The Daily Review. Towanda, Pa., Tuesday, Dec'r 16, 1879. EDITORS: 8. W. ALVOItD. NOBLE N. ALVORD. t( Daily Review" only 25 rent* per month. Try it. Mails arrive depart and at the Towanda Post office follows. ARRIVE. Phila. N. Y. and Eastern States. . LOO A. M- Dushore Laporte ifcc 9.80 " L. V. way mail from the North. .10.00 '• Sheshequin &< 11.00 " New Era &e Tues. Thur and Sat. " " Asylum &c Mon. Wed. and Fri. u Troy Burlington fcc 1.00 p. M. Leßaysville Home &c " Closed mail from Erie&N CR Us 2.80 " L, V. way mail from the Sout h.. .4.80 " Canton fce 5.00 " Barclay 0.80 " Cl's'dmaii fr'm Elmira & Erie 111110.40 " DEPART. Canton Monroeton &C 9.00 A. M. L. V. way mail South 9.15 '• Cl's\hn,l Elmira Erie & N Cli It 10.00 " Troy Burlington &c 10.00 " Stieshcquin Ac... A 12.00 M. Barclay 1.00 P.M. New Era Tues Thur and Sat.... " •' Asylum Mon Wed and Fri " k ' Leßaysville Home Ac " "• Dushore Ac 2.45 V. way mail North 8.45 N Y I'llil and Eastarn States 7.45 Office open from 7.00 A. M. t07.45 P. M. Monev Order office open from 8.00 A. M. to 7.00 p. M. Otliee open Sunday's from 9.00 to 10.00 A. M. P. POWELL, P. M. HARRY HIDE is making some exquisitely beautiful wax-flower hoquets. Samples may be seen and orders left at C. T. KIRHV'S. We learn that Mrs. John MAIIDIN, and her live ehi ldren, living near the upper depot, are (lnwn witli the diphtheria, and that another child of the same family died of the dreaded disease last week. I). F. PARK, merchant. of Athens, and W. T. NORTON, merchant, of Terrytown, are in ry men this week. The former is serving on the DeWitt vs. Schrader Land Co.. suit which will occupy most of the week. ■ -<. Have you seen the big black bear at JOR DAN'S market V MULLOCK is bound to keep some attraction there. But what is of more interest to people generally is tin* fact that the market is always supplied with the choicest meats, the largest lish and finest oysters. We wish to call especial attention of con sumers of coal to the fact that the celebrated Loyal Sock Coal has not been advanced, and is now selling in this market irom one dollar to one dollar and twenty-live cents per toil be lw anthracite. Mr. MAI.LORY controls the Loyal Sock, and il is gratifying to consumers here to know that they are buying it at lower liguresthan the people of Dushore, who are only six miles from the mines. The election of Fire Department others last evening was conducted in a lively manner. As much interest was manifested as is gener ally witnessed at a political contest. About a hundred and seventy members of the Depart ment, voted. The independent ticket was elected by a large majority. The following are the officers chosen : Chief h'nr/ineer — C LARK B. PORTER, of No. 8. Ist JSNL Kmj.—A. S. Down, of No. 1. 'ld. Axxt. Kmj. —J. J.( 'A VAN Atoll, of N0.4 The pvrxoumi in attendance from abroad participating in the ceremonies forth • Dedica tion of the t'hurch of ss. Peter anil Paul, on Sunday last, includes tin following names: lit. L{O\. Bishop O'HARA, of Seranton; lit. Be v. Bishop Mi'tJIADE, of lioehester: lit. BeV. J ERETLLL AIT F. SH A N AIIA N . Bishop of llarrishurg; Hev. DENIS O'IIARAN. of Wilkes-Barre: Rev. Titos. MCGOYERN, of Danville; Rev. ARTIM R P. HAVILAND. of Philadelphia; Rev. .Lis. B. WIIELAN, of Towanda: Rev. P. T. Room;, of Hyde Park: Rev. Tnos. F. COKEKY, of Seranton; Rev. JOHN SLATTKKY. of Susquehanna Depot; Rev. JOHN COSTELLO, of Athens; Rev. TIMOTHY DONOHOE of Plymouth. The choir of St. Vincent's Cathedral of Seranton, participating in the ceremonies, was composed of the following persons: A. (jßoss.Organist; Prof. W. AUIIRKY POWELL. Tenor; P. F. LYNOTT. Bass; Misses M. ()'-j M ALLEY, S. Nl< KS, J. MURRAY and S. Dt'EEEY, Sopranos. Misses M. GROSS and E. LOFTUS, Altos. At the morning service was sang Kyrie anil Credo, from Mo/art's 12th Mass, Jesu Dei Vivi, Trio, by Verdi, offertory; Sauetus , Benedict us. from Millard's Mass, in (L Agnus 1 | , Dei, from Gcnerali'n Mass, after offertory; Tc Deum, by Carr. At the evening service: Vespers, by Este, ■ hymn Bone Pastor; Ave Maria, hv Millard; Magnificat, by Mozart; <), Sahitaris, Trio, by Mcrcadante, Tantum Ergo, by Rossini. Court Proceedings. Wednesday, December 10 1879. John C'hilson vs E W Decker—Appeal, i Verdict for plaint ill' #75.01. Nathaniel Davidson's exr vs J Leroy Cor hin —Assumpsit. D'A Overton and Win Foyle for plaint ill': Elhanan Smith for de fendant. Verdict for plaintiff $813.99. Rule for a new trial. In re the petition of Catherine M. Phinney for the benefit of her separate earnings— Prayer of petitioner granted. J II Cbaapel vs W C, Ridgway et al—Kulc | to open judgim nt. F If Cole et al vs Daniel Cole—Rule on ; pi aintilT to give security for costs. The following Sheriff's deeds were ackowl eilged. To 1 Mcpherson, lot in Towanda boro; propi rty of A J Noble. Con $792. To Howard Elmer, house and lot in South Waverly Boro: pro| erty of J F Shoemaker. Con SBSO. To Howard Elmer, hone and lot in Athens twp; pro pert v ofJlll iI i - Nayilen. Con $lO.- j 00. i To J F Park, lot in Overton twp; prop' rty of P(J Epley. ('on $5 To Samuel Hunt. 2 lots in Alliens twp; property of A Hunt. Con $2901. To II Streeter, 2 lots in Wysox twp: prop ertv of Eli R . (ton $45. To J N Webb, adinr. :? lots in itidghury twp; property of M O'Connell. Con SI7OO. Jo J II Webb, 92 acres in Smithtield Ridg hury and Springfield twps; properly of Wm Haley. Con SBOO. To II S MeKean, 50 aere> in West Burling ton twy; properly ol' F L Stanton. Con $550. To N C Elshree. 2 lot- in Warren twp; property of M Naunon. Con $25. To II S MeKean, 00 aeivs in West Burling ton twp; property of F L Stanton. Con $(>10. To B Kuykendall. 99 acres in Wysox twp; property of W and \\ S Moscript. Con SB.- 700. To S C Hall, lot in Athens boro; property of C W (flapp. ('on SSOO. To E Wells, 2 lots in Wyalusing twp; prop erty of Jim Lynch. Con $1750, To Harriet Peoples, 12 lots and 40 perches in Pike twp; property of II Sherman. Con SSO. To M N Pomoroy. 15 acres in Armenia twp; properly of'l F Rogers. Con $1750. To S C Hornet, house and lot in Wyalusing twp; property of Jno Lynch. Con $502. To N S A His, 8.3 acres in Orwell twp; prop erty of 11 K All is. Zaner vsjolm ( ullin et ill—Auditor's reports confirmed finally. Court appoint; W II Cariiochau, I Mel'her won and L M Hall as the Board of Examiners. J P Kirhv's use vs 1) R Blackmail—Rule to strike off acknowledgment of Sheriff's deed discharged. A D Spacing vs Charles Stockwcll etal — Rule for new trial discharged. Gil Welles \s .1 T Noye et al—llule to re remove cause to I". S. Circuit Court made ab solute. I>. C. DeWitt vs The Schraoder Coal Co. - 'prespass, in cutting timber on plaintiffs land, (il'idley A Payne, 1.. M. Hall and N. C. Elshree, for plaint ill*. Da vies A <'arno ehan and J. F. Sanderson for defendant. On trial. Country dealers will find it to their advant age to buy their candies at. FITCH'S. In 1872. GAI.EN WOOD, now a minister at Leßoy, E. E. DOANE and A. LEE SMITII, hankers at Canton and Blossburg. respective ly, and A. C. FANNING, an attorney at Troy, then room-matt s at the State Normal School, Mansfield, entered into an agreement by the I terms of which the first son of either of the above named gentlemen should be entitled to a silver cup. Accordingly, in pursuance of said agreement .on Thanksgiving day the above name were at the residence of E. E. and FANNIE DOANE, in Canton, and presented to j their bright and intelligent son. SAMUKI, N. DOANE, a suitably inscribed silver cup. The LMMmtM.'bc.iw gn: tr\ • tv r^.rTir/4irvursvp•*•-*.•* ; | presentation was made by Rev. Wood, in a very pleasant and appropriate , speech. The occasion was an enjoyable one, ; and Ion;; to be remembered.— Troy flazelte. The Trov House is soon to go into other hands. Xatiiainkal Fokd, of Muncy. has leased if and purchased the furniture, and will take possession as soon as a license can b" obtained, which will probably be in a short time. Troy has been rather proud of Iter • temperance hotel, and there will be general regret to see the character of the house in ' this respect changed.— lb. The protracted meetings held at the Baptist church for the past few weeks ha- been well attended, and their spirit have been excellent. It v. .J. 15. Fi:i:nc 11 has conduct< d the meet ings, preaching every night. Considerable interest lias been manifested, the members readily responding to the efforts put forth. Fight or ten converts have been reported. The meetings will continue. — lb Diphtheria is on the increase in Smillitield. Out of one family of seven children, three have died, and three more are now sick. In another fainih of illrec elirid:en. all ar ■ down with it. and new eases are reported every day. Rev. Dr. ('i.AttK. at the earnest request of his friends has again resumed the practice of medicine, and gone to battling the plague with marked success. — lb. . 3&r IMPORTANT To SCHOOL DIUKC TOIIS AND TAX PAYFID Tin fol -5 lowing decision of the Superintend n of Public Itistruetion i- <; great imporfane- : tax-payers a-, well as director.-, a- Coiaiiou ()f the law upon the subject will deprived! - | triets of the State appropria* ioa. and -mbjee Directors to severe penaltii Dkiwu i'mkn 1 op ! i n. Ins.. i Ilarri-lung. I'm. De<. I. Is7;. ) There is but one time it) the vear when di- I rectors can adopt a new scries of texl books ' for the selioojs und< " their 'marge, or eliangt | old ones, ami thai is between Hue t mi.*- of | electing teachers and tic opening ■' j schools. S .•<•! ion 23, \•of M !. i f-\ -; •• Tliat immediately after tic annual • I'-cji r. : of teachers in each school district >f the slate, | and be fere the opening- of din school- f.rihc ensuing t< rin. -lie.. -hall ben meeting f tie 1 directors or controllers and teachers of each | district; at which mo-ting the diro-ior. or i eoiitrolh i's -hall decide ti: o>i 1 a -cries of school hooks, in the different branch • to lc teuglu ; during the ensuing school year: which hooks. I and 110 other, shall tie u--d in the schools of I the district during -aid period." J Such i- tin: law. with this exception, that I hooks cannot now be changed more frequent | h than once in thn e years. .J. P. WICKFRSIIAM, Sup, rinteiident Public Instruction. - ♦ Dealers are paying t: e following prices to day : I lay, per ton, no Wheat, per bushel, 1 25 Buckwheat, •' ho Rye. •• 70 <>als, • g IS Corn. • sc, Potatoes, •• ;{() Apples. •• 40 to 50 Fggs. ]>er do/. 21 Putter. 23 to 2S Lard, 7 tos Pork, 5 Chickens, 7 to 8 dMW— mm in, 41 i.i lAwiwr mmnmm -- WANTS. I'ndcr this head we will insert FItEE. notice* of nit-nations or help wanted. A voung girl who can tend baity, wash dishes, etc.. can secure a good situation by calling on James Wood. A voung man of good moral habits wishes a situation in a Dry Goods or Grocery store, ; three years' experience. Good references' Apply to the edttors of this paper. IU SI MISS LOCALS. Cigars of about e\erv known brand at j Fitch's. Don't put otf your Christmas purchases until the last moment. Fitcii has a full line j of candies and confections, and now is the 1 time to make your selections. Mrs. Flktchku is selling millinerv goods at cost. Prices way down in Gents tine and coarse ; hoots and shoes. All goods warranted as ! represented, at Blum's. On account of a change in mv business, I 1 will sell Millinery Goods at cost. Airs. M. A. Flktchkh, No. 4 Bridge street. The continued mild weather has induced Roskxfikld, the Clothing merchant, to re duce the price of Overcoats and other winter Clothing. Call and secure bargains. There will be plenty of cold weather yet. .* /, >1 ).1l 'WTV W For a good, durable and i;< at tiffing shoe, Bj go to liM'M'S. Hfl PATCH BUOTIIKKS pat 30 cciil>. in cash. SB for pheasant-. ami tie* biglm-l prior for hut- BB tor. IMB £ if'lf you want a stvli-h !> i. cheaper than yon over bought one, a' ! at INsc\; iKim**- 3|H clothing store. WHS Mam- il'.;! Smoked Beef, ;l( ajHlj MY Kit it Rkvliif. market. Bridge street. S OVKKCOATH so eh. ap that > <>u . an afford to |BB huv two or three, at ItosrN) M t.l>'s clothing AM store. &■ fffjf At MYI:k AT DKVOK'S market i- tlm n place toge! tender steaks ami nice roast*-. |BI BSiTMyer A Pevoe are re.< : ,intr fresh jßg Oysters daily, at their mark- ?, Bridge St. tajlM fifßnv your fresh tish a 1 Ki \i>ru,*-. lB —* ' *~ • 999 & DKYOK keep t!k iarge-l and 99 best assortment of Fruit- and Veg-tabl - in town. mt UT-iftJoto E. R. Ilt'vnia.i/s lor the '■-! Steaks and Roasts. \ BB Genuine Bacon of the h>t <|tiaii'\ al ways on sale at 10. 1). RUNDKLT/ market. OYSTERS to-day, at E. I>. :]Ctf A room for rent in Patton's Block,over .Jacob's store. Apply to J. their residence no extra charge. This NOTICE is intended to inform all per sons indebted to the late linn of McINTYRK A* ill ssi'.i.i, that the\ must make immediate payment or costs will be made. The hook anil accounts are in the hands of JAM ITS WOOD, Attorney-at-law, Towanda, Pa. i-mans." * 'rc. y -m* jm\*' jit, *. jwoti - v nrm.-, •'.ta ran Q"T *P C\ 7\T it 'H V. A. I W' A LMM I^/. THE SALE OF Crockery, Plated ware TOYS 9/ &c. In MADll.l.'s Crockery Store, stands ad ourned until December 16. P. J. DEAN. Sheriff. ■""(i \L. s w / NATHAN HUD, OKALBH IN PIT i sTON, WILKES -I*AUiiK, AND LOYAL SOCK COAL. Invites die patronage of his old friends and the pub- •! li' general.j . j Oiall keep a tuil assortment of all sizes, AND SHALL SELL AT LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. A ard and office, foot of l'iue street, just south ot Court Jlouse. Aug. 30 N. TILL.