Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, December 13, 1879, Image 4

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    The Daily Review.
Towanda, Pa., Saturday, Dec'r 13, 1879.
* ( Daily Mteeiete" only 25 rent per
month. Try it.
Mails arrive depart and at the Towanda
Post office follows.
Phila. N. Y. and Eastern States.. 4.oo A. M~
Dushore Laporte Ac, !).3(> "
L. V. way mail from the North. .10.00 "
Sheshequin Ac 11.00 "
New Era Ac Tues. Thur and Sat. " "
Asylum Ac Mon. Wed. and Fri. "
Troy Burlington Ac 1.00 r. m.
Leltaysville Home Ac " "
Closed mail from Erie AN C R Its 2.30 "
L, V. way mail from the 50uth...4.30 "
Canton &c 5.00 "
Barclay 0.30 "
Cl's'd mail fr'm Elniira A Erie R R10.40 "
Canton Mon ronton Ac 0.00 A. M.
L. V. way mail South 9.15 "
Cl's'd ni,fElmira Erie A NCR RIO.OO
Troy Burlington Ac 10.00 "
Sncshequin Ac 12.00 M.
Barclay 1.00 p. M.
New Era Tnes Thur and Sat.... "
Asvlunv Mon Wed and Fri " "
Leltaysville Rome Ac " "
Dushore Ac 2.45 ."
• J . V. way mail North 3.45 "
A Y Phil and Eastarn States... .7.45
Office open from 7.00 A. M. t<>7.45 p. M.
Money Order office open from 8.00 A. M. to I
7.00 p. M.
Office open Sunday's from 0.00 to 10.00 A. M. J
Maj. E. W. HALE, of "Woodsidc," will go !
to Florida for several weeks this winter.
The election of officers of the Eire Depart
ment takes place Monday evening.
The Nail Works will require from two to
four hundred kegs per day.
Illness will prevent Arch-Bishop WOOD
from participating in the services at the!
Catholic Church to-morrow.
The next quarterly meeting of the Church
of Christ of Bradford county will he held at
drover, beginning on Friday evening, Dec. |
26th, and continuing over Sunday.
Don't put oil' your Christmas purchases!
until the last moment. Fnvn has a full line 1
of candies and confections, and now is the J
time to make your selections.
Attorney FOYI.K has his new residence, on j
Third street, nearly ready for occupancy. It
is said to he one of the most convenient, well j
arranged dwellings in town. We bespeak for j
Mr. F. and his good wife many years of happi-;
ness in it.
The particular attention of school directors
and tax-pavers is directed to a decision of Su- \
periiitondent Wn I.KRSUA.M, in another col
umn. Observance of the law will save direc- -
tors much annoyance and prevent imposition
of penalties.
The old adage "it never rains hut it pours," i
lias been verified ill Mr. M AI.LOKY'S experi
ence. Lately he sold his fast horse for $lO,-
500, and now he has disposed of the old Fall
Creek cars, which have been idle on the track
near the Nail M ills for the past four or live J
years, for, report says, nearly $40,000.
The public will regret to learn that <>ur ex- ;
cellcnt friend, W. 11. I). (JRKKN. is about to
vacate the hotel at Burlington. I'nder his
administration the hostelrie has gained an;
enviable reputation with the traveling public,
and it will be fortuiite indeed if the house ;
falls into such excellent hands again. Mrs. (
G. knows how to prepare a meal lit for a i
A corresondent of the fiuzejte <l' Jin Met in
travelling in Kansas and visiting Topeka.
met a former citizen of thiseouiity. He says:
"We called on M. 11. CASE. Esq., mayor of
the city, who is an old acquaintance, and was
formerly—some fourteen, years ago—a young j
lawyer of Canton. Pa., and frequntly attend-,
ed courts in Williamsport. He B now serving
his third term as mayor. This shows what a
young man may accomplish by taking (IIIKK-
I.KY's advice and going west.
The publishers of the Jieporter will give |
their readers a large and neatly printed j
Chrismas supplement. The patrons of this
papor ought to appreciate such evidences of
enterprise and prosperity on the part of the
publishers. It allbrds another proof that the
Reporter is what it purports to be, the best
paper published in Northern Pennsylvania,
and as such is entitled to the generous and
undivided support of the Republican party.
A Seranton choir will furnish music at the
Catholic Church to-morrow.
Cigars of about every known brand at
Superintendent's Notes.
Dec. Ilth and 12th —Visited the following
schools and teachrs: Lcßoy, No. s. Nolle
Lvon: No. 2. Arville Webster; No. 1. Belle
Chaapcl. Sinithlield —No. 14, Man Brighani;
No. It!, Enos Uuhhard; No. 17. Mahlon
Thomas; No. 15, Claudes 11 u lhut.
Director McCranev present at No. 8, Lcßoy,
sharply criticised a number who came late,
and would compel a number of youth idling
t line in streets, had he power, to attend school.
The sentimentalities opposed to compulsory
education, are constantly attributing non-at
tendance to defective teaching.
No. 3 and No. 8, Lcßoy Village, are both
excellent schools, yet half a score of street
Arabs were playing ball within a stones
throw of the schools, and the director said
nothing could induce them to attend. One
of them was offered several shillings per
week to stop swearing and smoking, and to
attend school, hut he was incorrigible. With
such, "what will the harvest be?" Schools
doing well.
No. 17, Kmithtield, could bear from teacher
a h'ttle more snap.
No. 1, Lellov, showed admirable results in
writing. This important branch has for
sveral years been really neglected in our
schools, but it is seldom now that a teacher is
found in our county who is not doing good
work in this subject.
Book of Inle.
Book of Life! to thee i tlv.
When the world weighs heavily.
Heavily upon my heart,
And eartlv thoughts no peace impart.
Earthly hopes, all hollowness—
Earthly joys, deceit fulness—
Earthly praise, a tinsel gain—
Earthly pleasure, after pain-
Earthly stay, an ebbing wave—
Earthh end, the dark cold grave.
Wearily, wearily,
From worldly wastes, >o drcarih
That round me lie—
From trouble, toil, and vanity,
From care and strife,
To thee I turn, to thee I lly.
Book of Life.
Religious services will he held to-morrow
as follows:
Presbyterian Church, preaching at 10:30
a. m. and 7:00 p. in. .Sunday school at 12, m.
Christ Church, (Episcopal), service and
sermon, 10:30. a. m.. and 7, p. in. Sunday
School. 12, in.
M. E. Church, preaching at 10:30 a. in.,
Sunday School at 12. m.
Baptist church, preaching at 7:30.
SS. Peter and Paul, mass at 10:30. a.m.,
Merciir Hall.
Church of Messiah, (I'liiversalist.) Rev.
Win. Taylor, pastor, at 10:30 a. in., subject;
"The Sunday School and its work." At 7p.
in., "Christ, the (Jod man." Sunday school
at 12 o'clock. All welcome.
A. M. E. /ion. Prayer and Class meetings
10:30 a. in. Sundax School 2 p.m. Service
P. I 1!. Mission, at Nail Works School House,
Sunday School at 3p. m. Service at 0:30.
The Brethren, service at 10 1-2 A. M. Sun
day School at 3r. M. Rooms over MadiU's
Crockery Store.
Items from the Can'on Sentinel of this
week :
A barn belonging to FRANK MAYO, and
situated nearly opposite his residence, was
destroyed by tire Tuesday night. The tire
originated in the loft of the barn, and nearly
all of its contents was saved. The Indepen
dent boys were on hand, but their services
were but little needed.
We acknowledge the receipt of an invita
tion to the Seventh Annual Reception of the
Naiad Co. No. 2. of Towanda. which will he
held on New Year's night. From the well
known character of the gentlemen composing
the managing committee, a grand affair may
safely be assured.
Mr. 11. B. PARSONS has recently been.mak
ing a canvas with a view to obtaining a cor
rect list of the adult residents of this boroUgh.
The result shows that there are 312 males and
324 h males, making the total adult population
of the borough 636. As the adult population
of any town is estimated to be about two
lift lis of the entire population, it foilows that
the population of Canton at the present time
is sixteen hundred.
Country dealers will find it to their advant
age to HUV their candies at FITCH'S.
ATIIKNS. December 13th.
At a meeting last night the subject of a
reading room was discussed, and we are now
in a fair way to have that much needed insti
tution in this place. We hope it will prove a
success, as it will, if the present plans are
carried out.
The continued mild weather has induced
! ROSKNKIKLD, the Clothing merchant, to re
duce the price of Overcoats and other winter
[Clothing. Call and secure bargains. There
will be plenty of cold weather yet.
For a good, durable and neat tit ting shoe,
go to HU M'S.
Mrs. FLKTCHKH is selling millinery goods
at cost.
Prices way down in Gents tine and coarse
hoot# and shoes. All goods warranted as
represented, at HU M'S.
On account of a change in m\ business.
I will sell Millinery Goods at cost.
No. 4 Bridge street.
lowing decision of the Superintendent of
Public Instruction is of great importance to
tax-payers a* well as directors, a* violation
;of the law upon the subject will deprive di -
tricts of the State appropriation, and subject
Directors to severe penalties:
llarrishurg, Pa., Dec. 1, IS?.). J|
There is hut one time in the year when di
rectors can adopt a new series of text books
for the schools under their charge, or change
i old ones, and that is between the time of
electing teachers and the opening of the
j schools. Section 215, Act of M. y 1, 1S")4, says:
" That immediately after the annual election
I of teachers in each school district of the state,
and be fere the opening of the schools tor the
ensuing term, there shall he a meeting of the
I dimeters or controllers and teachers of each
j district; at which meeting the directors or
[ controllers shall decide upon a series of school
hooks, in the different branches to he taught
during the ensuing school year; which books,
and no other, shall be used in the schools of
the district during said period.''
Such is the law, with this exception, that
books cannot now be changed more frequent
l\ than once in three years. •
Superintendent Public Instruction.
Jeff-Choice Hams and Smoked Reef, at
MVKK & DKVOK'S market. Bridge Street.
This N()TI('E i> intended to inform all per
sons indebted to the late firm of MCLNTYRK
& RI'SNKLL that they must make immediate
payment or costs will be made. The books
ami accounts are in the hands of
JAMKS WOOI, Attorney-at-law,
Towanda, Pa.
OYKRCOATS so cheap that you can afford to
buy two or three, at ROSKNKIKLD'N clothing
—. ♦
If you want the best vegetables, the largest
oysters, the best cuts of meat, and the finest
sausage to be found in Towanda, call on Mr.
MI'LLOCK, at the old Market, just south of
the Ward House,
trrvrAt MYKK A: DKVOK'S market is the
place toget tender steaks and nice roasts.
Oysters daily, at their market, Bridge St.
fflSTßuy your fresh fish at RI NDKLL'S.
JUTT* Deo Lvnchcome has opened a new
| Barber Shop over Powell's store where lie is
always ream to wait upon all those who mav
favor him with their patronage. Shampooing
j hair cutting Ladies' and Children's hair at
i their residence no extra charge.
best assortment of Fruits and Vegetables in
JkiTGo to E. D. RUXOKLL'S for the best
' Steaks and Roasts.
ffT-Tf (renuine Bacon of the best, quality —al
ways on sale at E. I). RI NDKLL'S market.
The PARAGON School Desk is the best in
the market. Warranted not to get out of
order or break. Call at FROST'S SONS Fur
niture Store and examine the same. tf
B3TFRESH OYSTERS to-day, at E. I).
G£i?'A room for rent in Patton's Block, over
Jacob's store. Apply to J. (J. Patton.
®3f"Jacobß is selling Overcoats all the way
from $2 up to any price vou are willing to
Plated ware
In MADILI/S Crockery Store, stand* ad
journed until
MPcrrmher 10.
T. J. DEAN, Sheriff.
<>nl;\ l v wcnt t v-Five
( en I s ;i rvionlli.
50th YEAR
The oldest and Best Fashion Magazine
in America.
Subscriptions will he received at this Office in
Clubs with this Paper.
The DAILY RKVIKW and Godey's Lady's
Book for one Year at #4.50.
See what Godev's Ladv'S Book will Contain
IN 1880.
Nearly 1200 pages of first-class Literary matter.
12 Steel Plate beautiful Original Engravings.
12 Large and Elegantly Colored Fashion Plates.
24 Pages of Vocal and instrumental Music.
000 Engravings,on Art, Science, and Fashion.
12 Large Diagram Patterns of Ladies' and Chil
dren's Dresses.
12 Architectural Designs for beautiful Homes.
200 u r more Original Receipts for Family Use.
And the usual Original Department matters.
The January No. of the New Year will be issued
December rst, and will contain the opening chap
ters of one of the best Serial Stories ever printed in
American Magazine, by
the author of " A Gentle belle," " Valerie Ayl
mer," " Morton House," etc,, entitled
We have engaged a Full Corps of Distinguished
Writers, whose Contributions will enrich Godey's
Lady's book during the year.
Send in your Clubs at once. You van add ant/
names afterwards at the same price as the
original Club.
TERMS.—Cash in Advance.
One copy, one year, $2 00
Two copies, one year, 3 70
Three copies, one year, 5 25
Four copies, one year, 6 60
Five copies, one year, and an extra copy to the
person getting up the club, making six cop
ies . 9 50
Eight copies, one year, and an extra copy to
the person getting up the club, making nine
copies .....sl4 00
Now is the time to make up your Club.
IIOW TO REMIT* —Get a Post-office Money
Order on Philadelphia, or a Draft on Philadelphia
or New York. If you cannot get either of these,
send bank-notes, and in the latter case register
your letter.
To parties intending to get up Club, a specimen
copy will be sent on application.
1006, Chestnut St., Philadelphia, l*a