The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 28, 1915, Page 14, Image 14

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$ jW y i\ //HEUJHTS /N y&K Vj*. \
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>£MPOLI VS. v.
Advancing from the northeastern frontier Italian troops in the first Invasion of Austria crossed the Judri.i j
and occupied the heights between that river and the Isonzo. having captured the towns of Coriuous. Cervignano j
and Terzo. At the same time the Italian forces were supported on the sea by destroyers which attacked Porto
Buso. The object of the advance is believed to be the capture of Trieste, in the old Italian Province of Istria.
Grand Atlantic
\ IrvJniii Avenut' near Bench
( npncit.v (too
Every room contains two to six
Dfoilern H.-it***
$2."»0 per day upward. Special
weekly rates. Private baths en
suite. Every modern high-class con
venience for up-to-date accommo* I
dation. Evening dansant.
Superior Tnlilf
Service, Attention. Write for Book
let. Auto meets all trains.
\V. F. Shnw, Proprietor.
v 1
in its appointments.
Hay j conitorti.tabloandservice
l \ 'M Jwitfrßathi fbrpleasureorfietmh
i f*- L.
*TA7g3MJ,_-- '
.Stew <2/orkj $
C * ROAD WAY F>*3S*«ST i\
j; f ""'J] $
!ifi «n«* flj W
it home comfort a»ri It I ft
Jfi »*lf to Dtopl* rtf e»fln*m»ot «rl»h B tfe
J| 'Of to b» within #»«» r*aet> of th» SI |D
jp *al!ma<l atntJnna •oH*! «bonnln* I B
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■ H p * n t* ,r ' v «nl» >ik*
ft M A " kni,# w,rt * nd off **** l'J fe
5} W *tr*»t» w*!b rw*nr* «t»n« •••» || [r
oj| ' Flwn Oi»tr*l Ttrm'i*: jf- "W
H 1(1 Rtjudtm* «*»« i r*t -.f U fjl
L ittto <W
■ Wlfkovt hath, from fI.M |
1 With hath from «2 aln*le fl| E
u With hath, from M ilouhU (j f
j f 1 L. H BINGHAM fl P
ji j i
Station?, points of interest. v* (
| In the Center of Everything
Re-modeled Re-decorated —Re- wj ,
K furnished. European plan. Every NS
£ convenience.
Rcom». without bath !JN
o Room*, with bath 12.00
S Hot and cold running
water in all room?.# « '
X We are especially equipped for
n Conventions. Write for full details.
Uaii Lakes. President-Manager
Guest of Bar Association at Banquet
After His Lecture
Altoonn, Pa., May 28. —Ex-Presidenti
Taft approved the fight of the railroads I
to repeal the full crew laws in his lec- j
ture on "Signs of the Times" here last i
night. Safety of train operation, he |
thought, could be left in the hands of I
the public service commissions.
After the lecture he was the guest of
honor at a banquet of the Blair County
Bar Association.
Explosion of Dynamite Cap in School
room Maims Nine-year-old Lad
Wilkes-Barre, Pa., May 28. —Robert
I Walters, aged 9 years, carried a dyna
! mite cap which a playmate gave him to
| school and when he pricked it a few
iiines with a pin. an explosion occurred
which blew otf three of his lingers and
j created a panic in the schoolroom of
.Miss Eleanor Brown over which the
teacher had no control. The boy is
I now in a hospital and the police have
| started an investigation as it has been
discovered that school children have
j been stealing dynamite caps from a
paving company and taking them into
the school rooms.
The Walters boy says he did not
know what the cap was when it was
! given him.
And Paterson Tabernacle Fetches
92,0114 Under Hammer
Paterson, N. J., May 28.—Abe Co
i I'on. the city s most popular auctioneer,
I stood on Billv Sunday's platform yes
' I onlay afternoon and knocked down the
'■' Glory Tabernacle" to the highest
; bidder, the Dillison Lumber Company,
iof this city. Six hundred bidders and
curious folk, half of theni women, were
in the front of the choir loft and
benches. The structure brought
The chief excitement came when the
lied on which Billy Sunday hail slept
was offered. At least a dozen persons
forced the price bv dimes and quarters
up to SB, which was finally paid bv
C. H. May.
Victor Zoin, Married Last Saturday,
Loses Life in Accident
Wilkes-Barre, Pa., May 28.—Victor
Zoln was instantly killed by a fall of
rock in the No. 6 tunnel of the Sus
quehanna Coal Company at Glen Lyon
Zoln and Miss Lottie Zabow were
married last Saturday, and soon after
their wedding departed on a short
honeymoon. They returned Wednesday,
and Zoln reported for work as a miner
yesterday. He had been in his cham
ber only a few minutes when tons of j
coal and rock broke loose from the
State Congregational Body Approves
His Peace Policy
Ebensburg, Pa., May 28.—The Penn
sylvania Conference of' the Congrega
tional church closed its annual meet
ing yesterday after ailopting'resolntions
endorsing the peace policy of Presi
dent Wilson and expressing sympathy
[with the Women's Suffrage movement
in the State.
The Rev. David Howells, of Kane,
was elected moderator; the Rev. C. li!-
d'red Shelton, of Soranton, vice mod
erator, anil B. P. Jarvis, Ebensburg,
treasurer. The 1916 convention will be
held in Glen Elk, Delaware county.
Slack Trade Closes Mines a Week
Tamaqua, Pa., May 28.—The Lehigh
Coal and Navigation Company an
nounced yesterday that all its Panther
Creek Valley collieries will suspend Sat
urday, May 29, until June 7, on ac
count of slack conditions of the coal
II rade.
Woman, Aged !M), Lost on Mountain
Shnmokin, Pa., May 28.—While An-
I gust Yanshefka was driving his wife
laud his mother from Augustnville to
I church here yesterday, the latter dis
appeared on top of a mountain after
they stopped for the horses to rest.
Nothing was seen of her since. She is
90 years old. It is feared she per
- Exceeded Only Twice and This Time
Well Distributed
New York, May 2S. — Fire losses in
the United States last year totaled
, $221,000,000, a sum exceeded only
.(twice —iji 1904 and 1906 —in the his-
I tory of the country, according to re-
I ! ports submitted yesterday to the Xa
tional Board of Eire Underwriters, in
, | convention here. The losses, however,
. were well distributed throughout the
, ; country, the report showed, there be
! ing no single conflagration.
William M. Kremer, president of the
, j board, ; resented statistics purporting
, j to show that the tire insurance business
in 1914 resulted in' an underwriting
. loss to the companies of 4.21 per cent.
. The total of premiums paid 191 leading
| companies during the year was $333,-
647,000, he said.
Man Reported to Have Frozen Two
Years Ago Turns Up
Stroudsburg, Pa., May 28.—John
Batton, a former resident, who left
j Stroudsburg about two years ago for
i parts unknown, returned yesterday to
| astonish his friends, who have been
; mourning him as dead.
Last winter a man identified as Bat
ton was found dead on a snow bank
!at Shainokin. The inej.ns of identifi
j cation was a pocketbook bearing his
j name which he now remembers having
: lost some time ago.
Wilmingtonian to Go Before Federal
Court for Trial
Pittsburgh, May 28.—Thomas S.
1 Downey, who was brought here from
, | Wilmington, Del., in connection with
j alleged frauds practiced by the United
! States Steel Railway Tie Company, of
| which he was vice president, waived a
| hearing before the United States Com
j missioner here yesterday and was held
j for Court in $3,000 bail.
I Tt is alleged that Downey, R. E. L.
I Maxey and Dorothy M. Cherringt-on or
| ganized a loan company and defrauded
i customers through the mails.
Associate Editor of Pottsville "Repub
lican" Announces Engagement
Pottsville, Pa., May 28.—Joseph '
Henry Zerbey, Jr., associate editor of
the Pottsville "Republican," yesterday
announced his engagement to Miss Mar- I
tha Rid'way Bannan, of Philadelphia.
The ceremony will take place at i
Cloud Home, on the summit of Sharp
Mountain, Pottsville, June 9.
Auto Skids, Four Injured
Mahanoy City, Pa., May 28. —Skid-
ding into an abutment of the Reading |
Railway here Wednesday night, an au j
tomobile containing John Haffner, P. j
J. Gorman, John Downey and Thomas
Gill, all of Shenandoah, was wrecked ]
and all the occupants hurt. Two were
taken to a hospital.
The Rev. Henry L. Weiss Dies
Quakertown, Pa., May 28.—The
Key. Henry L. Weiss, missionary in '
Chile for eighteen years, on a furlough, j
visiting relatives here, died suddenly j
at Nyaek, N. V., where he was attend
ing the Christian Alliance conference.
A Bald Head Only Indicates
that the scalp has been neglected. We
recommend that you use
Kills the germ that causes the hair to
fall out and will keep the scalp healthy.
George A. Oorgas
Copyright, 1915, by George 8f rr McCulolieon.
I tried to convince him that the pleas
ure had been all mine and then in
quired for Mrs. Titus and the countess.
"They're both here, but the good
I,ord only knows where. .Mrs. Titus
goes driving every morning. Roads
are fine if you can stick to them.
Aline said something last night about
riding over to Fassifern this forenoon
with Amberdale and young Skelly.
Let's see, it's half past 10. Yes, they've
gone by this time. Why didn't you
write or telegraph Aline? She'll be
as mud as a wet hen when she finds
you've come without letting her know."
"I thought I should like to take her
by surprise," I mumbled uncomfort
"And my son Jasper—why, ho will
explode when lie hears you're here. |
lie's gone over to Covington to see u
girl off on the train for Louisville.
You've never seen such a lio.v. He is
always going to Covington with some
girl to see that she gets the right train i
home. Rut why are we wasting time I
here when we might he doing a few j
holes before lunch? I'll take yo?i on.
Of course, you understand I'm a i
wretched player, but I've got one vir-j
tue: I never talk about my game and
1 never tell funny stories while my;
opponent is addressing the ball. I'm j
an okl duffer at the game, but I've got
more souse than most duffers."
We sauntered down to the club I
house, where he insisted on buying me j
a dozen golf balls and engaging a I
caddy for me by the week. I'p to the j
moment we stepped up to the tirst tee
he talked incessantly of Aline audi
Rosemary, but the instant the game'
was on lie settled into the grim reserve I
that characterizes the man who takes!
any enterprise seriously be it work or j
I shall not discuss our game further I
than to say that he played iu atrocious-.
ly bad form, but with a purpose that
let me to s<>tiie degree into the secret j
of his success in life. If I do say it my-1
self lam a fairly good player. I don't
believe I was ever in better humor |
than on this gay November morn. I i
even apologized for Mr. Titus' execra- j
ble foozles. I amiably suggested that |
he was a little off Ills game and that j
he'd soon strike his gait and give me j
a sound beating after the turn. Bis
smile was polite, but ironic, and it
was not long before I realized that he |
knew his own game too well to be af
fected by cajolery. He just pegged!
away, always playing the odd or worse, |
uncomplaining, unresentful. as even j
tempered as the May wind, and never j
by any chance winning a hole from j
me. He was the rarest "duffer" it has j
e\ er been my good fortune to meet.
_he Proposes.
AS a rule, the poorer the player
the louder his execrations. Jas.'
l per Titus was one of the worst j
players I've ever seen, but b° I
was the personification of gentility |
even under the most provoking circum
stances. I'or instance, at the famous
"Crater" it was my good fortune to j
pitch a ball fairly 011 the green from i
the tee. His mashie shot landed his|
ball about twenty feet up the steep hi!' !
which guards the green. It rolled half
way back. Without a word of disgust
or so much as a scowl he climbed up
and blazed away at it again, not once,
but fourteen times by actual count.
On the seventeenth stroke he triumph
antly laid his ball 011 the green. Most!
men would have lifted and conceded
the hole to me. He played it out.
"A man never gets anywhere, Mr. |
Smart," said lie. unruffled by his mis- !
erable exhibition, "unless he keeps
plugging away at a thing. That's my
principle in life. Keep at it. There is j
satisfaction in putting tiie blarticd ball
in the hole, even if it does require
twenty strokes. You did it in three,
but you'll soon forget the feat I'm not
likely to forget the troubles I had go-!
ing down In twenty, and there lies the j
secret of success. If success comes I
easy we pass it off with a laugh: if it
comes hard we grit our teeth and re
member the ways and means. You
may not believe it, but I took thirty- j
three strokes for that hole one day last
week. Day before yesterday I did it in
foar. Perhaps it wouldn't occur to you j
to think that it's a darned sight easier j
to do it in four than it is in thirty- 1
three. Get the idea?"
"I think I do. Mr. Titus," said I. j
"The things that 'come easy' are never I
"Right, my boy. It's what we have
to work for like nailers that we lie
awake thinking about."
We came out upon the eminence i
overlooking the next hole, which lay j
far below us. As I stooped to tee up
my ball a gleeful shout came up the
"Hello, John Bellamy!"
Glancing down, I saw Jasper junior I
at the edge of the wagon road. He was;
waving his cap, and even at that dis
tance I could see the radiance in his
good looking young face. A young and I
attractively dressed woman stood be
side him. I waved my hand and shout-!
Ed a greeting.
"I thought you said he'd gone to
Covington to see her off." I said, turn
lng to the yynng man's father, with n
"Not the snme girl," said he succinct- \
ly, squinting liis eyes. "That's the lit-'
tie Parsons girl from Richmond. He
was to meet her lit Covington. Jasper
is a scientific butterfly. He makes
both ends meet—nearly always. Now. ]
no one but u genius could have lixed it j
up to see one girl <i(T and meet another i
on the same train."
Later on Jasper junior and I strolled
over to the casino veranda, the chatty 1
Miss Parsons between us. but leaning I
a shade nearer to young Titus than to j
me. although she appeared to be some
what overwhelmed at meeting a real 1
live author. Mr. Titus, as was his
h;ibit, hurried.on ahead of us. I alter
ward discovered he had a dread of |
"Aline never said a word about your |
coming, John." said Jasper junior. He I
called me John with considerable gus- J
to. "She's learning how to hold hc-r
"It happens that she didn't kn"w I
was coming," said I drylv. He whls
"fhe's off somewhere with Amber j
dale. Ever meet him? He's one oi
the flr-ist chaps I know. You'll like
him. Miss Parsons. He's not at all like
a Britisher."
"P.ut I like tlie British," said she.
"Then I'll tell liira to spread it on .1
bit." said Jappy obligingly. "Grentl
horseman he is. Got some ripping ]
nags in the New York show next week, j
and hi- rides like a dream. Watch him I
pul! down a few ribbons and rosettes |
Sure thing."
"Your father told me that the count j
ess was off riding with him and an- ]
other chap—off to Faslifern, I believe." j
"For luncheon. They do it three oil
four times a week. Not for me. I like |
waiters with shirt fronts and nicklel
Alone with me in the casino half ar
hour later, lie announced that it realljl
looked serious, this affair bet ween I
Aline and his lordship.
I tried to appear indifferent—a rathei'
pale effort. 1 fear.
"I think 1 aiu in on the secret. Jap
py," said I soberly.
ITe stared. "Has she ever said any- i
thing to you, old chap, that would lead
you to beiic e she's keen about him?" j
I temporized. "She's keen about!
somebody, ray son. That's as far as 1 j
will go."
"Then it must be Amberdale. I'm on'
to her all right, all right. I know
women. She's in love, hang it all! If:
you know a thing about 'em you can j
spot the symptoms without the X-rays.
I've been hoping against hope, old man. j
I don't want her to marry again."
I have visited the popular and almost
historic Fassifern farm a great many
"I do not oxpect to be married for at
least a year."
times in my short career, but for the
life of me I cannot understand what at- i
traction it possesses that could induce '
people to go there for luncheon and !
then spend a whole afternoon lolling
about the place. But that seems to
have been precisely what the countess I
and his lordship did on the day of m.v I
arrival at the Homestead. The "other!
chap." Skelly, came riding home alone
at 3 o'clock. She did not return until ;
nearly 0. By that time I was in a state j
of suppressed fury that almost drove ■
me to the railway station with a slngi« j
and you might say childish object in i
I had a pleasant visit with Mrs. |
Titus, who seemed overjoyed to see me.
In fact I hud luncheon with her. Mr.
Titus. It appeared, never ate luncheon.
He had a dread of typhoid, I believe,
and as he already possessed gout and
Insomnia and an Intermittent tendency
to pain in his abdomen and couldn't
drink anything alcoholic or eat any
Spend an evening at home with
MOJA all Havana quality and dis
cover how a few can thoroughly sat
isfy that craving for a rich, full
bodied Quality that the same money's
worth of nickel cigars could not
Mojas are worth your dime every time.
Made by John C. Herman 6 Co.
Unsurpassed Purity of Products and
Excellence in Quality.
801 l 820 h PllOneS Independent :tIH
: =z4
The Star-
will get you the Result—
it reaches so many homes.
Sell Phone 3230 Independent 245 or 246
j thing si.;n ! i found myself wonder
! tug what lie rcall.v did for n living.
Mrs. Titus talked ;i great deal nliout
| Lord Amberdale. She was most tire
j some after the first half hour. but. I
j must say that the luncheon was ad-
J mirable. I happened to lie hungry.
, Having quite made up my mind that
Aline was going to marry Amberdale,
I proceeded to upset the theory that a
man in love is a creature without gas
} tronomical aspirations by vulgarly
stuffing myself with half a lamb chop,
a slice of buttered bread and nine
| Along about 5 o'clock I went to my
j room. I daresay I was sulking. A po
lite bellboy tapped on my door at half
past <». He presented a small envelope
to me, thanked me three or four times
and as an after thought announced
| that there was to be an answer, where
upon I road the countess' note with a
magnificently unreadable face.
I I cleared my throat and (T think)
j squared my shoulders somewhat as a
\ soldier does when he is being com
' mended for valor and said:
[ "Present my compliments to the
| countess and say that. Mr. Smart will
| be down in five minutes."
i The boy stared. "The—the what,
"The what?" I demanded.
| "I mean the who. sir."
"The countess, the lady who sent you
up with this, note."
! "Wasn't no countess sent me up
byer. boss. It was Miss Tarsney."
Somehow* staggered, I managed to
wave my hand comprehensively.
"Never mind. Just say that I'll be
jown in two minutes."
j He grinned. "I reckon I'd better
: hustle or you'll beat me down, boss."
• •••••*
She was still in her riding habit
; when I found her alone in the parlor
| of the Titus suit.
I I give you my word my heart almost
I stopped beating. I've never seen any
j one so lovely as she was at that mo
ment—never, I repeat. Her hair,
i blown by the kind November winds,
; strayed—but 110! I cannot begin to de
| fine tiie loveliness of her. There was
j a warm, rich glow in her cheeks and a
I light in lier eyes that actually bewil
dered me, and more than that I ain not
j competent to utter.
To Be Continued
Leaves Note for Mother and Takes
Dose of Strychnine
Reading, Pa., May 28. —Leaving a
pathetic note fur his mother, Mrs. I).
I 10. Itoaian, William Human, 34, was
I found dying of strychnine poison along
! a railroad bridge over the Schuylkill
I river,' north of this city. Death fol-
I lowed his removal to a hospital.
The note, signed "Son Bill," told of
| "heart pains" too severe for life to be
j worth living. He had. been ill for some
Win Highest College Honors
State College, Pa., May 28.—Tlie
highest scholastic honors bestowed upon
seniors at State College were yesterday
awarded to Harvey T. Hill, of Handy
Iko, Mercer county; 11. S. .Smith, of
Wayneaburg, and George V. Luerssen,
of Reading. Hill was voted the John
W. White fellowship, carrying SIOO,
to assist paying for a year's graduate
study at the institution of his selection.
Shortest Will Recorded
Stroudsburg, PH., May 28. —The
•shortest will ever recorded in this coun
ty was probated yesterday, and reads
as follows: "I, Amos S. Johnson, leave
everything that I own at the time of my
death to my wife, Elizabeth Johasou."
For Your Vacation —
Unlimited Attractions for Vacation
ists. Cooler than Middle Atlantic (,'
Resorts. Send for Low Kate inclusive
Tour Circular.
Quebec S. S. <«>., I/til, Broadway, X.
Save On Coal
People used to wait till
Winter to buy coal. Nowa
days the lower prices that go
into effect April 1, make it
profitable for them to till
their bins for cold weather
early in the Summer.
Kelley's hard pea is
now 25c cheaper. Kelley's
furnace sizes are now 50c
But don't delay too long
for all coal prices advance
July 1.
1 N. Third Street
Tenth and State Streets
Begin Preparation Now |
Day and Night Sessions
15 S. Market Sq., Harrisburg, Pa.
3UD Market Street
Fall Term September First
v 1
Cumberland Valley Railroad
In Effect May 24. 1111
Traill* Lravc HarrUburn—
For Winchester and Martlnsburg. at
6.US. *7.oU a. in.. *3.40 p. in.
For Hagtrstuwn. (Jltambersburg an 4
iiiitniituuiu nw.llons, at *a,o3, *7.t&
3 a. m.. ' i.33. •».4t». 11. 11 l
p. m.
Additional trains for Carlisle and
Uechanlcsburg at IMS _ m.. it.IS,, ti. .10 u. m.
For Dillsburg at 5.03, *7.50 and *ll.ll
a. in.. 3.18. *3.40, 6.33. 6.30 p. m.
•Dally. All otbsr train* duly »XCM>#
Sunday. J H. TONOH.
H. A. RIDDLE. Q. f. A. *OOI.