The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 28, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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♦ ' *-«s►
! Now Open For Inspection ?
I w ~" SH ADYL ANE plot i
| S
| (George A. Houck, Owner) J
| |
! Located One Block North of Columbia Ave. [Enola Trolley Line], Fronting on Aitoona Road and Beaver Ave., in
[Saturday, May 29 at 1.30 P. M.I
j Consisting of 158 j
j City, Farms and Bungalow Sites
$ Acres, Half-Acres and Plots of All Sizes
* '>
! scCarfare--EnolaCarTakesYoutoSHADYLANE I
! Watch To-morrow's Papers For Particulars
♦ ' ♦
| ~ |
! George A. Houck, tal,r,.t HARRISBURG OFFICE "MESS? 6 Wm J. Sohland 1
❖ t. « Sales Manager
| 204-206 Market Street
* i
A AAA AAAA AA A A ...... .
Pupils of 15 Buddings to Contest for
Events—Board Grants Half-Holi
day Vacation—Expect Thousands
to Be in Attendance
When the eighth annual track and
field meet of the Harrisburg grammar
i-chool is held Thursday, June 3, un
der the Harrisburg Track Athletic Com
mittee, fifteen schools will be repre
sented and more than two hundred
pupils. This is two more schools than
entered the meet last year, which is in
i reused by the Penn and Boas build
Although the honors were carried
away by Lincoln last year, yet Forney,
• amp Curtin, Webster and Maclav each
have strong teams and are expected to
score heavily. The first event starts
promptly at 2 o'clock.
A half holiday will be granted all
the schools oi the city by the Harris
burg School Board. Sections of the
grandstands will be reserved for each ot'
the schools.
The schools entereil, entries and ab
breviations follow: Boas, B; Cameron,
' l$ l Special Lot at Extraordinary
: ml Low Prices
IgV. I Through a fortunate purchase we secured a Special Lot
l&j- I °f beautiful Diamonds at a price that enables us to sell
fife* I them tor less than the usual wholesale prices.
I Beautiful carat Diamonds
I Mounted in fashionable solid gold rings. Brilliant,
tif' I white and perfectly cut, Regular value $27.50.
1 1 Special Price, $19.00
This is an unusual opportunity to get a fine engagement
rin £ »r an elegant commencement present at a big bar
gain price.
We have just placed on sale a very large assortment of
§?'. PW LaVallieres at extraordinary low prices,
ffi" o,lr " ew stock includes a great variety of the newest
and prettiest styles. Don't think of buying a LaValliero
ft?.; »ntil you see those at this store.
1 The P. H. Caplan Co.
|| 18 North Fourth Street
J |C; Camp Curtin, CC; Foose, P; Forney,
jiFn; Hamilton, H; Harris, Hr; Lincoln,
11 L; Maclav, -u; IMelrose. Me; I'enn. P;
W obster, W; Willard, Wl; Woodward,
| Wd.; Reily, K.
• The entries:
r Event No. I—2 P. M.
_ 100-Yard Dash—Trial heats: (First
and seconds qualify for the semi-finals.
8 Record, 10 4-5 seconds, Baltoser, Ma
clav, June, 2, 1910.
First Heat—lß2, Schmidt, Wl.; 188,
| Taylor, Wd.; 91, Glaser, H.; 10, Wen
, rick, C.; 68, G. Moltz, Fa.; 33, Car
i ratt, C. C.
| Second Heat—l3l, Malick; IM.; 113,
|R. Franklin, L.; 163, Main, W.; 209,
| George Albright, Hr.; 153, R. Morri
son, Me.; iS3, Wissler, Wl.
Third Heat—92, Metzabaugh, H.;
! 69, C. Suoddlc, Fn.; 34, Miller. C. C.;
i 11. Fields, A. C.; 132. Pleam, M.
Fourth Heat—93, IHautz, H.; 1. Fer
guson, B.; 164, Boone, W.; 114, R.
, I Kolble, L.; 184. Evin, Wl.
i Fifth Heat—94. Anderson, H.; 150,
> James Steiner, P.; 210, Hogentogler,
■i Hr.; 189, Clay, Wd.; 70, B. Charles, Fn.
Sixth Heat—9s, Book, (H.; 165, Dit-
It zel, W.; 71. A. Saul, Fn.; 190, Yingst, 1
- 'Wd.; 151, I. Zuekerman, P.
j | Seventh Heat—96, Liddick, H.; 133,
t';IM.; 35, E. Keener, C. C.; 12, Shaffner,
jC.; 166, Dunkelberger, W.
Eighth Heat—36, Lathe, C. C.; 134,
, j Crow, M.; 13, Martin, C. C\; 2, King,
'B.; 185, Shlonberg, Wl.
Ninth Heat—lls, R. McCord, L.;
211, Snively, Hr.; 154, Seibert, Me.
Event No. 2—2 P. M.
Running High Jump—Record, 5 fee>t
j 1 inch, Seilhamer, Lincoln, June 6,
! 1914.
20, C. I jingle, C.; 23, ,T. Evelcr, C.;
j 19, Mulligan, C.; 77, X. ißover, Fn.;
i 78, J. Thorpe, Fn.; 79, H. Musscman,
''Fn.; 80, W. Rice, Fn.; 62, Herman
i Conner, P.; 45, Mtoody, C.; 39,
•Moore, C. C.; 42. Holahan, C. 46,
Ruiik, C. C.; 141, Kefkin. M.; 121.
i Slike, L.; 115, iMcCord, L.; 122, May,
I L.; 172, Shearer, W.; 194,'Fortna, Wd.;
i 197, Shirk, Wd.; 198, Briner, Wd.
Event No. ;>•—2.15 p. m.
Half-mile Run- —-Record, 2 minutes
I 13 2-5 seconds, Britsch, Lincoln. June
5, 1913.
"4, ,T. Beck, Fn.; 195, Tnmlinson,
Wd.; 3. Mickey, B ; 157, Arnold, Me.;
44. Ebersole, (J. C.; 22, B. Katz, C.;
226, Cohn, R., 216. Heist, Hr.; 186,
! Shlonberg, Wl.; 171, Fluss, W.; 102,
j Johnson, H.; 120, Reed, L.; 137, Sei-
I lers, M.
196, Eardly, Wd.; 75, Wm. Hocrner,!
Fn.; 140, Lot/.. M.; 119, Craig. L.; 101,!
I Ellis, H.; 169. Fair, W.; 187, Cohen, |
| Wl.; 215, Bover, Hr.; 191,, Kckert,
I Wd.; 18, J. Kamsky, C.; 43, J. Wal
lace, C. C.; 156, Attieks, Me.; 21. R.
Shorb, C.
155, Sanders, Me.; 183, Whistler.
Wl.; 170, Sparrow, W.; 99, Ebert. H.;
42. Holahan. C. C.; 117. Leeds, L.; 139,
Shradley, M.; 214, Roberts, Hr.; 40.
F. Keener. C. C.; 98, Malick, H.; 186.
I Isadore Levin, Wl.; 20, C. liingle, C.;
165, Dit/el. W.
Event No. 4—2.30 P. M.
220-yard Dash—Trial heats firsts and
j seconds in the three fastest heats quali
!fy for final heat. Record, 24 3-5 sec- j
j onds, Brenner, Forney, June 3, 1908.!
; First Heat—7l, A Saul, Fn.; 164. 1
'Boone, 4.; 192, Klueker, Wd.; 113,'
j Franklin, L.; 38, Howe, C. C.; 209, Al- !
| bright. Hr.
i Second Heat—l 67, Lehmer, W.; 70,1
! R. Charles, Fn.; 191, Eckert, Wdj; 137, |
| Sellers, M.; 37, Dcrr, C. C.; 14, Roe-I
j buck, C.
Third Heat—l3B, Bovversox. M.; 93, |
j Hautz, H.; 73. E. Stauffer, Fij.; 311,1
| Snively, llr.; 35, E. Keener, C. C.; 15, 1
1 Shaflner, M. C.
I Fourth Heat—l 36, Ebner, M.; 39, j
j Moore, C. C.; 72, C. Reininger, Fn.; j
j 116, Blaikie, L.; 97, Olaser, H.; 153, |
I R. Morrison, Me.
1 Fifth Heat —135, Atkinson, M.; 92,!
Mutzabaugli, H.; 114, Coble, L.;
iHain, W.
Sixth Heat—lßß, Taylor, Wd.; 13,'
E. Martin, C.; 16, Hoffman, C.; 168,'
Minter, W.
Event No. ."5—2.15 P. M.
12-pound Shot But—Record, 35 feet 1
7 inches, C. Beck. Lincoln, June 1,1
11, A. Fields, C.; 22, B. Katz. C.; j
200, (i. Holtzman, C.; 69, C. Snoddv, I
Fn.; 84, Rich, Fn.; 81, R. Shader, Fn.; j
76, E. Philippelli, Fn.; 64, John Fagan, 1
F.; 49, Michael C. C.; 51, W. E. KeenaJ
C. C.; 33, Garret, C. C.; 52, Grass, C/j
C.; 157, Arnold, Me.; 152, Wilsbach, I
P.; 142, Fleck, M.; 134, Crow, M.; 133, j
Coslow, M.; 125, Beck, L.; 126, Ogels- j
by, L.; 123, Connor, L.; 103, Lillv,'
11.; 173, Derrick, W.; 174, Davis, W.;
167, Lehmer, W.j 201, Shultz, Wd.; |
198, Bryner. Wd.; 202, Herman. Wd.;
218, Stoll, Hr.; 219, James Stoll, Hr.;
220, Weber, Hr.; 186, Levin, Hr.
Event No. 7—2.30 P. M.
120-yard Low Hurdles—Firsts in
I live fastest beats qualify for finals.
Record. Hi seconds. Beck, Lincoln, .Tune
I 6. 1914.
First Heat—ls2, Wilsbaeli, P.; 154,
| Seibert, Me.; 167. Lohiuer, W.; 135,
Atkinson, M.; 53, Zarger, C. C.
Second Heat—77, K. Hover, Fn.;
24. E. Geistwhite, 104, Prank, H.;
1221. Larig, Hr.; 175, Wilson, W.
Third Heat —203. Widle, Wd.; 143.
Dapp, M.; 54. Early, C. C.; 82. L.
! Heagy, Fn.; 17, Hampton, C.
i Fourth Heat—Bs, Fellows, Fn.; 11,
A. Fields, (J.; 125, Beck, L.; 48, Cole
stock, C. C.; 197, .Shirk, Wd.
Fifth Heat—l 44, liongaere, M.;
171, Fluss, W.; 222, Eisenhower, Hr.;
93. Hautz, H.; 47, T. Wallace, C. ('.
I Sixth Heat—l 76, Lowe, W.; 9t>, Lid
dick, 11.; 214, Roberts, Hr.; 137, Sel
lers, M.; IG, Hoffman, C.
Seventh Heat —204, Meyers, Wd.;
192, May, L.; 83, L. Dawson, Fn.
Event No. B—38 —3 P. M.
our Hundred and Forty Yard Hash
—One heat. Record, 56 3-5 seconds,
Scott; Cameron, .lune 5, 1913.
135, Atkinson, M.; 18, Kamsky, C.;
194, Fbrtna, Wd.; 36, Lathe, C. C.;
„ '
306 Broad Street
"We meet all advertised prices."
Danderiue, 18c, 3"lc, H7c
Doan's Kidney Pills, 35c
| Dill's Balm of Life, J 7c, 34c
Daniel's Horse Remedies,
18c, 38c, 73c
i Daggett and Ramsdell's Cold Cream,
17c, 2.1 c, 34c
i D. D. D 17c, 34c, «9c
I Diapepsin 34c
' Diamond Dyes 8c
1 Doan's Regulets 1»c
Ely's Cream Balm, 34c
Electro Silicon, Oc
Eskay's Food, 17c, 34c, .">sc, sl,llß
i Enthymol Tooth Paste, 17c
Eckman's Alternative, . .«7c, #1.34
Eagle Milk 13c
Father John's, 34c, «7c
! Fellow's Hypophos G7c, $1.04
j Frostilla
Foley's Honey and Tar, ... 17c, 34c
Foodigests I He
i Frog in Throat, Bc, 3 for 2<)c
Garfield Tea 17c
I Oambault Caustic Balsam, . . .sl,lO
Green's Nervura, 07c
Grove's Anodyne, 18c
Glover's Mange C 37c
Gude's Peptomangan, 78c
Green's August Flower, ... 18c, 53c
. Goff's Herb Bitters 18c, 36c
3C6 Broad Street
* 213, Graham, Hr.: 73, William Hoer
ner, Kb.; 117, heeds, L.; 170, Spar
, row, W.; 100, Knoble, H.; 152, Wils
, | bach, I>.
j 19, Mulligan, C.; 139, Shreadley, M.;
; 38, Howe, C. C'.; 76, K. Philippeli, Fn..;
1 ! 40, P. Keener, ('. C.; 17, Hampton, C.;
| 95, Hook, H.; 169, Fair, W.; 193, Roo.
' Wd.; 165, Ditzel, W.; 168, Minter, VV.
'I 188, Taylor, Wd.; 41, Nislev, 0. C.;
118, Story, L.; 68, G. Moltz, IV; 98,
: Maliek, H.; 74, .1. Beck, Fn.; 131,
Maliek, M.; 14, Roebuck, C.; 99, Ebert,
. j H.; 132, Pleam, M.; 212, Lowrv, llr.
Event No. »—:{ p. M.
Running Broad Jump—Record, 18
! feet, 4 3-4 inch«s, Kvater, Lincoln,
• | June 5, 1913.
20, C. Lingle, C.; 24, E. Geistwhite,
;|C.; 10," L. Won rick, <J.; 1, Ferguson,
B.j 81, R. Shader, Fn.; 82, 1,. Heagy,
|Fn.; 7S, J, Thorpe, Fn.; 83, L. Dawson,
, iKn.; 62. Herman Connor, P.; 63, Karl
| Crook, F.; 47, P. Wallace, C. C'.; 48,
' <'olcstock, C. C.; 49, Michael, C. C.;
j 50, W. Kcane, C. C.; 138, Bowersox,
M.; 136, Ebner, M.; 137, Sellers, M.;
I 119, Craig, L.; 123, Connor, !J.; 124,
| Sallade, L.; 172, Shearer, W.; 169, Fair
iW.; 164, Boone, W.; 799, tfhultz, Wd.;
| 195, Tomlinson, Wd.; 197, Shirk, Wd.;
I 210, Hogentogler, Hr.; 217, Taylor,
: Hr.; 218, Stoll, llr.; 182, Schmidt,,\Vl.;
' IS4, Kvin, \VI.; 227, Froedman, R.
Event No. 12—3.45 P. M.
One-Half Mile Relay—Record, 2
I minutes, Forney, June 6, 1914.
j !• —Forney—B6, George; 87, Rod
[gers; 88, L." Snyder; 89, Harper; 90,
sub, Burns.
_2. —Melrose— 158, Strawhecker;
! 1 <>9, E. Oaman; 160, Metzgar; 161,
j Thompson; 162, G. Hooker.
3.—Lincoln—l27, Shaeffcr; 128,
[Venn; 129, Eyler; 130, Luttringer.
4.—Reil.v—226, Cohn; 227, Freed
j man; 229, Arnold; 230, Hagar.
i s.—Harris —209, Albright; 223,
| Crook; 224, Eisenbergor; 225, Kraber;
| 213, Graham.
6. — Woodward—l9o, Yingst; 205,
|Stiteler; 206, Hobart; 207, Boyd; 208,
| Morgan.
7.—Ma clay—l4s, Holtrv; 146,
Hartman; 147, Mhuov; 144. Langacre;
148, George; 143, Dapp; 119, Harder.
8. —Boas—6, Miller; 7, Gottsehall;
8, Snyder; 9, Krise.
9. — Webster— 166, l>enkelberger;
177, Kutz; 179, Himes; 178, Allen;
180, Lowe; 181, Stoner.
10.—Fooso—65, Tooniev; 66, Bru-
Ckart; 67, Zimmerman; 62, Conner;
63, Crook.
11. —Hamilton—los, Gingrich; 106,
Pet row; 107, rossby; 108, Da
! vis; 109, Gipple; 110, Gregory; 111,
i Heiser; 112, J. Heiser.
12.-—Camp Curtin—ss, Tuckey; 56,
Little, 57; Kitzmiller; 58, L. Wallace;
38, Howe: 59, Jeffries; 60, Werner;
| 61, Shellenbcrger.
I 13. —C'Bineron—2s, Henning; 26,
; Mathias; 27. Stacks; 2S, McKee;
; Fisher; 30, J. Reese; 31, Hilligas; 32!
| Bader.
Event No. 14—4. IS P. M.
One-Mile Relay Race—Record, 4
i minutes, 4-5 of a second, Lincoln, June
I 6, 1914.
1. —Hamilton—9B, Maliek; 99,
Kbert; 95, Book; 9'2, Mutzabaugh;
103, Lilly.
2. —Maclav—l36, Ebncr; 139,
iSchreadley; 131, MAlick; 132, Pleam;
! 133, Coslow; 140, Lotz.
3. —Woodwar^l—lßß, Taylor; 194,
| Portna; 193, Rowe; 199, Shultz; 197.
i Shirk.
I 4.—Cameron—lß, J. Kamsky; 11,
I Memorial Day at Hershey Park I
Sunday, May 30 3 P. M. I
□ Seats 7,000; Holds 12,000; The Wonder Town's §
Latest Achievement; Will Be Formally Opened ■
! With Splendid Memorial Services; Full Rand of a
| 40; Eloquent Speakers; Vocal and Instrumental
j Soloists; Admission Free to All. Come Early and I
□ Get a Good Seat and Enjoy the Music and the in
| Oratory. j
I! it is finer than the famous one at Ocean Grove, a
Monday May 31 All Day 1
All Amusements to be started. New Features.
| CUITS afternoon and evening. Dancing afternoon |
j and evening. Open Air Concerts ail day. Special II
□ Orchestra for Dancing. Miniature Railway,
i,. SIO,OOO Carrousel. Enlarged Zoo: New Lion and
111 new Herd of Ponies. All Field Sports. GREAT i
AND LEBANON CLUBS, Central Pennsylvania
i M
America's Most
Wonderful Acrobats
Matin., 5 ami tOff Kve*., 10 anil 150
*■ J
A. Fields; 14, Roebuck; 20, 0. Ijnglo; I
23, J. Eveler; 17, Hampton; 10, L.
VVcnrick; 13. B. Martin.
s.—Melrose—lls, A. Sanders; 156, j
11. At ticks; 157, J. Arnold; 153, K.
Morrison; 154, N. Seibert. . j
6. —Reily—22B, John Miller; 22(5, i
Bernard Cohn; 227, Abe Freed man;
229, Edward Arnold; 230, Joseph j
7.—Boas—l, Ferguson; 4, Haincr; i
3, (Mickey; 5, Berrier.
8. —Webster—l6s, Ditzei; 103,
Hain; 170, Sparrow; 168, Minter; 167,'
Lehmcr; 169, Fair.
9. —Lincoln —122, L. May; 113, R. |
Franklin; 123, J. Conner; 117, O. ]
Leeds; 125, C. Beck.
10. —Forney—70, R. Charles; 74, j
J. Beck; 75, William Hoorner; 68, G.I
Molt/.; 69, Snoddy; 81, Shader.
11. —4.'anip C'urtin—4B, Culestock; I
35, K. Keener; 49. Michael; 47, P.
Wallace; 36, Lathe; 40, F. Keener; 1
39, Moore; 42, Holahan. i
THK <'l,K*tr.\( ITU 4 \SB
Alexandre Dumas' Mastci work, ivilh
I'hnln llnrn, Wllllum K. Shnv nml
Stuart llolnieN, In rerl«.
bel., 7he Hand of Mahawee," Urmna
L.u>b„ "Mixed Flats," comedy
To-morrow Only, "The Fifth fom
niauilment," .liilin* sir V r r . In the
famous play In which he has star
red important theatres all over
the world. Nliiiliert Production,
Paxtang Park
s—Other Big Acis--5