALVORI). NOBLE N. ALVORD. " Daily Mterien" only 95 cent% per month. Try it. New York Evening Post: —The Presi dent could not easily say anything strong er for the wise and safe policy of getting rid of the legal-tender notes than he said in his message and in his letter of the 4th of December. Ilis conversation with General Ilawley Fridry night, of which a report is printed in the Herald Saturday, is of interest not because the President said anything new, but because he reaffirmed what he had said already. lie believed that a discussion of the greenback question will show that "the true issue" is now, as heretofore, "be tween inflationists 011 one side and the friends of sound, stable constitutional currency on the other. lie urges hard-money men to vote against proposals "which arc against an early return to a constitutional currency," and to vote for all proposals "which, like Mr. Bayard's, look to the action recom mended by the message." He does not regard the matter "as a mere party question," hut he warns the Republicans that if they are not true to sound principles they may enable the Democratic party "if it is wise to carry the country in 1880." The President stands fast. Lot us stand by the President. The New York Tribune of Sunday pub lishes an interesting list of the residents of that city who pay, avoid and ignore the assessiuents on their personal proper ty. The table shows that the commis sioners of taxes assessessed per sons. of this number the pittiful few of 1,899 pay, "and these," says the Tribune "paying tax on sums greatly reduced from the original assessment, are among the poorer classes of people in the city." Those who will pay no tax are 0,219, of the wealthiest citizens, who march up to the assessors' office and swear they have no personal property. The balance, 8,- 505, merely default and lot their tax swell the constantly growing deficiency list. The aim of the Tribune in printing this list is that "a lull exposeure of the ab surdity of the system of assessment, the ridiculous conditions under the law, and the lax manner in which arrears are col lected, compromised or abandoned as worthless, will lead to the reform of the laws and tin? improvement of tin- entire system. It is said that since the fraudulent work in Maine has been announced, Re publican Congressmen from this State seem to be in favor of the Legislature choosing the electors for New York. It is not impossible that such a course may, eventuullj', be justified; hut it seems a hasty conclusion at present. Nor is it probable, although so reported from Washington, that the majority of the Re publican Congressional delegates from this state, have so expressed themselves. The conclusions of Washington corres pondents must often lie taken cum grano Balis, especially in times of political ex citement.—Binghamton Jiepbulican. The average speed of express trains in this country is not, probably, over thirty miles an hour, hut there are a few trains which much exceed this rate. The New York express on the Old Colony road makes the run from Boston to Taunton, 34 miles, in 47 minutes; the Boston and Providence Shore line express makes a rnn of 44 miles in 00 minutes; both of these are beaten by the Jersey City and Philadelphia fast express, which makes 89 miles in 111 minutes, an average of a mile in one and a quarter minutes. k CHRISTMAS, 1879. NEW YEARS, 1880. EXTRAORDINARY IN VOICE OK HOLIDAY ANI) iVlilliiieT\y Cxoodw. - Mrs. S. If. Si vest OflfcrH at her Emporium of Fancy Good* MILLINERY ANI) YANKEE NOTIONS, i A FRESII STOCK j Recently purchased, at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. i Consisting of Hats, Fancy Goods, Toweling, Collars, Comforters, Embroideries, Flowers, Ribbons, ! Handkerchiefs, silk, linen and embroidered, Feath- ! ors and Tips, Slipper Patterns, Card-board, Zephyrs, j Combs, Jet Ornaments. Rusching, Nvcklacvs, Veil- j ing in all colors, Java Canvas Patterns, Lace Capes, Crape Pcllisses, Rabies' Knit Stockings, Ladies' j Hose in all colors and styles, Dolls, Children's j Sacks, Hoods and Mittens, Ladies' Nubias in all j colors, Bracelets, Pocket Books, Mottoes, Birds and i Feathers, Shawls, Jewelry, Ladies' and Gentle- j men's UNDERWEAR. In short, EVERYTHING pertaining to a complete assortment of seasonable FANCY GOODS and STYLISH MILLINERY. , 11 ATS TRIMMED, in all styles and colors, and | of every variety of material: Fur, Felt and Straw, at j MRS. SWEET'S Fancy Goods Bazar, Dec. 17 Main Street, Towunda. ■ E. ROSEN FIELD'S Fall Opening | I CLOTHING > HATS, CAPS. NECKWEAR, GLOVES. HOSIERY, and a full line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, which are offered EXCEEDINGLY LOW. Call and see tnc, examine goods, learn prices, &c I . I M. E. ROSENFIELD. JOHNSON, FASHIONABLE BARBER, i Under Market, one door south of Ward House. Careful and experienced workmen always ready to wait upon customers. TyJKW FIRM. 11. Davidow & Bro. , CASH PAID FOR I FUR, HIDES, PELTS, WOOL, BEESWAX, | No. 4, Reiillemun,s lllock, Bridge St | ' Towanda, October 28. J FIGHT MIT SIGKL aud all HONORABLY DISCIIARQKD SOLDIERS will commit their own interests uy calling at J A C O B S' long established and well known ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, PATTON'S BLOCK, and buy their coats, pants, vests, overcoats, shirts, overalls, Gloves, llosc, Huts and Caps, and every thing in the line of fine and stylish GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Don't be deceived by persons falsely representing themselves to be JACOBS, but come directly to my store in Button Block, Main street, near Bridge stf H. JACOBS. j N BW JOB PRINTING OFFICE. We respectfully invite public attention to our COMPLETE JOB PRINTING IIOU8K! Corner Main and Pine streets, orer the Music Store. COMMERCIAL PRINTING AND PHAMPLKT WORK A SPECIALTY. LETTER, NOTE AND BILL HEADS, ENVELOPES, TAGS Neatly executed on the shortest notice. BUSINESS, PARTY AND CALLINO CARDS printed to order. • [ ALVOttD A SON.