Tlie Dail.y Review. Towanda, Pa., Thursday, Dec'r 18, 1879. KtHTORB : 8. W. ALVOIID. NOBLE N. ALVOItD. " Daily Review" only 25 rente per month. Vry it. We find the following curious case of j the. effect of what is commonly called "tying up by will" in an exchange, and as it has been already well condensed, we give it entire: Fifty years ago ex-Governor McArthur, j of Ohio, died and left a property worth sevral millions. By his will the estate was not to be divided until the youngest grandchild should reach the age of 21 years, and then it was to be divided equ ally among them all. But the grandchil dren kept coining, and the older children saw no chance of getting anything during their natural lives if they had to wait for others to be born and attain their majori ty. So they asked for a division of the property, which was accomplished after tifty years delay. A dozen of the best lawers in Ohio, including Stanley Mat thews, are arguing the case before Judge Swryne, sitting as United States Supreme Judge, and the suit willgo to the Supreme i Court for a final decision, no matter what the decision of Swayne may be. There is one county in the state of Pennsylvania of which prohibitionist are proud. We refer to Potter county, in which there has not been a licensed saloon for twenty years. The clerk of the courts and other citizens unite in saying their jail lias not averaged one occupant during that time; but one person has been sent to the penitentiary, only two paupers in the poor house. Their taxes are thirty five per cent, lower than they are in the adjoining counties where saloons are li censed. Their circuit court only occu pies three or four days each year, and dockets are closed. If prohibition does not prohibit, pray tell us what it does do, with such facts as these before us?— Star of Hope. The Heading railroad has just put on its line a new style of locomotive which consumes as fuel coal dust instead of coal. The {Philadelphia Record, in describing it, says; "The cabin is perched way up on top of the boiler, like a saddle on a long-bodied horse. It is not so clumsy as the old camel-backs which were used on that road for years, but its oddity draws the attention of the traveller. The locomotive has four drive wheels, each five feet seven inches in diameter. The fire box is eight feet long by four and a quarter feet wide. The engine is capable of a speed of seventy-five miles an hour, ami by consuming the dust makes a great saving in the item of fuel." A patient, persevering printer of Otta wa, Ills., has contrived, with an ordinary steel pen, and without the aid of any mag nifying power, to transcribe the whole of the sixth and seventh chapter of the gos pel of St. Mathew and the first and thirty eighth verses of the first chapter of St. John, besides some remarks of the writer, on a postal card. In this little space there are no less than 2,180 words, clearly and legibly written. The card thus contains more matter than is usually written on twenty sheets of note paper. The bill introduced in the House by Mr Croffrotli of this State proposes a rad ical change in the method of filing appli cations and procuring pensions. He says its objects are to simplify the method of procuring pensions so as to expedite the clearing up of the multitude of claims now pending in the Commissioner of Pension's office and to enable deserving and needy pensioners to speedily procure a future monthly pension. The Chicago packing house employees are on a strike. CHRISTMAS, 1879. NEW YEARS, 1880. EXTRAORDINARY INVOICE OK HOLIDAY i AND >1 illinerv G<>o PHAMPLET j WORK A SPECIALTY. | LETTER, NOTE , ABTD BILL 11 K A 1)R. ENVELOPES, TAOS I J Neatly executed on the shortest notice. : BUSINESS, PARTY AND CALLING CARDS printed to order. 1 1 I | Al VOHD & SON.