2 ' / UNCLE HARRY DESCRIBES LIFE IN THE WAR COUNTRIES "You've told us H lot about the war and the soldiers and the submarines and torpedoes, Uncle Harrv, but how about the people who live in England. Germany, France and the other war- Ting countries, but who are not taking part in the battles; what are they do ing and how are they living!" asked Jiinmv. ''That is an interesting subject," paid Undo Harry. "I'm glad you opoke about it, .limmy. There isn't very much in the newspapers these days about the 'stay-at-homes,' be cause the news of actual war takes so much space: but 1 have read con siderable on this subject and I'll be glad to tell you all that I can about it. This is important too. because life in the warring countries—l mean life in those cities and districts not ■touched by the lighting, has undergone many changes since last August." "All the men have gone to war, haven't they!" asked Joe. "Most of them have," explained Uncle Harry, "particularly the men between the ages of 21 and 45—the very men who in times of peace do nearly all the useful work and provide •the food and clothing and other things that the people need." "Do you mean the farmers and the carpenters ami the street car conduc tors?" asked Jimmy. "Yes, all these men and many more In other lines of work," said Uncle Harry. "Of course, boys, all the men 'between 21 anil 45 years, have not jsone to war, and there are many older men whe are at home, working. But business of all kinds has been badly Mndicapped, with the exception of the 4'actories that manufacture ammunition i for the soldiers and other things needed in the fighting. These places are run ning day and night and the workmen are working harder than they ever worked in times of peace." "Then how are the children and women and the men who have not gone to war, getting along; how are they getting food to eat and clothing to wear?" asked Joe. "Well, they are not getting along very well and they are not very hap py," said Uncle Harry. "Old men and hoys are doing work that they are not strong enough to do, and women arc compelled to leave their homes every day and do the same work that their iiusbands and brothers and fathers did HARRISBURC WOMAN FINDS QUICK RELIEF Mary Wheeler Gains in Weight After Taking Wonderful Remedy Mary Wheeler, of "(Hi Green street, Htirrisrinrg, Pa., for a long time was a \ ic.tim of stomach disorders. .She tried ninny treatments and found noth ing that could help her. At last she came u[iou Mayr's Won derful Remedy and quickly found .her Be If 011 the way to health. She wrote: "1 received your wonderful stomach ' remedy. 1 took it and it acted just as you said if would. I had suffered with my stomach for nearly a year and doctored all the time. The first | dose of your treatment gave me relief. 1 feel like new. I had awful distress j ; after eating and suffered from bloating j r.nd gas, but now 1 feel fine, am gaining, in weight ami can eat anything." Mayr's Wonderful Remedy gives per manent results for stomach, liver and i intestinal ailments. Kat as much and j ■ whatever you like. No more distress 1 after eating, pressure of gas in the ! 1 ftoniach and around the heart. Get one i bottle of your druggist now and try it j 1 on an absolute guarantee—if not satis-1 factor, money will be returned. —Adv. | CARRYC. A.RJIENINAUTOS Celebration of Memorial Day At West ! rairview Sunday, Promises to ] j Be Big Event ' ■ I We t I'airview, May 2 S.—Arrange- 1 nieius for the observance of Memorial < Day on .Sunday afternoon, May 30, i ■ have been completed and it in thought I it will be the most successful held in f many years. The committee having the 1 arrangements in charge has worked ' < unceasingly and has had the hearty 1 co-operation of the citizens of the town t who have cheerfully responded to their j 1 appeals for help along the various lines I t of tiieir work, Especially has this been i e the case in requests for automobiles to convey the veterans of the (J. A. R. i to anil from the cemetery at Enola ! where » program in charge of the G. ' !■ A. K. will he rendered. Several more ! t automobiles are needed. • v It is also requested that persons t having flowers to contribute will bring £ or send them to the P. O. S. of A. hall a not later than 3 o'clock Saturday aft- t crnoon, May 29, whore a committee t will arrange them for distribution on <' Su-nday. It is also requested that the - residences along the line of march dis- r play the national colors. A number of visiting organizations will be here to I participate in the parade an.l exercises, j I'ost 58, G. A. K.. and delegations of Posts 116 and s&o', G. A. K. and Oamp - 15, Sons of Veterans, all of Harris burg, will leave on special trolley cars at Market square, llarrisburg, at 1.45 c o'clock. The uniformed guards of Camp j 15, S. of V., will arrive here at 11.20 g a. m. After the memorial exercises at s the Camp Hill cemetery, which will be n held early in the forenoon. A number e of Camps of the Patriotic, Order Sons li of America, h'jve accepted invitations t to be present aud it is expected that i before the war. Only the other day, a woman, who had just returned from Paris, told me that in that city she rode on a trolley car that had a woman conductor and a woman ' motorman!' The 'motorman' had two little children —too small to leave at home, and as sho luad no relatives in Paris who could care for them she had 1 them on the trol ley car with her; they sat on a box on the'platform beside their mother. "In all the countries women are do ing men's work. They are plowing and doing other kinds of farm work. The soldiers must have food; the people who work in the ammunition factories must have food, and the mothers are not go ing to let their little children starve or starve themselves. Somebody must raise the crops and take care of the cows and pigs, and the women have to do it." "Haven't some of the countries run short of food f'' asked Jimmy. "Yes they have, and there is suffer ing and want in every country in Eu rope that is taking part in this war," added Uncle Harry. "And wherever conditions have become very serious and food very scarce the Governments have taken charge of the supply and' are seeing that it is evenly divided amongst all the people—rich anil poor alike. The Governments have discov ered that the business of feeding the soldiers and the people and supplying them with their other needs, is m»rc important than the business of making money. Consequently the Governments have taken charge of many factories, and seized meat, bread and other food supplies. This plan not only insures every one getting at least a little to eat but prevents a few people, with i plenty of money, from buying up every-: thing and keeping the food for their own use. Some people in Kngland tried | this as soon as the war started but the Government quickly stopped them." "You mean that everything is up side down and all mixed up in the countries that are taking part in the I war?" asked Joe. "That'B exactly what I mean," said Uncle Harry. "And I want both you boys to understand that the people who do not go to war suffer very often, just as much as the soldiers who are | wounded and sick and who have to j stand for hours, and even sleep, some- | times, in muddy trenches."—Copyright! 1915 bv The M-C Syndicate. I this organization will have a large | body of men in liue. Camp 713, of this place, requests its members to meet at | their hall at 1.30 sharp, so as to be at I the place of formation of parade by 2 j o'clock. The parade will form at West Fair view square at 2 o'clock. The first di- I vision consisting of the G. A. R. and •Sons of Veterans, will form on Market, street, right resting on Main. The P. 0. S. of A division will form on South Main street, right resting on Market j street. Promptly at 2.30 o'clock the parade will start for the cemetery -at Enola' ! in the following order: Chief marshal, ; Charles W. Burns; assistant chief mar shal, F. H. Hoy, Post 58, G. A. R.; aids, G. A. K., L. S. Hatfield, George j M. Hess; S. of V„ George K. Hoy, Charles Honich; P. O. S. of A., A. B. j Hoke, Howard McAfee; battle flags; Lemoyne band; guards of Camp 15, ; Sons of Veterans, H'arrisburg; Camp : 15, Sous of Veterans, Harrisburg; Post I 58, O. A. R., H. W. Newman, com mander; delegations of Posts 116 and 520, G. A. R., and old soldiers. P. O. S. of A. division, Marshal, Dr. j S. I. Cadwallader; Camp P. O. S. j of A.; West End drum corps; Camps of the P. O. S. of A„ including Camps i 8 and 500, of Harrisbunj; Enol'a, Le l moyne, New Cumberland and Marys- J vilie Camps; Camp 713, West Fair | view; automobiles containing old vet j erans. After arriving at the Enola eentc- I tory the following program will be rcn j dercd: Assembly, H. .T. Dunbar; music, Le -1 moyne band; prayer, the Rev. B. L. Moore, p'astor Evangelical ehurch, Enola; oration, the Rev. J. C. Forn crook, pastor Church of God, Pen lirook; music, Lemoyne band; prayer, William Huggins, Post 58; address, H. W. Newman, commander Post 58; Gen eral Logan's Order N'o. 11, Thomas Numbers, Post 58; Lincoln's Gettys burg address, N. A. Walmer, Post 58; memorial services. .1. L. Leonard, Post 116; William Huggins, Post 58; George W. Rhoads, Post s'B; music, Lemoyne b'lnd; saluting the dead, guards of Camp 15, Sons of Veterans; benediction, the Rev. B. L. Moore; taps, H. J. Dunbar; strewing of flow ers. France Seeking Shells Allentown, Pa., May 28.—The Fiench government, it was learned yes terday, is anxious to place an order with a local concern for the manufac ture of 1,000 shells a day. Charles Spangler, proprietor and general man ager of the Spangler Foundry, received the order, but said he wolud be forced to decline it, as his plant is over crowded with other work. I Easiest Way to Remove j Ugly Hairy Growths j ((Beauty Culture) Here is a method for removing hair or fuzz that is unfailing and is quite inexpensive: Mix a thick paste with some powdered dclatone and water and spread on hairy surface. After 2 or 3 minutes, rub it off, wash the skin and every trace of hair has vanished. No harm or inconvenience results from this treatment, but be careful to get genu ine delatone.—Adv. 4 HARRISBUR6 STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 28, 1915, ASXRICH'S Specials For the Holiday Outing White Skirts White •mH ,m. 61u „ii 0 f * Iv-'k acll m °del distinctive and out ot the ordi- P P 98c $6.98™ $25.00 Summer Frocks ) J&- X Ji| vU BestWaistsin the City A special assortment just received com- ""'LT assort, rf t of «a.sta, all prising white and colored frocks, black and 0 .«liSgs3gßvSa(J| s '' s .' ' s - v ,n u ' l, te anil colois, or white voiles and colored linens; a holidav of- fT' VjWbH K' mdles - lm ™ 8 ' «*P««*l alks, at fering at gg Smart Coats 1 ... . . , , ML \i ~~ ——^in smartest and newest modes, excellent for in black and white checks, coveVt and blue % \ immediate wear, and the best sort of suit serge; all specially priced from ————- for the summer trip. $6.98 up D , 1 $10.98 AND $12.00 —; Middy Blouses Charming New Waists white,>t ' ach cloth " i,h trimmings of red, blue, rose or black and white. Values Also Scn-n-itc Sldrfs <»f P-.lm ttn-wli ~wi, !n r S e, ~, Running st^s, * ' ' 1 values up to $9.00; special at BAND8 AND $6.98 VETERANS OF CIVIL WAR VISITED PUBLIC SCHOOLS | Pupils of Every Building of the City Heard Thrilling Stories of 'Ol to To-day—Children Bender Me morial Day Exercises The first step in the observance ot' Memorial Day was made to-day when nearly fifty veterans of the Civil war visited the public schools of Harris burg where they addressed the chil dren on patriotic themes. In many of the schools the children rendered Me morial Day exercises. Every school of the city was visited and Chief Marshal Hoffman last night assigned one or more members of Post No. 58 to each of the public schools of the city. The assignments made fol low: I The Rev. .T. C. Forncrook, pastor ot" ' I'eubrook Church of God, and Colonel jH. C. Demming, the Central High School at 12.15 o'clock, at chapel time, while David Challenger, George Rhoads and Fin I. Thomas, of Post 58, were I assigned to visit Technical High School j at H o'clock this morning, j The other assignments are as fol lows: Allison building, Messrs. Bender, No. 58, Daugherty, No. 116, Hess, i No. 58; Boas building, Messrs. Bea ! ver, No. 58, Leonard, No. 116; Calder | building, James M. Auter and George I Thomas. No. 520; Camp Curtin, J. R. i Miller, H. A. Swartz, No. 116; Cam j eron, H. W. Newman, George Rhoads, j No. 58; Day, J. A. Stokes, No. 520; | Forney, Messrs. Farling, Snyder, No. I 58; Foose. Messrs. Graham and Geiger, No. 58; Hamilton, Dr. W. T. Bishop and W. H. (Moore, No. 116; Maclay, G. R. Sellers, No. 116; Melrose, Messrs. Jackson and William Hugglns, So. 59; j Penii, Captain John Campbell and Attacks, No. 58; Reily, W. D. Rhoads and Harry Watson, No. 58; Stevens, Messrs. Jackson and Thomas Nuni ! bers, No. SS; Vernon, N. A. Walmer, No. 58; Wiiliard, F. J. Thomas, No. 58; Woodward, Winters, 58; Verbeke, Cap tain John Campbell; open air schools, j Susquehanna building, J. D. Saitzman, i No. 116, and Hoffman, No. 58; Lachiel, Messrs. McLaughlin and Fulton, No. 31. At a meeting of Post No. 58, held last night, the committee on convey ances issued an order asking citizens to co-operate with them in loaning their automobiles to carry aged and infirm soldiers to the cemetery during the pa rade Monday. Those desiring to lend their machines will report at the Post Hall, 26 North Third street, Monday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock. The veterans of the David R. Ste vens Post No. 520 were the guests of Calder school building this afternoon where a Memorial Day program was rendered. Colonel James M. Auter, post commander, gave an address and the Rev. William H. Marshall, principal of the building, gave an address of the battle in which the colored post par ticipated. The program of the exer cises follows: March song, school; welcome, How ard Finley; recitations, "Blue and Gray," Ann Prentice; "Many Flags," Mildred Jones; "Soldiers Dirge," John Johnson; song, " Land of Greatness," schools: recitations, "Memorial Day," Ellen Hewley; "Blue and Gray," Jo seph Toliver; dialogue, "Emblems of Decoration Day," Malinda Strange, Helen Nfcrris, Irene Woodson; recita tion, "The Flag," Elvin Moore; selec tion. "Our School Flag," second grade pupils; recitations, "Flag of Our' Cou ntry,-' Ella Strange; "Our Country," Dunfta Harris; song, "American Flag," schools; rei-itations, "Our Native I<and," Lulu White; "Grandpa's Grave," Francis Norris. Civil War Veteran Dies Wrightsville, Pa., May 28. —H. J. Brooks, 77 years old, a retired carriage builder and carpenter, who built car riages during the Civil war and later enlisted in an Illinois regiment, died yesterday from an attack of heart dis ease. He was prominently identified with York county politics and was a member of several necret organizations. He was a director of the Frcystone I Mutual Insurance Company. A widow and several children survive. FIREMEN ORGANIZE LEAGUE 1 Ten Companies Will Have Teams . In New Circuit—Season Opens ' ; June 5 3 ' Harrisburg is to lvive a fire com j panv league, ten companies being rep resented at .1 meeting in the office of | Commissioner Taylor last night at t' | which the league was organized. Tho ! i season will open June 5 and each team r ! w ill play every Saturday and Wednes | day until September 4, the closing " j date. A monster celebration is planned - for the opening of tho season, f | Each manager may have fifteen . I players, two of whom do not have to j be members of the fire company. All I however, must be amateur*. A rules 1 . committee has been ap]>ointed and will t [ make final arrangements for the open t [ ing of the season. Three cups, present f ed by M. J. Kohner, Edward Halbert j and George W. Bogar, will be prcsent j ed at the close of the season. . J Officers have been elected as fol . lows: President, E. A. Kirkpatriek; I vice president, John C. Kindler; aecre -1 tary, Charles E. Blessiny; treasurer, M. ' J. Kohner. * j Managers of the teams represent [ ed at the meeting last night were: i Marion Verbeke, Friendship; Charles | E. Blessing, Hope; George Lawrence, ".Citizen; M. J. Kohner, Washington; J. Edgar Rodenhaver, Good Will; 11. B. Hanlen, Rcily; Clint Wenrich, Sham ) rock; Gcorgjo Drake, Allison; S. W. | Goodyear, Camp Curtin. The Royal I company will enter a team, but will i not organizo and elect officers until j to-night. MOFFITT HOLDS RECORD High Jump Mark Eestablished By Har risburger, Still Unbroken i The intercollegiate high jump rec i ord made bv Thomas R. Moffitt, 1703 | North Front street, when he jumped ! for the University of Pennsylvania, 4 ! in 1907, will likely fall this year be cause of the largo number of stars en j tered in these games held to-day and to morrow on Franklin Field, Philadel- I phia. Moffitt cleared the bar at 6 foet, I 3 1-4 inches. Several times since that | record has been in danger. Moffitt was on the United States Olympic team in 190S Optometrists Meet ' The Harrisburg Optical Society held a regular monthly meeting at the of ' i fices of R. D. Pratt last evening. Jo seph Rinkenbach delivered an intcrest ' ing talk on "Conjugate Foci." I i ~ WHEN DINNER COMES One Ought to Have a Good Appetite ! | A good appetite is the best sauce. It j goes a long way toward helping in the i digestive process, and that is absolutely ' i essential to health and strength. ; 1 Many persons have found that Grape . i Nuts food jg not only nourishing but is , I a great appetizer, and children like the 1 j taste of it and grow strong and rosy j from its use. It is especially the food to make a weak stomach strong and create an ap petite for dinner. "I am 57 years old," writes a Tenn. | grandmother, "and have had a weak ;! stomach from childhood. By great care j as to my diet 1 enjoyed a reasonable ; degree of health, but never found any ! j thing to equal Grape-Nut# as a standby. "When I have no appetite for break ' j fast and just eat to keep up my ■itrength, 1 take 4 teaspoonfuls of Grnpe- Nuts with good rich milk, and when j dinner comes I am hungry. While if T , go without any breakfast I never feel I like eating dinner. Grape-Nuts for j breakfast seems to make a healthy ap i petite for dinner. "My little grandson was sick with | stomach trouble during the past aum | mer, and finally we put him on Grape j Nuts. Now he is growing plump and well. When asked if he wants his nurse |or Grape-Nuts, he brightens up and : .points to the cupboard. He was no trou- I file to wean at all —thanks to Grape- Nuts." Name given by Postum. Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read "The Road to Well ville," in pkgs. "There's a Reason." Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human interest. AMUSEMENTS Athletes at Colonial The Seven Bracks, featured on this bill at the Colonial theatre, are a group of acrobats so wonderfully trained that the audience sits in utter surprise throughout their performance. The Bracks have the distinction of originat ing all of their own material. In this way they keep their act aloof from the customary routine of feats attempt ed by the average acrobatic act. They do some wonderful tumbling and pyra mid building. Prince and Deary are a man and woman in a singing and talk ing act that belongs to the highest grade of vaudeville. "Between Trains" is the name of a comedy sketch that tells a pleasing story, and is pre sented in excellent style. Elsie White is a pleasing girl with good and pleasing repertoire of songs. Adv.* At Paxtang Park Manager Davis opened his summer vaudeville season at the I'axtang Park theatre last evening with a program that served to raise considerable en thusiasm in a fair-sized audience, in spite of the fact that the weather was a little too cool for open air theatricals. Brindamour amused as well as mys tified his audience with marvelous es capes from manacles and knotted ropes tied by volunteer experts from the audi ence. Brindamour's act, although not new to local theatre patrons, always makes an interesting entertainment. Caffnev and Dale pleased the audience with comedy songs and smart dialogue. The Gutzman Trio presented a most re markable head and hand balancing stunt that was made still more difficult than the average acrobatic act of this kind from the fact that the performers balance themselves on large bronze howls during the whole of their per formance. The Gutzman Trio presented a decid ed novelty in acrobatics. Jordan, the juggling phiend, and Fitzsimm'ons and Cameron complete a most fascinating vaudeville entertainment. Adv.* At the Be?ent Powerful story enthrallingly un folded in "The Clemenceau <sase," most powerful of Dumas' works will show at the Regent this afternoon ami evening only. No more powerful ser mon was ever preached than the Clem eoceau Case. No more vivid, pulsating drama was ever written than "Tho Clemenceau Case," as picturized to show at the Regent, and starring The da Bara, "The Vampire Woman," has ever been beheld upon the screen. These statements are made without re servation. Like a mighty river the story of the drama rushes strong and swift to its cataclysmic climax. Passions fl'are and wills clash throughout the production in a way that grips the spectator, holding him breathless in his chair till the last groat scene is reached and the wcllnigh overwhelm ing story of "The Clemenceau Case," is brought to its tremendous cud. Sat urday, "The Fifth Commandment," in five reels bv Julius Steger. No play in vaudeville has been 'accorded a more important place or has been more wide ly and favorably commented upon than this touching story. Woven throughout the play is tho famous song, "Castles in the Air." Picture and music make u noteworthy combination to present to your public.—Adv* GOOD GAME AT HIGHSPIRE White, Lebanon Valley Twirler, Will Pitch For Lebanon Highspire, May l2'B.—What High spire expects to be one of the best games of ball so far played in. tho Central Pennsylvania League, will be the contest scheduled between tho Highspire nino amt Leibanon on the Highspire field to-morrow afternoon. Leibanon has strengthened its force by the addition of several new men. White, the star twirler for Lebanon Valley College, will occupy the mound for Lebanon. Hess, of filizabethtown, considered one of the best pitchers in the lower end of Dauphin county, will pitch for Highspire. Highspire will play a double header with New Cumberland, Monday. The morninij contest will be played in the cross-river town and the afternoon game will be pulled off on tho home grounds at 3 o'clock. 'TURKS SINK FIFTH BRITISH BATTLESHIP IN THE STRAITS London, May 28.— I The first day of Arthur J. Balfour's administration of the Admiralty was marked by another j heavy British loss in the Dardanelles. ' The Admiralty announced the torpedo- i ing and sinking of the battleship Ma-j jistic in the straits. The statement' follows: ''An enemy submarine torpedoed and sank H. M. S. Majestic, Captain ! II- 12. 0. Talbot, yesterday morning j while it was supporting the army on the | Gallipoli peninsula. Nearly all the offi cers and men were saved." A wireless message from Herlin says j that the Majestic was sunk off Sedd-el- i Bahr. The Majestic was a battleship of [ 14,900 tons' displacement and normally I carried a crew of 757 men. She was j built in 1895, being one of the old j pre-dreadnought class and was the old battleship in the active list of the Brit ish navy. Her length at the water line was 399 feet and her beam 75 feet. Her length over all was 413 feet. (She was armed with 4 12-inch guns, 12 6-inch, 16 12-pounders and 12 3-poundcrs, > besides 2 maxims and 2 12-poundert I boatguns. She also had 4 18-inch tor-N j pedo tubes submerged and one above ! water. She was covered with heavy | IHarvey armor. Her speed limit was 11> '/i knots. She was laid down at Portsmouth in February, 1894, and completed in January of the following year. She was one of a class of nine | (ships which included the Magnificent, Hannibal, Prince George, Victorious, I Jupiter, Mars, Caesar and Illustrious. The sinking of the Majestic follows ! closely the destroying of the British j battleship Triumph on Wednesday, and | is the fifth British battleship sunk in | ! the Dardanelles by torpedo or mine j since March 19, when the Irresistible and Ocean were sunk by mines. The Goliath were torpedoed on May 13 and | 500 of the crew reported lost. The j French battleship Bouvot was sunk by i a mine, with 557 of her crew, on March i ,19. Corporal O'Leary Killed in Battle London, May 28.—A report from Dublin says that Lance Corporal Michael O'Leary, of the Irish Guards, one of the best-known of the winners of the Victoria Cross in this war, was killed in the last battle on the western front. Corporal O'Leary was given the Victoria Cross for conspicuous bravery at Cuinchy February 1. G. R. Kinney & Co. Memorial Day needs in the shoe line can he tilled economically and satisfactorily by buying your shoes from us. We have a number of Special prices for Saturday at real money-saving prices. Saturday Special | Saturday Special Little Boys' Shoes, sizes 9to 1 Men's. Boys' and Youths' Black 1 3 Vfe ; 98« grade. Tenuis Oxfords; 60c quality. Special, Special, 45$ Saturday Special Saturday Special Ladies' Tan and Black Rubber- j Ladies' Patent and Dull Pumps, soled Oxfords; $1.98 grade. also 4-bar sandals, the newest. Special, $1.69 Special, $1.69 Saturday Special Saturday Special Men's Gun Metal Button Shoes, Growing Girls' Patent Pumps, all sizes; $1.98 quality. low heels, guaranteed solid leather. Special, $1.69 Special, $1.25 White Canvas Shoes and Pumps in Ladies', Misses' and Children's sizes at a pair. G. R. Kinney & Co. 19 and 21 North Fourth Street SOCIAL PERSONAL Hyman-Siverling Wedding Marietta, May 28.—Miss Minnie Sixerling was married to William l\. Hvman, of Churchtown, by the Rev. <l. l.uther Weibel, pastor of the Lutheran church, at Leacock yesterday morning. The couple was unattended, and they will reside at Martindale, where the groom is in business. Harry-Lenherd Wedding Chestnut Hill, May 28. —Miss Kllen B. Lenherd, of this place, and Howard M. Harry, of near Mountville, were married yesterday at the residence of the Rev. N. B. Verger, pastor of the United Brethren church. The couple was unattended, and a wedding dinner followed. Dinne: for Newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Mullen, 133 Lin den street, gave a dinner of ten covers last evening complimentary to Mr. and Mrs Roy C. McQnate, who were re cently married. Mrs. McQuate was Miss Eleanor Grain prior to her mar riage. WILD ( AT FALLS OPENING Parade and Planked Shad Dinner Fear ture Famous Club's Festivities M'arietta, May 28.—The thirteenth annual opening of the Wild Gat Falls Club was held to-day and it was the most successful and most largely at tended in its history. Men prominent in all affairs of life from many States were present, llarrisburg, Philadelphia, Lancaster, York, Pittsburgh, Scranton and Boston, ibeing largely represented. This morning at 10 o'clock a street parade from Witmer's Gross Keys hotel, headed bv the Marietta band, was held and the train on the Pennsyl vania railroad was taken to the Wild Gat station where the members and guests were ferried across the river. At 1 o'clock a planked shad dinner was served by Proprietor Resch, and dur ing the afternoon music, speech mak ing, story telling, etc., wero enjoyed. Henry S. Rich, Marietta, is treas urer, and H. L. Hershey, of Harris burg, is president of the club. Resolu tions on the death of Charles A. Grady, the secretary, was adopted and many tributes were paid to his memory to day.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers