The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 28, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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    Suit and Coat Sale
Tht Best in th« Houst Reduced te $18.75
j (Silk Coats excepted.) " ,
No matter it' it was $35.00 or $40.00 before.
Cheaper Suits and Coats —
Suits $8.50, SIO.OO, $12.50, $15.00 and $17.50
Coats $5.00, $6.50, $7.50, $8.50, SIO.OO to $17.50
Every day the stocks are yetting less. Plenty here
for to-morrow.
Store Closed All Day Monday, Decoration Day
! Witmer, Bair &
S OC/A L and
Popular Member of City's Younger So
cial Set Will Become Wife of
Prominent Philadelphia Man—
Ceremony at St. Stephen's Church
The wedding of Miss Marion Clifford
Angeli, daughter of Mrs. Thomas B.
Angell. 208 Pine street, to William
Simpson Godfrey, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Lincoln Godfrey, Spruce street. Phila
delphia, will take place Wednesday,
June 9. at high noon in St. Stephen's
Protestant Episcopal church.
The ceremony will be performed bv
tin Rev. Kullin Alger Sawyer, in the
presence of the members of the families
and a few friends. The bride will be
{liven in marriage by her cousin, Dr.
Guv Doughton, of Erie, and will be un
attended. Lincoln Godfrey, Jr.. of Phil
adelphia, will be his brother's best man.
Colonial Dames' Entertainment
Can's have been received here for
the annual entertainment of the Penn
!• iviinia Society of Colonial Dames of
\mnricn on Wednesday, June 9, at the
residence of Mrs. Hampton L. Carson,
at Rvndal. The Harrisburg members
of the society are:
Mrs. A. J. Hen. Mrs. Elizabeth Crain
Kunkel. Mrs. John Y. Boyd, Mrs. .Ma
bel Cronise Jones, Mrs. Marlin K. Olm
sted, Mrs. A. I'. L. Dull and Miss Cath
erine Egle.
Story Telling Club Program
A postponed program of the Storv
Telling Club will be presented this
evening, 7.30 to 9 o'clock, in the hall
of the Public Library. Several mem
bers of the club wiil tell interesting
stories, including an original Decoration
Day tale by Mrs. Edna Groff Diehl.
A feature of the evening will be a
Dutch folk dance by Miss Martha
Fleming, Miss Ella Deibo, Miss Marga
ret Dale and Miss Edna Kimmel, in
Kill the Bugs
Kill 'em—don't count them.
Free your premises of all these
pests and make your home your own.
led Bug Kilier
will do the work.
25C Per Pint
Will not rust nor corrode metal. I
Forney's Drug Store
To the Man Who Needs Glasses
To the Woman Who Needs Glasses
We Make a Silent Appeal
Eyes Examined
■C.ree. No drops VL
5 tsed. Glasses fitted %fj/
J*in gold filled H %
frames for reading ga.
Dr sewing, as low
Rubin & Rubin
Market St.. Second Floor.
I Open Wed. and Sat. Evenings.
Bell Phone 2020-W.
Schmidt's Saturday Special
98c RfKE« 98C
SCHMIDT 313 Market Street
FLORIST P. R. R. Station
Plenty of Peonies, Lilies and other Flowers
for Decoration Day
quaint costumes, with a violin accom
paniment by Thornton Byers.
Mrs. Harry G. Keffer will tell a
I Norse legend, "How Iron Was Brought
I to Earth," anil Miss Florence Carroll
will tell Henry Van Dyke's story,
"The Other Wise Man." Miss Lois
Broker, president of the club, will give
f an original poem, "The Fern Fairies,"
and Miss Mary Snyder will narrate one
of Kudvard Kipling's "Just So" stor
l ics. "The Elephant's Child."
An important educational use of the
Yictrola will be demonstrated, when,
I through the kindness of C. M. Sigler,
Miss Georgiana Faulkner, the "Story
i Lady," will be heard in one of George
Dasent's popular Norse tales.
Miss Marie Sheaffer and Elmer Finley,
Jr., Go to Maryland City
! to Wed
Miss Marie Sheaffer, daughter of Mr.
, and Mrs. Benjamin Sheaffer. 1222 Mar
ket street, and Elmer Finley, Jr., of
steelton, were married at noon, yester
day. at the parsonage of the First Pres
■ byterian church, Baltimore, Md., by
■ • the pastor, the Rev. Dr. M. D. Kerr.
• j The bride wore a suit of white chiffon
' : broadcloth, with hat to match and a
j corsage of valley lilies and orchids.
Miss Eva Hartman. of Forest Park, X.
J., and Elmer Johnston, New York
| City, were the attendants. Following
I the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Finley re
| turned to this city where they were
. | guests of honor at a dinner given by
1 the letter's sister, Mrs. Harry Hami
lton, 2241 Penn street, last evening.
Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs.
, I Elmer Finley. Jr., Miss Eva Hartman,
of Forest Park, N. J.; Miss Alice Fin
j ley, Miss Vera Ruby, Miss Lou Boath,
jiMiss Mary Shaub. .\iiss Vera Van Horn,
fMiss Irene Downes, Miss Marion Berry.
I Miss Sylvia Biddle, Miss Marion Mc
-1 Cormick, Mr. ami Mrs. Benjamin Sheaf
i fer, Mr. and Mrs. Finley, Sr., Mr. and
i 1 Mrs. Charles Sheaffer. Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Lee Gardner, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Ruby, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
I Brink. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Boas, Mr.
and Mrs. Van Hoffs, Clayton Finley,
| George Stine, New York: Paul Strutii
; ers, George C. Miller, Atlantic City;
| Elmer Johnson, New York; William
Marks, C. E. Reed, York; Donald Ham
ilton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hamilton.
Future "School Marms" Will Be
Graduated This Evening at
Eleventh Commencement
j Eighteen girls will graduate from
j the Teachers' Training School to-night I
I when the eleventh annual commence- j
j ment exercises will be held in Technical !
| High School. The program will be!
I opened at 7.30 o'clock and the address
i, of the evening will be made by Dr. Wil
, liam M. Davidson, superintendent of
Pittsburgh Schools.
The program will include a "Re
view," a reading by Miss Miriam
Britsch; vocal solo, "The Rosy Morn,"l
by Miss Ruth Parthemore; reading, by i
Miss Edna Mutzabaugh; number work
j drill, by Miss Martha Treiman; chorus!
! by the school, "When Life Is Bright !
jest" and "Merry Maidens." Several
! selections will be given by the orches-!
| tra. Harry A. Bover, president of the j
I board of school directors, will present I
j the diplomas and the Rev. Dr. Clayton
| A. Smucker will offer prayer and "pro
! nounce the benediction,
j Miss Anne U. \\ ert, A. 8.. is prin
cipal of the school. The class roll is !
as follows: Kathrvn Aldinger, Sara
Bannan, Jane Blalock, Miriam Britsch,
Frances Gelwicks, Anna Harris, Ruth |
Holbert, Susan Kurzenknabe, Elsie
Landis, Ida .Marcus, Edna Mutzabaugh, |
Esther Parthemore, Ruth Parthemore,
Gertrude Pendergast, Dolores Segel
baum, Martha Treiman, Elizabeth
Workman and Anne Zudrell.
Present Picture to Cameron School
A framed picture of Frances E. Wil
lard was presented to the Cameron '
! school yesterday bv the eleventh ward
I division of the W. C. T. U. The presen
j tation was made by Mrs. John DeGrav
| and Miss Frances Willard Grove, a
| pupil of the ninth grade, accepted the !
i picture on 'behalf of the schopl and it
I was placed in the hall gallery upstairs.
Gymnasium Class of Y. W. O. A. Will
Celebrate Closing of Season With
Elaborate "Teed" and Entertain
ment Next Wednesday Evening
The business girls' class of the Y.
W. C. A. will celebrate the closing of
the gymnasium season next Wednesday
with a banquet in the cafatcria in the
association building at Fourth anil Wal
nut streets. It will be a regular out
and out banquet with a toastmistrcss
and speeches and songs and all that.
Preparations have been completed and
a royal good time is expected.
Last night the final gym drill was
held and there was a full attendance.
All of the dances learned durini; the
year were run off with enthusiasm and
quite a gallery of spectators, including
mere man, were witnesses. There was
no tangoing, or trukey trotting because
stich moderji and frowned upon dances
are not taught. The nearest approach
to regular ball room dancing was a
couple of two step steps on the end of
folk dances.
This closes a very successful season,
the climax of which was an entertain
ment given in the hall at the Technical
; High school auditorium recently. The I
I entertainment was successful from a
I standpoint of receipts anil in addition
j to making a substantial present to the
I 'association from it, there was enough
I left over for the coming banquet to
| which the members of the class arc
i lookimi forward to with great enthu
It is not strange that the suffrage
colors, yellow and white will be used
in the banquet hall decorations. Being
votes for women advocates it was quite"
natural that the colors of the suffrage
party should be selected by the busi
ness girls. S. S. Rutherford will pro
vide the banquet which will be chicken
and trimmings.
' The "ladies we have with us to
night" function will be performed by
Miss Bertha Motter, unanimously
I chosen toastmistrcss for the first an
| nual banquet. There will be plenty of
| responses and lots of songs and veils,
j The composers in the class have been
. I busy getting a score or more of these
! songs which will be sung during the
j evening.
It was also quite natural that Miss
! Clara Wolf, who made a success of tho
i kitchen orchestra at the entertainment |
of the business 'jjirls, as Mrs. Sousa, be ,
chosen cheer leader. She lias learned
the best Sousa girations in this part of
the entertainment.
The guests of the girls at the ban
quet will be Miss Fanny Eby, Mrs.
John Reilv, Miss Ella Stitt and Miss I
Ella Yost.'
Prominent Mission Worker Gave a Most
Interesting Talk in Pine
Street Church
G. Sherwood Eddy gave an inspiring j
and interesting talk last evening at the [
I'ine Street Presbyterian church when I
the evening dedicatory service of the j
V. W. C. A. was held. Mr. Eddy, who j
is the International V. M. C. A. secre- j
tary of Asia, is one of the most active
laymen in the mission movement and !
in his tjjlk presented a most vivid pic- i
ture ol' conditions in Asia.
In introducing Mr. Eddy, Dr. Lewis 1
E. Mudge, pastor of Pine Street Pres- j
byterian church, said it was especially j
' lifting that the service dedicating the j
I Y. W. C. A. building should be held J
there, since the first president of the
association was the wife of the pastor
of that church, and that one of the!
early leading workers was the wife of a
j man who for manv vears was the rul'inu !
| elder. '
Miss Seel Is Visiting Nurse
Miss Anna >C. Seel, 703 North Sixth j
street, was appointed visiting nurse and j
I welfaje worker for the Harrisburg. j
I Steelton and Middletown factories of I
the Harrisburg cigar Company. Miss ;
1 Seel will take u.p her new work next !
Somewhat Mixed
A careful estimate has been made
recently of the proportion of citizens !
; of foreign birth and descent through
out the United States which proves of j
j especial interest at the present time.
! According to Professor Albert B. Faust j
| of Cornell University, who has made j
| a special study of the subject, the conn- j
try contained in 1910, 32.243.352 peo- j
pie of foreign birth, or 35 per cent, of j
j the entire white population. Of this
| number 13,345,545 were foreign born,
12.916,311 had been born in America
of foreign-born parents, and 5,981,526
had one such parent.
According to the statistics a large
j proportion of the foreign-born popula
tion, or at least those of foreign birth,
are of German origin. There are 8,-
i 282,618 Germans and some 4,504,360
of Irish descent and 3,231,952 classi
i fied as English, Scotch and Welsh, Can
ada contributed 2,754.615 to the so-
I called foreign population; Austria-Hun
gary, 2,701,856; Russia, 2,541,649;
Italy, 2,098,360, and the Scandinavian
group, including Sweden. Norway and
I Denmark, 1,743,378. AH the other
| countries totaling some 1.177,092.
j The Christian Herald.
Druggist H. C. Kennedy Gives Reasons
for Selling at Half Price
"It isn't often that I have faith
enough in the medicines put up by other
people to be willing to offer to refund I
the money if it does not cure," said I
j Druggist H. O. Kennedy to one of his '
j many customers, "but I am glad to sell j
J Dr. Howard's remedy for constipation |
I and dyspepsia on that, plan.
"The Dr. Howard Company, in order
to get a quick introductory sale, author
ized me to sell the regular fifty-cent
bottle of their remedy for half-price,
25 cents, and although I have sold a lot
i of it, and guaranteed every package,
i not one has been brought back as un
j satisfactory.
"I am still selling the specific at
| half-price, although I cannot tell how
long I shall be able to do so. Any per
j son who is subject to constipation, sick
I headache, dizziness, liver trouble, indi-
I gestion or a general played out condi
tion, ought to take advantage of this
opportunity. If the remedy does not
cure them, they can come right back
to my store, and I will cheerfully re
fund their money.—Adv.
, News of Persons
Who Come and-Go
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wertz, Peft'cr
street, and Mr. and 'Mrs. A. F. Sunday i
and Mrs. Elizabeth Sunday, 1713 Re- j
ginn street, will motor to Carlisle on j
Sunday, where they will be the guests {
of friends.
Mrs. A. F. Sundnv, 17i3 Regina
street, has returned from a visit to her j
brother, P. W. Longacre, at Port Royal, j
Miss Mary Dctra, of Thompsontown, i
visited Miss Elizabeth Sunday, 1713 j
Regina street, during the past week. I
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Byers and
daughter, Eleanor, of Philadelphia, are
spending the week-end with relatives
and friends in Camp Hill.
The Misses Dorothy, Rosalind and
Cynthia Fuller who sang yesterday aft
ernoon at the Country Club, left last
evening for Bethlehem, where they wiTI 1
attend the Bach festival.
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Machen, of
Riverside, are spending several days at I
Atlantic City.
Mrs. 0. K. McAlicher, of 1915 Kill
ton street, is visiting friends in Al- !
toona and 'Mifflin.
Mrs. Carolus Downing. 403 North j
Second street, left yesterday to spend ]
seven weeks at Chicago and Freeport, |
111. Mr. Downing will join her in July, j
Miss Mellie Miller. 321 Walnut j
street, spent Tuesday at Duiieannon.
After spending a week with friends ;
in town, Miss Clara A. Mahaney re
turned to Oxford, Mil., where she will
spend the summer with her aunt, Mrs.
M. E. Bingham.
'Mr. and iMrs. Walter P. Maguire, 5
South Front street, are spending the
week in New York City.
Mrs. Ladew, who has been the guest j
of Mrs. W. O. Hickok, 508 North Sec- !
ond street, left to-day for her home at 1
Cumberland, Md.
Miss Edna Pettit, 129 Vine street,!
will leave Saturday for Niagara Palls
where she will spend the summer with j
her father, G. F. Pettit.
•Mrs. Rebecca Jacobs, who has been 1
spending three weeks at the home of |
her daughter, Mrs. George L. Snyder, j
of Chambersburg, has returned to her
home, 1220 Derry street.
Mrs. Ella L. Jones, of Altoona. is '
the guest of IMrs. Mary Knisely, 231 !
Pine street.
Mrs. A. E. iHanawalt, ft! 2 Curtin
street, is spending several weeks with
her mother, Mrs. W. W. Reed, at Dud
Miss Mary G. Krieder, of linola, is |
the guest of her aunt, 'Mrs. J. S. Thomp- j
son. 1611 North Fifth street, for sev- j
era I days.
Mrs. William Traxler. 215 Burch'field ]
street, is 011 an extensive trip to Co
lumbus, Ind., where she will be the
guest of her father, F. W. Thumma. j
'l*iter she will leave for Muncie, Ind., j
'Gilson. Anawana, Dixon, Peoria, 111.,
and 'Mechanicsvillc, Va.
Miss Katherine Westbrook, of Old \
Orchard, will leaVe for a visit with \
Mrs. C. 'H. Ruhl in Reading.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dunn have gone!
to their home in Williamsport after
spending some time with Mrs. Alfred |
Dunn, 112 South Thirteenth street.
Frank Whitmoyer, 2215 North Sec-!
ond street, is home from a little visit ■
to Philadelphia. I (
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Feeney have
returned to New York, after spend
ing the week with Mrs. Albert Dunn,
112 South Thirteenth street.
Miss (Margaret. Lehman, who was
graduated from the Polyclinic hospital,
Philadelphia, is the guest of her ;ar-|
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lehman, 918 1'
Green street.
Francis Shreiner, of New York, is j !
visiting his brother, George Shreiner, j :
Seventeenth and Forster streets.
Miss Eleanor fitter, of Stauntan, Va., I •
is spending some time with her par-1
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Etter,
209 Pine street.
Haffv Hinebaugh, 25 South Third
street, has returned from Philadelphia, j
Miss Nellie Kelly, 1317 Vernon 1
street, is the guest of friends in Sun- I
Mrs. Charles Schaup, 32 South Sev
enteenth street, has returned from
Chambersburg, where she was the guest
of Mrs. Del Bailey.
IMiss Eva Hartman, of Forrest Park,
X. J., is the guest of Mrs. Harry iHam
ilton, 2310 Penn street.
Elmer Johnson, of New York City,
is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Finley, in Steelton.
G. D. Smith, of Camp 'Hill, is enter
taining his mother, Mrs. R. M. Smith,
anil two sisters, 'Mrs. W. S. Casterline
and Mrs. H. H. Davenport, all of ]
I The Daily Fashion Hint. | !
Leghorn hat which has a silver over !
brim binding and a close wreath of j |
•■ink roses and blue grapes. j
SMBi DON'T FOR6ET in lo* JllhCt DO * ,r FORGET WSBSk
the number 111-1 L o.4in of. ihe number
"We Advertise fhe Truth—The Truth Advertises Us"
Corset Covert . Won..n >
JQq Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses' Silk HOSG
Regular prices CLOTH An CQ SILK *£? OA WHITE (f on
25c and 35c COATS tPO»V%f DRESSES DRESSES >Pd»o*f <ScC
Made with neat Wor th up to $7.98. Worth up to $8.98. Worth up to $8.98. Regular price 50c
yokes of lace and All colors and
embroidery. Only Pretty styles, made Mnrlc of Lustrous Stunning Kmbroid- sizes. Onlv 2 pin.
2to a customer. of all wool serge. Silk Poplin. Han.l- ered Voile and Net to a customer.
None sold to chil- Newest colors. All some styles. Newest Dresses. Elaborately None sold to chil
dren. sizes. colors. All sizes. trimmed. All sizes. dren.
tMT To-morrow —The Last Day of Our sth Birthday Sale^WQ
s \ / ■.
Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses' • Women's and Misses'
Worth up to $1.20 9vC ABLE DRESSES. ... Worth up to $1.25 /if C
Newest summer styles, of white Worth up to $6.98 Choose from several styles in
Katine and Repp. All waist A variety of prettv materials white lingerie, voile, orpatulles
bands. , , styles and colors. All sizes. u " Bllks - Neweat models - A »
v ■* «■ j
Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses'
SKIRTS ..... «?I .Oc7 Worth up to $8.98 Worth up to $3.00 1 »/if
Worth up to $3.00 < Handsome white all wool mate Beautiful stvles in Crepe de
Novelty wash materials in the rials, newest belted styles. All Chine, Georgette Crepe, Organdie,
prettiest styles of the season. sizes. Tub Silks and Voiles. All sizes!
v ' v ' »■
\ /
Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses*
ABLE DRESSES ... <J> 1 ,0j Worth u.p to $ 17.98 tpif.Oif Worth 89c OOC
W ortli up to $4.98 Beautiful styles, in excellent 'New shades, including Black:
I'rettv summer styles, in every quality Crepe de Chine. Newest . ln ,i White 411 si/p«
new material and color. shades. All sizes. S 6 '
" / * *
Special Demonstration
Thomson Glove-Fitting and ,
By an expert Corsotier°, direct from the maker
with all the season's latest models.
With Foot and Mouth Disease Quaran
tine Lifted, Usual Number Will
Be State-Wide
County fairs will be held as usual !
throughout Pennsylvania this year, the'
fear that the prevalence of the foot j
and mouth disease would prevent them
having been dispelled by the State Live j
Stock Sanitary Board which has issued !
an order permitting the holding of such j
fairs throughout the State, provided j
that animals are not placed on exhi- | 1
bition that have been shipped from ter- |
ritory infested with the disease. Con- j
siderable correspondence was necessary j
before that matter was arranged, but it I
is thought that every precaution has j
been taken, and that the county fairs j
will not serve to spread the disease, I
provided the rules are faithfully ob- |
served. Inspectors will be on hand to j
see that the order is carried out.
The quarantine order still extends,
to cattle from Kentucky, and no cattle j ,
from that State are permitted in Penn- |
The prohibition of bringing deer into j '
the State has also been done awav with | 1
and the State Game Commission is j 1
stocking several counties.
Guard Allowances of State Money
An order has been issued from Na- i
tional Guard headquarters announcing ' 1
the allowances that will go to the va- j :
rious organizations of the Guard under!
the new organization law. Division i
headquarters will get $900; brigade j i
headquarters, $750; regimental head-j1
quarters, $o00; battalion headquar-1
ters, $200; infantry companies, $500; 1 I
signal corps, $1,000; artillery and cav-1 I
airy, $1,500; regimental bands, $400; j I
Duffy's Is Good For Run-Down People i
As a ron/c for run down people,
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is
reliable. This lady gained
/strength and weight by using
/ Duffy's as directed.
f \ wrotc as follows:
I - ' "About h year ago I was down witli n very
\ heav> cold and I hud a bad pair lor
v ->. S shoulder blades. I was under the care of
different doctors but did not improve. I was '
ypj| ( i so weak I could hardly stand, and I could not
j.' iIMMk keep anything 011 my stomach. A druggist ;
, v near where I lived advised taking A table-|
1 » ;< spoonful of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey with 1
\ / I an ogg in milk before meals, and after fol
\ f V/ lowing his advice I found that I could eat: 1 |
Y / overcame my weakness, and gradually gained
\ / in weight. 1 believe that Duffy's Pure Malt I
\ / Whiskey as a tonic for run down people is a
\ / great thing, and I recommend it to my many |
friends in Brooklyn and New York. I cannot ;
. Jr praise Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey too much." !
—Mrs. Mary Carmody, 11G N. Elliott Ave-
MRS. MARY CARMODY nu p . Brooklyn, X. Y.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
taken just before mealtime stimulates the mucous surfaces and little glands of
the stomach to healthy action, improving the digestion and assimilation of the'
food and giving to the system its full proportion of nourishment. This action '
upon the digestive process is of great importance, as it brings to all the tissues!
and organs of the body the nutriment necessary to their sustenance and indi
rectly to the whole system strength and vigor. It is prescribed by doctors and !
is recognized as a family medicine everywhere.
"Set Duffy's and K.ep W.ll"
SoM in SKALKD BOTTLKS ONLV. Beware of imitations.
NOTE Get Duffy's from your local druggist, grocer or I (if
dealer. Sold by Pa. trade, Full Quarts, $1.25. I I
Commercial Quarts, SI.OO. If he cannot supply you, write V /
| us. Booklet froe.
The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. Y.
hospital corps men. $8 per day. Armory !
rent of S2OO is allowed each company.
Newport's Typhoid
Another death from the typhoid epi
demic in Newport has been reported
to the State Health Department, that'
of Glenn Gilnell, a child whose father j
died some time ago of the disease. The i
epidemic is now believed to be under
No Veteran Pensions
The latest "history" of hills intro-j
dueed in the Legislature and sent to 1
committee shows that none of the vet- '
eran pension bills were reported out, I
which includes the pensions for emer* ,
gency veterans of 1862-.
Chief Kephart Here
Chief Clerk Kephart. of the Senate, 1
was at the Capitol to-day clearing up 1
a thousand and one things that de- '
manil his attention on the closing of
business for the session. Mr. Kephart
will spend the summer at his home in j
Parade Will Move to Cemetery Sun
day, Where Address Will Ee Made
Camp Hill, May 28.—The commit- ;
tee having Memorial Day services in
charge have completed all arrangements >
for observance of the day. Comrades j
of the G. A. R., the Sunday school 1
children, the parents and other citizens |
of the town and vicinity will meet on j
Sunday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock at 1
Hamilton and Market streets anil
march to the cemetery where the com
rades of I'ost 415, G. A. R„ will con
duct the G. A. R. ritual, followed by
an address by the Rev. Mr. Hartlsock,
pastor of the M. E, church. The min
istry of the town will be present to as
sist. iMusic will be rendered by the \
choir of the !M. fi. church.
All children are expected to bring
bunches of flowers. They will receive
flags. There will he a drum corps and ,
firing squad.
To be promoted in a day from th«
thank'ess post of director of (lie Press
Bureau to "KJeeper of the King's Con
science;" from chief censor, the tar
get of countless critics, to Lord High
Chancellor, the highest judicial posi
tion in England, with a salary of $50.-
000 yearly and a pension of $115,01)0
yearly for life, is the change which
has come in the career if Sir Stanley
O. Ruckmaster. The circumstances
of Sir Stanley O. Buekmaster's pro
motion attract wide discussion, even
in this day or startling changes due to
the formation of the coalition Minis
A large 14 quart Dish Pan and one
lb. Baking Powder for 50c.
A large white China Pitcher atid one
lb. Baking Powder for 50c.
Prec demonstration of our Pancv
■Spice Mustard and Silver Blend Coffee;
45 cups of good, strong-flavored coffee
guaranteed to every pound of .silver
Blcml Coffee.
Grand Union Tea Co.,
20X North Second St.
Next Monday evening band ami or
chestra. No dance Tuesday evening,
June 1. —Adv.
Gardening in June
The garden is an exacting mistress in
June, and sometimes when I straighten
my aching back and drop the hoc or
the hose I wish I might lie visiting it
rather than working in it. And I sen
its deficiencies and failures and difli
t ultics all too clearly, I suppose, inas
much as visitors pass tiieni by, either
from charity or ignorance, or both.
But when I look about and see it grow
under in.v unacquainted hands; when T
have the fine pleasure each morning of
seating what <!o.i's way in a garden is,
in the birth of some jewel of his over
night; when I inhale the fragrant
breath of the new-mown lawn, or get
at even the soft incense tiiat only then
arises from the ground; then 1 know
that the work is all profit, and the
weariness a trifle. 1 am in, and of, a
growing garden.—J. Horace McParland
in the Countryside Magazine for June.