The Daily Review. Towanda, Pa., Thursday, Dec'r 18, 1879. KDfOBH : H. W. ALVOftD. VOBLE N r . ALVOBD. 14 Unity Review" only 555 renin per month. fry it. Mails urrive depart and at the Towanda Post office fellows. ARRIVE. I'liila. N. Y. and Eastern States. .4.00 A. M- Dusbore Laporta Ac 0.30 " L. V. way mail from the North.. 10.00 " ! Shosliequin &> .11.00 " New Era fce Tims. Thur and Sal. " " Asylum <&e Mon. Wed. and Fri. " Trov Burlington *TE 1.00 p. M. Eeliaysville Home &c " " i Closed mail from Erie&N Clt l's 2.30 " L, V. way mail from the 50uth...4.30 " Canton vc 5.00 " Barclay 0.30 " Ol's'd mail fr'tn Elmira & Erie It H10.40 " DEPART. Canton Monroeton Sic 0.00 A. M. L. V. way mail South 9.15 " Cl's'd m,l Elmira Erie &NC 11 1410.00 " Troy Burlington &c 10.00 " Sneshequin &e 12.00 M. Barclay 1.00 P. M. New Era Tues Thur and Sat.... " " Asylum Mon Wed and Fri " " Leiiaysville Home 4, says: " That immediately after the annual election of teachers in eaeli school district of the state, j and before the opening of the schools for the ' ensuing term', there shall he a meeting of the directors or controllers and teachers of each district; at which meeting the directors or controllers shall decide upon a series of school books, in the different branches to he taught during the ensuing school year; which books, and no other, shall be used in the schools of the district during said period." ■ Such is the law, with this exception, that I books cannot now he changed more frequent ly than once in three years. J. P. WICKKRSHAM, Superintendent Public Instruction. Dealers are paying tiie following prices to j day: | ilav, per ton, §ll oo Wheat, per bushel, 1 oft Ruckwheat, ,k .^0 Kyc. '• 70 Oats, - I Corn, " 56 Potatoes, " 30 Apples, " 40 to 50 Eggs, per doz. <>i Butter, 23 to 28 £ ar ?' T to 8 Pork, 5 j Chickens, 7 to ' H WANTS. Under this head we will insert FREE, notices of \ situations or help wanted. j Mrs CuitUAN, on street west of FROST'S | Furniture factory, would like work at plain j sewing, tailoring, carpet making, or washiri" and ironing. n A young girl who can tend baby, wash dishes, etc., can secure a good situation by calling on James Wood. A young man of good moral habits wishes a situation in a Dry Goods or Grocery store 1 three years' experience, Good references Apply to the edttors of this paper. BUSINESS LOCALS. Cigars of about every known brand at FITCH'S. Don't put oft" your Christmas purchases until the lust moment. FITCH lias a full line of candies and confections, and now is the time to make your selections. Mrs. FLETCHER is selling millinery goods at cost. Prices way down in Gents fine ami coarse boots and shoes. All goods warranted as represented, at BLUM'S. On account of a change in my business, I will sell Millinery Goods at cost. Mrs. M. A. FI.KTCIIKR, No. 4 Bridge street. The continued mild weather has induced ROSKNFIELI), the Clothing merchant, to r<;- duce the price of Overcoats and other winter Clothing. Call and secure bargains. There will be plenty of cold weather yet. For a good, durable and neat fitting shoe, go to BLUM'S. PATCH BROTHKRS pay 30 cents, in cash, for pheasants, and the highest price for but ter. UCtTTf you want a stylish hat. cheaper than you ever bought one, call at ROSENFIKLD'S clothing store. JQT'Choiee llums and Smoked Beef, at MYKK