The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 28, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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Philadelphia Division —118 crew to;
go first lifter 3.45 p. in.: 126, 108,
121, 1 14. 120, 127. 110.
Engineer for 126.
Firemen for 126. 108. 114, 120,
Brakemen for 26. 108 (!>, 127,
Engineers up: MeCaulev, Dennison.
Statier, Shaub, Buck, first. Downs,
Young. Sober, Supplee. McGuire, Bfue
baker. Hiudman. Crisswcll, Davis,
Sn:eluer. bung. Powell. Strceper. Bis
singer. Leayman. Albright. 'Hubler.
Kautz, Earhart. Stttz.
Firemen up: Copetsnd. Horstick.
Wagner. Gelsinger, Madenfort, Huston.
Oilberg, MeXeal. Shive, Brenner. Wag
ner, Behman. Rhoads, Miller. Lantz,
Myers. Manning. Chronister. Collier. !
Blcich, Weaver. Duvall.
Flagmen up: First, Clark.
Brakemen up: Uriflie. Dengler.
Brown, Busser. Shultrcnberger, Mum
maw, MeGinnis, Arment, Kope. Riley.
Balto cr. Coleman. Fergueson. Jackson.
Bogner. Gouse. Moore, Collins, NNolfe.
Middle Division —2 2 crew to go first
nt'trr 1.30 p. m.: IS. 25. 19. 238.
Preference: 3.
Fireman for 3.
Flagman for 22.
Brakenian foi 19.
Engineers up: Kugler. Smith. Havens,
Wissler, Moore. Hcrt:-ler. Simonton.
Firemen lip: Fletcher. Wright.
I.ook. Potteiger. Ross. Zeiders. Mohler.
Flagmen up: Hartzell, Smith.
Brakemen up: Troy. Frank. Ri--
singer. Winter Bolan. Roller, Spahr.
Yard Crews—Engineers up: Lan-,|
itis, Hovler . Beck. Barter. Biever,
Blosser. Meals. Stahl, Ciist. Karvey.
SaMsmau. Kuhn, Snyder. Pelton. Sha
Firemen up: Bair. Hyde. I'lsh. Bost
.iorf. Schiefer. Ranch. Lackey, Cooker- i
ly. Macyer, Shelter. Snell. B,<k)Mett. |
Getty. Barkey. Sheets.
F.ngineer for 2d 21.
Firemen for 18. 2d 21. -'6.
Philadelphia Division —.'2 6 row to
go first after 4.13 p. m.: 228. 240.
218. 235, 222. 239. 234, 201, 204,
21l! 229. 231. 233.
Kngiueers for 226. 239. 211.
Fireman for 239.
Brakemen for 202. 211. 212, 230.
Conductors up: Eaton. Shirk.
Brakemen up: Shuler. Taylor, Vau
lting. Shatfn"r. Waltman, Jn-obs. Ba
ker. Myers. Stimeling.
Middle Division —102 crew to go
first after 4.4.") p. in.: 109. 228.
Flagman for 109.
Brakeman for 102.
P.. H. & P.—After 12.30 p. m.: 14.
3. 17. 4. 23, 21.
Eastbound —After : 61. 59.
70. ti3, 52. 69. 65. 58. 51. 71.
Conductor up: Wolfe.
Engineers up: Ware. Pletz, Wiremau. j
T.pton, Massimorc. Fetrow.
Rii-hwine, Mori son, Woland, Morue,
Merkie, Sweeley. Kettner.
Firemen up: I«-'x. Smbauk, Nye, I
Binsatiian. suader. Keefer. Anspuch, i
t's-., Bowers.
Brakemen up: Pax ton. Eplev, Shear- i
A L.-.rgc delegation of Young Women
Occupied * Re-erved S3ction in the
HUlis Talonncle Last Evening,
A'ro Singing a Selection
Although the High school commence
ment attracted many people to the High
school auditorium last evening, the
t'rnwd ut the Hillis tabernacle was
larger than it had been any other even
ing this week. A delegation of
young women from the Steelton eigar
factory oc'u; ied a reserved space and
during the course of the services sang
a selection. This delegation of cigar
makers presented, through a spokes
woman. Mrs. Hll lis with a five-dollar;
gol I piece.
Mrs. Hillis delivered the sermon last
evening, selecting her theme, "The
Three Day#," from Heb. 3-7; Prov. 27-
1. and II Corinthians, 6-2. It was a
forceful appeal for instant decision.
She furnished nine reasons why all
*<iould become Christians to-day. At
the end of the sermon four persons
moved down the trail fo the front. Mrs.
Hillis will address a meeting to be held
in the Central Baptist church to-morrow
afternoon at 2.00 o'clock. The Rev.
C. E. —ilis will address a meeting in
the tabernacle at the same hour to
Prof. L. A. Stahl will deliver an ar
dress to women in the tabernacle to
morrow afternoon at 2.30 on the sub
ject. "Amusement
The Boosters will sing at the Satur
day night service in the tabernacle and I
also at the Sun lav afternoon service at
2.30. • j
Meeting at Calder School
At to-night's meeting of the Par-j
ent-Tea.-hers' Association in tho Cal
der s-hool building an illustrated talk j
on "Life In tho Orient,'' will bo I
given by Amelia Burbin. An address
on tho work of the S. P. C. A. will be ;
•jivon by .T. T. Olmsted, president, and !
will be illustrated with slides.
Good Nights
are enjoyet ny those in good health.
The perfect digestion, clear system,
*nd pure blooc' upon which sound
health depends, will be given you by
Lartaat Sal* of Anjr Medicine m <h* World
Sold every where. In buee, 10e„ 25c. I
Till P. H, 0. Cl.
in S wing-Ring Dust-Proof Cases
em These WATCHES com- |
bine Accuracy and Reliability. ■
Bear in mind you can certainly ■
do better here.
18 size Watches guaranteed F*
to pass inspection on any rail- R
road. ' ;
I in 'JO and 35-year gold-filled
Payments, S3 per week.
We are the only authorized tj
agents in Harvis'jurg for the cele- H
brated WEBB C. BALL Watches. 9
Ask about our charge accounts 1
on R. R. Watches. Call, phone or Sj
write and our representative will
i' all. I
The P. H. Caplan Co. I
IS North Fourth Street 1
er. Lauks. Voder, Ware, Bingam&n,
Knsminger, Miller. Zawaski, Hoover.
1 Prof. Charles H. Albert, of Bloomsburg.
Delivered an Entertaining Talk and
Each of the Honor Students Ac
quitted Themselves Well
A program of exceptional merit, with
a rendition that scored perfection, was
the feature of the thirty-first annual
i commencement 0 f the Steelton High
school, helii last evening. The opening
n arch was played by the Steelton band
orchestra and this musical organization
assisted groatlv in the entertainment
v. ith the line quality of inusie rendered.
All of the honor students acquitted
themselves in first-class style. The
■ greatest merriment o< tho evening was
furnished by the class history, which
was ably presented by James' Toibert,
who told of the failings of the boy
members, and Miss Mildred Griffee. who
; reminded her fellow- girl students of
many embarrassing incidents which oc
curred during the past four years of
school life.
The class orator. William Gus Jeffer
son. made his debut by a fine presenta
tion of the oration, ,: One of Nature's
Noblemen." A recitation, "The Night
Run. ' by Miss Margaretta Keliey
Gault, was a splendid interpretation of
a difficult reading. The only musical
number on the program to be "furnished
by one of the scholars was a vocal solo
by Miss Rebecca Marie Millar. In this
she was accompanied by the band or
i chestra and the solo was pleasingly
■ rendered.
The address to the students was de
livered by Professor Charles H. Albert.
!of Bloomsburg, who presented many
| original and useful thoughts and urged
; the graduates to strive for a higher
! education.
W. F. Darby, president of the School
Board, presented the diplomas aud the
Rev. G. X. Lauffer. of St. John's Lu
; theran church, offered prayer at the
[opening of the exercises. The graduates
who took part ii. the program were:
William Jefferson. Paul Kirby, Brvce
.Yew-baker. Miss Margaretta Gault, Miss
Rebecca Millar, .James Smith. Miss
Mildred Griffie, Miss Marie Alleman,
. J antes Toibert and Miss Lucetta Mc
The graduates will be guests of the j
i High School Alumni Association at ai
, reception and entertainment in their ]
j honor.
Mrs. George Etter, of Highspire, will
entertain the teachers of the Highspire
schools at a house party at the Lereh
Cottage, Mt. Gretna, from Saturday un
l til Monday.
James P. Good has returned from
Oonora and has taken a position iu the
j steel plant here.
• Dr. Fred W. Bvrod is spending sev-
eral days at his home here having fiu
ished his studies at Mcdico-Chi Hos
pital, Philadelphia.
Miss Margaret Beshore Was Hostees
Last Evening
Miss Margaret Beshore enfertaiued a
number of young folks at her home,
235 Swatara street, last evening, in
honor of her 20th birthday anniversary.
The evening was spent with music and
the [laving of games. Refreshments
were served to the following persons:
Misses Ruth McNaughton, Carrie
N'ewsbeidel. Margaret Beshore. Hattie
Fowler, Alberta Crosby, Ruth Wag
j goner, Sara Burris. Myrtle Decker, Au
na Lehman, Messrs. Robert Blosser,
Lloyd Kauffmau. Samuel Dougherty,
[James McNaughton. Russell Lent/.,
[ Elmer Morrett, Emmett Weaver, Wil
liam F. Mumuery, iMr. and Mrs. Amos
11. Beshore. Mr. ami Mrs. Harry A.
; Beshore, Mrs. Benjamin A. llahn and
i daughter. Bessie, anil Harry Stiles.
j Will Be Held This Evening at Eight
The Senior class of the Highspire
I High school will hold commencement
| exercises in the I'nited Brethren church
| of that town this evening at 8 o'clock.
! The annual banquet of the Highspire
i Alumni Association will be held at the
i Bod me r House. Thursday evening, .lune
Members of the graduating class are:
| Mss Hilda Weaver, Miss Anna Mum
| ma. Raymond Duncan, Russell Erhardt,
liloyd Heicher and Harry Durborow.
I Professor Samuel Stoutfer is principal
of the school.
A committee composed of M. J.
i Kane. Louis Lehnnan, Ralph Eckels
1 and Harry Jones are making arrange
i meats for the annual outing of the local
'Merchants' Association, to be held in
I July. Tne day and date of this outing
[ has not yet been announced.
The local Croatian Sokol will leave
for Reading Monday morning, where
' with the Philadelphia Sokol, it will as-
Isist in the first annual athletic exhibi
tion to be given by the Reading Sokol.
A local hardware merchant vester
. day attracted many people to his show
I window by exhibiting a live rattle-
I snake. The reptile is four feet long
and was captured in Clinton county by
Horace Critehley, of the State For
i estry Department. ,
Sanitary Inspector Lewis, Chief of
I Police Longnaker and Highway Com
| missioner Meshev yesterday completed
.their inspection of borough sidewalks
i~snd conditions at vacant lots ordered
| by council at its last meeting.
The Steelton A. C. played a prac
tice game last evening with the Baker
A. A. on Cottage Hill. Manager White
is rounding his nine into form for its
1 first appearance of the season at Her
shev to-morrow.
Work has been started on a num
ber of improvements at the postofficc
building. The improvements include
repairs to the exterior and interior of
the building.
Standard Theatre's Offerings
Patrons of the Standard Theatre may
| rest assured that the program for this
evening, announced elsewhere, will be
the equal of anything to be seen any
where for the price and that it must be
seen to be aiutrcviated.—Adv.*
Not All Graduates Educated
An educated man, according to the
definition giveu by Dr. F. \V. Hijmitt.
r resident of Washington and Jefferson
College, in his address before the Pres
byterian Association at Market Square
church last night, is one who is at home
in the world. No education, said the
speaker, is complete without religion
and every graduate with a diploma is
not educated. The college president's
subject was ''Religion and Education."
Cool Weather Departs
A low pressure area moved with un
expected swiftness eastward last night
and the temperature was ten degrees
higher than the previous night, a mini
mum temperature of 50 degrees being
recorded. With the coming of the low
area will be unsettled weather to-night
and Saturday,, probably marked by ;
showers. There will not be much tem
perature change to-night.
To Speak in Open Air School
The Rev. Dr. Ellis X. Kremer, pastor 1
of Reformed Salem church, talked to
the pupils in the open air school in the
Susquehanna building at Fifth and !
Seneca strets this morning. Miss Mar- ,
garet Rathfon sang seevral solos.
Boot Shop
Offers the following real bar
gains for Saturday, May 29:
Ladies' Patent and Dull
Pumps at $1.90
Men's Russia Calf Button
aud Bluchers at . ... $2.75 I
-Men's Tan and Dull Eng
lish Lace at $2.75
Men's medium weight Ev- I
ery Day Shoes at $1.90 and
Men's, Boys' and Little
Jents' Seout Shoes at $2.75,
91.90, $1.85 and $1.50
all real value.
"Wear Baker Shoes"
41 North Front Street,
Ilavld P. Maker. Proprietor.
H. Lfe .McNral, Mauaucr.
Everything New in a New «
At the STANDARD Theatre
"Thirty?" Featuring Francis X. Bush- !
man. Special in 2 parts.
A Night Out. By request. Featuring j
Mr. Charles Chaplin. Two-reel spe- <
A Wild Engine. Featuring Helen <
Holmes. No. 26, Hazards of Helen.
Other reels uuknown.
When Low Price
Is No Advantage
A low price is no inducement if the
merchandise be undesirable or unadaptable to your re
quirements. Cheap goods at cheap prices are the rankest extrav
You don't imagine, do
you, that any store can W'k
sell you a S2O suit for sls? If you T 7
do you are possessed of a mighty vivid im
agination. We give the average man credit
for the possession of judgment and good sense and / °rA /||'V;i jmHttjA |
we will not make such ridiculous claims in our ad- I / !
vertising only to "fall down" on them when tlie If /A,
prospective customer inspects the clothes. pzzzzzk lfnSlS l|Hj I
In this store S2O Suits , Wmw
are S2O and they wouldn't iypll 11 litll
be S2O if they were worth S3O. /tf ji flt^>
Likewise they wouldn't be S2O if they were worth ( i:—' /;/! M ||' 1| JlJjl
only sls. We get what our clothes are HONESTLY ! «,}j \ T jV- I!\ jj | |jjj||
WORTH—no more and no less. I | flfil ill 111 lum
form the "back bone" of this store's fine I I !
stock. Any impartial expert will tell you 1 I !
that»they are the finest Clothes made by anyone. j II
You positively cannot get them any place but here. II I I
At our "great prices" they're trulv economical. R I I |Ji!|
sls S2O $25 4?#
304 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa.
Ex-Governor of Indiana. Will Be One
of Speakers at Plying Squad
ron's Closing Meeting
In his address at last evening's
meeting held by the Flying Squadron
at Gr'a-ce Methodist church, Daniel A.
Poling said in part:
"The money spent by the people
of the United States in cooking their
iusides with alcohol would increase
the wages of the laborer from two to
three times what he already receives
and with the money 1,300,000 more
men could be employed.
"The liquor business does not help
the survival of the fittest in man
kind. It does not select out of society
the strongest and brawniest of men.
The meanest man that I ever SJW never
touched a drop, but one of the finest
young men that I knew in boyhood,
and who was one of the best college
athletes, is now a drunken bum on the
streets and will find his final resting
place in the Potter's field."
The speakers scheduled for to-day
are Dr. Ira Lamlrith this afternoon
and Dr. Carolyn Geisel this evening.
At the closing sessions to-morrow the
lecturers will be J. Frank Hanly, form
er Governor of Indiana, and Oliver
Wayne Stewart, former member of the
Illinois Legislature and noted temper
ance orator of the Middle West. The
soloist will be Miss Vera K. Mullin.
The plan of the Flying Squadron is
unique in the history of the United
States. It is headed by former Govern
or J. Frank Hanlv, of Indrana, one of
the most powerful temperance speak
ers in the United States. It is organiz
ed in three groups, eaeh group com
plete within itself. The first group
conducts the meeting of the first day,
and issues 011 to the next city, its
place being taken by the second and
third groups in succession. In aililitiou
to speakers of national reputation,
each group h'ts with it musicians of
New Building Plot at Enola Ready for
Under the supervision of Mr. Wm. J.
Sohland, the old Livingstone farm, in
Knola, now owned by (»eo. A. Houck,
of I'enbrook, has been plotted into
?mall city-far ins and bungalow sites.
A 90-foot main avenue, 50-foot
streets and 15-foot alleys have been
opened up, and Shadyiane certainly
looks attractive,both for investments as
well as for future homes.
Shadyiane will be sold Saturday, May
29th, at 1.30 p. m., and from what has
been learned the prices are right.
Numerous inquiries have been made
and Mr. Sohland expects a very good
Monday, May 31, at 5 p. m. the sale
closes nt these present prices and an
advance of 10 per cent, in prices will
be added for the balance of unsold lots.
S. P. C. A. Discusses Dangers in Stables
and Plans for Humane Sunday
Recommendations that tiro escapes be
put in stables for the safety of horses
were discussed at yetserdays meeting
of the Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals. No delinite action
was taken.
A committee was appointed to ar
range for the observance in this city
of Humane Sunday. The occasion will
probably 'be in several weeks. Kfforts
will be mado to have pastors plead in
the cause of dumb animals.
Miss Amelia Durbin, in the report
of the education committee, suggested
that bird day be combined with Arbor
day as recommended by (iovernor
Brumbaugh, and that school children be
encouraged to build bird houses. Pro
! feasor H. A. Surface declared that
| English sparrows must be exterminated
iif other useful birds are to 'be en
| couraged.
Committee of Citizens Appointed to In
vestigate Building Operations
j Special Correspondence.
Enola, May 28.—Mrs. AnVbrose
Backenstoe visited in Harrisburg on
R. H. Barnes, of Sunbury, will ad
| dress the religious meeting at the Enola j
Yfl IM. C. A. this evening.
Mrs. William Gastrock, of Harris- I
! burg, and daughter, Mrs. Charles Wilk- |
I ison, of Detroit, 'Michigan, were the
j guests of Mr. and Mrs. George VV. Fish
! er, Weduesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jones have re
turned home from spending the past
few days at the formers home in Wind
| Gap.
Charles W. Bogar has purchased a
| property at Summerdale from iMr. and
Mrs. H. M. Horner.
(ieorge W. Fisher, Jr., of Harrisburg,
; spent Wednesday with his parents.
.George I. Fisher spent the day in
1 Middletown.
H. M. Swingle was a recent visitor in
Miss Lavina Hodgers is visiting rel
atives in York.
J. H. Kinter was a business visitor
in Marysville.
A public meeting of the sitizens
of Enola was held in the rooms of the
Knola P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. on Wednes
day evening to investigate the building
operations of George A. Houck, of
I 'Penbrook, who has purchased the
f Shady bane plot adjoining Enola and
is developing the same. The commit
! tee appointed is as follows: Dr. E. Carl
Weirick, chairman; George H. Horning,
secretary; C. B. Gray, T. H. Stees, G.
W. Fisher, G. W. Kreider, H. M. Blotter,
W. H. Ttruian, J. F. Zellers, H. H.
Bheaffer, J. A. McMeen, W. L. Fisher
and B. H. Holmes.
Ifl-Year-Old Elizabeth Brehm At
tempts Suicide
Elizabeth Brehm, 16 years old, 1619
Zarker street, who attempted suicide
last evening at her home iby drinking
a quantity of larkspur lotion, is re
covering at the Harrisiburg hospital
froni the effects of the drug. She will
probably 'be sent home this evening.
She was unconscious when admitted
to the hospital last evening but soort
I responded to treatment. She said she
I tried to take her life because her
| mother refused her permission to meet
; her sweetheart in Paxtang Park.
Elected Insurance Director
When the Insurance Federation of
Pennsylvania held its annual meeting
at Philadelphia yesterday, William M.
Essick, local agent of the Aetna Acci :
dent and Liability Company, was elect
ed a director to the body. While in
Philadelphia Mr. Essick, who is presi
| dent of the Harrisburg Rotary Club,
gave a brief talk at a noon luncheon
of the Philadelphia Rotary Club.
To Sing at P. R. R. Y. M. C. A.
The choir of the Sixth Street Unit
ed 'Brethren church will have charge of
the services at the Pennsylvania Kail
road Young iMen's Christian Associa
tion Sunday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock.
The meeting will be addressed by 'H. W.
/ A
TEETH l&k,
Crown and Bridge Won'., s.'!, M, S3
Plates Repaired on Short Notice
mack's pain i,icss nicvriyrs
!t 10 Msrkrt Street
v.. /