The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 28, 1915, Page 7, Image 7
SUBURBAN NEW CUMBERLAND High School Commencement Exercises Largely Attended r nri uspondenct' Now Cumberland, May 28.—The Church of liod was crowded last even ing to witness the exercises of the High School commencement, one of the best ever held in New Cumberland. The large auditorium was handsomely dec orated with flowers, plants and class pcunants. The class wore caps and £owus aud every one did his or her part well, reflecting great credit on pupils and teachers. The New Cumberland orchestra rendered inspiring music and the adresses by l>r. G. 1). Gossard, of Lebanon Valley College, and Professor Btine, superintendent of the York coun ty schools, were not only instructive but humorous. The Alumni High School, parents and friends of the pu pils occupied reserved seats. The Kev. A. R. Avres, pastor of Trinity United Brethren church, will make the address at Mt. Olivet ceme tery on Monday afternoon alter the j strewing of flowers by B. F. Eisenber ger Post. No. 4 62, G. A. K. The Ladies' Aid Society of St. Paul's | 1 will hold a reception on Tuesday even- 1 ing, June 1, at 7.4 5 o'clock for the new members of the society, to which 3<ll the members of St. Paul's Luth eran church are cordially invited to at tend. The R. I'. O. M. class of St. Paul's Lutheran Sunday school, taught by tNliss Johanna Mast, will hold its regu lar meeting at (he home of the presi dent, Mrs. Couldron. on Geary avenue, this evening. On Saturday afternoon at 3 o 'clock the Middletown baseball team will play i with the local team on the New Cum- | berland Athletic grounds. Another game between Highspire and New Cum- j berland will take place Monday mom- j ing at 10 o'clock. In the afternoon the Steelton Ferry boat will have an ex- | ciirsion to Highspire, where a game i will take place between New Cumber land and Highspire. Dr. J. H. Young and Mr. and Mrs. j John Lantz moved from Hillside yester day into Dr. Young's old home on Mar- ; kct street. T. J. Lee. of Phillipsburg, was in i town yesterday. He sold his property j on Bridge street to S. N. Straub. Thi's I property adjoins Mr. Straub's home. Next week the work of remodeling the ' houses will be begun. A mansard roof ; will be put on and part of it will be j converted into a store room. When com-! pleted Mr. Straub will move his restau rant from Third street. Raymond Platts, of York, has been spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Platts, Bridge street. Miss Mary Downey, of Harrisburg, was a guest of Mrs. Frank Downev last evening. J. J. Baughman was in Brooklyn on luisiness this week. Mrs. Lewis Tress and Mrs. Norman! Lichtenberger, of Harrisburg. visited ' Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Shuler yesterday. Mr. and iMrs. Chester Lieach, Mr. J and Mrs. John I*each and daughter,! Hazel, motored to York to-day, where RECIPE far GRAY •r FADED HAIR Can Now Be Obtained in America ■lust a few applications of this famous' J-rench prescription and you will have w at no other preparation will give; a lovely even shade of dark lustrous hair that will make you look years vounfirer and no one can ever tell that it has neen applied. A lar«e 7-ounce bottle of this old and thoroughly reliable Krench recipe an " e secured all ready for use for a small ; lt any well stocked drus: store. K for I^eMay's Cream of Sape and Wuinine. Hakes you look years younfter. Important: While Le.May s Cream of S.iae Mid Quinine will stop falling ha'.r. - lp itc and remove dandruff in one week it should NOT be used by people v do not desire their hair restored to its natural color. You can get an ex tra large bottle for about 30 cents at any drunpist. jlliii m GROCERIES This store is planned to help get up a tasty lunch for holiday outings and picnics. Phone us your orders for your lunch baskets. Will have prepared for you Fried Chicken, Roast Beef. Roast Pork, Roast Veal. Home Baked Ham, all kinds of Layer Cakes, Cookies, Macaroons, Fancy Little Cakes, Pies and Rolls, Chicken Salad. Chicken and Beef Cro quets, Olives, Pickles, all kinds of Cheese. ' Everything is prepared in the Stouffer. Kitchens and only the best materials are used. Fresh vegetables are plenty, we carry a large va riety, we sell at market prices, we guarantee the qual ity. and we deliver the goods. We display everything inside the store away from dust and dirt of street. Maryland berries are with us and some home ber ries are also in the market. The home berries so far are small. Soon we expect large tine York County I berries. In the mean time the Maryland berries are hard to beat. Our fresh meats are all displayed under glass and in the most sanitary way. We also buy the best. We expect to have fancy Spring Lamb for Saturday, also fancy Steaks, Chops, ('hickens, etc. We solicit a trial order or ask our customers about us. Open Mondav until 10 A. M. to serve our patrons. S.S. POMEROY MARKET SQUARE GROCER HARRISBITRG STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENINO, MAY 28, 191.-), How to Beautify the Heir A Simple and Inexpensive Home Method The hair is like a flower —a little care aud proper nourishment does wonders. Just as a plant without air and water withers and dies, so will the hair go if not given proper nour ishment. The scalp must be perfectly healthy and free from dandruff, as the scalp is to the hair what good soil is to plants and flowers. If your hair is not pretty; if it is loosiug color, too dry, matted, falling out, or if the scalp itches and burns, you can easily overcome all of these conditions by using Parisian Sage, which supplies every hair need. It soaks right into the hair roots, stim ulating them and furnishing the nourishment that is needed for the hair to grow not only long and heavy, but fluffy, soft, lustrous and gloriously radiant. You can get a bottle of this inex pensive, yet delightful and helpful hair tonic from H. C. Kennedy or any drug counter. Improvement be gins with the very first application. Besides stopping the scalp irritation it removes every bit of dandruff. The use of this unequaled tonic will surely give your hair new life and beauty.—Adv. they visited friends, returning by the way of Columbia and Elizabethtown. MECHANICSBURG Irving College Commencement Begins To-morrow Evening 'Special Correspondence. Mechanicsburg. May 2S.—Last even ing Miss Marietta Sultzaberger gave a very fine piano recital in Frankiiu hall. Miss Sultzaberger was very ably assisted by Mrs. Susan Dugan Faeger, contralto soloist, of Harrisburg. Irving College students have been having several final games of tennis and basketball this week. Commence- j ment week begins with the play given to-morrow evening by the College Dramatic Club. The title of the play is, "A Bachelor's Romance." i The (Magazine Club of the college has ' issued a collection of Irving College songs written by students and alumnae lof the college. It is 'bound in pamphlet form, the covers being blue aud gold, the college colors. The funeral of Mrs. Catharine Cad i walader, whose death was noted yes : te/day. will be held on Sunday after i noon at 2 o 'clock from the home of I her daughter, Mrs. Augustus Hoerner, ! West Main street. Services will be con ducted at the house by the Rev. C. I. Johnson, o± the Church of the Brethren, of which church she was a member. Interment will be made in Chestnut Hill cemetery. The Board of Education met in spe cial session on Wednesday evening to receive bids for heating the High school building. A number of bids were re- I ceived but all were rejected after con j siderable discussion. Among the members of the County Historical Society who left Carlisle 1 yesterday on a historical trip through | this and York counties are: Dr. M. 'M. Dougherty, R. B. Schroeder, John Mil liesen, F. K. Plover, lieorge E. Llovd. j H. H. La lib, I. D. Faller, S. C. Ba'se ) liore, L. H. Lamb, John M. Underwood, M. L. Dick, of this place. The Rev. H. N*. Feglev, D. D.. pastor ! of St. Mark's Lutheran church, is at tending the Evangelical Lutheran Min isterium which opened its sessions last evening. Robert Mumper, ot this place, is a , member of the class of 1915 of Con way Hall. Carlisle. Mrs. James Clendenin and child, of Willimette, 111., will arrive this week to spend some time with relatives in this place and vicinity. (Mrs. Clendenin is coming for Irving's commencement week, she is a member of the class of 1904 of the college. Mrs. Margaret Eberlv was a visitor ! to Shiremanstown in the early part of ; the week where she was the guest of her son, Raymond, and his family. LINGLESTOWN Funeral of Mrs. Levi Potteiger to Be Held To-morrow Afternoon «.*• -v i *#»r ? Linglestown, May 2S. —Elizabeth H. I'otteiger, wife of Levi Potteiger, died Wednesday morning at her home from a complication of diseases. Short funeral services will be held at the house on Saturday at 2.30 p. m. by the Rev. Messrs. Siglfr and Lynch. Interment private at Snoop's church cemetery. Mrs. Morris Tobias and daughter, BOW TO REDUCE VARICOSE YEWS Many people have become despondent because they have been led to believe that there is no remedy that will reduce swollen veins and bunches. If you will get a two-ounce original bottle"of Emerald Oil (full strength) at ainv first-class drug store aud apply it night and morning as directed you will quickly notice an improvement which will continue until the veins and bunches are reduced to normal. Emerald Oil is extensively used in hospitals and in factories as first aid to the injured. It is a harmless, yet most powerful germicide and two ounces lasts a verv long time. Indeed, so powerful is Emerald Oil that soft bunches, goitre, swollen glands and wens are reduced. It is oue of the wonderful discoveries of recent years and anyone who is disappointed with its use can have their money refunded. M^^lrucsis^an^^sugjilv^ou^j^VtK^^ Mrs. Ijawrenee Hackman. Mrs. Jacob Burkheimer and Mrs. William L>ok, of Oberlin. were visitors in this place on Wednesday. Frank Hetich and son, of Progress, visited the former's parents on Wed nesday. • G. C. Feeser purchased the farm formerly known as the Backenstow farm on Wednesday. He is going to im prove the buildings. Viola Sample spent Thursday after noon in Harrisburg. Mrs. Samuel Cassel, of Penbrook, spent Thursday iu our town. William Hicks, of Harrisburg. called on his brother, Frank, vesterdav. J. H. Mcllhenny. ti.' H. Mcllhenny, Miss Sue Mcllhenny and C. D. Lingle. of Harrisburg, made a business trip to this place Thursday. Mrs. David Smeltzer, of Paxtang. was visiting here yesterday. Charles Wirt, of Penbrook, made a business trip here yesterday. Mrs. David Lougenecker, of Prog ress. was visiting here on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Panel and daughter, Anna, of Penbrook, visited Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Lenker Thursday eveuing. MIDDLETOWN Work on Shoe Factory Addition Being Pushed Rapidly Special Correspondence. Middletown. May 2S.—Miss Ethel McN'air, of West Chester State Normal School, is spending a few days in town as the guest of her father, Alvin Me- Nair. Union and Emaus streets. Miss Esther Brinser. of Hummels town, spent yesterday in town as the guest of Miss Mary Foltz. Miss Faye Rhenu, of Harrisburg, spent yesterday in town as the guest of Mrs. Bossier, Water street. George Fisher, a student at Lebanon Valley College, spent Thursday in town. J. S. Keever, of Philadelphia, is vis iting relatives in town for several days. Miss Minnie Melhorn, of Shippens burg, is spending a few days in town as the guest of relatives ami friends. Miss Florence Scholl is visiting rela ! tives at Reading for several days. Dr. C. E. Bowers is having his prop erty on Swatara street painted. His son, Karl, is doing the work. Alvin Fitzgerald, of Wellsville, spent yesterday in town as the guest of rela tives. Mrs. J. S. Snyder is visiting rela tives at Miilersbuig. George Dintaman, of Philadelphia, and mother visited relatives in town vesterdav. B. F. Brandt, Ann street, is having a new water line put in his house. Charles Keyser is doing the work. Work on the addition to the shoe factory is being pushed forward rapid ly, the workmen being at present en gaged on the second floor. Miss Zimmerman, of Shippensburg, spent vesterdav in town. J. H. Morrow, who has been a teaeh er in the Susquehanna building for the past nine pionths, will leave for his home in Shippensburg on Sunday. DAUPHIN Memorial Day to Be a Big Event Here All Sunday- Dauphin. May 28. —Memorial Day will be observed in Dauphin on Sun day, May 30. Those wishing to 'partici pate in the exercises, will assemble in Market square at 10.30 a. m. A pro gram of several sacred selections. The Dauphin band will head the procession to Red Hill cemetery where an oration will be delivered by Dr. W. P. ('lark. The afternoon program follows: Music, Dauphin band; sinking, "America;" silent eulogy for two minutes with un covered bowed heads; prayer, the Rev. 'F. S. .T. Morrow; music, choir; address, Harvey C. Knupp: music, choir; selec tion. Dauphin band; solo, Mrs. Charles E. I ebo: proceed to Dauphin cemetery where the following program will be rendered: Music, Dauphin band; prayer the Rev. R. F. Stirling; music, hoir; address, the Rev. F.• J. S. Morrow; music, choir; decorating graves; music. Dauphin band; benediction, the Rev. R. F. Stirling. Teams will be furnished to take the persons to Red Hill ceme tery. The Dauphin Athletic Association ■will hold a festival in Market square on Monday evening, May 31. A game of baseball will be played at 2.30 be tween Dauphin A. C. and Marvsville. MILLERSTOWN Mrs. W. D. Bollinger Entertaining Vis itors From Washington Spwlfil rnri es|ioii'innce. Millerstown. May 28.—Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Pike, of Washington, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Pike's sister, Mrs. W. D. Bollinger. William Rounsley was in Harrisburg on Wednesday. A missionary meeting was held in the Methodist church on Thursday even ing. Mrs. Mary Pellow, who has been visiting in Harrisburg, spent several days in town this week. Mrs. J. I. Crane visited in Harris burg on Wednesday. NEWPORT Five Persons. Victims of the Typhoid Epidemic, Have Died Special Correspondence. Newport, May 28. —The Civic Club will hold a meeting in their room in the public school building this after noon at 2.30 o'clock. The Newport Trapshooting Associa tion will hold an optional target shoot on Bingo farm to-morrow morning. Two more were added to the list of 'typhoid fever victims. These make five victims of the typhoid epidemic. Despite this, the situation continues to ] improve. The last two deaths are A. Russell Kipp and Glenn Gelnett. Kipp, who was 38 years old, died on Sunday. He was employed as a railway mail I clerk for the last 16 years. He was a graduate ot the local High school. ; Glenn Gelnett, aged 5 years, died on l Monday. !Has father died on May 8. Mrs. Harry Smith, ot' Altoona, is visiting her sister. Mrs. L. M. Blatzer, j and father, Samuel Boasom. Harry Fleck spent some time in Har risburg. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Dum, of Jersey ! City, are visiting her parents, Mr. anil 1 Mrs. J. L.' Hain. Professor Samuel Tressler. of Wash ington, N. J., is visiting his parents, j Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tressler. | . NEW BLOOMFIELD Memorial Day Services to Be Observed Here Sunday ■Sprolal Correspondent— New Bloomfield, May 2S. —Class No. 5 of the Methodist church will serve ice j cream and cake on the church lawn Sat- I urday, June 5. The annual visitors' day at Tress -1 ler's Orphan Home at Lovsville will Ibe held on June 17. The "Sunny Leaders' class of the i Methodist church held an orange social i j in the lecture room of the church yes- i terday. Memorial Day services will be held i in the Presbyterian church next Sunday at 10.30 a. m. The Rev. I. Potter Hayes will preach the sermon. Miss Mildred Hook, of Bridgeport, is the guest of the Misses Rhinesmith. Miss Margaret McKee is visiting at Wildwood, N. J. Miss Mary Rice and sister. Sarah, of ' I Carlisle, are visiting at Warrior's I Mark. Altoona and Pittsburgh. C. G. Weaver spent Saturday anil | Sunday with Robert tiring, of Philadel j pl ia. ' 'SWEETHEARTS' SPRIGHTLY I OPERETTA WITH A PLOT i I Music by Victor Herbert Has an Amer ican Touch and Is Well Suited to Christie Mac Donald and Her Clev er Company The music of the new Victor Her j bert operetta. "Sweethearts,'' in which | Christie Mac Donald appeared in the ■ Majestic last night, is so fresh and j bright as to make the piece a positive j addition to the musical comedy stage. I There is something distinctly American ' about it. Strange to say, "Sweethearts" has a plot—not much of a one, but it is understandable—something lacking to more than half the musical comedies or operettas. Plot and music, with the rare singing and acting of an accom j plished company, with Christie Mac | Donald at the head, served to furnish J Harrisburg patrons of the stage with a I sprightly evening's entertainment. , The coming of Christie Mac Donald is always welcomed in Harrisburg. A ) fair-sized audience greeted her and one ! that appreciated the tine talent that | went to make up the cast. All of the | principals were clever anil in the past ; season there has been no company here so wonderfully well supplied with good singers an 1 actors as produced "Sweet hearts," from tU£ Mac Donald star I down, including NfSud Beatty. Ralph | Narin, Thomas Conkev, Anne Bussert, j Edwin Wilon and the three conspira i tors, Echlin Gayer. Frank Belcher and I Alonzo Price. At his best Mr. Narin as a comedian reminds one very much ; of Charlie Bigelow, the bright particu lar star of the Weber-Fields funny men. A word as to the chorus. A better I one has not been heard at the Majestic ; this season. It is composed of fresh, ! young voices full of music and well trained. Miss Mac Donald always gives | us something bright and effervescent in i the way of entertainment, and last ! night slie lived up to her reputation. There was local interest in one young 1 woman of the chorus. Miss Jessie Nich j oils, of New York, who has been a vis- J itor in Harrisburg homes on occasions |of previous visits here. Miss Nicholls ! has a good voice and is a remarkably I clever dancer. The close of the Majestic season was marked by the fall of the curtain last ' night. If You Have No Ambition Take Wendell's Ambition Pills The Great Nerve Tonic. Good for ttiat tired feeling. It will lic'p those Morning Headaches and that Tired Feeling, relieves Nervousness, Nervous Debility, Weakness, Poor Blood, Kidney and Liver Complaints, Malaria, Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Exhausted Nervous Vitality, Nervous Prostration, Sleepless ness, Despondency, Mental Depression, Hysteria, Numbness, Trembling, Nerv ous Headaches, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Constipation and all Affections of the Nervous System. H. C. Kennedy is authorized by the maker to refund the purchase price if auy one is dissatisfied with the first box purchased. Get them at H. C Kennedy's and dealers everywhere for fifty cents. Mail orders filled, charges prepaid, by the Wendell Pharmacal Company, Inc., Syracuse, N. Y. —Adv. REPORTING FROM MEMORY When Note Taking Was Forbidden in the House of Commons Holcroft's feat in memorizing the whole play of "Figaro" after hearing it ten times could probably have been easily outdone by "Memory" Wood fall, who in the days when note taking was forbidden in the house of commons acquired fame by the extraordinary power of reporting from memory the speeches he heard in that august as sembly. His usual attitude during a debate, says the London "Chronicle," was to close his eyes and lean forward with both hands upon his stick, being so well acquainted with the tone and manner of the several speakers that he seldom changed his attitude save to catch the name of u new member. The speeches thus memorized he printed in his journal, and so wonder ful was his memory that he eould re tain full recollection of a debate a fort night after, though having listened to many long nights of speaking in the interval. He used to say he could put any speech away on a corner shelf of his mind for future reference. Be Vigorous Strong and Hoalthy > ; Begy's Nerve Aid Tablets Will Restore Your Old-time Confidence and Ambition in a Short Time |j ! Nervous people who have lived too 1 1 rapidly or have worked too hard or ' whose nerves and stamina have been , shattered by stimulants or other ex- < i censes should (jet a 50-cent package of i Begy's Nerve Aid Tablets to-day. ! So wonderful is this great tonic pre : scription and so rapidly does it work i thait it is no exaggeration to say that in six days weak, rundown, anvbitionless I people will feel 50 per cent, better. | Begy's Nerve Aid Tablet* contain no ! harmful drugs, they are the prescrip tion of Chemist Begy, the man who made Mustarine an iudi»pensibh- r m- j edy in millions of homes and hundreds I of hospitals. Begy's Mustarine. as you probably know, is splendid for sore : i throat, chest colds, rheumatism, neu ralgia. neuritis and all aches and pains. Any druggist can s'upply you. Three days' trial treatment. 10 cents, from ' ; Begy Medicine Co.. Begy Bldg.. Roches ter. N. Y. WANT COURT TO HELP TO GET DETENTION QUARTERS Advocates of the Plan Point to the j Success of the Boys' Home in Berks j County as Argument for the Es | tablishment of One Here Harrisburg civic societies for months, or since the old detention quarters in the almshouse were abandoned, have been seeking to induce the County Com missioners to establish a House of De tention in Dauphin county where juve nile offenders may be kept pending i court action. Tlie latest request for | that purpose was registered with the Commisioners on Tlnirsduy and to-mor ' row the court .ludges will lie appealed i to for co-operation. Persons interested in this cause to "y pointed to the annual report of Daniel K. Hocli, controller of Berks county, as an evidence that a "home for boys" is neither a needless luxury nor an item of extravagance but is a necessity and is proving beneficial to ' the community. The controller has this to say concerning the home that has been established in Berks county: "Possibly the institution from which' the county receives the best returns is the Boys' Home, 821 Schuylkill ave nue. This property came to the county i! in 1913 as the gift from Mr. and Mrs. jW. H. Laden, and 1914 was the first full year of its existence as a county institution. To this home boys are sent by the Juvenile Court. They are cared for, sent to sehool and assisted in securing employment. The great majority of them are started in the ways of right living, and eventually will become useful citizens. Formerly i boys were sent to the Reformatory and in most cases were not benefitted in the least. "The prisou is a place of confine ment; the county home shelters the aged and the helpless; in the asylums j patients receive treatment and quite I a number are benfitted. The Boys' . Home is in every sense a home, where • homeless bovs or boys over whom their i parents have no control receive atten , tion which each boy should have at . that period of life. Its benefits cannot I be measured in dollars and cents, t "During the last year thirty-seven i boys were sheltered and helped. The . cost of maintenance was $3,234.35, in . eluding extensive repairs. The bovs ■ who work pay board and the receipts ■ from this source were $401.67 making , the net cost of maintenance and re- I pairs $2,832.88. In some cases of ex s trenie viciousness boys still are in the i reformatories. These cost the county t | during the past year, $1,994.52. For- ! merlv when the practice was to send all j r youthful offenders to State institutions; the average annual cost to the county | was $7,000." C. V. N HOME FOR THREE ORPHANS Relatives Find Children Made Home less By Death of Parents Gettysburg, May 28. —Relatives at j last have located the (Tiree small chil- ; j dren of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jacobs, | of Adams county, who through the j death of the parents became orphans early in the spring and who since that time had been living among strangers. | Oddly enough the relatives did not 'learn of the youngsters' predicament j ■ until notice of the fact appeared in | newspaper advertisements that were authorized to be published bv the trus I tees of the Children's Home, Washing- j ton, D. C. Mr. Jacobs, the father, died from i tuberculosis. The wife and mother, be came a nervous wreck through worry j over the condition nf her husband ami I she too died. Mr. anil Mrs. Harry Wal- | ters, of Storm's Store, Sit. Pleasant ! ! township, have adopted one of the I 1 children and other relatives have do- ! | cidod to obtain custody of the other children. Jacob Wolf Dead at 75 Carlisle, May 2S.—After an illness of two yearn, Jacob Wolf, a well known j \ resident of the town, died Wednesday I i afternoon at 2.45 o'clock at his home ' I on Elm street, aged 75 years. Death j was due to Bright's disease. Surviving him are his wife and the I following children: S'.tmuel, South Mid- j l dleton; Mrs. Jacob Sheafwdfer. Me- i chanicsburg; Walter, Youngstown, O.; j ! Addison, William and Mrs. Charles j Weaver, Carlisle, and Hillary, at home. ! Young Doe Fell 20 Feet Chambors'burg, May 28.—A young | doe standing on the edge of a sand- I bank at Pondtown yesterday morning ! ; suddenly became frightened and | plunged over the bank to the (bottom of the pit a distance of about twenty I feet. Workmen found the animal lying j in a helpless condition and summoned ■ John N. Shaefer who took the deer to | his home at Pondbank, and under whose care it is at the present time. A I careful examination failed to reveal | any broken bones. Heart Trouble Causes Death Waynesboro, May 28.—Mrs. Ellen Pauline Ruthrauff, 79 years old, widow of Charles Ruthrauff. (tied very sudden ly at 6 o'clock Wednesday evening at her home in Greencastle. Death was due to an attack of heart failure with which she was stricken while talking with some members of her family. She was assisted to her LIVINGSTON'S 9 SOUTH MARKET SQ. HARRISBURG'S OLDEST CREDIT STORE Vie have met with such surprising success in the sale we have been running for the past week thai we have de cided to continue it for another week. We have prepared our slocks to meet the demand and they will be complete in every respect. If you are at all thrifty you cannot afford to miss these values. Ladies' Suits 3^ in poplin, gabardine, serge, etc., in X. all colors and styles. Suits that sold r - /.-f . ■ v —I up ty $22.50. Exceptional valiu - DIM I High class workmanship; guaran- n l //• teed linings, onlv If ' sllßs g: Ladies' Coals T V" Lot No. 1 consisting of about TO • j V \ Coats, light weights, Norfolk cf- \ V \ feets, all shades and sizes. Values j \ \ \/ ■ up to $8.50, now ■ \ RBS ii Ladies' Lot No. 2—About 60 garments to choose from. All styles, materials, shades and sizes. Wonderful values, this sale Ladies' Dresses in poplin, crepe de chine, voile, etc. .lust the dress you want for summer wear, made to meet your particular taste. Values up to -$12.50, now $5.85 Our stock of skirts and hats are chosen to meet all tastes. Now selling at reduced prices. Kppi Me in serge, plaids, worsted, mix tures ' ' n all °f the popular as w<> " as conservative models iP and materials. Values up to A i ViU this s.ih' tf f f OjT if I*o3 w .. U| Complete stock of boys' suits, coats and knee pants. 9SOtfTH MARKET SQ. HARRISBURG'S OLDEST CREDIT STORE bed but lost consciousness almost at once and died within a very short time surrounded by the members of her family. Fire Case Is Settled Kaston, Md„ May 28.—The suit of Mrs. A. K. Roydhouse, o? Philadelphia, for $15,000 d images against the Na tional Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford, Conn., for the loss of jewels, imported rugs and damage to wearing apparel, when her summer residence here was burned several months ago, was brought to a speedy close yester day. After a consultation between the at torneys, the case was compromised by the defendants agreeing to pay the plaintiff $7,000 and each wide to pay its own costs. Boxers Body-worshipers Bombardier Wells, heavyweight champion of Kngland, says that boxers are body-worshipers, and are accus tomed to such a glorious feeling of phys ical fitness, buoyancy of nerve and mus cle, that for them to be out of sorts, from any cause whatever, is a handicap that ordinary people cannot understand. This especially applies to the period of training before a ti(iht. Then we want to be agile and fiery as wild animals. To feel a little off-color may make all the difference between winning and losing a tight—the little rift with'n the lute. Anyhow, this is intensely true in the case of a highly-strung animal like myself.—The Strand Magazine. 7 I!) (iHADUATK AT MIDDLETOWX High School Commencement Last Night a Big Success Middletown, May 2S. —The tliirtvv sixth annual commencement exercises nf the Middletown High school, held in the Realty theatre last evening, proved a success in every respect and were greeted by a large audience. The nineteen graduates took their parts very ably ami the address dcliv ered by Dr. ,1. George Becht, secretary of the State Hoard of Kducation, was greatly appreciated. Dr. 11. W. (ieorge, president of the School Board, presented the diplomas. Little Girl Dies From Heart Disease Marietta, May 2X.—Anna Rath, fi years old, died very suddenly last night from an attack of heart disease. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jo» neph 1,. Haas. During the past year Mr. Haas has Inst two children ami his father-in-law, they all passing aw.ijr in the same home. Many People In This Town never really enjoyed a meal until we advised them to take a Itl&xaHJL D Ta P blet' a before and after each meal. Sold only by us—2sc a box. George A. Gorgas