RAILROADS CREWJQARD HAKriISBUKO SIDE Philadelphia Division —118 crew to; go first lifter 3.45 p. in.: 126, 108, 121, 1 14. 120, 127. 110. Engineer for 126. Firemen for 126. 108. 114, 120, 127. Brakemen for 26. 108 (!>, 127, 110. Engineers up: MeCaulev, Dennison. Statier, Shaub, Buck, first. Downs, Young. Sober, Supplee. McGuire, Bfue baker. Hiudman. Crisswcll, Davis, Sn:eluer. bung. Powell. Strceper. Bis singer. Leayman. Albright. 'Hubler. Kautz, Earhart. Stttz. Firemen up: Copetsnd. Horstick. Wagner. Gelsinger, Madenfort, Huston. Oilberg, MeXeal. Shive, Brenner. Wag ner, Behman. Rhoads, Miller. Lantz, Myers. Manning. Chronister. Collier. ! Blcich, Weaver. Duvall. Flagmen up: First, Clark. Brakemen up: Uriflie. Dengler. Brown, Busser. Shultrcnberger, Mum maw, MeGinnis, Arment, Kope. Riley. Balto cr. Coleman. Fergueson. Jackson. Bogner. Gouse. Moore, Collins, NNolfe. Middle Division —2 2 crew to go first nt'trr 1.30 p. m.: IS. 25. 19. 238. Preference: 3. Fireman for 3. Flagman for 22. Brakenian foi 19. Engineers up: Kugler. Smith. Havens, Wissler, Moore. Hcrt:-ler. Simonton. Firemen lip: Fletcher. Wright. I.ook. Potteiger. Ross. Zeiders. Mohler. Flagmen up: Hartzell, Smith. Brakemen up: Troy. Frank. Ri-- singer. Winter Bolan. Roller, Spahr. Kauffman. Yard Crews—Engineers up: Lan-,| itis, Hovler . Beck. Barter. Biever, Blosser. Meals. Stahl, Ciist. Karvey. SaMsmau. Kuhn, Snyder. Pelton. Sha ver. Firemen up: Bair. Hyde. I'lsh. Bost .iorf. Schiefer. Ranch. Lackey, Cooker- i ly. Macyer, Shelter. Snell. B, Likewise they wouldn't be S2O if they were worth ( i:—' /;/! M ||' 1| JlJjl only sls. We get what our clothes are HONESTLY ! «,}j \ T jV- I!\ jj | |jjj|| WORTH—no more and no less. I | flfil ill 111 lum KUPPENHEIMER W CLOTHES | 1 form the "back bone" of this store's fine I I ! stock. Any impartial expert will tell you 1 I ! that»they are the finest Clothes made by anyone. j II You positively cannot get them any place but here. II I I At our "great prices" they're trulv economical. R I I |Ji!| sls S2O $25 4?# THE HOUSE OF KUPPENHEIMEIt 304 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa. PLY HEM-MORROW Ex-Governor of Indiana. Will Be One of Speakers at Plying Squad ron's Closing Meeting In his address at last evening's meeting held by the Flying Squadron at Gr'a-ce Methodist church, Daniel A. Poling said in part: "The money spent by the people of the United States in cooking their iusides with alcohol would increase the wages of the laborer from two to three times what he already receives and with the money 1,300,000 more men could be employed. "The liquor business does not help the survival of the fittest in man kind. It does not select out of society the strongest and brawniest of men. The meanest man that I ever SJW never touched a drop, but one of the finest young men that I knew in boyhood, and who was one of the best college athletes, is now a drunken bum on the streets and will find his final resting place in the Potter's field." The speakers scheduled for to-day are Dr. Ira Lamlrith this afternoon and Dr. Carolyn Geisel this evening. At the closing sessions to-morrow the lecturers will be J. Frank Hanly, form er Governor of Indiana, and Oliver Wayne Stewart, former member of the Illinois Legislature and noted temper ance orator of the Middle West. The soloist will be Miss Vera K. Mullin. The plan of the Flying Squadron is unique in the history of the United States. It is headed by former Govern or J. Frank Hanlv, of Indrana, one of the most powerful temperance speak ers in the United States. It is organiz ed in three groups, eaeh group com plete within itself. The first group conducts the meeting of the first day, and issues 011 to the next city, its place being taken by the second and third groups in succession. In aililitiou to speakers of national reputation, each group h'ts with it musicians of ability. SHADYLANE New Building Plot at Enola Ready for Inspection Under the supervision of Mr. Wm. J. Sohland, the old Livingstone farm, in Knola, now owned by (»eo. A. Houck, of I'enbrook, has been plotted into ?mall city-far ins and bungalow sites. A 90-foot main avenue, 50-foot streets and 15-foot alleys have been opened up, and Shadyiane certainly looks attractive,both for investments as well as for future homes. Shadyiane will be sold Saturday, May 29th, at 1.30 p. m., and from what has been learned the prices are right. Numerous inquiries have been made and Mr. Sohland expects a very good sale. Monday, May 31, at 5 p. m. the sale closes nt these present prices and an advance of 10 per cent, in prices will be added for the balance of unsold lots. FIRE ESCAPES FOR HORSES S. P. C. A. Discusses Dangers in Stables and Plans for Humane Sunday Recommendations that tiro escapes be put in stables for the safety of horses were discussed at yetserdays meeting of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. No delinite action was taken. A committee was appointed to ar range for the observance in this city of Humane Sunday. The occasion will probably 'be in several weeks. Kfforts will be mado to have pastors plead in the cause of dumb animals. Miss Amelia Durbin, in the report of the education committee, suggested that bird day be combined with Arbor day as recommended by (iovernor Brumbaugh, and that school children be encouraged to build bird houses. Pro ! feasor H. A. Surface declared that | English sparrows must be exterminated iif other useful birds are to 'be en | couraged. ENOLAT Committee of Citizens Appointed to In vestigate Building Operations j Special Correspondence. Enola, May 28.—Mrs. AnVbrose Backenstoe visited in Harrisburg on Thursday. R. H. Barnes, of Sunbury, will ad | dress the religious meeting at the Enola j Yfl IM. C. A. this evening. Mrs. William Gastrock, of Harris- I ! burg, and daughter, Mrs. Charles Wilk- | I ison, of Detroit, 'Michigan, were the j guests of Mr. and Mrs. George VV. Fish ! er, Weduesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jones have re turned home from spending the past few days at the formers home in Wind | Gap. Charles W. Bogar has purchased a | property at Summerdale from iMr. and Mrs. H. M. Horner. (ieorge W. Fisher, Jr., of Harrisburg, ; spent Wednesday with his parents. .George I. Fisher spent the day in 1 Middletown. H. M. Swingle was a recent visitor in Columbia. Miss Lavina Hodgers is visiting rel atives in York. J. H. Kinter was a business visitor in Marysville. A public meeting of the sitizens of Enola was held in the rooms of the Knola P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. on Wednes day evening to investigate the building operations of George A. Houck, of I 'Penbrook, who has purchased the f Shady bane plot adjoining Enola and is developing the same. The commit ! tee appointed is as follows: Dr. E. Carl Weirick, chairman; George H. Horning, secretary; C. B. Gray, T. H. Stees, G. W. Fisher, G. W. Kreider, H. M. Blotter, W. H. Ttruian, J. F. Zellers, H. H. 9 Bheaffer, J. A. McMeen, W. L. Fisher and B. H. Holmes. WILL RECOVER FROM POISON Ifl-Year-Old Elizabeth Brehm At tempts Suicide Elizabeth Brehm, 16 years old, 1619 Zarker street, who attempted suicide last evening at her home iby drinking a quantity of larkspur lotion, is re covering at the Harrisiburg hospital froni the effects of the drug. She will probably 'be sent home this evening. She was unconscious when admitted to the hospital last evening but soort I responded to treatment. She said she I tried to take her life because her | mother refused her permission to meet ; her sweetheart in Paxtang Park. Elected Insurance Director When the Insurance Federation of Pennsylvania held its annual meeting at Philadelphia yesterday, William M. Essick, local agent of the Aetna Acci : dent and Liability Company, was elect ed a director to the body. While in Philadelphia Mr. Essick, who is presi | dent of the Harrisburg Rotary Club, gave a brief talk at a noon luncheon of the Philadelphia Rotary Club. To Sing at P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. The choir of the Sixth Street Unit ed 'Brethren church will have charge of the services at the Pennsylvania Kail road Young iMen's Christian Associa tion Sunday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. The meeting will be addressed by 'H. W. ■Hoover. / A TEETH l&k, SB A SET Crown and Bridge Won'., s.'!, M, S3 Plates Repaired on Short Notice mack's pain i,icss nicvriyrs !t 10 Msrkrt Street v.. /