8 THE STAR-INDEPENDENT ( EMablxtht<{ TN /,V7TF) Published by THK STAR PRINTING COMPANY, Star-lnd«p*nd«nt Building, 16-20-22 South Third Str««t, Harrisburg, P».. Every Evening Eaeept Sunday. Oflictrt. Ihrtflort .- Bb.hjaj.in F. Meters. Jobs l . l Kchs> President. Wm. W. Walujwbr. m.V.M Vice President. K Wm. K Miters. Secretary aa»i Tre»«nrer. Wm W Walloweb. Wj#. H. Warner. V. Hcmmel Berghavs. Jr . Business Manager. Editor. AU communications should be addressed to Star Inpepespcst, Business. Editorial. Job Priuting or Circulation Department, according to the subject matter. Entered at the Post Oflice iu Harrisburg: as second-class matter. Benjamin A Kentnor Company, New York and Chicago Representatives. New Tork Oftiee. Trunswiok Building, i~2i Fifth Avenue. Chicago Office. tie's Gas Building, Michigan Avenue. Delivered by carf»ers a: 6 cents a week. Mailed to subscribers tor Three Dollars a year in advance THE STAH-INDEPENDENT The papet with the largest Home Circulation in Harrisburg aud nearby towns Circulation Examined by THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN ADVERTISERS. TELEPHONES: BELL Private Branch Exchange. No. 3280 CUMBERLAND VALLEY Rrtva«« Branch Eschange. - • No. 845-346 Friday. May SX. 1015. MAY Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Frt. Sat. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 .24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MOOX'S PHASES— Last Quarter, otfc; New Moon. l:tth: First Quarter, iilst; Full Moan. LLNtb. WEATHER FORECASTS .pa ; f llily showers. Not much change in Uf jZSs to-aigut. north portion. Sat- t/""' r.lay unsettle 1. probably local showers. [ W east. YESTERDAY'S TEMPERATURE IN HARRISBURG Highest, tii; lowest, 41; > a. in., 46; S p. iu., 59. RUMORED DIVISION OF THE CONTINENT An exaaiplf of ridiculous rumors that may. de spite the improbability of their foundation ou fact, u.iui emit'iiee aud threaten trouble, that referring to a scheme alleged to be ou foot for dividing the control of tiie American republic among the gov ernment- of the I'nited States. Argentina. Brazil | ant! Chile. The report- in circulation in South America are to the effect that the plan was arranged by the j four nations at the Mexican Peace Conference at Niagara Falls, Unt., at which the "A. I>. C." dip lomats served as mediators between the I'nited States and the Mexican dictator, at the time of General Huerta. The arrangement, according to rumor, is that the I'nited States will annex Mexi co and all of Central America; that Argentina will seize Paraguay and L'rguav : that Brazil will acquire Columbia ami Venezuela, and that Chile will take ; over Ecuador and Peru. Whoevtr originated such reports must have been unaware of the fact that if there is one piece of territory on the fa-e of the globe that the I'nited States wants le>- than any other it is turbulent Mexico. What the attitudes of the "A. B. C." governments ar toward their neighbors mav be un certain. yet surely those governments have been having troubles of their own, financial and other wise. without inviting additional anxieties. The same jealousy among the Latin republics which lias probably given origin to the rumors of projected annexations, by the I'nited state* and the "A. B. C." governments of all the other repub- j lies on the continent, would be the very thing that would prevent the successful accomplishment of such mergings of the interests of those countries, beneficial though unions of the sort iu some respects might be. DISCOURAGING THE MASHER" The season of flirtations is rapidly approaching. Along the river front and in the other local parks ' the "mashers'" will soon be plentiful. There will also be, most unfortunately, some feminine strollers who vvill be looking for the attentions of such fellows. It is a pity that more young women do not take the stand of a New York girl who caused the arrest " the other day in a Broadway theatre of a Columbia University student who had been trying to flirt with her. That courageous young woman has ex pressed the opinion that annoyances of the sort would soon cease if all girls were to turn "mashers" j over to policemen and were then to go to police court and proseeute them. Such a method of discouraging flirtation might be effective, if it were feasible. Much could be done j by girls to put the practice in disfavor, however, even without enlisting the aid of the police. In many cases they need only to ignore entirely the remarks and gestures of aggressive fellows, aud to refrain from casting about them glances intended to be coquettish, and they will not be subjected to the insults that so often accompany summer flirta- ' tions in city parks. So long as reckless young men are encouraged,—even ever so slightly,—in their improper attentions to girls who are strangers to - them, so long as they even see that those attentions \ are noticed and are rather enjoyed than resented ! by the girls, so long will they continue to be "mash- j ers ' and to grow in boldness with eaeh succeeding , experience. The fair prosecutor in the case of the Columbia i University student, whose smartness proved to be | i *&Z*i*■>■' *\"'T t» § HARRTS'BrRO BTATMNDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENfNG. MAY 28, 1915. almost disastrous to him, said in discussing the matter, that she found conditions getting worse and worse; that she was annoyed by "mashers" ! even in goiug to stores aud was often followed home, and that the young men standing on street corners, if they did not approach a girl and try to make her acquaintance by flirtation, ofteu satis tied themselves by making offensive remarks as she passed them. These experiences are not unusual ones. It is. in fact, because they are so common that they are so deplorable. If a. policeman were to be summoned to take care of every "masher" who makes a fool of him self in Hnrrisburg parks this season the blueeoats would have a lively time of it and the force might have to be increased, but the young fellows would learn some very essential lessons. CLOSE OF THE MAJESTIC S SEASON The appearance last night of Miss Christie Mac Donald and her company in the sprightly Her bert operetta. "Sweethearts," marked the close of the season in the Majestic theatre, Harrisburg's only playhouse where the best productions are staged,—outside of the vaudeville and motion pic i ture fields. We have no information from the man agement as to whether it was a successful year tiuancially, but it can be stated positively that some entertainment of the highest type was offered to Harrisburg playgoers, notwithstanding the com plaint sometimes heard that not enough "good plays" are brought to the Majestic. It has been said iu support of this complaint that when some of the finest players last season, — including Miss Barrymore, Miss Adams, David War tield ami the William Gillette-Blanche Bates-Marie Doro combination, —were at the Majestic, the "Standing Room Only" sign was displayed at tilts box office on each occasion. This fact has been cited to uphold the argument that when the "best shows" are brought to Harrisburg the people will patronize them. It must be recalled, however, that it is not possi ble to obtain attractions of the type referred to, two or three times a week for Harrisburg. Moreover, if it were possible, the people would not patronize them as well as they do under present conditions when such tine productions come only every two,! or three or four weeks. The amount of money the people will spend for amusement is limited just as is the amount they will spend for clothing, or fuel or food for their tables. \\ e venture the prediction that it' the Majestic management were to present Miss Barrymore, Miss Adams. Mr. Warfield and the Gillette-Bates-Doro trio on four successive nights the crowd 011 110 one of those nights would be suf ficiently large to cover the expenses of bringing thost- high-salaried artists and their high-salaried j fellow-players to this city. A theatre manager, in arranging his offerings, ' must be governed by the law of supply and demand as applied to amusement, just as must the butcher be governed by the law of supply and demand with relation to the amount of meat with which he stocks his store. Both are in business to make money but neither can make money by overstocking his house ■ with the commodity in which he deals, —amusement, in the case of the theatre manager, aud meat in the case of the butcher. \\ liile the "big stars" who were here in the las: season did always attract an overflowing house there were some very good plays at the Majestic! that did not attract paying crowds although they deserved to. If half a dozen more of the finest typj artists had been presented during the season they mrght have attracted crowds as large as those of the "stars'' we have mentioned. On the otherhand their addition to the list might have produced a glut on the local amusement market and have caused the Majestic management to lose heavily on them. Making the supply just meet the demand in the widely fluctuating and very fickle amusement mar ket is the task that confronts the successful man ager of a theatre, and we believe the Majestic's manager came pretty close to accomplishing this,— at least with relation to the highest class plavs, in the season just ended. "Swat the flying-machine!" is the game that Austria and Italy are now energetically engaged in. Doubtless some of the European nations would welcome a device with which they could torpedo the torpedo-boats. The water* of the Dardanelles bid fair to become so clogged with submerged British warships as to be un- i navigable. "Uncle Joe" Cannon says the United States is "sending i too many notes," yet he admits he hasn't read them. "Uncle Joe" is old enough to be entitled to let the others do the work, but he could with propriety refrain from .knocking. TOLD IN LIGHTER VEIN UNLUCKY MOSES "Economy has its pains as well as its pleasures," savs a 1 Washington preacher, "if the experience of an old negro of my acquaintance counts for anything. "One spring Moses was going round town with the face of dissatisfac tion. When I questioned him, he poured forth his troubles in these words: " 'Marse Tom, he comes to me last fall and he says: i "Mose, dev's gwine to be a hard winter, so you be keerful and save vo* wages fast and tight." 'And I believe Marse Tom, vassuh. I believe him, and I save and save, and when de winter come I ain't got no i hardship, and dcre I was wid all dat money jest thrown on my hands.' " —Philadelphia Record. HEE WAIST MEABUBE A teacher in one of the city schools—who, to say the least, is of rather generous proportions—was trying to ex plain to her scholars the correct measurements of the human frame. "For example," she said, "twice around my thumb, once around my wrist; twice around my wrist, once around my neck; twice around my neck, once around my waist." Then she paused, and a shrill voice from the back of the j room exclaimed: "Twice around ver waist, around the city hall."— i'ouujjstown Telegram. UNBEARABLE SKIN TBOipeO Rapidly. Clothing Irritated, l ost Sleep Continually. Itching and Burning Intense. Scratched Until Exhausted. Cuticura Healed. 417 Colwjm Ave., Darby, Pa.—"My uncle's trouble he, anti-gun law was because foreigners [killed everything in sight that wore feathers, and passing the anti-fishing : law was because, as it is charged, the j foreign element did uot content them [selves with plain fishing, but when they ' went out along the streams they had * habit of dynamiting the waters, the | I result of which was that every fish in the stream within a radius of hundreds j }of feet was killed—big and little fish floating to the surface by the hundreds, j The new law will put a stop to that, j as a foreigner is liable to arrest when found along a stream that has been dy namited and makes the excuse that he is doing legitimate fishing. OLD TIME MANNERS Rules of Good Behavior in the Early Eighteenth Century In a work entitled "Youth's Behav-1 ior." published in 1706, there is this injunction to young gentlemen, "Put' off thy Cap or Hat to persons of Des ert as arc Churchmen, Justices and the like, turning the Cap or Hat to thy selfwards; making a Reverence, bow ing thyself more or less according to! the custom of the better bred.'' In the midst of remarks which indi cate the utmost refinement we come suddenly upon such directions as this: " 'Tis not manners as soon as you are set at Table to bawl out, 'I cat | none of this, 1 eat none of that, I care j for no Rabbit; 1 love nothing that tastes of Pepper, Nutmeg, Onvons," etc. After stating that "some have been j so refined in Foreign parts that they ; will neither be covered, nor sit with their backs to the picture of an emi- j nent Person," the writer goes on to! | remark that "there are some who eat | j with that eagerness and impatience, they eat themselves out of breath and will pant like a broken winded horse, but these are not to he indured." He also warns his pupil thus: "When you are talking to any one 1 do not continually punch him in the j j side, as some people do; who, after j every sentence keep asking the person they are conversing with, 'Did I not; tell you so?' 'What say you, sir?' and j in the meantime they are every mo- j ■ ment jogging and thrusting him with ; ' their elbows, which cannot be consid- I ered as a mark of respect." TIIE YELLOW FLAG A Ruse That Once Saved a British Ship Fron> Capture An effective ruse de guerre in the • way of tlag-flying was that practiced in ' the Mediterranean at the beginning of i ! the last centjrv by Lord Dundonald ! while cruising in ' the British ship j { Speedy. Tins little brig had captured | so many of the enemy's merchantmen j ' that a Spanish frigate was specially j fitted out. disguised as a merchantman,! to bring her to book. Dundonald. in order to deceive the ! 1 merchant enft of the enemy, adopted similar tactics and disguised the Speedv ! as a Danish merchant brig. The two disguised boats soon sighted each other. J' Dundonald at once gave chase and dis- ! covered his mistake when the Spaniard 1 suddenly revealed her true nature and started lowering a boat to examine the Speedy's papers. But Dundonal 1 was equal to the oc- v casion. He hoisted the yellow flag— v signal of sickness. And when Spanish boat was within hail an Eng- j 1 iish officer in Danish uniform shouted that they were only two days out of i Algiers. As the plague was "raging in ' Algiers, the riise WHS completely sue- I % cessful. —London Chronicle. ! fi An Appeal to Wives You kiiow the terrible affliction that j comes to many homes from the result ot a drinking husband or son. You i know of the money wasted on "Drink" i that is needed in the home to purchase ' food and clothing. ORRINE has saved | thousands of drinking men. It is a home treatment and can he given se- ; cretly. Your money will be refunded j if. after a trial, it has failed to benefit. I Costs only SI.OO a box. Come in and! get a free booklet and let us tell you of the good ORRINE is doing. Geo. A. Gorgas. ltf North Third street and Pennsylvania H. R. Station, Har- ; risburg, Pa.; John A. McCurdy, Steel-| ton, Pa.: H. F. Brunhouse, Mechanics-' burg. Pa.—Adv. PAINTING SHOWS CASTLE "ST. MICHAELS MOUNT" J.M.W.TURNER— 1V With a history stranger than a novel and with a novelist taking a part in it, this hitherto unknown example of tie art of J. M. W. Turner has been found in the possession of an art dealer in New York city. The painting, which was in the possession of a negro, passed into the bands of the art gallery, and the identification of the sub ject was made by Robert W. Chambers, author, who IS a close friend of the art dealer and who has immortalized his gallery and its frequenters in ' The Streets of Ascalon.' The subject of the painting, which is thirty-two iuches wide and twenty-four inches high, is -St. Michael's Mount," with its battlemented crags, lying off the coast of Coru wall, the place which has the legendary distinction of being the home of the Giant Corinoran, who was slain by Jack ie Slant Killer. It belongs to Turners middle period, when he was fond of turbulent seascapes, which he painted i grays and browns. St Michael's Mount Is one of the most historic spots In all England. This painting shows a •uriu raging over the mount A small vessel has been driven ashore off the causeway. Fishermen are throwing a He to the fated vessel. Soldiers v* the garrison, in the British uniform of about 1782, when the picture was paiuted re ou the causeway. * Come In and H Victor Records (Jet the habit of coming here regularly to hear the new Victor Records—issued on the :28th of each month. Some of the new ones for this month: | '" m '*roud to He the Mother of a Boy I.lke Yon (Sterling- \ ..... I H. von Tiller), I'eerlexa Uuartet I I«T«VN J . _ V Itlln j Well l«.W* (are of V»u \ll ("The Utile Refugees") (from i 7D«- I "l-ads and I'ancles"> (Smith-Kent) k l.ilnn Browi-Janm K. llMrrlaun ' | The Flame of l.ove (From "The Peasant Girl") (Atteridgo- ) 177« a " ' '* rim 1) Kdun Hrow n-Jamra F. IlilrrUon . Itlla 1 My Own \ eurtluu Itote ( Plantiiosi-Glogau - MiCart lly) ( 75e • I'aniplieli-llurr ' ( Von Are the Rose ..f >I.T Heart (Allison- Kemlls I . ITT«S "i llrury lliir,- (. 1'."" ( Runaway June (Harold Freeman) rharlea llarrlaon I | Rverybody II«« With Me (Kahn-URoy) VmerU-an tiuartet j 177(111 - v„ u Dou't Kuon How (iliid I am to tirt Hark Home - «' n ' (Reed-Rall) Murray / ' 17770 -1 My Ilird of I'aradUe (Irving Berlin) Prrrleaa tltiartet \ lOlu I I Want to be There (Clarke-Monaco) Herbert Stuart ( 7>"e i Hllo— Hawaiian Mareb (Hawaiian String Instruments) i ...... ' Irene Wont Ho>ul lluwiiliiinK ! Klin i..0, J Wallana Walts (Drowsy Waters) (Hawaiian Uußar r>uet) ( 7.->c V Pale K. I.ua David Knlll. of Irene West lloyal llawallnna .' f Rrlahten the Corner W here Von \re (Revival Hy inn) 177«; i _ (Ogdon-Oahrlcl) Homer Itmiehemer ' Itlln j I Wnlk With the Kin* (Revival Hymn) (Rowe-Arkley) { 73v v Homer Rodeheaver I Complete stock of Columbia June Records. J. H. Troup Music House TROUP BUILDING 15 S. MARKET SQUARE ; Mltm 1 - _ A LIVING TORPEDO 1 That Odd Pish, the Electric Ray, Is a Terror in His Own Way There is a queer fish, bearing tlie name torpedo, that in its own peculiar j way is a good deal a terror. This is the torpeuo, or electric ray, a dweller in the southern seas, which grows to a large size, sometimes weighing seventy or eighty pound?. This, peculiar tish , has a nearly circular body, a short tail and a very small mouth. The back is brownish in color and the underneath parts are white. The torpedo obtains its name from its power of giving a violent shock, i similar to an electric shock, to any thing with which it comes incontact. Whenever an enemy approaches the fish j emits from its body a kind of electric- : itv. which incapacitates the attacker immediately. In capturing its food the torpcdi finds this power of use. Being very inactive, it cannot pursue the small lisli which form its diet, so it lies in wait until they swim • lose by and then ! throws out its powerful shock, which instantly renders them helpless. If a person touches this strange tisls 1 lie is attacked by cramp, which affects 1 the stomach, producing a kind of con vulsion. For this reason the torpedo is sometimes known as the "cramp fish."—London Answers. Oldest Chess Problem The oldest chess problem on record is thought to be that • ontained in an ancient Persian manuscript attributed to Caliph Kalifen Mutasin Billah, who reigned i»i Bagdad A. D. 833 to 842. But the deader would have to learn the old rules before it was intelligible. For example, the queen could make a move of only one square at a time and that on a diagonal, but a queen promoted from a paw'n was allowed to make a i move of two squares diagonally. The bishop had no power over any square, except the third front which it stood on i its own diagonal line, but it was al lowed to vault over any piece that hap pened to be between. In short, it was 1 a totally different game. Chess in the ! precise form in which we know it and j play it tb-day is a comparatively mod ern game.—London Strand Magazine. / 1 \ FOR DRUGS and SODA (io To Reese's t "Where Quality Counts" 18th and Regina Streets J FLOWERS ! For DECORATION DAY POTTED PLANTS GERANIUMS PETUNIAS FUCHSIAS COLEUS LANTA.NA :? for •_'■*> cts. Per dozen, »."> cts. CEMETERY VASES to cts to s—.oo HOLIES SEED CO. 100-8 South Second Street Harrisburg, Pa. Open Saturday Evenings Both Phones i y —'