Jr This Man Walked jiJP Our Store « \_" reSse( ' He knew the price before he came. He knew the quality was guaranteed. He knew the suit was styled by one of the famous fashion artists. He bought Styleplus Clothes $17.00 The great one priced suit, which is the result of one of the big makers specializing on this one quality to sell everywhere at the one price. We are the exclusive STYLEPLUS store in Harrisburg. But STYLEPLUS is only one of our leaders. Our other is known as The Hub's Special $25.00 We have built up a great trade on this suit, because so many men want to pay around this price. Several of the famous makers have co-opoj-ated with us in turning out these wonderful values. Only the choice fabrics are used. Styled by a great fashion artist. Beautifully tailored. You will find many prices quoted lower than ours. Remember that low price means nothing in itself. Guaranteed quality at the price is what counts. Our quality, representing "merchandise of the better kind" at a low price, is what is giving The Hub its push to the front. Get the Habit! Come to the Hub! 320 MARKET STREET NEWS OF THE SPORTING WORLD A COMMITTEE GOVERNS RESERVOIR PARK TENNIS Park Commissioner Taylor Approves Regulations for Both the Courts and New Club House for Members of Club Rules to govern the tennis courts in Reservoir Park and t lie new tennis elub j house, recently opened to members of ] the clu'b have been submitted to x'ark I C ommissioner M. Harvey Taylor ami | has received his approval. The tennis j season has been on for some time and j , the courts are busy each afternoon and ! ] evening. The rules, copies of which . ■ have been supplied to tennis players | who use the park courts, follow: Tor Tennis Courts Players must wear regulation heel less tennis shoes. Courts must not be used when placarded to that effect or when wet enough to show footprints. All players shall have the use of the courts in the order of their arrival. i Courts shall not be used for singles 1 while there are players awaiting a turn, | nor in any case for a longer period I than fortv-five minutes. After 4.30 p. m. on all week days] I except Saturday and holidays all j courts excepting X'os. 1 and 2 (the i courts facing on Walnut street near its j intersection with State street) shall be j for the exclusive use of players 16 } (years or over. Courts Xos. 1 and 2 . shall be for the exclusive use of those under 16. After 12 noon Saturdays] and holidays all courts shall be for the exclusive use of players of 16 or over, in case of doubt as to age qualifica tions, players shall be required to pre sent a statement from parents or guar dian. Special Rules for Tournament Play Nets are provided by Park Depart ment for all courts for permanent serv , ice, and must not be removed or re ; laced by individual nets. Coortkeeper will have absolute dis cretion as to barring player or players from court for failure to observe rules and regulations. Appeals from keeper's decision to house committee may be made in writing, for consideration at subsequent meeting of committee. I'se of court may be obtained only upon application of court keeper by registration. Player or players may not register for use of one'court while playing on another; registration can be made only upon tinish of set. If doubles are being played and another court is desired, all four players must appear before vourt keeper to register. < ourts will be apportioned to registered players in order of their registration. This shall apply ouly when courts are] crowded. Conditions to be governed by court keeper, who shall consider forty eight (48) or more players on courts a.s basis for exercise of discretionary powers. For Tennis Club House Members only shall 'be allowed in the club house. Xo member may extend club house i privileges to any companion or com- 1 panions. Each member will be given key to locker and to club house, upon payment of his or her entrance fee. Each mem ber is entitled to a membership card, which . not transferable. Club house and contents will bo in charge of the court keeper, who will be equipped with master-key for use of members only in emergency. Towels, sponges ami other necessary' paraphernalia must he furnished and kept clean and sanitary by each mem ■ber. Waste of water is prohibited. Members are cautioned to keep their | lockers cleaned aud locked at all times, ] except when opened for airing. Court keeper will be responsible to ! the house committee of the Reservoir Tennis Club, subject to the general su pervision of the Superintendent of Parks and Public Property. Failure to obesrve foregoing rules ami regulations by any member will make member amenable to house com mittee, who shall have discretionary power of dismissal from club roll. To Hold Festival The Belmont Athletic Association will hold a festival to-night' at Nine teenth and State streets for the benefit of the athletic association. HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING. MAY '2B, 1915. BASEBALL SUMMARY STANDING OF CLUBS NATIONAL LEAGUE W. U PC. Philadelphia 19 11 632 Chicago 20 14 .588 Brooklyn 16 15 .516 St. Louis 17 17 .500 Pittsburgh .... 15 17 .469 Boston 15 17 .46!) Cincinnati 13 17 .133 Now York 11 18 .379 Yesterday's Results Philadelphia, 8; Chicago, 5. Cincinnati, 6; Boston, 0. Brooklyn, 2; Pittsburgh, 0. St. Louis, 6; New York, 5. Schedule for To-day Philadelphia at Boston. St. lxniiw at }>ow York. Pittsburgh at Brooklyn. Schedule for To-morrow Philadelphia at Boston. Brooklyn at Now York. Chicago at Cincinnati. Other clubs not scheduled. AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. P.U Chicago 2'5 12 .676 Detroit 23- 14 .622 New York 17 15 .531 Boston 13 14 .481 Washington 15 17 .469 Cleveland 14 19 .424 St. Louis 14 -0 .412 Athletics I' 2' 22 .353 Yesterday's Results Cleveland, 9: Athletics, S. Washington, 8; Detroit. 2. Chic'.tgo, 8; New York, 2. Boston-St. Louis not scheduled. Schedule for To-day Boston at Philadelphia. Detroit at St. Louis. Cleveland at Chicago. Schedule for To-morrow Cleveland at Chicago. Detroit at St. Louis. New Vork at Philadelphia. Boston at Philadelphia. FEDERAL LEAGUE W. U J'.C Chicago 21 14 .600 j Pittsburgh 21 15 .583 ! Kansas City 19 14 .576 Newark ». 19 16 .543 I 'Brooklyn 17 16 .515 j St. Louis 15 16 .454 Baltimore 13 21 .382 Buffalo 11 2 4 .314 Yesterday's Results Buffalo, 9; Pittsburgh. 6. Other games postponed, rain. Schedule for To-day Brooklyn at St. Louis. Newark at Chicago. Baltimore at Kansas City, Buffalo at Pittsburgh. Schedule for To-morro w Buffalo at Pittsburgh. Baltimore at Kansas City. Newark at Chicago. Brooklyn at St. liouis. {AMONG THE AMATEURS AND SEMI-I'KOFESSIONAI/ CENTRAL PENNA. LEAGUE W. U P.C. | Middletown 3 0 1.000 j Highspire 2 1 .667 j New Cumberland .... 2 1 .667 i Steelton 1 " .333 | Lebanon 1 2 .333 ! Hers hey '0 3 .000 Schedule for To-morrow I/ebanon at Highspire. Middletown at New Cumberland. Steelton at 'Hershey. DAUPHIN-PERRY LEAGUE W. L P.O. Dauphin 1 0 1.000 Duucannon 1 0 1.000 Halifax 0 1 .000 Newport 0 1 .000 Marysville 0 0 .000 I iMillersburg 0 0 .000 Schedule for To-niorrow ! J Millersburg at Marysville. Dauphin at Newport. Duncannon at Halifax. DAUPHIN-SCHUYLKILL LEAGUE W. 1,. P.C. Klizaibethville 1 0 1.000 Tower Citv 0 1 .000 Ij.vkcns . . 0 0 .000 Williastown A 0 .000 Schedule for To-morrow Tower City at Elizabethville. Lvkeng at Williamstown. ALLISON HILL LEAGUE W. U P.C. i Heading 5 1 .833 Kagles 2 1 .667 Iner-Seal 2 1 .66 7 Galahads 1 1 .500 Hick-a-Thrifts 1 4 .200 Albions 0 5 .000 LUCKNOW SHOP LEAGUE W. U P.C. | Planing 'Mill '5 1 .825 j Clorks 6 4 .600 ] federals 3 5 .375 Smith*< Shop J 5 .167 j Reading, 4; Hick-a-Thrifts, I The Reading nine maintained its i lead in the Allison Hill League yester day, winning from the Hick-a-Thrifts in ! a 6-inning twilight game, 4 to 1. R. H. E. Reading 4 10 0 liHick a-Thrifts 1 4 1 G. Levan and Ehling; Snow and j Sando. || ARROW cjvjllLl ARS I 2 for 25c. Cluctt, Pcabody & Co.. lnc_. I Lay-to for a spell j and swing on tins: You'll start an old-pal-party via a pipe or JST\ \\* \| §||§ | a makin's cigarette quick as a flash, as soon *3fV mm | as you realize it's a live bet to let your good 'i i money rub up against some Prince Albert jrf Jiff | tobacco. Why, it's like beating back to the & „ : .^ > | bushes for old-home week, P. A.'s so friendly, Jg ~ * V C' You see, Prince Albert can't bite your Mi | tongue, or any other man's; nor parch throats. | Because it's made by a patented process that cuts out the bite and parch and lets you hear | the song of the joy'us jimmy pipe and the I ; makin's cigarette all the day long! | », '• I PRINCE ALBERT just hands hom^- like these: it up-pipe or dgarette. It just-jams-joy into | your system You nail that fact hot off the feifc IfelSfi p bat, because it s case-cards information 1 And ,» I j 1 U handed out to youfor personal and immediate .. .«' ( $ >M attention as being about as real and true as V"**"' *n »<« ut», «»<* to- f fc| \ H $ tt| you've heard since Hector was a pup 1 f \":' h iiu M t-| P. A. is sold in the toppy red bag for the I /jbl£lß 1 f % «|t price of a jitney ride, sc; tidy red tin, 10c; elub -" | mKEBff i'lii « jj| pound and half-pound tin humidors — and—the classy pound ffsA MPF / j|| % 1$ crystal-glass humidor with the sponge-moistener top that's not gylvmp'' 1 t|i only a joy'us thing to have at home and at the office, but it keeps || if S P. A. in the highest state of perfection. f Sj|f : '| 1 R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C «|Hr | NATIONAL LEAGUE Phillies, 8; Chicago, 5 Philadelphia, IMay 28.—The Phillies departed for their first long trip of the ; season last night with a double-notch j holil on tirst j lace in the National j League pennant rai - e. They gained i this lofty and enviable position by wal-1 loping the Chicago Cnbs in the final j game of the home stand yesterday by > a score of 8 to o. E. H. K.! Phillies .... 34 00 001 0 x —s 9 8 Chicago .... '0 0 2 0 0 2 1 o—s 9 0! Mayer and Killifer; Vaugh, Laven- [ der, Cheney, Adams and Archer. Brooklyn. 2; Pittsburgh. O Brooklyn. May 28.—Dell pitched j shutout ball yesterday and Brooklyn i nwrdc it two straight with Pittsburgh,! 2 to 0. R. H. E. j Pittsburgh .00000000 o—o 4 <1 Brooklyn ... 00000200 x—2 8 1, Cooper and Gibson; Dell and IMiller. I Cincinnati, <f; Boston, O 'Boston, Mass., May 28.—Cincinnati, i last of the National league clu'bs to j meet the World's Champions so far this! season, evened the series bv winning I yesterday, 6 to 0. R. H. K.I Boston ... 0 0 000000 o—o 5 4 : Cincinnati .0001 1022 o—6 11 0 Hughes and Whaling; Tragressor; Dale and Dooin. St. Louis, «; New York, 3 New York, May 28. —St. Louis again defeated New. York here yesterday, win ing a hard-fought 10-inning game from the former champions, G to a. R. TI. E. St. Louis 400000100 I—6 14 3 New York 200000210 o—s 9 2 Griner, Robinson, Perdue and Sny der; Schaner, Stroud, Matthews anil j Smith. FEDERALTLEAGUE Pittsburgh, Pa., May 28.—Buffalo : won from Pittsburgh Federals here ves-1 | terday in a game marked by hard hit- I ting 011 both sides. R. H. E. Buffalo 9 k. 3 I Pittsburgh G 10 3 Anderson, Bedicnt and Blair; Rogge, Dickinson and Bcrrv. Amateur Games Wanted Rosewood A. C. for to-morrow. .T. C. Costello, manager. Bell phone 223 J. Midwav Bull Dogs for to-morrow and Monday. ' H. W. Hall, 11 North Third street, manager. West 'End A. C. for to-morrow aft ernoon. llick-a-Thrifts for Monday. A. E. Atkinson, manager, 1197 Christian street. ILimmelstown Crescents for Monday. Charles E. Brinser, Hummelstown, man ager. Clerks, 4; Federals, 1 The Clerks came back in yesterday's Lucknow Shop League game and won from the Federals, 4 to 1. Stauffer, a now man, was touched up for three op portune hits by the Clerks. Mafshall held the Federals to three scattered hits of the scratch variety. R. H. E. Federals 0 0 1 0 o—l ?, 2 Clerks 2 0 2 0 o—4 3 0 Stauffer and Fegley; Marshall and Smith. AMERICAN LEAGUE Cleveland. !>; Athlotics, H Cleveland; (_>., May 28.—When Terrj j ' Turper sprinted over back of second, I j picked up a ball and threw to first with- j ( out waiting to regain his balance, he j prevented Philadelphia from tying up, the score yesterday. It was in the ! eighth inning, Cleveland leading 9 to 3.1 . R. H. K. , 1 Cleveland .4 1101 0 2 0 x—9 12 3 j Athletics .. 00003005 o—B 12 1 ! Morton and O'Neill; Davies, Davis j and Sehang, McAvoy. —— Washington, H; Detroit, 2 Detroit, Mich., May 28.—Walter j Johnson was too much for Detroit yes- , ; terday and Washington won, Bto 2. R. H. E. i ' Washington 0 0 3 2 0 0 3 0 o—B 9 1 I j Detroit ... 1000 10 0 0 o—2 11 1 ! Johnson and Henry; Boland, Oldham ( j and Stanage. Chicago, 8; New York, 2 ' Chicago, May 28. —Chicago won its ! ninth straight game yesterday by de- ! I i'eating New York, Sto2, in the final | game of the series. Bunched hits aided I 1 the locals. R. H. E. | New York 00000200 o—2 5 2 Chicago ... 33000002 x—S 13 3 | Cottrell and Sweeney, Warhop; Ben/ j : and Sehalk. DR.KLUGH,Specialist! rhy*icj*n nn«l fnrceea Offlrfm 20« Walnnt St., HnrrlnhttrK. r« Plßfllirii nf rramrm nnd nirni Npect*l. ' prtrnfe. specific. nf P> 0111 and chronic dIRfHRfN. Uonernl office work. Conavl* ; j (ntloß free and confidential. Medlclnt | furnlahed. Work guaranteed. Charffea ! moderate. 26 yeara* experience. UK. KI.IIGII. the uelUkouui >peclall*t i MM————r—a——r—fiMwr— ————■ •MBBMaMMBMMBMMBMMBBMMWBMMMBaraaMMKgy *»■ W T niTTTrirrigT»riWiTlHTW ASK FOR«^ Lancaster's Favorite Brew RIEKER'S BEER : JNO. G. WALL, Agt. ; Harrisburg, Pa. ' Frank J. Rieker, Mgr. BLUE HI!)(IK LEAGUE !• Hagerstown, Chambersburg, 1 Chanibersburg, Pa., iMay 2S.—'Cham- j j bersburg was defeated in the opening i ( Blue Ridge League game by Jlagers-! j town here yesterday, •> to 1. The game! was a listless pitchers' battle. About; 1,500 fans were on hand. !. ]{. H. E. I Cham 'Burg ..0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 o—l 7 2], Hagerstown .01001001 o—3 90 | j Strieker and G. Stroll; Hevener aud I ( Laughlin. Frederick Wallops Martiusburg j j Frederick, Md.. 'May 2S. —Frederick i completely outclassed Martinsburg in j the opening game of the Blue Kidge j League here yesterday, hitting the ball j at will and winning by 14 to 3. K. itf. E. | 1 Martiusburg . . 3 t! 4j i Frederick 14 15 Oil Kellev, Schauffle and Zachary; Ste vens and VVhalen. Midway Full Dogs Win, 4-:t The Midway Bull Dogs won from the j Enola Juniors yesterday afternoon, | score 4 to 3. Thomas pitched good ball, j R. H. E. Enola 0 1 2 0 0J) 3 0 5 j Midway ...1 1 0 2 0 o—4 12 7 Brabaker and Wingard. Thomas and I Albright. } TIME TO BALK The Cliinaman Thought the. Missionary Was Going Too Far Dr. Frank Garrett, who has been a missionary'to China for the last seven teen years, says that the first thing you have to do is to get the Chinese viewpoint. hike many of their cus toms, it seems to Us upside down. In th 0 United States if you call a man a j liar you are likely to get. into serious I trouble. In China the man would be rather complimented' than insulted. A missionary had established a little 'church somewhere in the interior and I put a native preacher in charge while Ihe visited some other mission points. | When he returned he missed one young man from the congregation. The na tive preacher said they had put him out of the church. "Why, what was the matter? What did he do?" asked the missionary. "He stole a .bamboo rod," returned the preacher. "Why," answered the missionary, "a bamboo rod is worth only about 10 cents. Don't you think you wore a lit tle severe?" "No. no," and he shook his head in dignantly. "We can't have a thief in the church. The Bible says a thief can't go to heaven, anil we couldn't have any one in tho church who couldn't go to heaven. Besides, it would give us a bad name in the com munity. '' "Well," returned the missionary, "the Bible says a liar can't go to heaven. Arc you going to turn the liars out too?" "Oh," cried the preacher, "that's different! Entirely different! Wo all lie.'' —Youth's Companion. Signs Teachers Pension Bill Springfield. 111., May 28.—The Lan dee teachers' pension bill, providing pensions of S4OO a year to teachers after 25 years' service, was signed by Governor Dunne yesterday. \ Bailey's j I Pure Rye f «J Used by the grandfathers of | * the present generation—and bet- £ «! ter now than then! S $ TAKE IN MODERATION AND | J GROW OLD GBACEFULLY j. | Full j| '! On sale in Quarts, Pints and Half- <| { l'ints at, the following dealers:— <| a Peter Kotilman || F. B. Aldinger || ii J. i. Morgan- I j; Jill, tkater ; ij W8 | iviaue for 18 Years by I HUEY & CHRIST j % 1308 Arch St., PHILADELPHIA j 13
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