Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, December 18, 1879, Image 4

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    The Daily Review.
Towanda, Pa., Thursday, Dec'r 18, 1879.
14 Unity Review" only 555 renin per
month. fry it.
Mails urrive depart and at the Towanda
Post office fellows.
I'liila. N. Y. and Eastern States. .4.00 A. M-
Dusbore Laporta Ac 0.30 "
L. V. way mail from the North.. 10.00 " !
Shosliequin &> .11.00 "
New Era fce Tims. Thur and Sal. " "
Asylum <&e Mon. Wed. and Fri. "
Trov Burlington *TE 1.00 p. M.
Eeliaysville Home &c " " i
Closed mail from Erie&N Clt l's 2.30 "
L, V. way mail from the 50uth...4.30 "
Canton vc 5.00 "
Barclay 0.30 "
Ol's'd mail fr'tn Elmira & Erie It H10.40 "
Canton Monroeton Sic 0.00 A. M.
L. V. way mail South 9.15 "
Cl's'd m,l Elmira Erie &NC 11 1410.00 "
Troy Burlington &c 10.00 "
Sneshequin &e 12.00 M.
Barclay 1.00 P. M.
New Era Tues Thur and Sat.... " "
Asylum Mon Wed and Fri " "
Leiiaysville Home <fec •• "
Onshore &c 2.45 "
'J. V. way mail North 3.45
N Y Phil and EastarnStates....7.4s "
Office open from 7.00 A. M. t07.45 p. M.
Money Order otlice open from H.OO A. M. to
7.00 p. M.
Otlice open Sunday's from 9.00 to 10.00 A. M.
The puldic exercises at the (traded School
will begin to-morrow at 1:30.
Country dealers will find it to their advant
age to buy their candies at Firm's.
The streets are crowded with teams loaded
with poultry.
Another of the MADDEN children has died
of diphtheria.
The various Sunday Schools of Canton,
are all making preparations for a good time
on Christmas for the children.
You can save yourself much trouble, and
get the best mince meat at JORDAN'S meat
The Presbyterian Sunday School is prepar
ing for a holiday festival, and will have a
Christinas tree.
A thief stole an overcoat and several other
articles of wearing apparel from JOHN
ADAMS' residence, on Second street, the
other evening.
•'he barn of THOMAS BRANN, at Union,
near Canton, Pa., burned Monday evening.
Thirteen cows and seven tons of bay were
burned. There was a small insurance on the
The Good Templars of Canton will give the
celebrated comedy of "The Village Lawyer,"
in which is the well-known character of
"Solon Shingle," at Citizen's Hall to-morrow
The pay-car went south this morning with
an empty cash-box, Mr. WILHELM having
made the industrious employes of the L. V.
and branches happy by the payment of their
Nobember wages.
The Kchrader Coal Co. damage suit came to
an abrupt close yesterday afternoon. The
Court granted the plaintiff a rule to amend
the record, w her upon the defendants plead
surprise, and asked and were granted a con
tinuance till next term.
Some of the members of the Lodge of K. of
P. have been invited to prepare a photograph
album, containing photographs of those
designated, for a Christmas present to L. If.
FROST, who recently removed to Richmond,
Va. _ '
GEORGE BROWN, of Waverly. went to
Canton about, a week ago to visit a young
lady to whom he wfts engaged to he married.
He was taken sick at the residence of Mr. A
PORTER and died Saturday Morning, his dis
ease being typhoid pneumonia. The body
was taken to Waverly far burial.
The Bradford County Agricultural Society
have purchased from Judge BKXTLKY the
Fair Grounds, Including the hotel and half of
the grove, in East Towanda. The price paid
is SSOOO. The Judge lias given the use of the
grounds to the Society for the past five years,
and the price at which he has now sold the
property is considered very low.
both farmers of East Hush, about ten miles <
from Montrose, got into a dispute regarding
a line fence yesterday, and in the melee MC- 1
CORMICK struck MCDONOUGH with abiliitof I
wood, killliug him instantly. MCCORMICK !
has given himself up and is lodged in jail at;
Montrose. There are said to be extenuating]
At the elect ion of officers of the Athens Fire
Department, on Monday evening, tin; follow
ing gentlemen were chosen :
: President —l). F. PARK.
(Jhicf Engineer—J. M. ELY.
First Assestant —J. M. ELY.
Second Assistant —ED. SPALDING.
On Tuesday evening the "hoys" indulged in
a burlesque parade, as a take off on the Grand
Army hoys who got ready for a free ride to j
1 Philadelphia, and then didn't get their trans- i
| portation.
A TRADE IN THE DARK.— A few evenings
] since a gentleman of thiN city, who had been
! out in the country, was driving towards
home, he was met by a man driving in the. j
I opposite direction, who, on passing the El-1
mira man. asked him if lie did not want to
| trade horses. The answer was, "Yes, sir."
i Those who had occasion to lie out, know how
i dark it was last week. Neither man could
J tell what, kind of a horse the other had; hut
j they went to work and unhitched and chang
ed, and after which they drove off, neither
knowing who the other was. The Elmira
party hud paid thirteen dollars for the horse
he had, and thinks lie had the best of the bar
gain.— Advertiser.
Superintendent's Notes.
Dee. 16 —Visited Alba Borough school, J. i
\V. Norrish teacher, witli director (Tandall j
and Ira Smith. Pupils registered 42, attend- |
ance, 40. Reviewed pupils in most of their
studies. An attendance of 40 out of 42 shows
the progress and interest of the pupils and
the appreciation of the patrons. The review
showed the thoroughness and efficiency of
the present teacher as well as predecessors.
The school board is entitled to credit for thus
] maintaining continually a good school in the
borough. Also visited the following schools
on Armenia Mountain : Pierce, Simon Tiuklc-
I patigh; Ripley, Marion Teeter. Mr Tinkle
paugh has 25 registered and 19 in attendance,
and seems to be making a success of his first,
term. In the other school, which registered
2(5 and numbered 19, suggested improvement
1 in working by blackboard analysis and drill.
The teachers work otherwise, was good.
Have pupil's solve the following: 120-0 —
10x2? and explain to them whether 0 is the
, correct answer, or 20.
Mrs. KIMKERLY and children, of Saginaw,
• Mich., are visiting at Mrs. K's. parents, in
The Reverend and Mrs. ROHHNMULLKR.
have returned from their bridal tour, and are
• spending a few days in Towanda. before ta
' king possession of their cottage in Sayre.
Judge BKNTI.Y, of Williamsport, is in
Capt. E. A. SPALDING lias been elected
i "King" of Shekinali Chapter, No. IS2, of
r Wilkes-Bar re, for the ensuing Masonic year.
O. A. BLACK has fitted up an office on the I
second floor of the building lately oceupid by |
the crockery store, where he will confine him
( self to the Sewing Machine and Insurance
I WALLACE HILLEK, who has been in the I
I employ of HOLMES & PASSAGE for nearly
. I three years past, lias resigned his position,
, and will return to his home in Pike county
to-morrow morning. Mr. 11. has during his
N residence here not only won the confidence
1 ! of his employers, but the esteem and highest :
I respect of all our citizens who have been so
fortunate as to make bis acquaintance.
JAS. MCINTYRE is building a rent new
house on State street, near the Graded School.
| ASBITRN TOWNER, the well known and j
') able journalist, lias been elected city editor of j
' ! the Elmira Free Press. The managers of j
| that journal are evidently bound to make it
j worthy of success, and it is gratifying to
I know their efforts are appreciated. The se-
I lection of Mr. TOWNER is a fortunate one.
We have always rend the Free Press with
satisfaction, and shall herafter peruse IT with
renewed interest.
Admonished by alarming premonitory
I symptoms, our young friend GEORGE PAR.
! SONS has been compelled to relinquish the
study of law. He leaves for New York to
| DAY to spend a few weeks, and will probably
decide to try the climate of Colorado or Miun- j
esota in the hope that a higher temperature !
and more rarified atmosphere will prove
beneficial in restoring his health.
- * *
When you start out to purchase candies' |
fruits and confectionery, remember that
FITCII'S is headquarters for all those articles,
and you can rely upon getting a genuine arti
cle. He manufactures most of his candy, and
is enabled to furnish his customers fresh
LOST.—Off lie hearse, on Wednesday,
December 17th, between J. O. FHOST'S SONS
Furniture Store and Guycr's school house, a
Light Rubber Coat. Tie finder will be liber
ally rewarded by leaving the same at J. O.
FITCH has the best assortment of common
and fun; candies, including WHITMAN'S cele
brated confections, ever offered in this market, i
Now is the time to make your Christmas pur- !
LOST.—One Fur Gauntlet Glove for the
right hand. The tinder will be rewarded by !
i leaving it either at DAYTON'S Harness Shop !
or at the Postoffiee.
Towanda, Dec. 10, INTO.
# t
POCKKT-UOOK LOST. —The undersigned
lost on Wednesday afternoon, in Towanda,
between Dr. Pratt's office and R ridge street, ,
a lady's Red Morocco Pocket-book, contain
ing 26 dollars in $1 and $2 bills. The finder
will be liberally rewarded by delivering it
with the money at the Ward House.
Towanda, Dec. N, INTO.
JCtT* The annual meet ing of the stockhold
ers of the Towanda Rridge Co., for eleeeion
of a President, Treasurer and Six Managers
to serve the ensuing year, will be held at the
First National Rank of Towanda, on Wednes
day January T, INSO, between the hours one
and three o'clock, p. m.
Dec. 2, INTO. N. N. RETTS, Seer tary. !
lowing decision of the Superintendent of J
Public Instruction is of great importanee to j
tax-pavers as well as directors, as violation !
of the law upon the subject will deprive di--;
tricts of the State appropriation, and subject !
Directors to severe penalties:
Ilurrisburg, Pa., Dec. 1, INTO, j
There is but. one time in the year when di- j
rectors can adopt a new series of text, books i
for the schools under their charge, or change !
old ones, and that is between the time of
electing teachers and the opening of the
schools. Section 23, Act of Mi y 1. IHT>4, says:
" That immediately after the annual election
of teachers in eaeli school district of the state, j
and before the opening of the schools for the '
ensuing term', there shall he a meeting of the
directors or controllers and teachers of each
district; at which meeting the directors or
controllers shall decide upon a series of school
books, in the different branches to he taught
during the ensuing school year; which books,
and no other, shall be used in the schools of
the district during said period."
■ Such is the law, with this exception, that
I books cannot now he changed more frequent
ly than once in three years.
Superintendent Public Instruction.
Dealers are paying tiie following prices to
j day:
| ilav, per ton, §ll oo
Wheat, per bushel, 1 oft
Ruckwheat, ,k .^0
Kyc. '• 70
Oats, -
I Corn, " 56
Potatoes, " 30
Apples, " 40 to 50
Eggs, per doz. <>i
Butter, 23 to 28
£ ar ?' T to 8
Pork, 5
j Chickens, 7 to ' H
Under this head we will insert FREE, notices of
\ situations or help wanted.
j Mrs CuitUAN, on street west of FROST'S
| Furniture factory, would like work at plain
j sewing, tailoring, carpet making, or washiri"
and ironing. n
A young girl who can tend baby, wash
dishes, etc., can secure a good situation by
calling on James Wood.
A young man of good moral habits wishes
a situation in a Dry Goods or Grocery store
1 three years' experience, Good references
Apply to the edttors of this paper.
Cigars of about every known brand at
Don't put oft" your Christmas purchases
until the lust moment. FITCH lias a full line
of candies and confections, and now is the
time to make your selections.
Mrs. FLETCHER is selling millinery goods
at cost.
Prices way down in Gents fine ami coarse
boots and shoes. All goods warranted as
represented, at BLUM'S.
On account of a change in my business,
I will sell Millinery Goods at cost.
No. 4 Bridge street.
The continued mild weather has induced
ROSKNFIELI), the Clothing merchant, to r<;-
duce the price of Overcoats and other winter
Clothing. Call and secure bargains. There
will be plenty of cold weather yet.
For a good, durable and neat fitting shoe,
go to BLUM'S.
PATCH BROTHKRS pay 30 cents, in cash,
for pheasants, and the highest price for but
UCtTTf you want a stylish hat. cheaper than
you ever bought one, call at ROSENFIKLD'S
clothing store.
JQT'Choiee llums and Smoked Beef, at
MYKK <FC DKVOK'S market. Bridge Street.
OVERCOATS SO cheap that you can afford to
buy two or three, at ROSEN FIELD'S clothing
HOT"At MYKR & DKVOK'S market is the
place to get tender steaks and nice roasts.
jfT-rfMver tt Devoc are receiving fresh
Oysters daily, at their mark* t. Bridge St.
drTTßuy your fresh fish at RUNDKLI.'S.
UEffMYKR & DF.VOE keep the largest and
best assortment of Fruits and Vegetables in
r*TGo to E. D. RUNDKLI.'S for the best
Steaks and Roasts.
Bacon of the best quality—al
ways on sale at E. 1). RUN DELL'S market.
FRESH OYSTERS to-day, at E. 11.
jE3r"A room for rent in Ration's Block, over
Jacob's store. Apply to J. G. Pulton,
UQTMacobs is selling Overcoats all the wav
from $2 up to any price you are willing to
The PARAGON School Desk is the best in
the market. Warranted not to get out of
order or break. Call at FROST'S SONS Fur
niture Store and examine the same. tf
If you want the best vegetables, the largest
oysters, the best cuts of meat, and the finest
sausage to be found in Towanda, call on Mr.
MULLOCK, at the old Market, just south of
the Ward House,
Ipaf Geo Lynchcome has opened a new
Barber Shop over Powell's store where he is
always ready to wait upon all those who may
favor him with their patronage. Shampooing
hair cutting Ladies' and Children's hair at
their residence no extra charge.
This NOTICE is intended to inform all per
sons indebted to the late firm of MCINTYRE
& RUSSELL that they must make immediate
payment or costs will be made. The books
and accoun's are in the hands of
JAMES WOOD, Attorney-at-law,
Towanda, Pa.
C~ " 5
Invites the patronage of his old friends and the pub
lic generally- I shall keep a full assortment
of all sizes,
Yard and office, foot of Pine street, just south of
Court House.
Au. fiO NT. TIDD.