The Daily Review. Towanda, Pa., Monday, Dec'r 15, 1879. KDITOKB .* S. W. ALVOITL). NOBLE N. ALVOIID. '* Mtaity Review*" only 35 centu per wIA. fry it. Mails arrive depart and at the Towanda Post office follows. ARRIVE. Phila. N. Y. and Eastern States. .4.00 A. M- Dushore Laporte &c 9.30 44 L. V. way mail from the North. .10.00 44 Sheshequin &c 11.00 44 New Era &c Tues. Thur and Sat. " 44 Asylum &c Mon. Wed. and Fri. 44 44 Troy Burlington &C 1.00 p. M. Leßaysville ltome fcc 44 44 Closed mail from Erie &NCR It s 2.30 44 L, Y. way mail from the 50uth...4.80 44 Canton <&e 5.00 44 Barclay 0.30 44 Cl's'd mail fr'm Elmira & Erie R 1110.40 44 DEPART. Canton Monroeton &c 9.00 A.M. L. V. way mail South 9.15 4 * Cl's'd m,l Elmira Erie &N C R RIO.OO 44 Troy Burlington &c 10.00 44 Sneshequln &c 12.00' M. Barclay 1.00 P. M. New lira Tues Thur and Sal ....•• 44 Asylum Mon Wed and Fri 44 Leßaysville Rome &c " Dushore &c 2.45 44 j. V. way mail North 3.45 44 rf Y Phil and Eustarn States... .7.45 44 Office open from 7.00 A. M. t07.45 p. M. Money Order office open from 8.00 A. M. to ! 7.00 P. M. Office open Sunday's from 9.00 to 10.00 \. M. j P. POWELL, P. M. A Troy barber has a genuine oppossum j which he picked up in a corn field near Balti-1 more. What papers are intended by the Mercury when it refers to the princijtle papers of To wanda? Troy, Pa., is to have Pinafore, the Califor- j nia minstrels, a concert by the Troy cornet band and the cantata of Christmas, all within a few days. The members of the congregat ion of Christ ! Church an; requested to meet to-morrow j (Tuesday), at 10 A.M., and aftlrnoons and evenings thereafter to assist in decorating the j church for Christmas. The Grange Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of Trry, Pa., will hold its annual meeting for the election of officers and directors on the second Thursday of January next, at 10 A.M., at Troy Grange Hall. All policy holders arc entitled to vote. The following item from the last Waverly j Advocate will afford CHARLIE SMITH some j consolation: "Charles Mclvy, who ran a foot-race aI- j most alone, recently in Towanda, won $7,000 at Fleetwood Park, New York, on Thursday j of lust week, heating Hermon, of Canada, 1 three yards, ii a race of 150 yards. Jas. A. ; Bell, of this place, is in qui'te a snug little j stake." The Commissioners have finally decided to buy the MCKEAN place, near Burlington, for a poor-house farm. We tear the amount to be ' paid is $8,200. We think the location a good one and the farm well adapted to the purpose ; for which it is to be used. Now the Conunis- 1 sinners should erect suitable buildings, not ' more than two stories high, with such con veniences as those entitled to the benefits of, such an institution require. The farm purchased contains 207 acres, is i nearly all tillable and well watered. THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE.—AS a news j and family paper the "old reliable" Tribune, j has never lieen surpassed, if equalled, and it ; is a better paper now than ever. Its treat-, meiit of all public questions is also able, dig nified and candid. It never panders to pas sion or prejudice, but presents its arguments with clearness and force, and appeals to the good sense and honesty of its readers to sup port the right and oppose the wrong. This is one of the elements of its great influence j among the people—an iuilucncc now admitted by the leading men of all parties. We invite attention to its prospectus in another place, and to its amazingly cheap offer of Chambers's Cyclopaedia as a premium. MYSTERIOUS AFFAIR.—MAIILON ANGLE, ' i who is engaged in buying hides and pelts for G. A. DAYTON, met with a mysterious acci dent in Sullivan county on Friday last. On the evening of that day his team were discov ered a few miles this side of Forksville quiet ly walking along the street. On being taken to j the hotel they were recognized by the propri- j etor, and search at once made for the driver and wagon. Mr. ANGLE was found at the i house of Mr. LITTLE, in a partially uneons-1 cious state, unable to give any explanation in I regard to the accident which had befallen him. A telegram was sent Mr. DAYTON on Saturday morning, who with JOHN J. SPALD ING, a brother-in-law of the injured man, at once started for Forksville, to minister to ; him, and if possible learn the particulars of the affair. They found Mr. A. badly bruised about the head and face, hut when they left j him yesterday afternoon, he had not recover- j ed his senses|sufficient to explain satisfactorily i the cause of the accident. The team which he was driving were both high spirited ani mals, and both have occasionally run away, but on this sccasion gave no evidence of hav ing been excited, and the wagon and harness were only slightly injured. These facts at first lead to a suspicion of foul plav, hut as his money was unmolested, there seems to be no ground for such a theorv. The probabilities j are that he was either attacked with a fit of ! some kind and fell from his wagon, or that, the team became unmanageable and he | was thrown to the ground with such force as to render him insensible. Dr. WOODHURN visited him on Saturday, and D. C. DAYTON is now at Forksville taking care of him. It is hoped he will soon be restored, when the mystery which now surrounds the affair will lie cleared away. At a special meeting of Mantua 11. and L. Co., No. 4. held Saturday evening, the follow ind'.'pendent. nominations were made for De partment officers for 1880: Chief Engineer —CLAßK B. PORTER, of No. 3. lx< Asst. Eng. —A. S. Down, of No. 1. 2d. Asat. Eng. —l. J.CAVA.NAUGII, of No. 4 ■ These nominations were made in opposition to the regular ticket formed at the convention held last week; although voted for by two! of their delegates, being obnoxious to the company, us it is helioved t he to the better portion of the Department gen rally. It is believed a full vole will he polled, and the indepen I lit ticket (I'eld. having as it J has, at its head one of the best firemen in Towanda. CLARK B. PORTER. It is earnest ly requested that all members desirous of a reform in the Department come to the polls and help elect him. No. 4. Personal. < >ur esteemed Tutonie friend PETER LAND MKSSER, of Rummcrtield, was a welcome caller at the REVIEW office on Saturday. E. N. FKISBIE, of Elmira. was registered at tiie, Ward House Saturday evening. E. A. PACKER, of New York, is in town. He is interested in an important suit to he tried in court this week. In our inscription of the Catholic Crturch we inadvertently omitted any mention of the Superintendent of the work, GARRET FITS GIBBON, of Binghaiiiton N. Y. wiio lias prov en himself not only a skillful artizan but a master builder, well worthy to be entrusted with the most, difficult work in iiis line. DEDICATION OF THE CHURCH OF SS. PE TER AND PAUL. —The new Roman Catholic Church of Saints Peter and Paul, corner of Third and Lombard streets, was < edicalcd yesterday by the Bishop of the Diocese. Rt, Rev. 1 iio.s. () IIARA, assisted by Bishops M'QIJAID, of Rochester, and SH ANAII AN, of liarrishurg, and some ten or twelve Priests. The dedicatory service was quite elaborate, but being rendered in Latin we were unable to comprehend the whole of. The sprinkling of Holy Water, and the burning of Ineense were symbolical of tin* sacred purposes to which the building was set, apart, and of prayer and praise which will be continually offered at the altar. At the conclusion of the ceremonies, which were full of meaning to the devout Catholic, Father KELLY gave notic of the evening service, and the fast days of the week. Bishoj SHANAHAN delivered the dedication sermon. The discourse was founded on the text — 44 Go ye, therefore and teach all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and be hold, I am with you all days, even to the con summation of the world.". The sermon was j a most able, eloquent and convincing defense of the Christian religion, as the only system universal in its scope, and adapted to the ro- I quii'cmcnts of all people. A mere synopsis of the masterly effort would convey but a faint idea of its beautiful harmony and consum ate logic, and wc forbear any attempt at a re ! port of it, but should be pleased to print the sermon entire. 11l the evening, after Vespers, Bishop Mc i QUAID delivered ajecture which we bear well spoken of. At both sevicers the large ehureh was crowded to its utmost capacity, all the protec tant churches being well represented. The ushers were JOIIN PHELAN, TIIOS. 1 First ;ERAR.D, JOHN QUIGLKY. AUTIII KCOM MISKV and FRANK J. BLUM. They were all tastily attired and wore white kids, with a rosette of white silk 011 the lapel of the coat. FRANK SULLIVAN ami TIMOTHY CORRETT waited upon the Priests. The music was very artistically rendered by the Cathedral Choi of Scranton. dfW IMPORTANT TO SCHOOL DIREC TORS AND TAX PAYERS—The fol lowing decision of the Superintendent, of Public Instruction i> of great importance to tax-payers as well as directors, as violation of the law upon the subject will deprive di - tricts of the State appropriation, and subject Directors to severe penalties: DEPARTMENT OK Pun. INS., ) Harrisburg, Pa., Dec. 1, 1ST!), j There is but one time in the year when di rectors can adopt a new series of text books for the schools under their charge, or change old ones, and that is between the time of electing teachers and the opening of the schools. Section 23, Act of M: y I. 1854, says: "Tin/ immediately after the annual election of teachers in each school district of the state, and before the opening of the schools for the ensuing term, there shall be a meeting of the directors or controllers and teachers of each district; at which meeting the directors or controllers shall decide upon a series of school books, in the di lie rent branches to be taught during the ensuing school year; which books, and no other, shall he used in the schools of the district during said period.'' Such is the law, with this exception, that hooks cannot now be changed more frequent ly than once in three years. J. P. WTCKERSIIAM. Superintendent Public Instruction. Dealers are paying t e following prices to day : liny, per ton, s>ll 00 Wheat, per bushel, 1 25 Buckwheat, 50 Rye. " 70 Oats, " ' ;JH Corn, " 56 Potatoes, " JO Apples, " 40 to 50 Eggs, per do/. 21 Butter, ' 23 to 28 Lard. 7 to 8 Pork, 5 Chickens, 7 to S WANTS. I'nder this head we will insert FitKE, notices of situations or help wanted. A young man of good moral habits wishes a situation in a Dry Goods or Grocery store, three years' experience. Good references Apply to the edttors of this paper. BUSINESS LOCALS. Cigars of about every known brand at FITCII'S. Don't put off your Christmas purchases until the last moment. FITCH has a full line of candies and confections, and now is the time to make your selections. Mrs. FLETCHER is selling millinery goods at cost. Prices way down in Gents fine and coarse boots and shoes. All goods warranted as represented, at BLUM'S. On account of a change in my business, I will sell Millinery Goods at cost. Mrs. M. A. FLETCHER, No. -1 Bridge street. The continued mild weather has induced ROSENFIELD. the Clothing merchant, to re j duee the price of Overcoats and other winter Clothing. Call and secure bargains. There will be plenty of cold weather yet. POCKET-ROOK LOST. The undersigned lost on Wednesday afternoon, in Towanda, between Dr. Pratt's office and Bridge street, a lady's Red Morocco Pocket-book, contain ing 26 dollars in $1 and $2 hills. The finder will be liberally rewarded by delivering it with the money at the Ward House. Miss BR DGIE BRENNAN. Towanda, Dec. 8,1879. JEtT The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Towanda Bridge Co., for eleccion of a President, Treasurer and Six Managers i to serve the ensuing year, will be held at the First National Bank of Towanda, on Wednes day January 7, 1880, between the hours one and three o'clock, p. m. I Dec. 2. 1879. N. N. BETTS, Secretary. For a good. durable and neat fitting shoe, i go to BLUM'S. I'ATCII BROTHERS pay :><) cents, in cash. for pheasants, and the highest price for but ter. you want a stylish hat. draper than you ever bought one. call at ROSEN FIELD'S clothing store. |Jf*('lioiee Hani* and Smoked Beef, at MYER A I >l-:\ <>F'S market. P.ridge Street. OVERCOATS SO cheap that yon can afford to buy two or three, at ROSEN FIELD'S clothing store. UTiTAt MYER A DF.VOK'S market is the place to get tender steaks and nice roasts. t3T , Myer A Devoe are receiving fresh Oysters daily, at their market. Bridge St. dTßnv your fresh fish at RUXDELL'S. A* DKVOE kef]► T lie largest and best assortment of Fruits and Vegetables in i town. —• to E. 1). Rl - N'DKt.t/s for the best Steaks and Roasts. friyGenuine Bacon of the b>>t quality—al ways on sale at E. 1). RUXDF.LI.'S market. JEJTFRESH OYSTERS to-day, at E. I), ltundell's. J-dTA room for rent in Button's Block, over Jacob's store. Apply to J.