QOAL ! COAL I (HliVir i.ts/l •'he following price* will be charged for YMMCMVE €'01 L, in the yard, in all the yards signatures hereto attached, until furthe notice: STOVE, $ 4 oo CHESTNUT, 4 oo ORATE, 3 75 EGO, 3 75 Cartage, PI FT Y CENTS PEli TON IN addition to above, and an EXTRA CHARGE for carrying in. W. M. MALLORY, Towano . HENRY MERCUR, • NATHAN TIDD, 44 E. B. PIERCE, BARTLETT BROS., Wysox. At ff4EiMjOKf& I'.flf D, formerly l'hln ucy's: Sullivan Coal, LARGE STO VE, 00 SMALL STOVE, 3 25 CHESTNUT; 3 25 EGG t 3 (jo GRATE, 3 GO SMALL CHESTNUT, 2 15 With same additional charges for cartage. W. M. MALLORY. October, 24, 187s. fcrTHE REVIEW, is the • txxt ADVERTISING MEDIUM. Do not forgo ii. fl'g BUSINESS PARTY AND CALLING CARDS printed to order,. / DALE WD SEE OI.K NEW VISITING AND BUSI NESS CARDS. Al.vomi A SON. LIST, December term, 1879. SECOND WKBK. Jsohn Chlison vs E W Decker appeal | Daniel Bensley vs Charles E Noble issue ! Nathaniel Davison's ex'r vs ,J Leroy Corhin.. .asspt Joseph Towner vs B W Lane ejectment j Shaw A Co vs Andrew J Layton trespass ! Codding & Itussell vs Towanda boro School dis.dbt Phenix Life Ins Co vs H A Burbank et al Bci fa | Jackson Lewis vs William Whitney trespass j Seth Donne's adrn'r vs C W Doane trover Weller it Ellis vs Dennis McMahon's adtn asspt i S H Farnsworth vs J Cobb issue l) C DeWitt vs Schroder Coal Co trespass | Sarah Jordan vs Olive Fox Elliott issue j F M Palmer vs Eugene Keeler appeal . Harrison Black vs Niram A Black "eject J William M Keeler vs Barret Keeler asspt ! Andrew Pratt vs John Smiley appeal j J P Horton vs Robert Bennett et al n**pj I J J Thompson vs W H Dunlup inq C W Clnpu vs J W llollenback et al trespass | William M l'iatt vs Charlotte Ward's ex'r... .asspt j Lydia Lewis' use vs Peleg Peck's exrs asspt j Margaret D Kline's use vs David Luther et uL.tres I Joel Davis vs B Lacey MoAffee asspt B C Hall ve William Br ague appeal THIRD WEEK. S Kirby vs H (' Carpenter ejectment Arthur Cunningham vs B J llousekneeht... .tresp Cornelia Turk's ad'm vs J Turk sci fa Alexander Ennis vs J N Cole appeal A V Snyder vs G 8 Ackley appeal ] Edward < >verton's adm vs John C'onmey | Frost's Sons vs Federal Ins Co asspt j Elizabeth Drake et al use vs S II Farnsworth.. . ejet | Brad L & B A of Athens vs F A Root sci fa j 1) B Walker et al vs Pa A N Y lili Co eject ! Guy C liollon vs Elhanan Smith appeal j Win M Mallory vs James T Clark et al ...partition j J C Blum vs Andrew J Layton trespass i C A Heavener vs David Hervener's exr asspt j J B Bradley vs Alonzo Hill et al ejectment j M Cunningham vs David Whipple j Brad B & L A of Athens vs N B Reeves sci fa j Daniel daggers vs Lewis Biles et al trespass ' Wm II Barnes vs Wm May trespass | Iliram Horton's usevs Erastus Shepard sci fa do do do do.. do do do do.. ; II B Ingham vs James McCrossen | Catherine 1) Leffler vs Win Leffler et al issue L F Goetchius vs Wm Gardner debt Subpmnas for second week returnable Monday Decembi r 8 at 2 p. m.subpienas for tiiird week re turnable on Monday December l. r at 2 p. in. GKORGE W BLACKMAN, Towanda Nov. 12 1879. Prolhonotary. . ... . (xPcat CROW 1 )S! at J. L.. KENT'S. and an | IMMENSE STOCK ! DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS and SHAWLS, GLOVES and HOSIERY, 3 button Kid Gloves, only 75 Cents, worth a dollar. SHEETINGS & SHIRTINGS, I of the best brands, cheap ! CLOTHS and CASSIMERES, of all qualities and prices. RIBBONS & FANCY GOODS, the best selection ever offered in this market. FLANNELS & BLANKETS, in endless variety. In fact my assortment of DRY GOODS is complete and is not excelled by any establishment in the country. In prices I DEFY COMPETITION ! and cordially invite inspection of mv goods and a comparison of prices. Col. Means' mammoth store, second door south of Mc. 1 Intyre Brothers hardware store. | IKENT, Nov. 14. Agent. y ertical Feed. 1 : * As usual, the Vertical Feed i I Sewing Machine took First Pre i i ■ 1 mium. at the late county Fair. A* I Overwlielmin o Bolt's 12 N rook's Union g Mew American 4 MENTAL ARITHMETIC. Milne's 7 Green leaf's 4 ALGEBRA. Robinson's 53 Greenleafs 1 COPY BOOKS. Spencerian 0$ Appleton's 30 Ellsworth's 10 GRAMMARS. Kerl's 72 Swinton's ] i